
  • 最后发版为2018年
  • 相比EASY RULE,不支持jexl等脚本语言
  • 支持Spring
  • 内部执行都是使用jdk proxy模式,无论是annotation还是builder模式
  • 可以使用CoRRuleBook 实现chain模式,在chain内按order进行执行
  • 一个rule里面可以有多个action(@Then),多个fact(@Given),多个condition(@When),但注意When只有一个会执行
  • 支持将一个java package的所有rule类组成一个Chain-CoRRuleBook
  • 支持audit


Much like the Given-When-Then language for defining tests that was popularized by BDD, RuleBook uses a Given-When-Then language for defining rules. The RuleBook Given-When-Then methods have the following meanings.

  • Given some Fact(s)
  • When a condition evaluates to true
  • Then an action is triggered



A standard implementation of {@link Rule}.
@param the fact type
@param the Result type
public class GoldenRule<T, U> implements Rule<T, U> {

action 识别代码

public List<Object> getActions() {if (_rule.getActions().size() < 1) {List<Object> actionList = new ArrayList<>();for (Method actionMethod : getAnnotatedMethods(Then.class, _pojoRule.getClass())) {actionMethod.setAccessible(true);Object then = getThenMethodAsBiConsumer(actionMethod).map(Object.class::cast).orElse(getThenMethodAsConsumer(actionMethod).orElse(factMap -> { }));actionList.add(then);}_rule.getActions().addAll(actionList);}return _rule.getActions();

condition 设置和获取,可以手工指定condition 如:auditableRule.setCondition(condition);

public Predicate<NameValueReferableMap> getCondition() {//Use what was set by then() first, if it's thereif (_rule.getCondition() != null) {return _rule.getCondition();}//If nothing was explicitly set, then convert the method in the class_rule.setCondition(Arrays.stream(_pojoRule.getClass().getMethods()).filter(method -> method.getReturnType() == boolean.class || method.getReturnType() == Boolean.class).filter(method -> Arrays.stream(method.getDeclaredAnnotations()).anyMatch(When.class::isInstance)).findFirst()


Chain 管理类 CoRRuleBook 使用Reflections 识别package下所有rule类的核心代码如下:

/*** Gets the POJO Rules to be used by the RuleBook via reflection of the specified package.* @return  a List of POJO Rules*/protected List<Class<?>> getPojoRules() {Reflections reflections = new Reflections(_package);List<Class<?>> rules = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(com.deliveredtechnologies.rulebook.annotation.Rule.class).stream().filter(rule -> _package.equals(rule.getPackage().getName())) // Search only within package, not subpackages.filter(rule -> rule.getAnnotatedSuperclass() != null) // Include classes only, exclude interfaces, etc..collect(Collectors.toList());rules.sort(comparingInt(aClass ->getAnnotation(com.deliveredtechnologies.rulebook.annotation.Rule.class, aClass).order()));return rules;}


/*** A Fact is a single piece of data that can be supplied to a {@link Rule}.* Facts are not immutable; they may be changed by rules and used to derive a result state.*/
public class Fact<T> implements NameValueReferable<T> {private String _name;private T _value;/*** A FactMap decorates {@link Map}; it stores facts by their name and provides convenience methods for* accessing {@link Fact} objects.*/
public class FactMap<T> implements NameValueReferableMap<T> {private Map<String, NameValueReferable<T>> _facts;public FactMap(Map<String, NameValueReferable<T>> facts) {_facts = facts;}

实际上有点key重复的感觉,每个fact 本身还有name和value

Then/action 的执行核心代码 在goldenRule里面

//invoke the actionStream.of(action.getClass().getMethods()).filter(method -> method.getName().equals("accept")).findFirst().ifPresent(method -> {try {method.setAccessible(true);method.invoke(action,ArrayUtils.combine(new Object[]{new TypeConvertibleFactMap<>(usingFacts)},new Object[]{getResult().orElseGet(() -> result)},method.getParameterCount()));if (result.getValue() != null) {_result = result;}} catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException err) {LOGGER.error("Error invoking action on " + action.getClass(), err);if (_actionType.equals(ERROR_ON_FAILURE)) {throw err.getCause() == null ? new RuleException(err) :err.getCause() instanceof RuleException ? (RuleException)err.getCause() :new RuleException(err.getCause());}}});facts.putAll(usingFacts);


fact 通过@Given进行命名

public class HelloWorld {@Given("hello")private String hello;@Given("world")private String world;


facts.setValue("hello", "Hello");
facts.setValue("world", "World");

Spring 使用

public class SpringConfig {@Bean
public RuleBook ruleBook() {RuleBook ruleBook = new SpringAwareRuleBookRunner("com.example.rulebook.helloworld");
return ruleBook;



public RuleAdapter(Object pojoRule, Rule rule) throws InvalidClassException {com.deliveredtechnologies.rulebook.annotation.Rule ruleAnnotation =getAnnotation(com.deliveredtechnologies.rulebook.annotation.Rule.class, pojoRule.getClass());if (ruleAnnotation == null) {throw new InvalidClassException(pojoRule.getClass() + " is not a Rule; missing @Rule annotation");}_actionType = ruleAnnotation.ruleChainAction();_rule = rule == null ? new GoldenRule(Object.class, _actionType) : rule;_pojoRule = pojoRule;

扩展RuleBook(The RuleBook interface for defining objects that handle the behavior of rules chained together.)

/*** Creates a new RuleBookRunner using the specified package and the supplied RuleBook.* @param ruleBookClass the RuleBook type to use as a delegate for the RuleBookRunner.* @param rulePackage   the package to scan for POJO rules.*/public RuleBookRunner(Class<? extends RuleBook> ruleBookClass, String rulePackage) {super(ruleBookClass);_prototypeClass = ruleBookClass;_package = rulePackage;}



使用predicate的test 来判断condition 来
boolean test(T t)
Evaluates this predicate on the given argument.
t - the input argument
true if the input argument matches the predicate, otherwise false

使用isAssignableFrom 来判断输入的fact 是否满足rule类里面的定义

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