mulesoft Module 9 quiz 解析

  • 1. A Scatter-Gather processes three separate HTTP requests. Each request returns a Mule event with a JSON payload.
  • 2. What module and operation will throw an error if a Mule event's payload is not a number?
  • 3. An event contains a payload that is an Array of Objects. How is the event routed in a Scatter-Gather?
  • 4. Refer to the exhibits. What happens to this flow when the Validation module's Is not null operation throws an error![在这里插入图片描述](![在这里插入图片描述](
  • 5. How are multiple conditions used in a Choice router to route events?

1. A Scatter-Gather processes three separate HTTP requests. Each request returns a Mule event with a JSON payload.

What is the final output of the Scatter-Gather?

A An Object containing all three Mule event Objects
B An Array of the three JSON payload Objects
C The last JSON payload Object
D An Object containing all three JSON payload Objects
E An Array of three Mule event Objects
F The last Mule event Object

答案:A,通过后面的第三题可以得知,Scatter-Gather是穿行执行的,如果汇总到一个array里面,那将不能区分谁是谁的返回信息,所以应该是类似于map的Object,题目也告诉返回的是Mule event,a Mule event with a JSON payload也是Mule event,大白马也是马,一个道理

2. What module and operation will throw an error if a Mule event’s payload is not a number?

A Validation module’s Is number operation
B Validation module’s Is not number operation
C Filter module’s Is not number operation
D Filter module’s Is number operation


3. An event contains a payload that is an Array of Objects. How is the event routed in a Scatter-Gather?

A The ENTIRE event is sent to each route and processed in PARALLEL
B The event is SPLIT and different SMALLER events are routed and processed in PARALLEL
C The event is SPLIT and different SMALLER events are routed and processed SEQUENTIALLY
D The ENTIRE event is sent to each route and precessed SEQUENTIALLY


4. Refer to the exhibits. What happens to this flow when the Validation module’s Is not null operation throws an error

A The flow stops processing its Mule event and returns an error message to the HTTP Listener operation
B The flow continues processing its Mule event and appends the error message to the end of the payload
C The flow silently stops processing its Mule event
D The flow logs the error message in console and continues processing its Mule event


5. How are multiple conditions used in a Choice router to route events?

A To find the FIRST true condition, then distribute the event to the ONE matched route
B To filter and aggregate the responses after copying the event to EVERY route
C To find the FIRST true condition, then route the same event to the matched route and
D To route the same event to the matched route of EVERY true condition

答案:A,类似于is else

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