Safari lets you open links in a new tab on iPhone or iPad, but it immediately switches to that new tab when you do. Here’s how to open all new tabs in the background instead.

Safari可让您在iPhone或iPad上的新标签页中打开链接,但操作完成后,它将立即切换到该新标签页。 这是在后台打开所有新标签页的方法。

Opening links in new tabs on an iPhone or iPad has long been a simple case of touching and holding a link and then tapping “Open in New Tab.” That works great if you don’t want to lose your place on your current web page. But it can be jarring if you just want to open a tab and come back to it later. For that, you want to be able to open a new tab in the background.

在iPhone或iPad上的新标签页中打开链接一直是触摸并按住链接,然后点击“在新标签页中打开”的简单案例。 如果您不想在当前网页上失去位置,那将非常有用。 但是,如果您只想打开一个选项卡,然后稍后再返回它,可能会令人不快。 为此,您希望能够在后台打开一个新选项卡。

Thankfully, deep in the heart of the Settings app on both the iPhone and iPad, you’ll find a setting that does exactly that. Once turned on, all tabs will open in the background rather than stealing your focus, and it’s pretty great.

值得庆幸的是,在iPhone和iPad上“设置”应用程序的深处,您会找到一个完全可以满足此要求的设置。 启用后,所有标签页都会在后台打开,而不会占用您的焦点,这非常棒。

To get started, open the “Settings” app and then tap “Safari.”

首先,请打开“设置”应用,然后点击“ Safari”。

Next, scroll down and tap “Open Links” to open the next screen.


The next screen will show the two options available to you. If you want to open new links in the background, without having them steal focus, tap “In Background” and exit the Settings app.

下一个屏幕将显示两个可用选项。 如果要在后台打开新链接而又不让它们失去焦点,请点按“在后台”并退出“设置”应用程序。

Now, whenever you tap and hold on a link in Safari, a new option will appear to open “Open in Background” which, when tapped, will do precisely that.




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