

  • 论证法三大方法
  • 与反面事物对比
  • 时间对比
  • 假设对比


  1. 与反面事物对比
  2. 时间对比
  3. 假设对比


【正面】Even though movies for amusement help people feel relaxed and happy for a while, they might soon be forgotten.
【反面】By contrast, the influences of serious movies last longer and more easily treasured as memories. After all, the best art is to be remembered, not to be forgotten.


  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advice given from friends who are older than you is more valuable than advice from friends of your age.

  • 【主题句】Secondly, friends in the same age group may be limited with expressing their ideas to each other. 【正面】Indeed, most friends of the same age were brought up with a similar social background and share similar views on the world. They are unlikely to possess broader minds than older friends. When facing a certain problem. people of the same age may have similar views.【反面】Conversely, older friends may contribute totally fresh ideas that win the heart and mind of the preson needing support. Such a psychologiacal reaction further explains why people are more willing to accept guidelines from those who are older than themselves.



  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The extended family(grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousins) is less important than it was before.
  • 【主题句】Firstly, the form of habitation considerably affects family relationship. 【解释】At present, the social structure and people’s lifestyles have undergone dramatic changes. The traditional concept in China valued the union of family members. 【过去】In the past, larger families used to be the major units of the social make-up. All the relatives in a family were supposed to live together in a large private residence. 【现在】Today, such a situation no longer exists. In today’s Beijing, for instance, most of the yards they once inhabited are being turned into national legacies. Citizens are moving into taller buildings and smaller families make up the modern socirty.



  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to have rules about the types of clothing that people wear at work and at school.
  • 【主题句】Besides, dressing rules help display favorable images to the public. 【正面】As important social organs, enterprises and schools shoulder the responsibility to exhibit their overall qualities to the masses. 【假设对比】Suppose everyone is allowed the freedom to choose his own styles of clothing:there might be an emergence of eccentric styles that could severely damage the good image of an entire organization.【总结】Keeping to the modest principles of clothing styles is absolutely a best way to maintain the orginal essences of these social units.


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