Event Source: WinMgmt
Event Category: None
Event ID: 47
Date: date
Time: time
Event Type: Warning
User: N/A
Computer: computername
Description: WMI ADAP was unable to retrieve data from the PerfLib subkey: SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/MSSEARCH/Performance/Library, error code: 0x80041009

微软 Article ID : 834475 (英文站点)

This behavior occurs if the performance libraries of the following services are not registered correctly:


When the Live Communications Server 2003 Setup program is complete, the AutoDiscovery/AutoPurge (ADAP) process starts. If these services are not correctly registered, you receive the warning events that are described in the "Symptoms" section of this article. These warning events occur every time the ADAP process runs.

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