Chap. 12: Conceptual blending 概念整合

  • This approach, which we call Blending Theory, derives from two traditions within cognitive semantics: Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Mental Spaces Theory. Blending Theory is most closely related to Mental Spaces Theory, and some cognitve semanticists explicitly refer to it as an extension of this approach. 概念整合理论是基于认知语义学两个传统理论:概念隐喻理论和心理空间理论。概念整合理论与心理空间理论关联最为密切,一些认知语义学家甚至将概念整合理论认为是心理空间理论的延伸。
  • However, Bleding Theory is a distinct theory that has been developed to account for phenomena that Mental Spaces Theory and Conceptual Metaphor Theory cannot adequately account for. 但概念整合理论的提出是为了解释心理空间理论和概念隐喻理论无法解释的一些现象的。
  • The crucial insight of Blending Theory is that meaning construction typically involves intergration of structure that gives rise to more than the sum of its parts. Blending theorists argue that this process of conceptual integration or blending is a general and basic cognitive operation which is central to the way we think. 概念整合理论的关键论点是,意义构建通常涉及结构的综合/结合,产生的意义总体大于部分。概念整合理论研究者认为这种概念整合的操作是一种广泛存在且十分基础的认知操作。

The origins of Blending Theory 概念整合理论的来源

  • -Fauconnier and Turner both observed that in many case meaning construction appears to derive from structure that in apparently unavailable in the linguistic or conceptual structure that functions as the input to the meaning construction process. Fauconnier and Turner 发现,在很多情况下,意义的构建是从语言或思维上未得到彰显的结构中得到的。
    -For example, in “That surgeon is a buthcher”, which actually implies a negative assessment, this negative assessment dos not appear to derive from the source domain. 例如,在"That surgeon is a buthcher"中,暗含着消极评价态度,但这种消极态度并不是来自源域(或者说,源域中不存在消极态度)。
    -This example points to powerful aspects of human cognition. Language and thought are not strictly compositional in the sense that they are additive. Meaning construction cannot rely solely upon simple conceptual projection processes like conceptual metaphor or establishing connectors between counterparts in mental spaces. Blending Theory accounts for the emrgence of meanings by adopting the view that meaning construction involves emergent structure: meaning that is more than the sum of its component parts. 这个例子说明了人类认知是有力的。语言和思维的意义不是简单的组合关系。意义构建不是仅依赖简单的概念映射过程(如隐喻)或心理空间中对应成分的连接。概念整合理论针对意义的产生持这样一种观点:意义的构建与新增结构有关,意义不是简单的整体等于部分之和,而是整体大于部分之和。

Towards a theory of conceptual intergration

  • -Fauconnier and Turner develop a theory of intergration networks for modelling how emergent meaning might come about. 为了解释新增意义是如何产生的,Fauconnier and Turner提出了一个综合性的概念网络。
    -An integration network consists of inputs in which elements in each input are linked by mappings. In this respect, Blending Theory draws upon Conceptual Metaphor Theoy. 一个综合性的概念网络由多个输入区组成,每个输入区中的成分由映射连接。从“映射”这个操作机制来看,概念整合理论与概念隐喻理论相关。
    -From Mental Spaces Theory, the conceptual units that populate an integration network should be mental spaces rather than domains of knowledge. The differences between the two is that domains of knowledge are relatively stable pre-existing knowledge structures, while mental spaces are temporary structures created during the on-line process of meaning construction. Thus, the initial focus in Blending Theory is to account for local and dynamic meaning construction. 从心理空间理论来看,参与综合性概念网络的输入区是心理空间而非概念域。心理空间与概念域的区别在于,前者是暂时性的、即时创造的结构,而后者是相对稳定的已存在的知识结构。因此我们可以看到,概念整合理论的出发点是为了解释本地的、动态的意义构建。
  • Intergration networks in Blending Theory are not simply two-space entities. They are multiple-space entities, just like mental space lattices. One of the ways in which this model gives rise to complex networks is by linking two (or more) input spaces by means of a generic space. The generic space provides information that is abstract enough to be common to both (or all) the inputs. Elements in the generic space are mapped onto counterparts in each of the input spaces, which motivates the identification of cross-space counterparts in the input spaces. 概念整合理论中的综合性概念网络不是仅仅由两个心理空间组成的。综合性概念网络中有多个心理空间,就像心理空间的网格结构一样。综合性概念网络模型下产生复杂网络的其中一种方式是,通过一个通指空间(类指空间)连接多个(大于或等于二)输入空间。该通指空间提供的是能用于所有输入空间的抽象信息。通指空间中的成分被投射到每个输入空间中,这样就形成了多个输入空间之间成分的对应关系,形成了对应成分。
  • A further distinguishing feature of an intergration network is that it consists of a fourth blended space or blend. This is the space that contains new or emergent structure: information that is not contained in either of the inputs. 除此之外,综合性概念网络还包括第四个心理空间,即整合后的心理空间,或称整合空间。整合空间内包含新增结构,新增结构不存在于任何一个输入空间中。
  • While a blend contains structure projected from both inputs, is also contains additional structure projected from neither. All the structure in the blend can be described as emergent, even though its ingredients are provided by the input spaces. 整合空间既包含从输入空间投射而来的结构,也包含输入控件中没有的新增结构。实际上,整合空间的所有结构都可以被称为新增结构。
  • The generic space contains highly shematic information which serves as a basis for establishing cross-base mappings between the two input spaces. In other words, the generic space facilitates the identification of counterparts in the input spaces by serving as a template for shared structure. It is these counterparts that can then be projected to the blend. 通指空间包含高度图示化的信息,是建立跨空间映射的基础。换句话说,通指空间通过提供相同结构的模板,帮助我们确认各输入空间里存在的对应成分。正是这些对应成分后来被投射到整合空间中。
  • An important advantage that Blending Theory has over Mental Spaces Theory is that we now have a mechanism that accounts for how structure is recruited and intergrated in order to produce emergent structure. 概念整合理论相比心理空间理论的优点在于提出了一种机制,解释了先前结构是如何被整合运用从而产生了新增结构。

The nature of blending 概念整合的本质

  • The elements of conceptual blending 概念整合的成分
    -An integration network consists of at least four spaces: a generic space, two inputs and a blended space. The generic space establishes counterpart connectors between input spaces. These connections are established by matching, the conceptual operation responsible for identifying cross-space counterparts in the input spaces. Connectors can be established between matched elements on the basis of identity or role, or based on metaphor. 一个综合性概念网络由四个心理空间组成,一个通指空间,两个输入空间,和一个整合空间。通指空间建立了各输入成分中的对应成分之间的连接项。这些连接是通过匹配建立起来的,匹配可以被视为一个概念操作,负责识别输入空间中的跨空间对应成分。匹配成分之间就建立了连接项,可以是基于身份,也可以是基于隐喻。
    -The input spaces give rise to selective projection. Not all the structure from the inputs is projected to the blend, but only the matched information, which is required for purposes of local understanding. In other words, much of the structure in the inputs is irrelevent to, or even inconsistent with, the emergent meaning under construction. Selective projection is one reason why different language users, or even the same language user on different occasions, can produce different blends from the same inputs. The process of selective projection is not deterministic but flexible. 输入空间会产生选择性投射,即不是所有存在于输入空间的结构都会被投射到整合空间,只有被匹配了的知识才会被投射。换句话说,输入空间中的许多结构与正在构建的新增意义是无关的,甚至是相反的。选择性投射也是不同语言使用者,甚至同一语言使用者在不同情境中,从相同输入空间产生不同整合空间的一个原因。选择性投射的过程不是确定不变的,而是灵活可变的。
    -In Blending Theory, there are three component processes that give rise to emergent structure: (1) composition, (2) completion, (3) elaboration. The first involves the composition of elements from separate inputs. The second process, completion, involves schema induction. Schema induction involves the unconscious and effortless recruitment of background frames. This process is called completion because structure is recruited to fill out or complete the information projected from the inputs in order to derive the blend. Finally, elaboration is the on-line processing that produces the structure unique to the blend. This process is sometimes called running the blend. 在概念整合理论中,有三种过程能够产生新增结构:组合,完善,和精进。组合是指组合来自不同输入空间的成分,得到新增结构。第二种过程,完善,指图式推导。图式推导指无意识、不用功地调用背景框架。这一过程被称为完善是因为,背景知识中的结构被用来填补从输入空间投射到整合空间的知识,使其完整,从而获得整合空间。最后,精进是指即时处理,从而产生特用于整合空间的结构。这个过程有时也被成为整合空间构建。
    -A further consequence of conceptual blending is that any space in the integration network can, as a result of the blend, undergo modification. The structure that emerges in the blend is projected back to the input spaces, which is called backward projection. In this way, the inputs are modified by the blend. Blends can become conventionalised within a speech or cultural community. 概念整合理论的一个结果是,综合性概念网络中的任何一个心理空间,在整合过程后,都会经历变化/改变。整合空间中的新增结构能够被投射回输入空间,这一过程被成为反向投射。这样,输入空间就被整合空间改变了。另外,某整合空间可以在某文化社区内常态化/惯例化。
  • Linguistic examples 语言中的例子
    -Formal blends 形式整合空间: formal blends involves projection of specific lexical forms to be blended space and rely, partly, upon formal (lexical or grammatical) structure for their meaning. In other words, part of the meaning of a given blend arises from the meaning conventionally associated with the construction. 形式整合过程涉及具体的词汇形式被投射到整合空间,并基于形式结构来构建意义。换句话说,整合空间的部分意义来自这个形式结构(即构式)。
  • Non-linguistic examples 非语言的例子
    -Material anchors 固着物: the material anchors embody and facilitate the blend. The wedding ring is a material anchor, which embodies the blend, representing an unbroken link. 固着物是整合空间的具体象征,同时也便于整合空间的形成和理解。例如,结婚戒指就是一种固着物,象征着整合空间,代表了一种不能分开的联系。

Vital relations and compressions

  • The primary objective of conceptual blending is to achieve human scale: the scope of human experience. This in turn relates to a number of subgoals. This tendency is an attempt to grasp what is elusive in terms of what is familiar. 概念整合的主要目的是实现人的理解可及,同时还有一系列下级目标。要用熟悉去解释不熟悉。
  • Vital relations 必要关系: In Blending Theory, Fauconnier and Turner refer to the various types of connector as vital relations.Vital relations link counterparts in the input spaces and establish what Fauconnier and Turner call out-space relations: relations in which two counterpart elements are in different input spaces. Vital relations can also give rise to compressions in the blend. In other words, the blend compresses the distance or tightens the connection that holds between the counterparts in the outer-space relation. This relation is compressed and represented as an inner-space relation in the blend: a counterpart relation inside a single mental space. 在概念整合理论中,各种连接项被称为必要关系。必要关系连接输入空间中的对应成分,并建立起空间外关系:即存在于不同输入空间的两个对应成分之间的关系。必要关系还能够产生整合空间中的压缩结构。换句话说,整合空间压缩了空间外关系中对应成分的连接距离。这一关系被压缩,而后被表现在整合空间中,成为一种空间内关系:存在于同一心理空间内的对应成分关系。
  • According to Fauconnier and Turner, it is by means of the mechanism of compression that blending achieves human scale. 正是通过压缩的工作机制才使得整合空间成为人类理解可及的。
  • Disintegration and decompression 反综合和反压缩
    -An important subgoal of this operation is to provide global insight as a consequence of the blend remaining connected to the rest of the integration network, including the input spaces. 除了使整合空间成为人类理解可及的以外,另一个下层目标是提供全局观念,因为整合空间仍然与综合性概念网络中的其他空间相连,包括输入空间。
    -The process of disintegration can unpack the blend which results in the backward projection of blended elements to the input spaces. Backward projection, or disintergration, results from the process of decompression, in which elements in the blend are separated. 反综合的过程能够拆解整合空间,形成逆向投射,将整合后的成分投射回输入空间。逆向投射,或是反综合,是反压缩的结构,整合空间中的成分又被拆解。
    -While similarities can be exploited to create a blend, the same blend can be unpacked to reveal dissimilarities. This follows from the fact that the elements projected back to the inputs have been affected by blending. In this way, the integration network provides global insight. 一方面,我们利用相似之处创造了整合空间,另一方面,同一个整合空间可以被拆解,这个拆解的过程又彰显了不同之处。这是由于被逆向投射回输入空间的成分已经被整合这个过程或多或少地改变。这样来看,整个综合性网络结构是存在存在于整个全局的观念的。

A taxonomy of integration networks 综合性网络的分类

  • There are a number of different kinds of integration network. Fauconnier and Turner propose a continuum that relates intergration networks of various kinds, four of them standing out along the continuum. Fauconnier and Turner认为存在多个综合性网络。其中四个地位显著。
  • Simplex networks 单纯网络
    The simplest kind of intergration network involves two inputs, one that contains a frame with roles and another contains values. What makes this an intergration network is that it gives rise to a blend containing structure that is in neither of the inputs. Only one of the inputs contains a frame. The simplex network therefore represents an instance of basic framing. 最简单的综合性网络涉及两个输入空间,一个空间中是框架,包含角色(roles),另一个空间中是被赋的值(values)。单纯网络的综合性体现在,它能够产生一个整合空间,这个整合后的空间包含一个不存在于任何一个输入空间中的结构。在单纯网络中,只有一个输入空间中包含框架。单纯网络也代表了一种基本框架化(basic framing)的方式。
  • Mirror networks 镜像网络
    All the spaces in the network share a common frame, including the blend. 在镜像网络中,所有空间(包括整合空间)都共享同一个框架。
  • Single-scope networks 单范围网络
    -In the single-scope network, both inputs contain frames, but each is distinct. What distinguishes this type of network is that only one frame serves to organise the blend. The framing input provides the frame, while the focus input provides the relevent elements. 在单范围网络中,两个输入空间都包含框架,但包含的框架是不同的。只有其中一个框架能够被继续使用在整合框架中。框架性输入空间提供框架,焦点性输入空间提供相关的成分。
    -An inportant function of single-scope networks is to employ pre-existing compressions in the framing input to organise diffuse structure from the focus input. This function of single-scope networks in particular relates directly to one of the main subgoals of blending: to compress what is diffuse. 单范围网络的其中一个重要功能是,利用框架性输入空间中已存在的压缩结构去组织架构焦点性输入空间中的松散结构。这一功能彰显了概念整合的一个下级目标:压缩松散结构。
    -Single-scope networks form the prototype for certain types of conceptual metaphor. From this perspective, many conceptual metaphors may be more insightfully characterised as blends. However, it does not follow that all metaphors are blends. While compound metaphors may be blends, it is less obvious that primary metaphors are blends. 单范围网络是某些概念隐喻的原型操作。从这个角度来看,许多概念隐喻都能被视作概念整合。但这并不是说所有的隐喻都是概念整合。虽然我们可能称复合隐喻是概念整合,但我们缺很难说基本隐喻是概念整合。
  • Double-scope networks 双范围网络
    In double-scope networks, both inputs contain distinct frames but the blend is organised by structure taken from each frame. One consequences is that the blend can sometimes include structure from inputs that is incompatible and therefore clashes. It is this aspect of double-scope networks that enables the integration networks being highly innovative and leading to novel references. 在双范围网络中,两个输入空间包含不同的框架,整合空间的结构是基于两个框架得到的。这种操作的其中一个结果是,整合空间中可能包含来自不同输入空间、互相矛盾的结构。而也正是这一方面促进了综合性网络的新颖性/创新性,使综合性网络能够得到新奇指称。

Multiple blending 复杂整合

  • While it is assumed for the most part that integration network consists of four spaces, it is common for blends to function as inputs for furthur blending and reblending. 虽然我们之前关于综合性网络的大部分探讨都是关于四个空间的,但我们也应看到,整合空间也可以作为输入空间,参与进一步的整合和再整合。

Constraining Blending Theory 概念整合中的限制条件

  • An important question is that how is selective projection constrained so that we end up with the right structure being projected to the blend? To address this issue, Fauconnier and Turner propose a number of governing principles, also know as optimality principles. Selective projection arises from interaction between the optimality pricinples. 概念整合中的一个重要问题是,选择性投射是否要遵从什么限制条件,从而得到被投射到整合空间中的正确结构?为了解决这个问题,Fauconnier and Turner 提出了一系列原则,也被称为最优化原则(optimality principles)。选择性投射从最优化原则的相互互动中得到。

Comparing Blending Theory with Conceptual Metaphor Theory 概念整合理论与概念隐喻理论

  • There are good reasons to think that Blending Theory and Conceptual Metaphor Theory are complementary rather than competing theories. 概念整合理论和概念隐喻理论是互补的关系。
  • Contrasts 不同
    -Not all blends are metaphorical 不是所有的整合空间都是隐喻性质的: Although single-scope networks are the prototypical kind for structuring metaphor, it is important to emphasise that not all blends are metaphorical. 虽然单范围网络是隐喻的原型操作模式,但我们也要认识到并非所有的整合空间都是隐喻性质的。
    -Blending does not involve unidirectional mappings 概念整合不是单向的: In Blending Theory, structure from the blend can be projected back to the input spaces. 在概念整合理论中,整合空间中的结构可以被投射回输入空间中。
    -Spaces versus Domains 心理空间vs概念域: Conceptual Metaphor feature mapping and domains stored in long-term memory; while mental spaces are dynamic and temporary conceptual packers constructed online during discourse. 概念隐喻理论中,“投射”和“概念域”都是储存在长时记忆中的;而心理空间是动态的、暂时性的概念包,在话语进程中构建的。
    -The many-space model 多空间模型: While Conceptual Metaphor Theory is a two-domain model, Blending Theory employs a minimum of four spaces. 概念隐喻理论涉及是一个涉及两个域的模型,而概念整合理论至少需要调动四个心理空间。
    -Dynamic versus conventional 动态vs传统: Metaphor theorists have been concerned with mapping the conventional patterns entrenched in conceptual structure, while blending theorists have been more concerned with investigating the contribution of conceptual integration to ongoing meaning construction. 隐喻学者研究概念结构中早已存在的传统结构的投射,而概念整合理论研究正在进行的意义构建,研究概念整合怎样促进了当下的意义构建。
    -Difference in methodological emphasis 方法论上的不同: While conceptual metaphor theorists have sought generalisations across a broad range of metaphoric expressions, conceptual blending theorists typically focus on the nature and particulars of those specific examples. This is because Blending Theory places emphasis upon a process of meaning construction rather than a system of language. 概念隐喻寻找不同隐喻表达间的共同之处,概念整合理论关注具体示例的本质和特殊之处。这是因为概念整合理论将重点放在意义构建的过程上,而非知识系统上。
    -Emergent structure 新增结构: While Blending Theory provides an account of emergent structure, Conceptual Metaphor Theory does not. 概念整合理论提供了关于新增结构的解释,而概念隐喻理论并没有。
  • When is a metaphor not a blend? 什么时候是隐喻什么时候是概念整合?
    -Although a large subset of conceptual metaphors are blends, there is a small but important subset of highly conventionalised conceptual metaphors that are not blends. 虽然许多概念隐喻都是整合空间,但有小部分很重要的概念隐喻不是整合空间。
    -These are primary metaphors discussed in Chapter 9. Primary metaphors are established on the basis of close and highly salient correlations in experience which give rise to a pre-conceptual correlation rather than a matching operation at the conceptual level. While primary metaphors are not themselves blends, they can function as inputs to blending. 这些就是我们在第9章中提到的基本隐喻。基本隐喻是基于经验中接近并且高度显著的关系,从而形成了概念前相互关系,而非概念层面的匹配操作。虽然基本概念不是整合空间,但它们可以作为输入空间参与概念整合。
  • What Blending Theory adds to Conceptual Metaphor Theory? 概念整合理论如何修补了概念隐喻理论?
    -There are two important contributions: (1) the first contribution is its account of emergent structure. As we saw earlier, one of the original motivations for Blending Theory is the failure of Metaphor Theory to account for emergent structure. (2) the second contribution is its account of the derivation of compound metaphors (See p. 438).

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    <娜璋带你读论文>系列主要是督促自己阅读优秀论文及听取学术讲座,并分享给大家,希望您喜欢.由于作者的英文水平和学术能力不高,需要不断提升,所以还请大家批评指正,非常欢迎大家给我留言评论,学 ...

  4. Chap.17 总结《CL: An Introduction》 (Vyvyan Evans)

    Chap. 17: Cognitive Grammar: constructions 认知语法:构式 Phrase structure 词组结构 In Cognitive Grammar a comp ...

  5. Chap.15 总结《CL: An Introduction》 (Vyvyan Evans)

    Chap. 15: The conceptual basis of grammar 语法系统的概念基础 Here we uses the term "grammar" to ref ...

  6. Chap.20 总结《CL: An Introduction》 (Vyvyan Evans)

    Chap. 20: The architecture of construction grammars Goldberg's construction grammar Goldberg的构式语法理论 ...

  7. Chap.18 总结《CL: An Introduction》 (Vyvyan Evans)

    Chap. 18: Cognitive Grammar: tense, aspect, mood and voice English verbs: form and function 英语动词: 形式 ...

  8. Chap.6 总结《CL: An Introduction》 (Vyvyan Evans)

    Chap. 6: Embodiment and conceptual structure This chapter explores in more detail two of the central ...

  9. Chap.19 总结《CL: An Introduction》 (Vyvyan Evans)

    Chap. 19: Motivating a construction grammar Counstructions versus words and rules 构式vs词语和规则 The stan ...


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