linux下 端口复用的问题

解决性参考:Currently, Linux does not allow reuse of same local port for both TCP server and TCP client.而且小测试程序能够成功,和我的库测试程序的差别也就在这一点了,因此接受连接和发起连接的端口分开即可。


这个是捣乱最大的: 请问:linux难道没有端口重用吗?我用SO_REUSEPORT报找不到

已经搞定,需要改/usr/include/asm/socket.h:/* To add :#define SO_REUSEPORT 15 */ ... b1f4190ff47707.html








6.linux下,两个udp的socket绑定同一端口,如果数据包的目的地址是单播地址,则只有最后一个socket获得数据,而如果数据包的目的地址是多播地址,则两个socket同时获得相同的数据。 ... er=baidu&fast=y














What is the difference between SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT?

from:UNIX Socket FAQ

SO_REUSEADDR allows your server to bind to an address which is in a

TIME_WAIT state. It does not allow more than one server to bind to the

same address. It was mentioned that use of this flag can create a

security risk because another server can bind to a the same port, by

binding to a specific address as opposed to INADDR_ANY. The

SO_REUSEPORT flag allows multiple processes to bind to the same address

provided all of them use the SO_REUSEPORT option.

From Richard Stevens (

This is a newer flag that appeared in the 4.4BSD multicasting code

(although that code was from elsewhere, so I am not sure just who

invented the new SO_REUSEPORT flag).

What this flag lets you do is rebind a port that is already in use, but

only if all users of the port specify the flag. I believe the intent is

for multicasting apps, since if you're running the same app on a host,

all need to bind the same port. But the flag may have other uses. For

example the following is from a post in February:

From Stu Friedberg (

SO_REUSEPORT is also useful for eliminating the try-10-times-to-bind

hack in ftpd's data connection setup routine. Without SO_REUSEPORT,

only one ftpd thread can bind to TCP (lhost, lport, INADDR_ANY, 0) in

preparation for connecting back to the client. Under conditions of

heavy load, there are more threads colliding here than the try-10-times

hack can accomodate. With SO_REUSEPORT, things work nicely and the hack

becomes unnecessary.

I have also heard that DEC OSF supports the flag. Also note that under

4.4BSD, if you are binding a multicast address, then SO_REUSEADDR is

condisered the same as SO_REUSEPORT (p. 731 of "TCP/IP Illustrated,

Volume 2"). I think under Solaris you just replace SO_REUSEPORT with


From a later Stevens posting, with minor editing:

Basically SO_REUSEPORT is a BSD'ism that arose when multicasting was

added, even thought it was not used in the original Steve Deering code.

I believe some BSD-derived systems may also include it (OSF, now

Digital Unix, perhaps?). SO_REUSEPORT lets you bind the same address

*and* port, but only if all the binders have specified it. But when

binding a multicast address (its main use), SO_REUSEADDR is considered

identical to SO_REUSEPORT (p. 731, "TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2"). So

for portability of multicasting applications I always use SO_REUSEADDR.

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