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On the afternoon of July 25th, 2017,Fang Yitao,director of Guangzhou Haizhuqu District Science and Technology, Industry, Commerce and Information Bureau,and other 4 people came to Vasupa headquarters.This is the second in-depth investigation after director Fang Yitao first visited Vsupa in May 27th.This investigation meeting further deepened the understanding of the Science and Technology, Industry, Commerce and Information Bureau for Vsupa company,and has implemented specific support matters.This investigation meeting formed a good impetus for guiding and supporting the work that Vsupa provides intelligent taxation services for the vast number of SMEs and park.

▲Director Fang Yitao and other 4 people listened to the introduction of Vsupa

Mr.David,CEO of the Vsupa and Ms.Mary,COO of the Vsupa jointly received director Fang Yitao and other 4 people.In the investigation meeting,director Fang Yitao asked about the situation of the business development and financing of Vsupa in detail,and learned the cooperation model of Vsupa and park in detail.And director Fang Yitao given a high degree of affirmation to Vsupa that they filled the gap of the service in the park,and promoted the comprehensive service level of the park to the enterprise.

▲Exchange discussion

Director Fang Yitao said that Science and Technology, Industry, Commerce and Information Bureau will provide useful policy support and services for Vsupa to innovative development.Such as they can help Vsupa to do a good propaganda of the finance and taxation management standards to SEMs,and continues to update the latest project reporting information for Vsupa,provides policy guidance and so on,to help the excellent Guangzhou local enterprises to accelerate development.

▲Group photo:Director Fang Yitao (Left),Mr.David,CEO of Vsupa (Right)

Mr.David,CEO of Vsupa,who on behalf of the company expressed his sincere thanks to director Fang Yitao and other 4 people,and thanked the Science and Technology, Industry, Commerce and Information Bureau for its support and concern for Vsupa.And Mr.David said that Vsupa will work harder and responsibly to do relevant work and services,and provides high-quality and professional financial and tax services for the majority of SMEs and entrepreneurs,and contributes its power for the implementation of mass entrepreneurship and innovation!


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