The new Taskbar in Windows 7 has a lot of cool features, but might not be everything you want it to be. Today we take a look at a free utility that allows you to tweak the Windows 7 Taskbar and change its default behavior.

Windows 7中新的任务栏具有许多很酷的功能,但可能不是您想要的所有功能。 今天,我们看一个免费的实用程序,它使您可以调整Windows 7任务栏并更改其默认行为。

7 Taskbar Tweaker


This small lightweight utility doesn’t require installation and does exactly what its name says. After launching the app you can go through and apply the various tweaks it has to offer.

这个小型轻量级实用程序不需要安装,并且完全按照其名称所述。 启动该应用程序后,您可以浏览并应用它必须提供的各种调整。

Set Right-click to Standard window menu and instead of getting a Jumplist when right-clicking an icon, you’ll have the standard menu.


Change Dropping to Open With …which allows you to drag a file to an application and open it instead of getting the default Pin to option.


You can also Disable Thumbnail Preview when hovering over an application icon on the Taskbar.


Click on Settings to change the behavior of 7 Taskbar Tweaker to run at startup, hide main window. or hid tray icon.

单击设置以更改7 Taskbar Tweaker的行为,使其在启动时运行,隐藏主窗口。 或隐藏任务栏图标。

Other Tweaks


  • Disable grouping by application id禁用按应用程序ID分组
  • Set middle-click of the mouse to close a window or focus instead of opening a new instance设置鼠标中键以关闭窗口或焦点,而不是打开新实例
  • Set left-click of the mouse to cycle through windows instead of opening a thumbnail preview设置鼠标左键以在窗口中循环显示,而不是打开缩略图预览

If you’re looking for a way to tweak the default Taskbar behavior in Windows 7, you might want to give this free utility a try. It’s available for 32 & 64 bit versions of Windows 7.

如果您正在寻找一种方法来调整Windows 7中默认的任务栏行为,则可以尝试使用此免费实用程序。 它适用于Windows 7的32位和64位版本。

Download 7 Taskbar Tweaker

下载7 Taskbar Tweaker


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