python 投资组合

Yep, I’m here to nag you a bit about that portfolio that you haven’t updated in a while.


Yes, it’s time to get to work on it again.

是的 ,是时候重新开始研究了。

Yes, even if you don’t plan to look for a new job right now.

是的 ,即使您现在不打算寻找新工作。

Yes, even if your client roster is full and you’re up to your neck in upcoming projects.

是的 ,即使您的客户名册已满,并且您在即将进行的项目中也全力以赴。

You don’t know what’s coming, what the future will bring, or what it won’t bring. So let’s make sure you’re prepared anyway.

您不知道会发生什么,未来会带来什么,或者未来不会带来什么。 因此,请确保您已经做好准备。

当您需要时为时已晚 (It’s Too Late to Start When You Need It)

So you got a safe job. You’re comfortable with your role, you like your colleagues (except for that one guy, damn is he annoying, right), and you don’t feel like changing things up.

这样您就可以找到一份安全的工作。 您对自己的角色感到满意,喜欢您的同事(除了那个家伙, 该死的他很烦,是的),而且您不想改变一切。

This is good. You like it here.

很好 你喜欢这里。

And then your manager asks if you have a minute. The numbers aren’t as good as they were hoping lately, and in fact, they haven’t been in a while. And management needs to act on this. They have to streamline things, and they’re sorry that it had to lead to this, and they’ll, of course, give you good references, but unfortunately, they have to let you go.

然后您的经理问您是否有时间。 这些数字并不像他们最近希望的那样好,事实上,他们已经有一段时间了。 管理需要对此采取行动。 他们必须精简流程,对此很遗憾,这很遗憾,他们当然会为您提供良好的参考,但是不幸的是,他们不得不让您离开。

And there you are. If you’re lucky, you have a few weeks before emptying out your desk drawers, and then you’re on your own.

在那里。 如果幸运的话,您有几个星期的时间来清空办公桌抽屉,然后您就一个人了。

Just like that.


Now you need to not only worry about finding a new job, or how else to cover the bills next month, but you also realize that you probably, oh, definitely, need to update your portfolio. It hasn’t changed in what is it, two years? Three? And even then, you only made minor changes.

现在,您不仅需要担心寻找新工作,也不担心下个月要怎么支付账单,而且您还意识到,哦,当然,您需要更新您的投资组合。 两年没变吗? 三? 即使那样,您也只做了很小的更改。

Who spends time on their portfolio when they have a job already, anyway?


You should, though. For this very reason.

不过你应该。 因为这个原因。

“Taking some time on a regular basis can you give that ease of mind”


The day you have to worry about looking for a job, you don’t want to worry about how to update your portfolio, what to remove from it, what to add, and how to write about it.


Taking some time on a regular basis can you give that ease of mind that you will benefit greatly from when something like this happens.


你永远不知道下一个机会何时到来 (You Never Know When The Next Opportunity Arrives)

Let’s say you’re lucky enough to have a good job, and you’re not in need of finding a new one.


Suddenly there’s an opening you weren’t expecting to see. It’s your dream job, at your dream employer. And they’re describing a person like you, in a role you’d love to fill.

突然有一个您不希望看到的空缺。 这是您梦想中的雇主的梦想中的工作。 他们描述了一个像您这样的人,扮演着您想扮演的角色。

And the deadline to apply is in two days.


And your portfolio hasn’t been updated to properly show what you’ve been up to, and how you’ve grown over the last few years. You wouldn’t stand a chance with your current portfolio, so you’ll need to work harder than hell to find the right pieces to add, write great stories (good won’t do, this is your dream job after all), and then you need to update your resume, write a cover letter-and all this while still doing your day job.

您的投资组合尚未更新,无法正确显示您最近的工作以及最近几年的成长情况。 您将不会在当前的投资组合中遇到任何机会,因此您需要比地狱更加努力地寻找合适的作品来添加,撰写精彩的故事(好事不会做,毕竟这是您的理想工作),以及那么您需要更新履历表,写求职信,而这一切在您仍在进行日常工作的同时。

Now, imagine for a second that you had kept everything up to date. Perhaps you’d be a month or two behind at most. Your portfolio is highly representative of your work and the skills you’ve attained lately.

现在,想象一下您已使所有内容保持最新。 也许您最多最多落后一两个月。 您的作品集可以很好地代表您的工作和最近获得的技能。

You’ll have that application ready the same night.


And three weeks later, you sign your new contract of employment. Wouldn’t that be something?

三周后,您签署了新的雇用合同。 那不是吗?

更新投资组合使您重新思考过去的经验 (Updating Your Portfolio Makes You Rethink Your Past Experiences)

On top of what I’ve already covered, there are a few hidden benefits of keeping your portfolio regularly updated. And who doesn’t like a nice bonus or two?

除了我已经介绍的内容外,保持投资组合的定期更新还有一些隐藏的好处。 还有谁不喜欢一两个好的奖金呢?

When you spend time revisiting your portfolio every now and then, you can’t help but go over older projects, what you did well, what you could’ve done better, and what you would have done differently today because of how the world has changed since then.


It’s basically a recurring lesson that will help you grow, and let you see how you have grown.


…以及您要去的地方 (… And Where You’re Going)

Speaking of growth, going over your portfolio isn’t just a retrospective process or a learning process. It can also help you see where you’ll go next.

说到增长,遍历您的投资组合不仅是回顾过程或学习过程。 它还可以帮助您了解下一步的去向。

“Is your portfolio of today representative of what kind of a job you want to have a year from now?”


What pieces do you want to include in your portfolio now? How does it compare to two years ago? Is your portfolio of today representative of what kind of a job you want to have a year from now?

您现在想在投资组合中包括哪些部分? 与两年前相比如何? 您今天的投资组合是否代表您希望从现在开始一年从事的工作?

Having a more active approach to your portfolio can help you reflect on where you want to go next in your career. Does your portfolio still lead you in the direction of where you want to go?

对您的投资组合采取更积极的方法可以帮助您思考自己想在职业生涯中走向何处。 您的投资组合是否仍会引导您走向您想去的地方?

Reflect on your portfolio and your future goals regularly, and it might help you when dealing with the old question of “is this still what I want to do?”.


It’s all too common that we treat our portfolio like it’s something you only bring out, dust off, and update every few years when it’s time to apply for a job again.


A portfolio like that means a lot of work, and a lot less value compared to if you take an active approach and rework it every other month or so.


Keep your portfolio up to date, and it will serve you well and always be ready when you least expect it.


You won’t regret it.


Marcus Christiansen is a writer, teacher, and constant student of creative fields. He has a background in UX, design, copy, and product development. You can find him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

马库斯·克里斯蒂安森 ( Marcus Christiansen) 是创意领域的作家,老师和不变的学生。 他具有UX,设计,复制和产品开发的背景。 您可以在 Twitter LinkedIn 上找到他

Originally published at on July 21, 2020.

最初于 2020年7月21日 发布


python 投资组合


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