
According to American Cancer Society,  cancer is typically labelled in stages from I to IV, with IV being the most serious. The grade for most cancers is a measure of how abnormal the cancer cells look under the microscope. This is called differentiation. The grade can be important because cancers with more abnormal-looking cells tend to grow and spread faster.In high-grade (poorly differentiated) cancers, the cancer cells look very different from normal cells. High-grade cancers often tend to grow quickly and have a worse outlook so they may need different treatments than low-grade cancers. Whereas in low-grade (well-differentiated) cancers, the cancer cells look a lot like cells from normal tissue. In general, these cancers tend to grow slowly.

Types of staging

Stage 0 means there’s no cancer, only abnormal cells with the potential to become cancer.

Stage I means the cancer is small and only in one area. This is also called early-stage cancer.

Stage II and III mean the cancer is larger and has grown into nearby tissues or lymph nodes.

Stage IV means cancer has spread to other parts of your body. It’s also called advanced or metastatic cancer.

Tumor segmentation by deep learning:

low grade brain tumor

High grade tumor

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