
This section is describe what the function allegro have ,helpfully could let user know more about allegro
Allegro Design and Analysis includes design authoring
PCB layout and Library and Design Data Management
With. It can ensure the end-to-end design of PCB with high quality and efficiency
Realize smooth data transfer between tools, shorten PCB design cycle, and shorten product
Market time

  1. Design authoring
    Provide a flexible logic constraint driven flow, management design rules, network hierarchy,
    Bus and differential pair.
    1.1.1 Main features and functions
    Through hierarchical and design “derivation” function, improve the original of complex design
    Map editing efficiency.
    Powerful CIS helps users quickly determine part selection and accelerate design flow
    And reduce project cost.
    1.2.1 Main features
    Schematic designers and PCB design engineers can work in parallel.
    Advanced design efficiency improves functions, such as copying the previous schematic design Select multiplexing with or by page.
    Seamless integration into pre simulation and signal analysis.
    1.2.2 Main Functions
    Provide schematic diagram and HDL/Verilog design input.
    Assign and manage high-speed design rules.
    Support netclasses, buses, extension networks and differential pairs.
    Powerful library creation and management functions.
    Allows synchronization of logical and physical designs.
    Realize multi-user parallel development and version cont


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