
Following Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC 2020) last week, it was abundantly clear that while Apple’s manufacturing activity may have slowed due to the ongoing pandemic, Apple hasn’t exactly let up on the software development side of its business.

在上周苹果举行的全球开发者大会(WWDC 2020)之后,很明显,尽管由于持续的大流行 ,苹果的制造业活动可能有所放缓 ,但苹果并没有完全放弃其业务的软件开发方面。

One highly-anticipated but nonetheless substantial announcement coming out of this year’s conference was that Apple has decided to begin using its own ARM processors instead of Intel processors in Mac products going forward, beginning with new Macs arriving later this year. While at a glance this may seem to be purely a hardware change, the decision does have important software implications (including for iOS developers), which I’ll explain in a bit.

今年会议上一个备受期待但仍是重大宣布的消息是,苹果决定在Mac产品中开始使用其自己的ARM处理器,而不是Intel处理器,并将于今年晚些时候推出新的Mac。 乍一看,这似乎纯粹是硬件上的更改,但此决定确实具有重要的软件含义(包括对iOS开发人员的影响),我将在稍后进行解释。

On the topic of iOS 14, Apple announced that it will be implementing a number of iPhone features that should be very familiar to Android users (but may present an initial learning curve for long-time iPhone users).

关于iOS 14的主题,苹果公司宣布将实现许多Android用户应该非常熟悉的iPhone功能(但可能会为长期使用iPhone的用户提供一个初步的学习曲线)。

Without further ado, here are some of the WWDC highlights you should be aware of, particularly if your business has an iOS mobile app or is planning to build one.


iPhone和iPad应用程序将能够在基于ARM的Macs上本地运行 (iPhone and iPad apps will be able to run natively on ARM-powered Macs)

The decision to move away from Intel CPUs in its Mac products (desktop and laptop computers) is anticipated to give Apple more control over release schedules, quality control, and performance customization. While the full migration over to Apple-designed ARM chips will take an estimated two years, new Macs and Macbooks are expected to be released on the ARM platform as early as this year.

决定放弃其Mac产品(台式机和笔记本电脑)中的Intel CPU的决定,将使Apple对发布计划,质量控制和性能定制提供更多控制权。 完全迁移到苹果设计的ARM芯片大约需要两年时间,而新的Mac和Macbook有望最早于今年在ARM平台上发布。

Importantly, Macs on the ARM platform will be able to run iOS and iPad apps, natively. This potentially means an expanded audience for iOS apps, as well as the potential need to optimize iOS apps for desktop/laptop screen sizes.

重要的是, ARM平台上的Mac将能够原生运行iOS和iPad应用 。 这潜在地意味着将有更多的iOS应用程序用户,以及潜在的针对台式机/笔记本电脑屏幕尺寸优化iOS应用程序的需求。

主屏幕小部件 (Home Screen Widgets)

Widgets have long existed for Android devices and to a lesser extent, on the iPhone’s Today screen, but with iOS 14 they’ll finally be arriving to iPhone’s home screen. If your app presents information that is dynamic — weather, stock prices, times, for example — Apple’s new widget feature could be an ideal way to make your app more usable by removing barriers to access information.

在Windows的“今日”屏幕上,小部件早已存在于Android设备中,并且程度较小,但在iOS 14上,它们最终将进入iPhone的主屏幕。 如果您的应用程序显示的是动态信息,例如天气,股价,时间,则Apple的新小部件功能可能是消除访问信息障碍,使应用程序更易于使用的理想方式。

App widgets are coming to the iPhone home screen in iOS 14.应用小部件即将进入iOS 14中的iPhone主屏幕。

Widgets allow users to view information from your app without having to open the app. Typically, pressing on a widget will open the app, so widgets can actually increase engagement with your app by serving as a more engaging app tile, if you will. The key, of course, will be balancing the amount of information to display in the widget — just enough to be of value, but not so much that users no longer want to engage with your actual app.

窗口小部件允许用户无需打开应用程序即可查看您应用程序中的信息。 通常,按一下窗口小部件将打开应用程序,因此,窗口小部件实际上可以通过充当更具吸引力的应用程序图块来增加与应用程序的互动。 当然,关键是要平衡要在小部件中显示的信息量-足够有价值,但又不能太多,以至于用户不再希望与您的实际应用互动。

Note: If your app already has a widget for the iPhone’s Today screen, you’ll need to have it recoded to work on a home screen.


应用剪辑 (App Clips)

For businesses that see apps purely as a means to an end, Apple’s new “App Clips” feature could provide an abbreviated and frictionless way for users to transact with their phones.


App Clips allow users to perform basic functions of a 3rd party app without downloading a standalone app.应用程序剪辑使用户无需下载独立应用程序即可执行第三方应用程序的基本功能。

App clips, much like Android’s Instant Apps, will allow users to use your app in a basic way, including performing purchase or rental transactions, without having to download a separate app. Consider all the services out there — Uber, Bird/Lime Scooter Rentals, Starbucks, etc. With App clips, a user can purchase or rent from you upon scanning a UPC code or clicking a link on a webpage, initiating a transaction using Apple Pay. This can reduce the friction between buyers (them) and sellers (you), enabling more business transactions as a result.

应用程序片段类似于Android的Instant Apps,将允许用户以基本方式使用您的应用程序,包括执行购买或租赁交易,而无需下载单独的应用程序。 考虑那里的所有服务-Uber,Bird / Lime踏板车租赁,星巴克等。使用应用程序剪辑,用户可以在扫描UPC代码或单击网页上的链接后使用Apple Pay进行交易,从而向您购买或租赁。 。 这样可以减少买家(他们)和卖家(您)之间的摩擦,从而实现更多的业务交易。

Importantly, App Clips will offer the option to use Apple Sign in, whereby your Apple account will allow you to quickly and automatically create 3rd party accounts using your stored credentials, billing info, and other required data. While some have noted the similarity with Google’s own “sign in with Google” flows, it’s expected that Apple will differentiate itself from Google and others by focusing on user privacy — for example, by providing the option to obfuscate your real email address, which prevents email access or abuse by 3rd party services.

重要的是,App Clips将提供使用Apple登录的选项,您的Apple帐户将使您能够使用存储的凭据,账单信息和其他所需数据快速自动创建第三者帐户。 尽管有些人已经注意到与Google自己的“使用Google登录”流程的相似之处,但预计Apple会通过关注用户隐私(例如,通过提供混淆真实电子邮件地址的选项)来与Google和其他人区分开来。电子邮件访问或第三方服务滥用。

声音识别 (Sound Recognition)

New to iOS 14, sound recognition capabilities will allow iPhones to listen for and notify users when specific sounds are detected, such as a baby crying, running water, or the sound of a smoke alarm.

iOS 14的新增功能是,声音识别功能将使iPhone在检测到特定声音(例如婴儿哭声,流水或烟雾警报器的声音)时侦听并通知用户。

iPhones will support sound recognition in iOS 14.
iPhone将在iOS 14中支持声音识别。

应用程式库 (App Library)

The App Library is essentially Apple’s take on what Android users know as an app drawer. It’s a place where all your apps live and can be organized, not just the ones you want on your home screen. Because installed apps have had to live on the home screen till now, home screen clutter has traditionally been an impediment to installing more 3rd party apps. With the App Library about to arrive, users are free to download and use as many apps as they want, knowing they can curate which apps deserve to appear on their home screens.

App Library本质上是Apple承担的Android用户所熟知的应用程序抽屉。 在这里,您的所有应用程序都可以运行并且可以组织,而不仅仅是您希望在主屏幕上显示的应用程序。 由于到目前为止,已安装的应用程序必须一直驻留在主屏幕上,因此传统上,主屏幕混乱一直是安装更多第三方应用程序的障碍。 随着“应用程序库”的到来,用户可以自由下载和使用任意数量的应用程序,因为他们知道自己可以策划哪些应用程序应显示在主屏幕上。

The new App Library is Apple’s updated take on Android’s App Drawer.新的应用程序库是Apple在Android的App Drawer上的更新版本。

画中画(PIP)即将登陆iOS 14 (Picture-in-Picture (PIP) is coming to iOS 14)

If your app uses video content, you’ll stand to benefit from the addition of PIP to iPhones via iOS 14. The new PIP feature is similar to what Androids and even iPads already have, allowing you to swipe a video into a small video thumbnail, but it goes one step further. In the event that you need to view the whole screen, you can minimize the PIP thumbnail into a single dot until you’re ready to begin viewing again.

如果您的应用程序使用视频内容,您将受益于通过iOS 14向iPhone添加PIP的好处。新的PIP功能类似于Android甚至iPad已有的功能,允许您将视频轻扫为小视频缩略图,但更进一步。 如果需要查看整个屏幕,可以将PIP缩略图最小化为一个点,直到准备好再次开始查看为止。

提前计划 (Planning Ahead)

As is typical of new iOS releases, we won’t see iOS 14 released for some time, as Apple wants to ensure developers have enough prep time before the bright lights come on. Based on past release dates, we expect to see iOS 14 released between Sept 14–18, 2020.

正如新版iOS的典型做法一样,我们一段时间内不会看到iOS 14的发布,因为苹果公司希望确保开发人员有足够的准备时间来亮灯。 根据过去的发布日期,我们预计将在2020年9月14日至18日之间发布iOS 14。




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