SmartFoxServer专门用于多用户联机游戏开发,支持Flash/Flex/Air, Java, .Net, Unity3D, Apple iPhone 开发。

目前有3个版本:SFS Lite   此版本免费,只支持AS1.0 和 2.0 不支持AS3.0。可以迅速配置服务器,适合初学者。当然,不支持服务器扩展。

SFS Basic 此版本应该适合小型游戏开发,不支持服务器扩展,收费产品。

SFS Professional 此版本为专业版,支持服务器扩展,适合开发大型游戏,收费。


Client API for Actionscript 1.0 and 2.0
Public and Private chat messaging
Server side variables (User variables / Room variables)
Send and receive complex Actionscript data objects
Auto kick idle users
Dynamically created rooms
Support for foreign languages / charsets
Logging capabilities
Configurable logger  
Administrator messages  
Moderator support (kick / ban commands)  
Flooding filter with autokick/autoban functions  
IP Filtering  
Customizable bad-words-filter with autokick/autoban functions  
Automatic cross-domain policy file creation   dot
Persistent banned user list  
Persistent Buddy Lists  
Game spectators  
Administrator web-based control panel  
Add/Modify/Enable/Disable Zones on the fly without restarting  
Runs as a system service under Windows / Linux / MacOSX   dot dot
Actionscript 3.0 support   dot dot
SmartFoxBits Community Edition components   dot dot
Clustering     dot
BlueBox: firewall and proxy traversal add-on     dot
RedBox: Audio/Video streaming capabilities via RTMP protocol.     dot
Advanced buddy lists with black-list, permissions, off-line buddy variables...     dot
Server side E4X (Ecma for XML)     dot
Secure encrypted login system     dot
Embedded webserver supporting Java/Python servlets     dot
Embedded powerful JDBC compliant database engine     dot
Server side Extensions (Actionscript / Javascript / Python / Java)    
Integrated file upload facilities    
Direct database connectivity, allows connections to all major RDBMS    
Mailer: sends text or html emails directly from the server    
JSON based protocol    
Raw data protocols for better data compression in real time games    
Internal event dispatching system    
Advanced security settings per application    
Remote server side Extensions debugging    




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