

FlexNet®Operations使您能够有效的利用软件并管理合规性和客户增长。 它支持所有货币化模式 - 从更传统的永久模型到灵活的订阅和按使用付费模式。 FlexNet Operations允许您利用新的收入机会:

•动态创建产品配置(like standard and light versions)

Run Your Software Business Successfully
Packaging, pricing, deployment and provisioning options are always changing. Customer use
rights (entitlements) change as well — assets move within the company as customers upgrade
or downgrade their packages or they go through M&A or divestitures. FlexNet Operations
manages the dynamic nature of software entitlements. You get the needed insight to make the
connection between your software products, your devices, your customers and their usage.

Data Drives Successful Software Monetization
• Maximize revenue from upgrades and renewals
• Reduce churn and drive upsell/cross-sell initiatives based on usage insight
• Make strategic decisions for future product development and pricing
• Streamline operational processes and automate transactions, notifications and reports
• Manage your on-premises, Cloud, SaaS, virtualized and embedded apps, plus connected and disconnected devices,
in one central monetization back office

FlexNet Operations is a modular system that can be tailored to your needs. The platform comes with a proven core product that
leverages Flexera’s deep and extensive understanding of the software and IoT industries. Additional modules provide enhanced capabilities to meet the specific demands of to day’s software suppliers.

Cloud Monetization
The Cloud Monetization module provides you with the Cloud Licensing Service, eliminating the headache of running local license servers.You are also provided with the Cloud Monetization API that enables you to connect to SaaS and small footprint IoT devices and execute licensing transactions without implementing licensing technology in your software endpoints. Usage Management enables you to measure usage of your products and get ready for usage-based monetization models. With pay-per-use, pay-per-outcome, and pay-for-overage, software suppliers can better align pricing with what is really used. Both pure usage-based models and hybrid models with a usage component depend on the accurate metering that Usage Management provides.

中国区总代理XLsoft China

孟小姐 ,13611363450


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