







#define width 80
#define height 40
#define t_width 120
#define t_height 40void gotoxy(short x, short y);
void Game();void enemyAppear(char arr[width + 10][height]);
void enemyMove(char arr[width + 10][height]);void bulletMove(char arr[width + 10][height]);
void BOSSgame();
void shotBOSS(char arr[width + 10][height]);
void difficulty();void cartoonStartMenu();
void start_menu();
void game_menu();
void cartoonGameMenu();
void end_menu();
void success_menu();
void BOSScartoon();
void printBOSS();



extern int score = 0;
extern int bullet = 99999;
extern int HP = 100000;
extern int BOSSHP = 500;
extern int damage = 3;
extern int enemySpeed = 10;
extern int BOSSspeed = 15;
extern int Number = 4;
extern int BOSS = 0;




void clearCursor()
{HANDLE hOut;CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cur = { 1,0 };hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);SetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut, &cur);
void gotoxy(short x, short y)
{HANDLE hOut;hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);COORD pos = { x,y };SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOut, pos);


char enemyArr[width + 10][height] = { 0 };
char myBulletArr[width + 10][height] = { 0 };


void printPlane(short x, short y)
{gotoxy(x, y);cout << "*";//头gotoxy(x, y + 1);cout << "*";//尾gotoxy(x - 1, y + 1);cout << "*";//左翼gotoxy(x + 1, y + 1);cout << "*";//右翼
}class myPlane
public://头的坐标short x = width / 2;short y = height / 2;//初始化飞机void initMyPlane(){printPlane(x, y);}//清除飞机移动前位置图像void clearMyplane(){gotoxy(x, y);cout << " ";//头gotoxy(x, y + 1);cout << " ";//尾gotoxy(x - 1, y + 1);cout << " ";//左翼gotoxy(x + 1, y + 1);cout << " ";//右翼}//射击void shoot(char myArr[width + 10][height]){if (bullet == 0)return;myArr[x][y - 1] = '*';gotoxy(x, y - 1);cout << "*";bullet--;gotoxy(width + (t_width - width) / 2, 9);cout << "   ";gotoxy(width + (t_width - width) / 2, 9);cout << bullet;}//飞机移动+游戏中的菜单栏功能实现void myPlaneMove(char arr[width + 10][height]){//判断是否有键盘操作if (_kbhit()){char move;move = _getch();switch (move){case 'w':if (BOSS == 1)if (y == 16)break;//判断是否是边界if (y == 1)break;//清除原图像clearMyplane();y--;//打印新位置printPlane(x, y);break;case 'a':if (x - 1 == 1)break;clearMyplane();x--;printPlane(x, y);break;case 's':if (y + 1 == height - 2)break;clearMyplane();y++;printPlane(x, y);break;case 'd':if (x + 1 == width - 2)break;clearMyplane();x++;printPlane(x, y);break;case 'j':shoot(myBulletArr);case 'W':if (BOSS == 1)if (y == 16)break;//判断是否是边界if (y == 1)break;//清除原图像clearMyplane();y--;//打印新位置printPlane(x, y);break;case 'A':if (x - 1 == 1)break;clearMyplane();x--;printPlane(x, y);break;case 'S':if (y + 1 == height - 2)break;clearMyplane();y++;printPlane(x, y);break;case 'D':if (x + 1 == width - 2)break;clearMyplane();x++;printPlane(x, y);break;//控制射击case 'J':shoot(myBulletArr);}}}
};myplane p;//创捷我方飞机


void difficulty()
{gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 5, t_height / 2 - 4);cout << "1.简单模式";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 5, t_height / 2);cout << "2.普通模式";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 5, t_height / 2 + 4);cout << "3.困难模式";char choice;choice = _getch();switch (choice){case '1':enemySpeed = 50;BOSSspeed = 25;HP = 1000;damage = 5;bullet = 50;Number = 2;break;case '2':enemySpeed = 10;BOSSspeed = 15;HP = 500;damage = 3;bullet = 30;Number = 4;break;case '3':enemySpeed = 8;BOSSspeed = 5;HP = 100;damage = 2;bullet = 10;Number = 6;break;}}


void shotEnemy(char enemyArr[width + 10][height], char myArr[width + 10][height])
{for (int i = 2; i < width; i++)for (int j = 2; j < height; j++){if (myArr[i][j] == '*' || myArr[i][j] == '@'){//碰头if (enemyArr[i][j - 2] == '+'){myArr[i][j] = '@';gotoxy(i, j - 1);cout << "*";}//碰左翼else if (enemyArr[i][j - 2] == 'p'){myArr[i][j] = '@';gotoxy(i, j - 1);cout << "*";}//碰右翼else if (enemyArr[i][j - 2] == 'q'){myArr[i][j] = '@';gotoxy(i, j - 1);cout << "*";}//碰头if (enemyArr[i][j - 1] == '+'){myArr[i][j] = 0;enemyArr[i][j - 1] = 0;enemyArr[i - 1][j - 2] = 0;enemyArr[i + 1][j - 2] = 0;enemyArr[i][j - 2] = 0;gotoxy(i, j - 1);cout << " ";gotoxy(i - 1, j - 2);cout << " ";gotoxy(i + 1, j - 2);cout << " ";gotoxy(i, j - 2);cout << " ";gotoxy(i, j);cout << " ";}//碰左翼else if (enemyArr[i][j - 1] == 'p'){myArr[i][j] = 0;enemyArr[i][j - 1] = 0;enemyArr[i - 1][j] = 0;enemyArr[i - 1][j - 1] = 0;enemyArr[i - 2][j - 1] = 0;gotoxy(i, j - 1);cout << " ";gotoxy(i - 1, j);cout << " ";gotoxy(i - 1, j - 1);cout << " ";gotoxy(i - 2, j - 1);cout << " ";gotoxy(i, j);cout << " ";}//碰右翼else if (enemyArr[i][j - 1] == 'q'){myArr[i][j] = 0;enemyArr[i][j - 1] = 0;enemyArr[i + 1][j] = 0;enemyArr[i + 1][j - 1] = 0;enemyArr[i + 2][j - 1] = 0;gotoxy(i, j - 1);cout << " ";gotoxy(i + 1, j);cout << " ";gotoxy(i + 1, j - 1);cout << " ";gotoxy(i + 2, j - 1);cout << " ";gotoxy(i, j);cout << " ";}}}
void bulletMove(char myArr[width + 10][height])
{for (int i = 2; i < width; i++)for (int j = 2; j < height; j++){if (myArr[i][j] == '*'){myArr[i][j] = 0;myArr[i][j - 1] = '*';gotoxy(i, j - 1);cout << "*";gotoxy(i, j);cout << " ";}}//清除触界子弹for (int k = 1; k < width; k++){if (myArr[k][1] == '*'){gotoxy(k, 1);cout << " ";myArr[k][1] = 0;}}


void enemyAppear(char enemyArr[width + 10][height])
{srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));//随机敌机数量int number = rand() % 6 + Number;//随机敌机位置for (int i = 0; i < number; i++){short x = rand() % (width - 4) + 2;//防止敌机重叠if (enemyArr[x][2] == '+' || enemyArr[x - 1][2] == '+' || enemyArr[x + 1][2] == '+' || enemyArr[x - 2][2] == '+' || enemyArr[x + 2][2] == '+')continue;short y = 2;enemyArr[x][y] = '+';enemyArr[x][y - 1] = 'T';enemyArr[x - 1][y - 1] = 'q';enemyArr[x + 1][y - 1] = 'p';gotoxy(x, y);cout << "+";//头gotoxy(x, y - 1);cout << "T";//尾   gotoxy(x - 1, y - 1);cout << "q";//右翼     //+++ gotoxy(x + 1, y - 1);  // 0   cout << "p";//左翼}
}void enemyMove(char enemyArr[width + 10][height])
{for (int i = width; i > 0; i--)for (int j = height - 3; j > 0; j--){if (enemyArr[i][j] == '+'){enemyArr[i][j - 1] = 0;enemyArr[i - 1][j - 1] = 0;enemyArr[i + 1][j - 1] = 0;enemyArr[i][j] = 'T';enemyArr[i][j + 1] = '+';enemyArr[i - 1][j] = 'q';enemyArr[i + 1][j] = 'p';gotoxy(i, j - 1);cout << " ";gotoxy(i - 1, j - 1);cout << " ";gotoxy(i + 1, j - 1);cout << " ";gotoxy(i, j + 1);cout << "+";gotoxy(i, j);cout << "T";gotoxy(i - 1, j);cout << "q";gotoxy(i + 1, j);cout << "p";}}//清除触界敌机for (int i = 0; i < width; i++){if (enemyArr[i][height - 2] == '+'){enemyArr[i][height - 2] = 0;enemyArr[i][height - 3] = 0;enemyArr[i + 1][height - 3] = 0;enemyArr[i - 1][height - 3] = 0;gotoxy(i, height - 2);cout << " ";gotoxy(i - 1, height - 3);cout << " ";gotoxy(i + 1, height - 3);cout << " ";gotoxy(i, height - 3);cout << " ";score++;}}
bool judgeEnemy(short x, short y, char enemyArr[width + 10][height])
{if (enemyArr[x][y] == '+' || enemyArr[x][y] == 'p' || enemyArr[x][y] == 'q' || enemyArr[x - 1][y + 1] == '+' || enemyArr[x - 1][y + 1] == 'p' || enemyArr[x - 1][y + 1] == 'q'|| enemyArr[x + 1][y + 1] == '+' || enemyArr[x + 1][y + 1] == 'p' || enemyArr[x + 1][y + 1] == 'q' || enemyArr[x][y + 1] == '+' || enemyArr[x][y + 1] == 'p' || enemyArr[x][y + 1] == 'q'){return true;}else{gotoxy(width + (t_width - width) / 2, 11);cout << HP << "    ";return false;}


void Game()
{//存储敌机坐标system("cls");difficulty();system("cls");cartoonStartMenu();game_menu();p.initMyPlane();while (true){enemyAppear(enemyArr);//这里可能有点难理解,可以先把外层循环去掉只看内层循环//Sleep(1)是停止1ms也就是说每enemySpeed毫秒子弹,敌军移动一次//把外层循环加进来就是10*enemySpeed毫秒敌军出现一次//这样写的目的是使得每一毫秒程序都能检测是否有按键移动射击操作for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){for (int j = 0; j < enemySpeed; j++) {p.myPlaneMove(enemyArr);if (judgeEnemy(p.x, p.y, enemyArr)){end_menu();}Sleep(1);}bulletMove(myBulletArr);shotEnemy(enemyArr, myBulletArr);enemyMove(enemyArr);gotoxy(width + (t_width - width) / 2, 7);cout << score;//分数大于200进入BOSS战if (score > 200)BOSSgame();}}}



void enemyBulletMove(char enemyArr[width + 10][height])
{for (int i = width; i > 0; i--)for (int j = height - 3; j > 0; j--){if (enemyArr[i][j] == '+'){enemyArr[i][j] = 0;enemyArr[i][j + 1] = '+';gotoxy(i, j);cout << " ";gotoxy(i, j + 1);cout << "+";judgeBOSSBullet(p.x, p.y, enemyArr);}}//清除触界敌军子弹for (int i = 0; i < width; i++){if (enemyArr[i][height - 2] == '+'){enemyArr[i][height - 2] = 0;gotoxy(i, height - 2);cout << " ";}}
void keepShooting(char enemyArr[width + 10][height])
{srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++){int x = rand() % 78 + 1;gotoxy(x, 16);cout << "+";enemyArr[x][16] = '+';gotoxy(79 - x, 16);cout << "+";enemyArr[79 - x][16] = '+';for (int j = 0; j < BOSSspeed; j++){Sleep(1);p.myPlaneMove(enemyArr);}enemyBulletMove(enemyArr);bulletMove(myBulletArr);shotBOSS(myBulletArr);}
void skillA(char enemyArr[width + 10][height])
{srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++){for (int i = width / 2 - 5; i > 2; i--){gotoxy(i, 16);cout << "+";enemyArr[i][16] = '+';gotoxy((width - i - 1), 16);cout << "+";enemyArr[width - i - 1][16] = '+';for (int j = 0; j < BOSSspeed; j++){Sleep(1);p.myPlaneMove(enemyArr);}enemyBulletMove(enemyArr);bulletMove(myBulletArr);shotBOSS(myBulletArr);}}}//技能2
void skillB(char enemyArr[width + 10][height])
{srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++){int x = rand() % 76 + 2;gotoxy(x, 16);cout << "!";gotoxy(79 - x, 16);cout << "!";for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++){for (int j = 0; j < BOSSspeed; j++){Sleep(1);p.myPlaneMove(enemyArr);}enemyBulletMove(enemyArr);bulletMove(myBulletArr);shotBOSS(myBulletArr);}for (int i = 16; i < height - 1; i++){gotoxy(x, i);cout << "+";enemyArr[x][i] = '+';gotoxy(x + 1, i);cout << "+";enemyArr[x + 1][i] = '+';gotoxy(x - 1, i);cout << "+";enemyArr[x - 1][i] = '+';gotoxy(79 - x, i);cout << "+";enemyArr[79 - x][i] = '+';gotoxy(79 - x - 1, i);cout << "+";enemyArr[79 - x - 1][i] = '+';gotoxy(79 - x + 1, i);cout << "+";enemyArr[79 - x + 1][i] = '+';}}
void skillC(char enemyArr[width + 10][height])
{srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));int x = rand() % 6 + 37;gotoxy(x, 16);cout << "+";enemyArr[x][16] = '+';gotoxy(79 - x, 16);cout << "+";enemyArr[79 - x][16] = '+';p.myPlaneMove(enemyArr);enemyBulletMove(enemyArr);bulletMove(myBulletArr);shotBOSS(myBulletArr);for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++){int dir = rand() % 2 - 1;x = x + dir;gotoxy(x, 16);cout << "+";enemyArr[x][16] = '+';gotoxy(79 - x, 16);cout << "+";enemyArr[79 - x][16] = '+';for (int j = 0; j < BOSSspeed; j++){Sleep(1);p.myPlaneMove(enemyArr);}enemyBulletMove(enemyArr);bulletMove(myBulletArr);shotBOSS(myBulletArr);}
void BOSSHPcartoon()
{gotoxy(13, 1);cout << "HP:";gotoxy(16, 1);for (int i = 0; i < BOSSHP / 10; i++)cout << "▇";cout << "    ";
void shotBOSS(char myArr[width + 10][height])
{//尾部for (int i = 9; i < 14; i++){if (myArr[i][4] == '*'){BOSSHP = BOSSHP - damage / 2;myArr[i][4] = 0;gotoxy(i, 4);cout << " ";}if (myArr[79 - i][4] == '*'){BOSSHP = BOSSHP - damage / 2;myArr[79 - i][4] = 0;gotoxy(79 - i, 4);cout << " ";}}//中后部for (int i = 14; i < 18; i++){if (myArr[i][6] == '*'){BOSSHP = BOSSHP - damage;myArr[i][6] = 0;gotoxy(i, 6);cout << " ";}if (myArr[79 - i][6] == '*'){BOSSHP = BOSSHP - damage;myArr[79 - i][6] = 0;gotoxy(79 - i, 6);cout << " ";}}//中前部for (int i = 18; i < 29; i++){if (myArr[i][11] == '*'){BOSSHP = BOSSHP - damage;myArr[i][11] = 0;gotoxy(i, 11);cout << " ";}if (myArr[79 - i][11] == '*'){BOSSHP = BOSSHP - damage;myArr[79 - i][11] = 0;gotoxy(79 - i, 11);cout << " ";}}for (int i = 27; i < 40; i++){if (myArr[i][13] == '*'){BOSSHP = BOSSHP - damage;myArr[i][13] = 0;gotoxy(i, 13);cout << " ";}if (myArr[79 - i][13] == '*'){BOSSHP = BOSSHP - damage;myArr[79 - i][13] = 0;gotoxy(79 - i, 13);cout << " ";}}//头后部for (int i = 31; i < 40; i++){if (myArr[i][15] == '*'){BOSSHP = BOSSHP - 2 * damage;myArr[i][15] = 0;gotoxy(i, 15);cout << " ";}if (myArr[79 - i][15] == '*'){BOSSHP = BOSSHP - 2 * damage;myArr[79 - i][15] = 0;gotoxy(79 - i, 15);cout << " ";}}//头部for (int i = 37; i < 40; i++){if (myArr[i][16] == '*'){BOSSHP = BOSSHP - 2 * damage;myArr[i][16] = 0;gotoxy(i, 16);cout << " ";}if (myArr[79 - i][16] == '*'){BOSSHP = BOSSHP - 2 * damage;myArr[79 - i][16] = 0;gotoxy(79 - i, 16);cout << " ";}}BOSSHPcartoon();if (BOSSHP <= 0)success_menu();
}void BOSSshot(char enemyArr[width + 10][height])
{srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));while (true){int i = rand() % 4;switch (i){case 0:keepShooting(enemyArr);break;case 1:skillA(enemyArr);break;case 2:skillB(enemyArr);break;case 3:skillC(enemyArr);break;}}


void BOSSgame()
{BOSS = 1;bullet = 1000;for (int i = 2; i < width; i++)for (int j = 2; j < height; j++){if (enemyArr[i][j] == '+'){enemyArr[i][j] = 0;enemyArr[i - 1][j - 1] = 0;enemyArr[i + 1][j - 1] = 0;enemyArr[i][j - 1] = 0;gotoxy(i - 1, j - 1);cout << " ";gotoxy(i + 1, j - 1);cout << " ";gotoxy(i, j - 1);cout << " ";gotoxy(i, j);cout << " ";}}BOSScartoon();BOSSHPcartoon();BOSSshot(enemyArr);




void start_menu()
{for (int i = t_height - 1; i >= t_height / 2 - 4; i--){gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 5, i + 1);cout << "        ";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 5, i);cout << "飞机大战";if (i < t_height - 2 - 4){gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 6, i + 5);cout << "          ";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 6, i + 4);cout << "y.进入游戏";}if (i < t_height - 2 - 8){gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 6, i + 9);cout << "          ";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 6, i + 8);cout << "n.退出游戏";}Sleep(300);}while (true){if (_kbhit()){char input = _getch();switch (input){case 'n':system("cls");cout << "退出成功" << endl;exit(0);break;case 'N':system("cls");cout << "退出成功" << endl;exit(0);break;case 'y':system("cls");cout << "进入游戏" << endl;Sleep(1000);system("cls");Game();break;case 'Y':system("cls");cout << "进入游戏" << endl;Sleep(1000);system("cls");Game();break;}}}
}void cartoonStartMenu()
{gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 6);cout << "************";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 5);cout << "           *";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 4);cout << "           *";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 3);cout << "           *";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 2);cout << "************";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 1);cout << "           *";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2);cout << "           *";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 + 1);cout << "           *";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 + 2);cout << "************";Sleep(1000);system("cls");gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 6);cout << "************";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 5);cout << "           *";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 4);cout << "           *";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 3);cout << "           *";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 2);cout << "************";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 1);cout << "*           ";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2);cout << "*           ";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 + 1);cout << "*           ";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 + 2);cout << "************";Sleep(1000);system("cls");gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 6);cout << "     **     ";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 5);cout << "     **     ";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 4);cout << "     **     ";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 3);cout << "     **     ";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 2);cout << "     **     ";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 - 1);cout << "     **     ";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2);cout << "     **     ";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 + 1);cout << "     **     ";gotoxy(t_width / 2 - 8, t_height / 2 + 2);cout << "     **     ";Sleep(1000);system("cls");
void game_menu()
{//框架gotoxy(0, 0);for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)cout << "#";gotoxy(0, height - 1);for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)cout << "#";for (int i = 0; i < height; i++){gotoxy(0, i);cout << "#";}for (int i = 0; i < height; i++){gotoxy(width - 1, i);cout << "#";}//右部菜单gotoxy(width + (t_width - width) / 2 - 6, 5);cout << "代号:NJTECH";gotoxy(width + (t_width - width) / 2 - 6, 7);cout << "得分:";gotoxy(width + (t_width - width) / 2 - 6, 9);cout << "子弹:";gotoxy(width + (t_width - width) / 2 - 6, 11);cout << "血量:";gotoxy(width, 13);cout << "                   **                   ";gotoxy(width, 14);cout << "                   **                   ";gotoxy(width, 15);cout << "                   **                   ";gotoxy(width, 16);cout << "                  ****                  ";gotoxy(width, 17);cout << "                 ******                 ";gotoxy(width, 18);cout << "            *  ****  ****  *            ";gotoxy(width, 19);cout << "           ******************           ";gotoxy(width, 20);cout << "          ****   ******   ****          ";gotoxy(width, 21);cout << "       **************************       ";gotoxy(width, 22);cout << "             ****      ****             ";gotoxy(width, 23);cout << "               **      **               ";gotoxy(width, 24);cout << "                *      *                ";//规则gotoxy(width + (t_width - width) / 2 - 14, 28);cout << "w 前进";gotoxy(width + (t_width - width) / 2 - 14, 30);cout << "s 后退";gotoxy(width + (t_width - width) / 2 - 14, 32);cout << "d 右移";gotoxy(width + (t_width - width) / 2 - 14, 34);cout << "a 左移";gotoxy(width + (t_width - width) / 2 - 14, 36);cout << "j 射击";
}void cartoonGameMenu()
{for (int i = 0; i < height / 2; i++){gotoxy(0, i);for (int j = 0; j < t_width; j++){cout << "▇";}gotoxy(0, height - i - 1);for (int k = 0; k < t_width; k++){cout << "▇";}Sleep(100);}system("cls");Sleep(1000);for (int i = 0; i < t_width; i++){for (int j = 0; j < t_height; j++){cout << "▇";if (j == t_width - 1)cout << endl;}}Sleep(1000);system("cls");Sleep(1000);}void BOSScartoon()
{for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){gotoxy(width / 2 - 1, t_height / 2 - 8 + i);cout << "****";}for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){gotoxy(width / 2 - 1, t_height / 2 + 2 + i);cout << "****";}Sleep(1000);for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){gotoxy(width / 2 - 1, t_height / 2 - 8 + i);cout << "    ";}for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){gotoxy(width / 2 - 1, t_height / 2 + 2 + i);cout << "    ";}Sleep(1000);for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){gotoxy(width / 2 - 1, t_height / 2 - 8 + i);cout << "****";}for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){gotoxy(width / 2 - 1, t_height / 2 + 2 + i);cout << "****";}Sleep(1000);for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){gotoxy(width / 2 - 1, t_height / 2 - 8 + i);cout << "    ";}for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){gotoxy(width / 2 - 1, t_height / 2 + 2 + i);cout << "    ";}Sleep(1000);for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){gotoxy(width / 2 - 1, t_height / 2 - 8 + i);cout << "****";}for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){gotoxy(width / 2 - 1, t_height / 2 + 2 + i);cout << "****";}Sleep(1000);for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){gotoxy(width / 2 - 1, t_height / 2 - 8 + i);cout << "    ";}for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){gotoxy(width / 2 - 1, t_height / 2 + 2 + i);cout << "    ";}Sleep(1000);printBOSS();
}void end_menu()
{system("cls");Sleep(3000);gotoxy(width / 2 - 8, height - 1);cout << "你失败了,但这不是你的过错,只是这次的英雄并不是你......";Sleep(300);for (int i = height - 2; i > 18; i--){gotoxy(width / 2 - 8, i + 1);cout << "                                                        ";gotoxy(width / 2 - 8, i);cout << "你失败了,但这不是你的过错,只是这次的英雄并不是你......";Sleep(300);}Sleep(10000000);
}void success_menu()
{for (int i = 16; i > 1; i--){gotoxy(2, i);cout << "                                                                     ";Sleep(100);}Sleep(1000);gotoxy(width / 2 - 3, 2);cout << "游戏胜利";Sleep(300);for (int i = 3; i < 17; i++){gotoxy(width / 2 - 3, i - 1);cout << "        ";gotoxy(width / 2 - 3, i);cout << "游戏胜利";Sleep(300);}Sleep(100000);
}void printBOSS()
{gotoxy(0, 0);for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)cout << "#";gotoxy(0, height - 1);for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)cout << "#";for (int i = 0; i < height; i++){gotoxy(0, i);cout << "#";}for (int i = 0; i < height; i++){gotoxy(width - 1, i);cout << "#";}for (int i = 2; i < 16; i++){gotoxy(37, i);cout << "\\ ++ /";if (i > 2){gotoxy(33, i - 1);cout << "\\  \\  ++  /  /";}if (i > 3){gotoxy(30, i - 2);cout << "\\ \\  \\   ++   /  / /";}if (i > 4){gotoxy(27, i - 3);cout << "+++++++************+++++++";gotoxy(27, i - 4);cout << "                          ";}if (i > 5){gotoxy(32, i - 4);cout << "****************";gotoxy(32, i - 5);cout << "                ";}if (i > 6){gotoxy(18, i - 5);cout << "***  ***00******   ******   ******00***  ***";gotoxy(18, i - 6);cout << "                                            ";}if (i > 7){gotoxy(19, i - 6);cout << "******00****   **  ****  **   ****00******";gotoxy(19, i - 7);cout << "                                          ";}if (i > 8){gotoxy(24, i - 7);cout << "*****    *00*      *00*    *****";gotoxy(24, i - 8);cout << "                                ";}if (i > 9){gotoxy(22, i - 8);cout << "****   ****0000* ** *0000****   ****";gotoxy(22, i - 9);cout << "                                    ";}if (i > 10){gotoxy(23, i - 9);cout << "*********0000***  ***0000*********";gotoxy(23, i - 10);cout << "                                  ";}if (i > 11){gotoxy(14, i - 10);cout << "*********** ************    ************ ***********";gotoxy(14, i - 11);cout << "                                                    ";}if (i > 12){gotoxy(14, i - 11);cout << "********   ***  *  *  *      *  *  *  ***   ********";gotoxy(14, i - 12);cout << "                                                    ";}if (i > 13){gotoxy(9, i - 12);cout << "************       ******    ****    ******       ************";gotoxy(9, i - 13);cout << "                                                              ";}Sleep(300);}}


int main()
{system("mode con cols=120 lines=40");clearCursor();cartoonGameMenu();start_menu();cartoonStartMenu();game_menu();BOSSgame();


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