
In our latest iteration of covering the “If This Then That” ecosystem of apps, we’re going to help you learn how you can use the IF program to apply global rules on your iOS device that will run in the background of your regular activities.

在涵盖应用程序“ If This Then That”生态系统的最新迭代中,我们将帮助您了解如何使用IF程序在iOS设备上应用全局规则,该规则将在常规活动的后台运行。

On iOS, the IF app is admittedly somewhat limited on what it can do because of Apple’s consistent permissions blocks. But, as more developers of apps like Nest, Twitter, and Facebook open up their source code to partners at IFTTT, it’s becoming easier than ever before to automate many of the tasks that you rely on to make your life as streamlined and stress-free as possible.

在iOS上,由于Apple一致的权限限制,IF应用程序在功能上受到一定限制。 但是,随着越来越多的诸如Nest,Twitter和Facebook之类的应用程序开发人员向IFTTT的合作伙伴开放源代码,将您所依赖的许多任务自动化以使您的生活变得轻松,无压力的比以往任何时候都变得更加容易。尽可能。

初始设置 (Initial Setup)

Right out of the gate, it should be noted that the key difference between the IF application and the DO Button is unlike DO, once a recipe is activated, it will keep running in the background until the toggle is switched off. The system relies on what’s known as a series of “triggers” and “actions,” which means that when one app does something, another can be set up to react using another independent set of instructions.

马上要注意到,IF应用程序和DO按钮之间的关键区别与DO不同,一旦激活了配方,它将一直在后台运行,直到关闭切换。 该系统依赖于所谓的“触发”和“动作”,这意味着当一个应用执行某项操作时,可以将另一个应用设置为使用另一套独立的指令进行响应。

As with the DO Button, the first step to using IFTTT on iOS is to download the app onto your phone from the iTunes App Store.

与DO按钮一样,在iOS上使用IFTTT的第一步是从iTunes App Store将应用程序下载到手机上。

Once the app is booted, you’ll either be greeted by a screen asking you to register a new username, or if you’ve already installed DO, the option to link both accounts on the same device.


After you’ve installed the program and signed up for your free account, you can begin browsing through the catalog of pre-made “recipes” by Channel, in Collections, Featured, or Recommended For You.


生产率 (Productivity)

The name of IF’s game is productivity, and with 35+ different apps to connect to, the cache of available recipes in this department is plentiful enough to shave hours off your work day with ease.


Say, for example, that you’re tired of working with iCloud to manage your contacts or just want a system that’s safe in case one service goes down? This recipe will automatically export any contacts saved on your phone into a Google Drive spreadsheet for quick searching and archiving.

举例来说,您是否厌倦了使用iCloud来管理您的联系人,或者只是想要一个可以在一项服务出现故障时安全的系统? 此食谱将自动将手机中保存的所有联系人导出到Google云端硬盘电子表格中,以进行快速搜索和存档。

On the hunt for a new job but tired of constantly pressing the refresh button in Craigslist? This recipe will email you whenever a new post pops up that lines up with your pre-designated search parameters.

是否正在寻找新工作,但厌倦了不断按Craigslist中的“刷新”按钮? 每当弹出与您预先指定的搜索参数一致的新帖子时,此食谱都会通过电子邮件发送给您。

Another recipe to help you stay on track will take any messages that you star in Gmail, and then go on to create a task in your Reminders app to make sure that you remember to read it later on. And even if you’re working too much, another recipe will link your location data and Google Drive to record a detailed breakdown of how much time you’re spending at the office, how often you’re home, and when you’re out enjoying the fruits of that labor.

另一种可以帮助您保持进度的方法将接收您在Gmail中加注星标的所有邮件,然后在“提醒”应用中继续创建任务,以确保您以后记得阅读该任务。 即使您工作量很大,另一个食谱也会将您的位置数据和Google云端硬盘链接起来,以详细记录您在办公室花费的时间,您在家的时间以及外出的时间享受那项劳动的成果。

社交媒体 (Social Media)

The social features available through the IF app are the perfect marriage between convenience and laziness, because as we know all too well, the process of getting one photo posted to multiple accounts is still a huge pain in the thumb.


Thanks to the trigger + action multiple input instruction set, you can easily sync your Instagram account to also update any photos that hit your stream to your Twitter account at the same time, no muss, no fuss. Same goes for regular status messages, which can be linked between your Facebook and your Twitter with a single recipe.

多亏了触发器+动作多输入指令集,您可以轻松地同步您的Instagram帐户,也可以将流中的所有照片同时更新到您的Twitter帐户,没有麻烦,没有大惊小怪。 常规状态消息也是如此,它们可以通过一个配方在您的Facebook和Twitter之间链接。

Get your friends involved by automatically sharing any videos you like on YouTube to your Tumblr, along with the collection of SoundCloud tracks that debut from your favorite up and coming artists.


家庭自动化 (Home Automation)

Some of the best IFTTT recipes happen in home automation, and sometimes it feels like the IF app and the Internet of Things could have been made for each other from the start.


Without going overboard, a few of our favorites include safety precautions like the Nest Protect recipe, which will text or call your neighbors if carbon monoxide is detected in your house (great for vacations).

不用担心,我们的一些最爱包括安全预防措施,例如Nest Protect配方,如果在您的房屋中检测到一氧化碳(度假时最好),它将通过短信或电话给邻居打电话。

Another fun little tweak is the recipe that can make all the Phillips Hue lights in a certain area of your house blink if you receive an email notification, are tagged in a Facebook photo, or your favorite sports team scores a goal in a game on ESPN.

另一个有趣的小调整是,如果您收到电子邮件通知,在Facebook照片中被标记或者您最喜欢的运动队在ESPN的比赛中进球,则可以使房屋中某个区域的所有Phillips Hue灯闪烁。

View all the IFTTT home recipes integrated on the site here.


健康 (Health)

When you’re spending all your time tracking calories, running miles, and shedding pounds by the handful, the last thing you need to worry about is trying to get your fitness peripherals and their respective apps synced up to share their data.


Recipes for the FitBit means your wearable activity tracker can finally stretch its legs, with rulesets that can log all your activity data into a Google Drive spreadsheet, tweet to the world as soon as you hit your daily step goal, and even sync up with your Hue lights to dim completely when the wearable detects you’ve drifted off to sleep.


Many of those same features are available for competing fitness peripherals as well, including the Nike+ line of products, the UP by Jawbone, and the Misfit smartwatch.

许多相同的功能也可用于竞争性健身外围设备,包括Nike +系列产品, Jawbone的UP和Misfit智能手表。

As with the DO App, what we’ve listed here is only just a fraction of the thousands of different recipes available from the IFTTT website.

与DO App一样,我们在此处列出的内容只是IFTTT网站提供的数千种不同配方的一小部分。

IFTTT is a fast, confusion-free way of automating many of the processes that we take for granted on a daily basis, all while providing users with the simplicity they’ve come to expect.


Image Credits: IFTTT, Apple/iTunes, Nest

图片来源: IFTTT ,Apple / iTunes , Nest

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/220901/how-to-setup-and-apply-ifttt-recipes-using-the-if-app-for-ios/


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