一. SMIv1
Full Standards:
RFC 1155 -- Structure of Management Information
RFC 1212 -- Concise MIB Definitions

RFC 1215 -- A Convention for Defining Traps

二. SMIv2
Full Standards:
RFC 2578 -- Structure of Management Information
RFC 2579 -- Textual Conventions
RFC 2580 -- Conformance Statements

三. SNMPv1
Full Standards:
RFC 1157 -- Simple Network Management Protocol

Proposed Standards:
RFC 1418 -- SNMP over OSI
RFC 1419 -- SNMP over AppleTalk
RFC 1420 -- SNMP over IPX

四. SNMPv2
Draft Standards:
RFC 1905 -- Protocol Operations for SNMPv2
RFC 1906 -- Transport Mappings for SNMPv2
RFC 1907 -- MIB for SNMPv2

RFC 1901 -- Community-based SNMPv2
RFC 1909 -- Administrative Infrastructure
RFC 1910 -- User-based Security Model

五. SNMPv3
Draft Standards:
RFC 2571 -- Architecture for SNMP Frameworks
RFC 2572 -- Message Processing and Dispatching
RFC 2573 -- SNMP Applications
RFC 2574 -- User-based Security Model
RFC 2575 -- View-based Access Control Model
RFC 1905 -- Protocol Operations for SNMPv2
RFC 1906 -- Transport Mappings for SNMPv2
RFC 1907 -- MIB for SNMPv2

Proposed Standards:
RFC 2576 -- Coexistence between SNMP Versions

RFC 2570 -- Introduction to SNMPv3

RFC 2786 -- Diffie-Hellman USM Key Management

六. AgentX协议
Proposed Standards:
RFC 2741 -- AgentX Protocol Version 1
RFC 2742 -- AgentX MIB

七. SMIv1 MIB
Full Standards:
RFC 1213 -- Management Information Base II
RFC 1643 -- Ethernet-Like Interface Types MIB

Draft Standards:
RFC 1493 -- Bridge MIB
RFC 1559 -- DECnet phase IV MIB

Proposed Standards:
RFC 1285 -- FDDI Interface Type (SMT 6.2) MIB
RFC 1381 -- X.25 LAPB MIB
RFC 1382 -- X.25 Packet Layer MIB
RFC 1414 -- Identification MIB
RFC 1461 -- X.25 Multiprotocol Interconnect MIB
RFC 1471 -- PPP Link Control Protocol MIB
RFC 1472 -- PPP Security Protocols MIB
RFC 1474 -- PPP Bridge NCP MIB
RFC 1512 -- FDDI Interface Type (SMT 7.3) MIB
RFC 1513 -- RMON Token Ring Extensions MIB
RFC 1515 -- IEEE 802.3 MAU MIB
RFC 1525 -- Source Routing Bridge MIB
RFC 1742 -- AppleTalk MIB

八. SMIv2 MIB
Full Standards:
RFC 2819 -- Remote Network Monitoring MIB

Draft Standards:
RFC 1657 -- BGP Version 4 MIB
RFC 1658 -- Character Device MIB
RFC 1659 -- RS-232 Interface Type MIB
RFC 1660 -- Parallel Printer Interface Type MIB
RFC 1694 -- SMDS Interface Type MIB
RFC 1724 -- RIP Version 2 MIB
RFC 1748 -- IEEE 802.5 Interface Type MIB
RFC 1850 -- OSPF Version 2 MIB
RFC 1907 -- SNMPv2 MIB
RFC 2115 -- Frame Relay DTE Interface Type MIB
RFC 2571 -- SNMP Framework MIB
RFC 2572 -- SNMPv3 MPD MIB
RFC 2573 -- SNMP Applications MIBs
RFC 2574 -- SNMPv3 USM MIB
RFC 2790 -- Host Resources MIB
RFC 2863 -- Interfaces Group MIB

Proposed Standards:
RFC 1611 -- DNS Server MIB
RFC 1612 -- DNS Resolver MIB
RFC 1696 -- Modem MIB
RFC 1747 -- SNA Data Link Control MIB
RFC 1749 -- 802.5 Station Source Routing MIB
RFC 1759 -- Printer MIB
RFC 2006 -- Internet Protocol Mobility MIB
RFC 2011 -- Internet Protocol MIB
RFC 2012 -- Transmission Control Protocol MIB
RFC 2013 -- User Datagram Protocol MIB
RFC 2020 -- IEEE 802.12 Interfaces MIB
RFC 2021 -- RMON Version 2 MIB
RFC 2024 -- Data Link Switching MIB
RFC 2051 -- APPC MIB
RFC 2096 -- IP Forwarding Table MIB
RFC 2108 -- IEEE 802.3 Repeater MIB
RFC 2127 -- ISDN MIB
RFC 2128 -- Dial Control MIB
RFC 2206 -- Resource Reservation Protocol MIB
RFC 2213 -- Integrated Services MIB
RFC 2214 -- Guaranteed Service MIB
RFC 2232 -- Dependent LU Requester MIB
RFC 2238 -- High Performance Routing MIB
RFC 2266 -- IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB
RFC 2287 -- System-Level Application Mgmt MIB
RFC 2320 -- Classical IP and ARP over ATM MIB
RFC 2417 -- Multicast over UNI 3.0/3.1 / ATM MIB
RFC 2452 -- IPv6 UDP MIB
RFC 2454 -- IPv6 TCP MIB
RFC 2455 -- APPN MIB
RFC 2456 -- APPN Trap MIB
RFC 2457 -- APPN Extended Border Node MIB
RFC 2465 -- IPv6 Textual Conventions and General Group MIB
RFC 2466 -- ICMPv6 MIB
RFC 2493 -- 15 Minute Performance History TCs
RFC 2494 -- DS0, DS0 Bundle Interface Type MIB
RFC 2495 -- DS1, E1, DS2, E2 Interface Type MIB
RFC 2496 -- DS3/E3 Interface Type MIB
RFC 2512 -- Accounting MIB for ATM Networks
RFC 2513 -- Accounting Control MIB
RFC 2514 -- ATM Textual Conventions and OIDs
RFC 2515 -- ATM MIB
RFC 2558 -- SONET/SDH Interface Type MIB
RFC 2561 -- TN3270E MIB
RFC 2562 -- TN3270E Response Time MIB
RFC 2564 -- Application Management MIB
RFC 2576 -- SNMP Community MIB
RFC 2584 -- APPN/HPR in IP Networks
RFC 2591 -- Scheduling MIB
RFC 2592 -- Scripting MIB
RFC 2594 -- WWW Services MIB
RFC 2605 -- Directory Server MIB
RFC 2613 -- RMON for Switched Networks MIB
RFC 2618 -- RADIUS Authentication Client MIB
RFC 2619 -- RADIUS Authentication Server MIB
RFC 2667 -- IP Tunnel MIB
RFC 2662 -- ADSL Line MIB
RFC 2665 -- Ethernet-Like Interface Types MIB
RFC 2668 -- IEEE 802.3 MAU MIB
RFC 2669 -- DOCSIS Cable Device MIB
RFC 2670 -- DOCSIS RF Interface MIB
RFC 2677 -- Next Hop Resolution Protocol MIB
RFC 2720 -- Traffic Flow Measurement Meter MIB
RFC 2737 -- Entity MIB
RFC 2742 -- AgentX MIB
RFC 2787 -- Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol MIB
RFC 2788 -- Network Services Monitoring MIB
RFC 2789 -- Mail Monitoring MIB
RFC 2837 -- Fibre Channel Fabric Element MIB
RFC 2851 -- Internet Network Address TCs
RFC 2856 -- High Capacity Data Type TCs
RFC 2864 -- Interfaces Group Inverted Stack MIB
RFC 2895 -- RMON Protocol Identifier Reference
RFC 2925 -- Ping, Traceroute, Lookup MIBs
RFC 2932 -- IPv4 Multicast Routing MIB
RFC 2933 -- IGMP MIB
RFC 2940 -- COPS Client MIB
RFC 2954 -- Frame Relay Service MIB
RFC 2955 -- Frame Relay/ATM PVC MIB
RFC 2959 -- Real-Time Transport Protocol MIB

RFC 1628 -- Uninterruptible Power Supply MIB
RFC 2620 -- RADIUS Accounting Client MIB
RFC 2621 -- RADIUS Accounting Server MIB
RFC 2666 -- Ethernet Chip Set Identifiers
RFC 2707 -- Print Job Monitoring MIB
RFC 2896 -- RMON Protocol Identifier Macros
RFC 2922 -- Physical Topology MIB

RFC 2758 -- SLA Performance Monitoring MIB
RFC 2786 -- Diffie-Hellman USM Key MIB
RFC 2934 -- IPv4 PIM MIB

SNMP 协议RFC相关推荐

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    目录 文章目录 目录 SNMP 协议架构 局限性 SNMP SNMP 协议的第 1 个相关 RFC 1065 发布于 1988 年,距今已有 30 年. SNMP 在网络监控领域已经被广泛使用,例如: ...

  2. SNMP协议介绍和操作截图

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  3. snmp协议_SNMP开发和使用

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  4. 保护SNMP协议服务安全的三个步骤

    在启用了SNMP协议服务 情况下,我们如何来确保这个协议的安全呢?首先我们要及时更新这个协议的补 丁,之后还要对这个协议的流程进行过滤.那么具体的实施情况请从下文我们来了解一下吧. 保障SNMP的安全 ...

  5. SNMP 协议 OID的使用

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  6. socks5协议RFC文档

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  7. ESXI开启snmp协议方法

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  8. zabbix snmp 协议监控 dell iRDAC

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