
  • 人工智能基础(高中版)教材补充和资源分享之二 机器人学矩阵


Robots are one of the best platforms for learning artificial intelligence.

双语教学包括:1. 中文和英文同步教学,2. C++和Python同步教学




Robots are becoming a bigger part of our lives each year which makes the need for kids to learn Robotics more crucial than ever. Robotics for Kids prepares kids as automation takes over and the job market changes. In these Robotics Classes for Kids and Teens we will give the kids hands on fun projects. This fosters teamwork and problem solving since kids learn Robotics together with both new and experienced students.


Student must bring iOS or Android device with Cozmo app installed。



1. 为什么学习机器人学对孩子而言如此重要?

  • Why is Robotics for Kids an Important Class?

儿童和青少年的机器人课程将帮助您的孩子在瞬息万变的世界中取得成功。 在课程结束时他们将不仅获得大量的技术知识,我们使机器人的学习充满乐趣且易于理解。

为什么学习机器人技术很重要? 长话短说,孩子们需要学习机器人技术(以及其他STEM技能),因为机器人和自动化将取代许多工作。

许多高技术工作都是安全的。 因此,拥有技术知识,特别是在机器人和编程方面,将在未来帮助学习机器人的儿童和青少年学生找到更好的工作。

此外,掌握未来机器人技术的能力可以帮助他们选择适合自己理想和规划的企业。 为什么机器人或计算机更换会计师比航空航天工程师更容易? 有了机器人技能、编程和自动化的知识,答案很清楚。

Robotics for Kids and Teens will help prepare your child for success in a rapidly changing world. We make learning Robotics for Kids fun and approachable despite the amount of technical knowledge they’ll gain by the end of the class.

Why is learning Robotics important? Long story short, kids need to learn about Robotics (and other STEM skills) because Robots and Automation will replace many jobs.

Many of the highly technical jobs are safe. So having technical knowledge, particularly in Robotics and Programming, will help students of Robotics for Kids and Teens employable in the future.

Also, knowing the capabilities and future of Robotics can help them choose careers and tracks in Entrepreneurship. Why is it easier for a robot or computer to replace an Accountant than an Aerospace Engineer? With knowledge about Robotics, Programming, and Automation the answer is clear.

2. Cozmo与其他儿童机器人课程的区别是什么?

  • What Sets Cozmo Apart from Other Robotics for Kids Classes?

有很多原因使得我们的儿童机器人课程是最好的,我们将无法覆盖所有这些课程。 然而,这个的基础是Cozmo课程的哲学和核心价值观,您可以在我们的其他页面了解一些。 在教授科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)方面,我们非常敬业。 世界有许多问题,无论你最亲爱的事业,都有一些至关重要的事情。

Cozmo的儿童和青少年机器人学教授批判性思维、解决问题、团队合作和技术技能。 面对挑战时,鼓励学生在向教师询问之前先尝试以团队形式解决问题。 在极少告诉他们如何去做的情况下,Cozmo课程擅长帮助学生应对严峻的挑战。

There are so many reasons that our Robotics for Kids classes are the best around that we won’t be able to cover them all. However the foundation of this is Cozmo’s Philosophy and Core Values, which you can learn a bit about at our About page. When it comes to teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) we are highly dedicated. The world has many problems, and regardless of the cause dearest to your heart there are certain things that are crucial.

Cozmo’s Robotics for Kids and Teens teaches Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Teamwork, and Technical Skills. When facing a challenge students are encouraged to first try to solve the problem as a team before asking the instructor. Cozmo excels at helping students tackle tough challenges while rarely telling them how.

3. 在机器人学课程中使用Cozmo作为教学平台

  • Cozmo Uses in Robotics for Kids Classes

虽然其他公司正在使用乐高积木、Dot、Dash、OzoBot、Sphero和其他初学者机器人进行教学,但我们已经成功地教会6岁的孩子们使用大学级机器人。 我们填补了从儿童乐高积木到儿童机器人的空白。 似乎没有人在乐高和大学之间教授自主机器人。

我们使用Cozmo机器人套件和Anki Cozmo SDK。

While other companies are teaching with Legos, Dot and Dash, OzoBot, Sphero, and other beginner robots, we have successfully taught kids as young as 6 with College Level Robots. We fill the gap from Lego Bricks for Kids to Robotics for Kids. No one else seems to teach Autonomous Robotics between the Lego and College level.

We use the Cozmo Robot Kit and the Anki Cozmo SDK.

4. 使用螺母等零件构建机器人而非积木

  • Building Robotics for kids - Nuts and Bolts Not Bricks

Lego Bricks玩家很多? 但知道如何使用螺母和螺栓将伺服系统连接到机器人的人并不多。 我很喜欢和小孩一起建造乐高,尤其是乐高技术。 他们是一个很好的学习工具。 但现实生活中的东西并不是用乐高积累的。

Lego Robotics或Lego Bricks是否为您的孩子带来了创造力? 等到你看到它们3D打印他们自己的机器人,然后用螺丝刀和扳手构建它就会明白。

在儿童和青少年机器人学中,学生将学习伺服系统、螺母和螺栓、微控制器、螺纹等。学生不遵循教程,并将部分和代码拼凑在一起。 他们建立了一个带有大学水平部件的机器人并用C语言编写代码。我们已经成功地在这个级别教授了6岁的孩子。

How many people make a living snapping together Lego Bricks? Not as many as people who know how to attach a Servo to a Chassis using Nuts and Bolts. I loved building with Lego as a kid, particularly Lego Technic. They are a great learning tool. But stuff in real life isn’t build with Lego.

Did Lego Robotics or Lego Bricks bring out the creativity in your child? Wait until you see them 3D Print their own Robot, then build it with screwdrivers and wrenches.

In Robotics for Kids and Teens students will learn about Servos, Nuts and Bolts, Microcontrollers, Threads, and much more.  Our students don’t follow a tutorial, and snap together both parts and code. They build a Robot with College Level Parts and write code in C. We have successfully taught at this level to kids as young as 6.

5. 工业级编程语言

  • Coding in Industry Level Programming Languages

当地的比赛已经使用了很长时间的图形化编程(Scratch),并且试图模仿我们的时候并没有赶上。 Cozmo课程为6岁儿童教学的第一天涉及机器人课程的C和Python,并同步开展教学。 在儿童和青少年机器人学中,学生学习他们可以在(C)中找到工作的语言,而竞赛则在他们的乐高课程中教授图形化编程。

经验丰富的学生还可以选择学习其他语言,如Python、C ++、Spin等。

The local competition has taught Visual Programming for a long time now and isn’t catching up as they try to emulate us. Cozmo’s first day of teaching to kids as young as 6 involved C in Robotics for Kids and Python. Once again the parallel shows itself. In Robotics for Kids and Teens students learn a language they can get a job in (C) while the competition teaches Visual Programming in their Lego classes.

Experienced students also have the option of learning other languages such as Python, C++, Spin, and more.

6. 团队合作、解决问题和批判性思维

  • Teamwork, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking

除非另有要求,否则学生将在机器人团队中配对。 我们鼓励学生不要直接去找他们的老师,先与队友解决问题。 Cozmo课程擅长创造复杂的挑战,并且在很少给出答案的同时轻推学生的答案。 我们发现学生通过自己解决问题而不是让成年人跳进去为他们做更多事情来学习。 真是令人震惊吧? 当我们看到挫折程度正在阻碍或学习时,我们才介入。 然而,在儿童机器人中很少发生这种情况。

Unless otherwise requested, students are paired in Robotics teams. Rather than going straight to their teacher students are encouraged to first solve problems with their teammates. Cozmo excels at creating complex challenges and nudging students toward the answer while very rarely giving the answer. We have found that students learn much more by solving a problem themselves than having an adult jump in and do it for them. What a shocker right? We only step in when we can see the frustration level is getting in the way or learning. However this rarely happens in Robotics for Kids.

7. 您的孩子是否适合并已经准备好学习机器人学?

  • Is Your Kid Ready for Robotics for Kids?


  1. 必须能够阅读 - 如果他们不能,请查看我们课程页面上的3D打印课程。
  2. 基本的计算机知识,如文件夹、复制/粘贴、退格键、输入键的功能等
  3. 基本的打字技巧,这将很有帮助


There are some prerequisites for this class. Though we have taught kids about Robotics as young as 6, there are certain things your child should already know. If your child isn’t ready for Robotics for Kids and Teens, we will get you some alternatives that can help get them ready.

  1. Must be able to read – If they can’t, check out the 3D Printing Courses on our Courses Page.
  2. Basic computer knowledge such as folders, copy/paste, backspace, what the enter key does, etc
  3. Basic typing skills are helpful

Though students must be able to read in Robotics for Kids, it is also helpful to be a proficient at typing. The biggest discrepancy in Coding ability for new students is their ability to type. If your child is struggling with typing we can help them with typing software.
If your child can’t read, they can still enjoy our 3D Printing Courses. But for 3D Printing they should still have basic computer knowledge.

CMU-Cognitive Robotics-卡内基梅隆大学-认知机器人学课程资料(2017-2019)https://blog.csdn.net/ZhangRelay/article/details/86736743

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