1. He has never had any aspiration to earn a lot of money.他从未企求赚很多钱。

《牛津词典》2. He nurses an aspiration to be a poet.他心怀当诗人的愿望。

《新英汉大辞典》3. Voicing and palatalization as well as aspiration are all distinctive in Mongolian.在蒙古语中,发声、吐字、吐字、吐字都很有特色。

精选例句4. Is that our aspiration?这就是我们的愿望吗?

article.yeeyan.org5. But they are all about aspiration.这全是一种渴望。

www.ecocn.org6. A: It is a Shared aspiration of us all.答:这是我们大家共同的良好愿望。

www.fmprc.gov.cn7. Writing as an aspiration came later.写作的渴望随之而来。

article.yeeyan.org8. Aspiration for a better life is another.而渴望更美好的生活是另一种共同特征。

www.who.int9. Food security in Africa is still only an aspiration.非洲的粮食安全仍然只是一个愿望。

article.yeeyan.org10. I don't have any special aspiration to spread Buddhism.我并没有特别的抱负,要去弘扬佛教。

blog.sina.com.cn11. o define:aspiration - get the definition of aspirationdefine:aspiration:aspiration-查看aspiration的解释

article.yeeyan.org12. He who has no aspiration will be like a stray blindman.人无志向,像迷途的盲人一样。

www.joozone.com13. Aspiration is the wind, is a fan happy, blessed is the ship.心愿是风,快乐是帆,祝福是船。

www.fumubang.com14. The higher the level of aspiration, the lower the satisfaction.渴望水平越高,满意度就越低。

article.yeeyan.org15. Sadly, that looks more like an aspiration than a prediction.可惜,这个数字看起来不像是个预测值,反而像是一种奢望。

article.yeeyan.org16. It's easy to admire his aspiration, but his hopes were all dashed.他的抱负很容易得到钦佩,但他的希望全部落空了。

article.yeeyan.org17. Aspiration, Charas believes, is the key to Mozambique's reinvention.“渴望”,查拉斯坚信,是莫桑比亚复兴的关键。

article.yeeyan.org18. The aspiration is not to document a real event, but to look perfect.他们的愿望不是记录下一个真实的婚礼,而是得让它足够完美。

article.yeeyan.org19. The One Thing is not a goal in life, it’s our central aspiration.这个重要不是指你生活中的一个具体目标,而是我们生活着最主要的激励点。

article.yeeyan.org20. The One Thing is not a goal in life, it's our central aspiration.这个重要不是指你生活中的一个具体目标,而是我们生活着最主要的激励点。

article.yeeyan.org21. They will soon have the chance to turn that aspiration into a reality.利比亚人很快就有机会将这一渴望变为现实。

www.youdict.com22. When our aspiration becomes reality, it will be a unique Olympics.当我们的期望变成现实,那将是一届独特的奥运会。

bbs.hgxy.org23. But sometimes, having too great an aspiration can lead you astray.但有时,理想过于远大只会将你引入歧途。

waiyu.kaoshibaike.com24. Remember this important success strategy: Preparation Attracts Aspiration.记住这条重要成功法则:准备激发抱负。

article.yeeyan.org25. These are our Shared traits of compassion, inspiration, aspiration, and great ingenuity.同情、灵感、渴望和巨大的创造力,这些是我们共有的特点。

www.youdict.com26. The UN resolution must reflect this aspiration and include Israel's perspective as well.联合国的决议不但要体现这种意愿,更要表明以色列对此的态度。

m.yeeyan.org27. The UN resolution must reflect this aspiration and include Israel's perspective as well.联合国的决议不但要体现这种意愿,更要表明以色列对此的态度。

m.yeeyan.org28. Man's aspiration should be as lofty as the stars.人的志气应当象天上的星星那么高。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句29. He has no aspiration for fame or gain.他不图名利。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句30. He nurses an aspiration to be a poet.他心怀当诗人的愿望。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句31. An aspiration psychrometer could destroy a delicate moisture balance.抽吸式干湿球温度计能够破坏细微的水分平衡。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句32. It revealed an aspiration for freedom from imposed limitations.它表现出冲破种种束缚去追求自由的强烈愿望。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句33. Other causes of unconsciousness predisposing to aspiration lung abscess are convulsive seizures.造成吸入性肺脓肿昏迷的其他原因,有惊厥发作。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句34. He has an aspiration to become a scholar.他怀有要成为学者的宏愿 [抱负] 。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句35. Aspiration removes lightweight trash by blowing it away.轻的杂质由气吸装置经过吹风吹除。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句36. In certain people the level of aspiration may be permanently deadened or lowered.有一些人,他的愿望可能永远保持着僵化或者低下的程度。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句37. the aspiration of "p" in "pin""pin"中"p"的送气发音

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句


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