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Website-building solutions have been around a long time. But a new generation has arrived. One that exploits new technologies like responsive and mobile platforms.

网站建设解决方案已经存在了很长时间。 但是新一代已经到来。 一种利用诸如响应和移动平台之类的新技术的技术。

Today, you can build anything for a client or a business. Anything from a simple one-page site to a professional online store. You can do so without any need for HTML skills or design experience.

今天,您可以为客户或企业构建任何东西。 从简单的一页网站到专业的在线商店。 您可以这样做,而无需任何HTML技能或设计经验。

All that's necessary is to find the best website builder out there that will meet your needs, but that's no easy task. This article will save you the time it would take to search for the right solution.

所要做的就是找到最合适的网站构建器来满足您的需求,但这绝非易事。 本文将为您节省寻找正确解决方案所需的时间。

Read on to discover the best and most popular options. The choice is yours to make. You really can't miss because whatever choice you make is bound to be a good one.

继续阅读以发现最佳和最受欢迎的选项。 选择权由您决定。 您真的不能错过,因为您做出的任何选择注定都是不错的选择。

1. 元素 (1. Elementor)

Elementor is the best website builder for WordPress. With over 2 million active installs worldwide, Elementor is extremely popular among web designers in the US, UK & Europe.

Elementor是WordPress的最佳网站构建器。 Elementor在全球拥有超过200万活跃安装,在美国,英国和欧洲的网页设计师中非常受欢迎。

From beginners to high-end pros, Elementor lets you work in the most efficient way. Everything is WYSIWYG (Drag & Drop), and every element is fully customized. Basically, if you can imagine it, you can create it with Elementor. That's why it should be your weapon of choice.

从初学者到高端专家,Elementor都能让您以最有效的方式工作。 一切都是所见即所得(拖放),并且每个元素都是完全自定义的。 基本上,如果可以想象,可以使用Elementor创建它。 这就是为什么它应该是您选择的武器。

No coding is needed! Of course, you can add code and take your website in any direction, however, you can do the magic directly from the design panel: Theme Builder, WooComerce Builder, Parallax, Pop-ups, Pixel perfect design, animation, let's keep it short you'll have everything inside, try it and see for yourself.

无需编码! 当然,您可以添加代码并向任意方向访问网站,但是,您可以直接在设计面板中进行操作:主题构建器,WooComerce构建器,视差,弹出窗口,像素完美设计,动画,让我们保持简短您将拥有一切,尝试一下,自己看看。

Why is it an absolute steal? You can do the design, development, and marketing simultaneously, saving production costs and time. It is all built into Elementor, and you will master it quickly.

为什么是绝对抢断? 您可以同时进行设计,开发和营销,从而节省了生产成本和时间。 它全部内置在Elementor中,您将很快掌握它。

2. Mobirise网站构建器 (2. Mobirise Website Builder)

The Mobirise website builder is offline, coding is not required, and it's free for both personal and commercial use. Since you're not tied to any platform your site is yours alone and can be hosted anywhere.

Mobirise网站构建器处于脱机状态,不需要进行编码,并且免费供个人和商业使用。 由于您不受任何平台的束缚,因此您的网站是您一个人的,可以在任何地方托管。

Everything with Mobirise is drag-and-drop, and since this website builder is based on the latest versions of Google AMP or Bootstrap4, your finished website will be lightning-fast and 100% mobile-friendly.

Mobirise的所有功能都是拖放式的,并且由于此网站构建器基于最新版本的Google AMP或Bootstrap4,因此,您完成的网站将具有闪电般的速度,并且100%兼容移动设备。

And there's plenty to like about what's included in the package:


  • 1,500+ trendy and attractive website blocks and templates including 300 free themes and 1,200 premium themes.1,500多个时尚诱人的网站块和模板,包括300个免费主题和1200个高级主题。
  • A library of 7,000 icons, 850 Google fonts, and a whopping 500,000 free images.包含7,000个图标,850种Google字体和多达500,000张免费图像的库。

Is Mobirise popular? More than 1.5 million sites have already been created using this website builder.

Mobirise受欢迎吗? 使用此网站构建器已经创建了超过150万个网站。

3. 投资组合箱 (3. Portfoliobox)

Portfoliobox is an online website-builder designed for creative professionals or anyone else looking to create an engaging, attention-getting portfolio. Portfoliobox is easy to work with, it's extremely flexible, it's not theme-based, and you can put in place a professional-looking portfolio in a few short hours.

Portfoliobox是一个在线网站构建器,专为创意专业人士或希望创建引人入胜,引人注​​目的投资组合的任何其他人而设计。 Portfoliobox易于使用,非常灵活,不基于主题,并且您可以在短短几个小时之内完成具有专业外观的投资组合。

Free and Pro Portfoliobox plans are available.

提供免费和Pro Portfoliobox计划。

The free plan allows hosting of 50 images, 10 products, and 10 pages. With the pro plan you get a personalized domain, hosting for 1,000 images, and unlimited hosting for pages, products, and blog posts.

该免费计划允许托管50张图像,10种产品和10页。 使用专业计划,您将获得一个个性化的域,可托管1,000张图像,而无限制地托管页面,产品和博客文章。

The pro plan costs US$82.80/year and also offers custom CSS/JS and Google Analytics integration. Both plans provide Portfoliobox's design templates.

专业计划的费用为每年$ 82.80,还提供自定义CSS / JS和Google Analytics(分析)集成。 这两个计划都提供了Portfoliobox的设计模板。

By opening a student account, students can use all the pro features free of charge except the custom domain which costs US$19/year.


To sign up for an account, simply go to Portfoliobox. You won't be asked for a credit card.

要注册一个帐户,只需转到Portfoliobox 。 系统不会要求您提供信用卡。

4. 8b网站制作工具 (4. 8b Website Builder)

The 8b Online Website Builder is brand new, it features a super-simple futuristic UI, and you can use it on your desktop or work with it on your mobile device when you're away from home. 250+ website sections and 16 cool starter templates come with the package, and your site is guaranteed to be lightning-fast and 100% mobile-friendly.

8b在线网站构建器是全新的,具有超简单的未来派UI,您可以在桌面上使用它,或者在出门在外时在移动设备上使用它。 该软件包随附250多个网站版块和16个酷炫的入门模板,保证您的网站闪电般的速度和100%的移动友好性。

8b was launched in February 2019 and is Free during this launch period.


5. WP页面构建器 (5. WP Page Builder)

WP Page Builder's real-time website building functionality coupled with its state of the art web design elements and a pleasing UI provides a page-building experience you're bound to enjoy to the fullest. You won't have any need for coding or developer skills, or even design skills since everything is drag and drop.

WP Page Builder的实时网站构建功能,加上其先进的Web设计元素和令人愉悦的UI,可为您带来最大的页面构建体验。 由于一切都是拖放操作,因此您不需要编码或开发人员技能,甚至也不需要设计技能。

Anything you build with the aid of this supremely flexible tool will be 100% responsive and mobile ready.


7. Quix – Joomla页面生成器 (7. Quix – Joomla Page Builder)

Quix is the first Joomla page builder. This visual builder is a replacement for a dozen Joomla extensions than taken together enable users to create any website imaginable, and responsive, SEO-friendly, pixel-perfect ones at that.

Quix是第一个Joomla页面构建器。 该视觉生成器替代了十多个Joomla扩展,使用户可以创建任何可想象的,响应Swift,对SEO友好的,像素完美的网站。

Key features include a Header/Footer builder, image optimization to ensure fast page loading, image lazy loading, and a host of Google fonts, icons, blocks, and layouts.


建立成功网站的3个关键技巧 (3 Key Tips for Building a Successful Website)

1 – Make your site mobile responsive

1 –使您的网站具有移动响应能力

This used to be a suggested option. But today more than 62% of shoppers make purchases over their cellphones. More than 90% use smartphones while shopping in retail stores to compare prices.

这曾经是一个建议的选项。 但如今,超过62%的购物者通过手机购物。 超过90%的人在零售商店购物时会使用智能手机比较价格。

2 – Be sure to place your contact information above the fold

2 –确保将您的联系信息放在首位

There might be times people want to contact you or your business or call your sales team. Thus, you need to put your contact information where it will be easily located. If you're using social media, put links at the header or footer for the same reason.

有时人们可能想与您或您的公司联系或致电您的销售团队。 因此,您需要将联系信息放在容易找到的位置。 如果您使用社交媒体,则出于相同的原因,请将链接放在页眉或页脚。

3 – Respect the need for speed

3 –尊重速度

A busy shopper will have little patience with a website page that's slow to load or a website that's simply too buggy. 83 percent can't tolerate slow-loading sites. Roughly a third of them can be expected to seek out a competitor's site. A whopping 88% will consider looking elsewhere if a site is buggy and not behaving well.

繁忙的购物者对网站页面加载速度慢或网站过于拥挤的情况几乎没有耐心。 83%的人不能容忍网站加载缓慢。 预计其中约有三分之一会寻找竞争对手的网站。 如果某个网站存在故障且表现不佳,那么高达88%的人会考虑寻找其他地方。

Make certain to keep your site updated so it runs smoothly. Videos and images should be optimized for quicker downloads. You need to use a host that can handle your site's bandwidth demands.

确保使您的网站保持更新,以便其顺利运行。 视频和图像应进行优化,以加快下载速度。 您需要使用可以处理站点带宽需求的主机。

结论 (Conclusion)

Use 7 modern tools to build a better page or website, and 3 useful tips to help you create successful designs. You really can't go wrong. One of the page/website-building tools is only a month or two old, but it's free and certainly worth trying.

使用7个现代工具来构建更好的页面或网站,并使用3个有用的技巧来帮助您创建成功的设计。 你真的不会出错。 一个页面/网站构建工具只有一个月或两个月的历史,但是它是免费的,当然值得一试。

The others in our list have been around for some time and enjoy great popularity for all the right reasons.


Happy shopping!





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