
1.      实验环境


2.      实验材料












#ifndef _wrapingOf3D1
#define _wrapingOf3D1
class Histogram1D{
private:int histSize[1];float hranges[2];const float *ranges[1];int channels[1];
public:Histogram1D(){histSize[0] = 256;hranges[0] = 0.0;hranges[1] = 255.0;ranges[0] = hranges;channels[0] = 0;}cv::MatND getHistogram(const cv::Mat &image){cv::MatND hist;cv::calcHist(&image, 1, channels, cv::Mat(), hist, 1, histSize, ranges);return hist;}cv::Mat getHistogramImage(const cv::Mat &image){cv::MatND hist = getHistogram(image);double maxVal = 0;double minVal = 0;cv::minMaxLoc(hist, &minVal, &maxVal, 0, 0);cv::Mat histImg(histSize[0], histSize[0], CV_8U, cv::Scalar(255));int hpt = static_cast<int>(0.9*histSize[0]);for (int h = 0; h < histSize[0]; h++){float binVal = hist.at<float>(h);int intensity = static_cast<int>(binVal*hpt / maxVal);cv::line(histImg, cv::Point(h, histSize[0]), cv::Point(h, histSize[0] - intensity), cv::Scalar::all(100), 1);}return histImg;}
**define a struct included intrinsic and extrinsic args
typedef struct {double m_K[3][3]; // 3x3 intrinsic matrixdouble m_RotMatrix[3][3]; // rotation matrixdouble m_Trans[3]; // translation vectordouble m_ProjMatrix[4][4]; // projection matrix
} CalibStruct;
**define globle variables
CalibStruct m_CalibParams[8];
int m_NumCameras = 8;
int m_Width = 1024, m_Height = 768; // camera resolution is 1024x768
double pts[8][3];/*
**declare function
void InitializeFromFile(char *fileName);
double DepthLevelToZ(unsigned char d);
unsigned char ZToDepthLever(double z);
double projXYZtoUV(double projMatrix[4][4], double x, double y, double z, double *u, double *v);
void projUVZtoXY(double projMatrix[4][4], double u, double v, double z, double *x, double *y, double pt[8][2]);
void wrapingImage(int ref, int proj, cv::Mat &imageColor, cv::Mat &imageDepth, cv::Mat &imageColorOut);
void pointProject_from_ref_to_otherView(double pts[8][2], int ref, int u, int v, unsigned char d);
**define function
** read text file and write args to struct of globle variable
void readCalibrationFile(char *fileName)
{int i, j, k;FILE *pIn;double dIn; // dummy variableint camIdx;if (pIn = fopen(fileName, "r")){for (k = 0; k<m_NumCameras; k++){// camera indexfscanf(pIn, "%d", &camIdx);//std::cout << camIdx << std::endl;// camera intrinsicsfor (i = 0; i < 3; i++){fscanf(pIn, "%lf\t%lf\t%lf", &(m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_K[i][0]), &(m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_K[i][1]), &(m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_K[i][2]));//std::cout << (m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_K[i][0])<<"\t"<<(m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_K[i][1]) <<"\t"<< (m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_K[i][2]) << std::endl;}// read barrel distortion params (assume 0)fscanf(pIn, "%lf", &dIn);fscanf(pIn, "%lf", &dIn);// read extrinsicsfor (i = 0; i<3; i++){for (j = 0; j<3; j++){fscanf(pIn, "%lf", &dIn);m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_RotMatrix[i][j] = dIn;//std::cout << m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_RotMatrix[i][j] << std::endl;}fscanf(pIn, "%lf", &dIn);m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_Trans[i] = dIn;}}fclose(pIn);}
}// readCalibrationFile/*
**calcular all projectionMatrices depended on struct variables
void computeProjectionMatrices()
{int i, j, k, camIdx;double(*inMat)[3];double exMat[3][4];for (camIdx = 0; camIdx<m_NumCameras; camIdx++){// The intrinsic matrixinMat = m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_K;// The extrinsic matrixfor (i = 0; i<3; i++){for (j = 0; j<3; j++){exMat[i][j] = m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_RotMatrix[i][j];}}for (i = 0; i<3; i++){exMat[i][3] = m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_Trans[i];}// Multiply the intrinsic matrix by the extrinsic matrix to find our projection matrixfor (i = 0; i<3; i++){for (j = 0; j<4; j++){m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_ProjMatrix[i][j] = 0.0;for (k = 0; k<3; k++){m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_ProjMatrix[i][j] += inMat[i][k] * exMat[k][j];}}}m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_ProjMatrix[3][0] = 0.0;m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_ProjMatrix[3][1] = 0.0;m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_ProjMatrix[3][2] = 0.0;m_CalibParams[camIdx].m_ProjMatrix[3][3] = 1.0;}
**init projection matrix
void InitializeFromFile(char *fileName)
**calcular z depended on d of depth image
double DepthLevelToZ(unsigned char d)
{double z;double MinZ = 44.0, MaxZ = 120.0;z = 1.0 / ((d / 255.0)*(1.0 / MinZ - 1.0 / MaxZ) + 1.0 / MaxZ);return z;
**calcular d of depth image depended on z
unsigned char ZToDepthLever(double z)
{double MinZ = 44.0, MaxZ = 120.0;unsigned char d;d = (unsigned char)(255.0*(1 / (double)z - 1 / MaxZ) / (1 / MinZ - 1 / MaxZ));return d;
**calcular x,y depended on u,v,z and projection Matrix
**for example,projection Matrix is m_CalibParams[i].m_ProjMatrix which is index of camera
void projUVZtoXY(double projMatrix[4][4], double u, double v, double z, double *x, double *y)
{double c0, c1, c2;// image (0,0) is bottom lefthand cornerv = (double)m_Height - v - 1.0;c0 = z*projMatrix[0][2] + projMatrix[0][3];c1 = z*projMatrix[1][2] + projMatrix[1][3];c2 = z*projMatrix[2][2] + projMatrix[2][3];*y = u*(c1*projMatrix[2][0] - projMatrix[1][0] * c2) +v*(c2*projMatrix[0][0] - projMatrix[2][0] * c0) +projMatrix[1][0] * c0 - c1*projMatrix[0][0];*y /= v*(projMatrix[2][0] * projMatrix[0][1] - projMatrix[2][1] * projMatrix[0][0]) +u*(projMatrix[1][0] * projMatrix[2][1] - projMatrix[1][1] * projMatrix[2][0]) +projMatrix[0][0] * projMatrix[1][1] - projMatrix[1][0] * projMatrix[0][1];*x = (*y)*(projMatrix[0][1] - projMatrix[2][1] * u) + c0 - c2*u;*x /= projMatrix[2][0] * u - projMatrix[0][0];
} // projUVZtoXY/**
**calcular u,v,z1 depended on x,y,z
**z1 is after projection and z is before projection.z1 is return value
**/double projXYZtoUV(double projMatrix[4][4], double x, double y, double z, double *u, double *v)
{double w;*u = projMatrix[0][0] * x +projMatrix[0][1] * y +projMatrix[0][2] * z +projMatrix[0][3];*v = projMatrix[1][0] * x +projMatrix[1][1] * y +projMatrix[1][2] * z +projMatrix[1][3];w = projMatrix[2][0] * x +projMatrix[2][1] * y +projMatrix[2][2] * z +projMatrix[2][3];*u /= w;*v /= w;// image (0,0) is bottom lefthand corner*v = (double)m_Height - *v - 1.0;return w;} // projXYZtoUV/****/void pointProject_from_ref_to_otherView(double pts[8][3], int ref, int u, int v, unsigned char d)
{double x, y, z = DepthLevelToZ(d);//printf("Testing projection of pt (%d,%d) in camera 0 with d = %d (z = %f) to other cameras\n", u, v, d, z);projUVZtoXY(m_CalibParams[ref].m_ProjMatrix, (double)u, (double)v, z, &x, &y);//printf("3D pt = (%f, %f, %f) [coordinates wrt reference camera]\n", x, y, z);for (int cam = 0; cam<8; cam++){double *pt = pts[cam];pt[2]=projXYZtoUV(m_CalibParams[cam].m_ProjMatrix, x, y, z, &pt[0], &pt[1]);//printf("Camera %d: (%f, %f)\n", cam, pt[0], pt[1]);pt[2] = ZToDepthLever(pt[2]);}
**wraping image,ref represent reference cam,proj represent projection cam
**the kernal code
void wrapingImage(int ref, int proj, cv::Mat &imageColor, cv::Mat &imageDepth, cv::Mat &imageColorOut, cv::Mat &imageDepthOut)
{for (int v = 0; v < imageColor.rows; v++)for (int u = 0; u < imageColor.cols; u++){double d = imageDepth.at<cv::Vec3b>(v, u)[0];pointProject_from_ref_to_otherView(pts, ref, u, v, d);int u1 = (int)pts[proj][0];int v1 = (int)pts[proj][1];int k1 = (int)pts[proj][2];if (u1 < 0 || u1 >= imageColor.cols - 1 || v1 < 0 || v1 >= imageColor.rows - 1)continue;if (k1 < imageDepthOut.at<cv::Vec3b>(v1, u1)[0])continue;imageColorOut.at<cv::Vec3b>(v1, u1) = imageColor.at<cv::Vec3b>(v, u);imageDepthOut.at<cv::Vec3b>(v1, u1)[0] = k1;imageDepthOut.at<cv::Vec3b>(v1, u1)[1] = k1;imageDepthOut.at<cv::Vec3b>(v1, u1)[2] = k1;}
}void dipslay(char *calibParam, char *refColor, char *refDepth, char *refColor2, char *refDepth2, char *actColor)
{//initialize projection_MatrixInitializeFromFile(calibParam);//display projection_Matrixfor (int i = 0; i < m_NumCameras; i++){for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)std::cout << m_CalibParams[i].m_K[j][k] << "\t";std::cout << std::endl;}for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)std::cout << m_CalibParams[i].m_RotMatrix[j][k] << "\t";std::cout << std::endl;}for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)std::cout << m_CalibParams[i].m_Trans[k] << "\t";std::cout << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;}//suspend and users enter a digitint aa;std::cin >> aa;//read color image and depth image of refrencecv::Mat imageColor = cv::imread(refColor);cv::Mat imageDepth = cv::imread(refDepth);cv::Mat imageColor2 = cv::imread(refColor2);cv::Mat imageDepth2 = cv::imread(refDepth2);//read true image used to comparecv::Mat imageColor_actual = cv::imread(actColor);//set reference camint ref = 0;int ref2 = 2;//set projection camint proj = 1;//test codepointProject_from_ref_to_otherView(pts, ref, 700, 700, imageDepth.at<cv::Vec3b>(700, 700)[0]);for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){std::cout << pts[i][0] << "\t" << pts[i][1] << std::endl;}std::cin >> aa;//define two variable of outputcv::Mat imageColorOut;cv::Mat imageColorOut2;cv::Mat imageDepthOut;imageColorOut.create(imageColor.rows, imageColor.cols, imageColor.type());imageColorOut2.create(imageColor.rows, imageColor.cols, imageColor.type());imageDepthOut.create(imageColor.rows, imageColor.cols, imageColor.type());for (int v = 0; v < imageColor.rows; v++){for (int u = 0; u < imageColor.cols; u++){imageColorOut.at<cv::Vec3b>(v, u)[0] = 0;imageColorOut.at<cv::Vec3b>(v, u)[1] = 0;imageColorOut2.at<cv::Vec3b>(v, u)[2] = 0;imageColorOut2.at<cv::Vec3b>(v, u)[0] = 0;imageColorOut2.at<cv::Vec3b>(v, u)[1] = 0;imageColorOut.at<cv::Vec3b>(v, u)[2] = 0;imageDepthOut.at<cv::Vec3b>(v, u)[0] = 0;imageDepthOut.at<cv::Vec3b>(v, u)[1] = 0;imageDepthOut.at<cv::Vec3b>(v, u)[2] = 0;}}//save_dirchar *save_dir = "C:\\Users\\jiang\\Desktop\\experientdata\\experiencePictrue\\";//wraping from reference view to virtruel view wrapingImage(ref, proj, imageColor, imageDepth, imageColorOut,imageDepthOut);wrapingImage(ref2, proj, imageColor2, imageDepth2, imageColorOut, imageDepthOut);//display reference_image/*cv::imshow("reference_image", imageColor);cv::imwrite("C:\\Users\\jiang\\Desktop\\experientdata\\experiencePictrue\\reference_image.jpg", imageColor);*///display virtruel_imagecv::medianBlur(imageColorOut, imageColorOut, 3);cv::imshow("virtruel_Color_image01", imageColorOut);cv::imwrite("C:\\Users\\jiang\\Desktop\\experientdata\\experiencePictrue\\virtruel_Color_image01.jpg", imageColorOut);display virtruel_image//cv::imshow("virtruel_Color_image21", imageColorOut2);//cv::imwrite("C:\\Users\\jiang\\Desktop\\experientdata\\experiencePictrue\\virtruel_Color_image21.jpg", imageColorOut2);//display virtruel_imagecv::medianBlur(imageDepthOut, imageDepthOut, 3);cv::imshow("virtruel_Depth_image", imageDepthOut);cv::imwrite("C:\\Users\\jiang\\Desktop\\experientdata\\experiencePictrue\\virtruel_Depth_image.jpg", imageDepthOut);//display actruel_imagecv::imshow("actruel_image", imageColor_actual);cv::imwrite("C:\\Users\\jiang\\Desktop\\experientdata\\experiencePictrue\\actruel_image.jpg", imageColor_actual);mix reference and virtruel and check changes//cv::Mat imageColorRefVSProj;//cv::addWeighted(imageColor, 0.5, imageColorOut, 0.5, 0.0, imageColorRefVSProj);//cv::imshow("imageColorRefVSProj", imageColorRefVSProj);//cv::imwrite("C:\\Users\\jiang\\Desktop\\experientdata\\experiencePictrue\\imageColorRefVSProj.jpg", imageColorRefVSProj);mix actual and virtruel and check changes//cv::Mat imageColorActVSProj;//cv::addWeighted(imageColor_actual, 0.5, imageColorOut, 0.5, 0.0, imageColorActVSProj);//cv::imshow("imageColorActVSProj", imageColorActVSProj);//cv::imwrite("C:\\Users\\jiang\\Desktop\\experientdata\\experiencePictrue\\imageColorActVSProj.jpg", imageColorActVSProj);cv::waitKey();}void main()
{char *refColor = "C:\\Users\\jiang\\Desktop\\experientdata\\3DVideos-distrib\\MSR3DVideo-Breakdancers\\cam0\\color-cam0-f000.jpg";char *refDepth = "C:\\Users\\jiang\\Desktop\\experientdata\\3DVideos-distrib\\MSR3DVideo-Breakdancers\\cam0\\depth-cam0-f000.png";char *refColor2 = "C:\\Users\\jiang\\Desktop\\experientdata\\3DVideos-distrib\\MSR3DVideo-Breakdancers\\cam2\\color-cam2-f000.jpg";char *refDepth2 = "C:\\Users\\jiang\\Desktop\\experientdata\\3DVideos-distrib\\MSR3DVideo-Breakdancers\\cam2\\depth-cam2-f000.png";char *calibParam = "C:\\Users\\jiang\\Desktop\\experientdata\\3DVideos-distrib\\MSR3DVideo-Breakdancers\\calibParams-breakdancers.txt";char *actColor = "C:\\Users\\jiang\\Desktop\\experientdata\\3DVideos-distrib\\MSR3DVideo-Breakdancers\\cam1\\color-cam1-f000.jpg";dipslay(calibParam, refColor, refDepth, refColor2, refDepth2, actColor);


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