本文主要向大家介绍了自动扫雷 Python语言,通过具体的内容向大家展示,希望对大家学习Python语言有所帮助。

自动扫雷一般分为两种,一种是读取内存数据,而另一种是通过分析图片获得数据,并通过模拟鼠标操作,这里我用的是第二种方式。 一、准备工作1.扫雷游戏我是win10,没有默认的扫雷,所以去扫雷网下载http://www.saolei.net/BBS/2.python 3我的版本是 python 3.6.13.python的第三方库win32api,win32gui,win32con,Pillow,numpy,opencv可通过 pip install --upgrade SomePackage 来进行安装注意:有的版本是下载pywin32,但是有的要把pywin32升级到最高并自动下载了pypiwin32,具体情况每个python版本可能都略有不同我给出我的第三方库和版本仅供参考 二、关键代码组成1.找到游戏窗口与坐标#扫雷游戏窗口

class_name = "TMain"title_name = "Minesweeper Arbiter "hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(class_name, title_name)


left = 0top = 0right = 0bottom = 0if hwnd:


left, top, right, bottom = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)



print(str(left)+' '+str(right)+' '+str(top)+' '+str(bottom))else:

print("未找到窗口") 2.锁定并抓取雷区图像#锁定雷区坐标



left += 15top += 101right -= 15bottom -= 42#抓取雷区图像

rect = (left, top, right, bottom)

img = ImageGrab.grab().crop(rect) 3.各图像的RGBA值#数字1-8 周围雷数#0 未被打开

#ed 被打开 空白

#hongqi 红旗#boom 普通雷

#boom_red 踩中的雷rgba_ed = [(225, (192, 192, 192)), (31, (128, 128, 128))]

rgba_hongqi = [(54, (255, 255, 255)), (17, (255, 0, 0)), (109, (192, 192, 192)), (54, (128, 128, 128)), (22, (0, 0, 0))]

rgba_0 = [(54, (255, 255, 255)), (148, (192, 192, 192)), (54, (128, 128, 128))]

rgba_1 = [(185, (192, 192, 192)), (31, (128, 128, 128)), (40, (0, 0, 255))]

rgba_2 = [(160, (192, 192, 192)), (31, (128, 128, 128)), (65, (0, 128, 0))]

rgba_3 = [(62, (255, 0, 0)), (163, (192, 192, 192)), (31, (128, 128, 128))]

rgba_4 = [(169, (192, 192, 192)), (31, (128, 128, 128)), (56, (0, 0, 128))]

rgba_5 = [(70, (128, 0, 0)), (155, (192, 192, 192)), (31, (128, 128, 128))]

rgba_6 = [(153, (192, 192, 192)), (31, (128, 128, 128)), (72, (0, 128, 128))]

rgba_8 = [(149, (192, 192, 192)), (107, (128, 128, 128))]

rgba_boom = [(4, (255, 255, 255)), (144, (192, 192, 192)), (31, (128, 128, 128)), (77, (0, 0, 0))]

rgba_boom_red = [(4, (255, 255, 255)), (144, (255, 0, 0)), (31, (128, 128, 128)), (77, (0, 0, 0))] 4.扫描雷区图像保存至一个二维数组map#扫描雷区图像

def showmap():

img = ImageGrab.grab().crop(rect) for y in range(blocks_y): for x in range(blocks_x):

this_image = img.crop((x * block_width, y * block_height, (x + 1) * block_width, (y + 1) * block_height)) if this_image.getcolors() == rgba_0:

map[y][x] = 0

elif this_image.getcolors() == rgba_1:

map[y][x] = 1

elif this_image.getcolors() == rgba_2:

map[y][x] = 2

elif this_image.getcolors() == rgba_3:

map[y][x] = 3

elif this_image.getcolors() == rgba_4:

map[y][x] = 4

elif this_image.getcolors() == rgba_5:

map[y][x] = 5

elif this_image.getcolors() == rgba_6:

map[y][x] = 6

elif this_image.getcolors() == rgba_8:

map[y][x] = 8

elif this_image.getcolors() == rgba_ed:

map[y][x] = -1

elif this_image.getcolors() == rgba_hongqi:

map[y][x] = -4

elif this_image.getcolors() == rgba_boom or this_image.getcolors() == rgba_boom_red: global gameover

gameover = 1


#sys.exit(0) else:







#print(map) 5.扫雷算法这里我采用的最基础的算法1.首先点出一个点2.扫描所有数字,如果周围空白+插旗==数字,则空白均有雷,右键点击空白插旗3.扫描所有数字,如果周围插旗==数字,则空白均没有雷,左键点击空白4.循环2、3,如果没有符合条件的,则随机点击一个白块#插旗

def banner():

showmap() for y in range(blocks_y): for x in range(blocks_x): if 1 <= map[y][x] and map[y][x] <= 5:

boom_number = map[y][x]

block_white = 0

block_qi = 0

for yy in range(y-1,y+2): for xx in range(x-1,x+2): if 0 <= yy and 0 <= xx and yy < blocks_y and xx < blocks_x: if not (yy == y and xx == x):if map[yy][xx] == 0:

block_white += 1

elif map[yy][xx] == -4:

block_qi += 1if boom_number == block_white + block_qi:for yy in range(y - 1, y + 2): for xx in range(x - 1, x + 2): if 0 <= yy and 0 <= xx and yy < blocks_y and xx < blocks_x: if not (yy == y and xx == x): if map[yy][xx] == 0:

win32api.SetCursorPos([left+xx*block_width, top+yy*block_height])

win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0)

win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)



def dig():


iscluck = 0

for y in range(blocks_y): for x in range(blocks_x): if 1 <= map[y][x] and map[y][x] <= 5:

boom_number = map[y][x]

block_white = 0

block_qi = 0

for yy in range(y - 1, y + 2): for xx in range(x - 1, x + 2): if 0 <= yy and 0 <= xx and yy < blocks_y and xx < blocks_x: if not (yy == y and xx == x): if map[yy][xx] == 0:

block_white += 1

elif map[yy][xx] == -4:

block_qi += 1if boom_number == block_qi and block_white > 0:for yy in range(y - 1, y + 2): for xx in range(x - 1, x + 2): if 0 <= yy and 0 <= xx and yy < blocks_y and xx < blocks_x: if not(yy == y and xx == x): if map[yy][xx] == 0:

win32api.SetCursorPos([left + xx * block_width, top + yy * block_height])

win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0)

win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)

iscluck = 1

if iscluck == 0:



def luck():

fl = 1


random_x = random.randint(0, blocks_x - 1)

random_y = random.randint(0, blocks_y - 1) if(map[random_y][random_x] == 0):

win32api.SetCursorPos([left + random_x * block_width, top + random_y * block_height])

win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0)

win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)

fl = 0def gogo():

win32api.SetCursorPos([left, top])

win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0)

win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)


global gameover


if(gameover == 0):





gameover = 0

win32api.keybd_event(113, 0, 0, 0)

win32api.SetCursorPos([left, top])

win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0)

win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)

showmap() 这个算法在初级和中级通过率都不错,但是在高级成功率惨不忍睹,主要是没有考虑逻辑组合以及白块是雷的概率问题,可以对这两个点进行改进,提高成功率


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