


import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox


# 用来存储学生信息的总列表[学号(6位)、姓名、专业、年龄(17~25)、班级(序号)、电话(11位)]
#                        [ID        Name  Major Age         Class       Telephone]
Info = []


# 定义一个方法用于使用w模式写入文件:传入已经存好变更好信息的列表,然后遍历写入txt文档
def WriteTxt_w_Mode(Student_List):# w:只写入模式,文件不存在则建立,将文件里边的内容先删除再写入with open("Student_Info.txt","w",encoding="utf-8") as f:for i in range(0,len(Student_List)):Info_dict = Student_List[i]# 最后一行不写入换行符'\n'if i == len(Student_List) - 1:f.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}".format \(Info_dict["ID"],Info_dict["Name"],Info_dict["Major"],Info_dict["Age"],Info_dict["Class"],Info_dict["Telephone"]))else:f.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\n".format \(Info_dict["ID"],Info_dict["Name"],Info_dict["Major"],Info_dict["Age"],Info_dict["Class"],Info_dict["Telephone"]))


# 定义一个方法用于读取文件
def ReadTxt() -> list:# 临时列表Temp_List1 = []Temp_List2 = []# 打开同目录下的文件f = open("./Student_Info.txt",'r', encoding="utf-8")# 遍历,读取文件每一行信息for i in f:a = str(i)b = a.replace('\n', '')Temp_List1.append(b.split("\t"))# 将读写的信息并入临时列表while len(Temp_List2) < len(Temp_List1):for j in range(0,len(Temp_List1)):ID = Temp_List1[j][0]Name = Temp_List1[j][1]Major = Temp_List1[j][2]Age = Temp_List1[j][3]Class = Temp_List1[j][4]Telephone = Temp_List1[j][5]Info_dict = {"ID":ID,"Name":Name,"Major":Major,"Age":Age,"Class":Class,"Telephone":Telephone}Temp_List2.append(Info_dict)# 关闭文件f.close()# 将含有学生信息的临时列表返回return Temp_List2


# 用于将文件里的信息存入全局变量Info中
try:for i in ReadTxt():Info.append(i)


# 定于一个方法,用于检查学号是否规范
def is_ID(ID):return len(ID) == 6 and ID.isdigit()# 定于一个方法,用于检查年龄是否规范
def is_Age(Age):return Age.isdigit() and 17 <= int(Age) and int(Age) <= 25# 定于一个方法,用于检查班级是否规范
def is_Class(Class):return Class.isdigit() and int(Class) > 0# 定于一个方法,用于检查电话是否规范
def is_Telephone(Telephone):return len(Telephone) == 11 and Telephone.isdigit()


# 提示信息
def Tip_Add():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","添加成功")
def Tip_Search():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","查询成功")
def Tip_Del():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","删除成功")
def Tip_Mod():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","修改成功")
def Tip_Add_ID_Repeat():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","此学号已经存在,请勿重复添加!")
def Tip_Del_ID_None():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","此学号不存在,请重新输入!")
def Tip_Search_None():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","未查询到有关学生信息!")
def Tip_Add_ID():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","学号格式有误,请重新输入!")
def Tip_Add_Age():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","年龄格式有误,请重新输入!")
def Tip_Add_Class():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","班级格式有误,请重新输入!")
def Tip_Add_Telephone():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","电话格式有误,请重新输入!")


# 1.添加学生信息的主方法
def Add_Student_Info(ID, Name, Major, Age, Class, Telephone):# 导入信息global Info# 检查输入信息是否规范if not is_ID(ID):Tip_Add_ID()returnfor i in Info:if ID == i['ID']:Tip_Add_ID_Repeat()returnif not is_Age(Age):Tip_Add_Age()returnif not is_Class(Class):Tip_Add_Class()returnif not is_Telephone(Telephone):Tip_Add_Telephone()return# 用字典整合学生信息Info_dict = {'ID':ID, 'Name':Name, 'Major':Major, 'Age':Age, 'Class':Class, 'Telephone':Telephone}# 将字典存入总列表Info.append(Info_dict)# 添加成功Tip_Add()# 将信息写入文件WriteTxt_w_Mode(Info)


# 2.删除学生信息的主方法
def Del_Student_Info(ID):# 检查输入信息是否规范if not is_ID(ID):Tip_Add_ID()return# 用于指示是否删除的状态指标Flag = True# 导入信息global Info# 遍历,删除学生信息for i in Info:if ID == i["ID"]:Info.remove(i)Flag = Falsebreakif Flag:Tip_Del_ID_None()return# 删除成功Tip_Del()# 将删除后的信息写入文件WriteTxt_w_Mode(Info)


# 3.修改学生信息,ID符合条件则打开修改学生信息的窗口
def Mod_Student_Info(ID):if not is_ID(ID):Tip_Add_ID()return# 用于指示是否打开窗口的指标Flag = Trueglobal Infofor i in Info:if ID == i["ID"]:Window_Mod_Input(ID)Flag = Falsebreakif Flag:Tip_Del_ID_None()return


# 3.修改学生信息的主方法
def Mod_Student_Info_1(ID, Name, Major, Age, Class, Telephone):# 检查输入信息是否规范if not is_ID(ID):Tip_Add_ID()returnif not is_Age(Age):Tip_Add_Age()returnif not is_Class(Class):Tip_Add_Class()returnif not is_Telephone(Telephone):Tip_Add_Telephone()return# 导入信息global Info# 遍历,修改学生信息for i in Info:if i["ID"] == ID:i["Name"] = Namei["Major"] = Majori["Age"] = Agei["Class"] = Classi["Telephone"] = Telephone# 修改成功Tip_Mod()# 将修改后的信息写入文件WriteTxt_w_Mode(Info)


# 4.查找学生信息的主方法
def Search_Student_Info(ID, Name, Major, Age, Class, Telephone):# 检查输入是否规范,规范的和空字符串通过if len(ID) != 0 and not is_ID(ID):Tip_Add_ID()returnif len(Age) != 0 and not is_Age(Age):Tip_Add_Age()returnif len(Class) != 0 and not is_Class(Class):Tip_Add_Class()returnif len(Telephone) != 0 and not is_Telephone(Telephone):Tip_Add_Telephone()return# 导入信息global Info# 临时列表List = []# 用来指示是否查找到学生的信息指标Flag = False# 遍历,根据输入的部分信息找到符合条件的学生for i in Info:if (i["ID"]==ID or len(ID)==0)and \(i["Name"]==Name or len(Name)==0)and \(i["Major"]==Major or len(Major)==0)and \(i["Age"]==Age or len(Age)==0)and \(i["Class"]==Class or len(Class)==0)and \(i["Telephone"]==Telephone or len(Telephone)==0)and \(len(ID)!=0 or len(Name)!=0 or len(Major)!=0 or len(Age)!=0 or len(Class)!=0 or len(Telephone)!=0 ):List.append(i)if len(List) != 0:Flag = True# 在主界面打印符合条件学生信息Print_Student_Info(List)# 是否查找成功if Flag:Tip_Search()else:Tip_Search_None()


# 5.显示所有学生的主方法
def Print_Student_Info(Student_Info):# 定义一个字符串用于存储想要输出显示的内容str_out = ""# 学生信息为空将返回if Student_Info is None:result.set("学生信息为空")returnif len(Student_Info) == 0:result.set("无学生信息")return# 学生信息不为空if len(Student_Info) != 0:str_out += "学生信息如下:\n"# 显示信息标题str_out += ("{:^7}".format("学生学号") +"{:^7}".format("学生姓名") +"{:^7}".format("学生专业") +"{:^7}".format("学生年龄") +"{:^5}".format("班级") +"{:^9}".format("电话号码") +"\n")for i in range(0, len(Student_Info)):# 格式化字符串str_out += ("{:^}".format(Student_Info[i].get("ID")) + ' '*(11-Len_Str(Student_Info[i].get("ID"))) +"{:^}".format(Student_Info[i].get("Name")) +' '*(11-Len_Str(Student_Info[i].get("Name")))+"{:^}".format(Student_Info[i].get("Major")) +' '*(13-Len_Str(Student_Info[i].get("Major")))+"{:^}".format(Student_Info[i].get("Age")) +' '*(10-Len_Str(Student_Info[i].get("Age")))+"{:^}".format(Student_Info[i].get("Class")) +' '*(5-Len_Str(Student_Info[i].get("Class")))+"{:^}".format(Student_Info[i].get("Telephone")) +' '*(11-Len_Str(Student_Info[i].get("Telephone")))+"\n")# 在主界面显示学生信息result.set(str_out)

13.1 问题一:格式化字符排版问题

>>>在字符串长度的计算中,中文和西文的字符串长度不一致,这会导致排版出错 <<<


# 定义一个方法,用于判断是否为中文字符
def is_Chinese(ch):if ch >= '\u4e00' and ch <='\u9fa5':return Trueelse:return False# 定义一个方法,用于计算中西文混合字符串的字符串长度
def Len_Str(string):count = 0for line in string:if is_Chinese(line):count = count + 2else:count = count + 1return count



# 添加学生信息的窗口
def Window_Add():# 实例化对象,创建root的子窗口windowwindow = tk.Toplevel(root)# 窗口名字window.title("添加学生信息")# 窗口大小window.geometry('500x500')# 关于学号的 label 和 entryTxt_ID = tk.StringVar()Txt_ID.set("")Label_Line1 = tk.Label(window, text = "学   号 (6 位):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 50, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line1 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_ID, width = 20)Entry_Line1.place(x = 200, y = 50, anchor = 'nw')# 关于姓名的 label 和 entryTxt_Name = tk.StringVar()Txt_Name.set("")Label_Line2 = tk.Label(window, text = "姓   名:", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line2 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Name, width = 20)Entry_Line2.place(x = 200, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')# 关于专业的 label 和 entryTxt_Major = tk.StringVar()Txt_Major.set("")Label_Line3 = tk.Label(window, text = "专   业:", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 150, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line3 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Major, width = 20)Entry_Line3.place(x = 200, y = 150, anchor = 'nw')# 关于年龄的 label 和 entryTxt_Age = tk.StringVar()Txt_Age.set("")Label_Line4 = tk.Label(window, text = "年   龄 (17~21):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line4 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Age, width = 20)Entry_Line4.place(x = 200, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 关于班级的 label 和 entryTxt_Class = tk.StringVar()Txt_Class.set("")Label_Line5 = tk.Label(window, text = "班   级 (序号):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 250, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line5 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Class, width = 20)Entry_Line5.place(x = 200, y = 250, anchor = 'nw')# 关于电话的 label 和 entryTxt_Telephone = tk.StringVar()Txt_Telephone.set("")Label_Line6 = tk.Label(window, text = "电   话 (11位):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 300, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line6 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Telephone, width = 20)Entry_Line6.place(x = 200, y = 300, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"确认"组件,此处绑定函数Add_Student_Info用于添加学生信息Button1_Yes = tk.Button(window, text = '确认', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:Add_Student_Info(Txt_ID.get(), Txt_Name.get(), Txt_Major.get(),Txt_Age.get(),Txt_Class.get(),Txt_Telephone.get()), width = 10)Button1_Yes.place(x = 75, y = 400, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"取消"组件,此处绑定函数destroy()用于关闭窗口Button2_No = tk.Button(window, text = '取消', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:window.destroy(), width = 10)Button2_No.place(x = 325, y = 400, anchor = 'nw')# 窗口显示window.mainloop()

14.1 问题二:不能读取到输入框内容

>>> 在使用get()函数时,如Txt_ID.get()不能读取到输入框的内容


window = tk.Toplevel(root)

14.2 问题三: Tk.Button中command指令无法执行有传参的函数


command = func(int a, int b)

>>> 如果写成这样,那么在调试时会直接执行,即不用点击按钮就执行



# 删除学生信息的窗口
def Window_Del():# 创建root的子窗口window = tk.Toplevel(root)window.title("删除学生信息")window.geometry('500x300')# 关于学号的 label 和 entryTxt_ID = tk.StringVar()Txt_ID.set("")Label_Line1 = tk.Label(window, text = "学   号 (6 位):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line1 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_ID, width = 20)Entry_Line1.place(x = 200, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"确认"组件,此处绑定函数Del_Student_Info用于删除学生信息Button1_Yes = tk.Button(window, text = '确认', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:Del_Student_Info(Txt_ID.get()), width = 10)Button1_Yes.place(x = 75, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"取消"组件,此处绑定函数destroy()用于关闭窗口Button2_No = tk.Button(window, text = '取消', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:window.destroy(), width = 10)Button2_No.place(x = 325, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# tk.StringVar()用于接收用户输入result = tk.StringVar()result.set(">>>请先通过'查询学生信息'查询待删除学生的学号<<<")# 在界面中显示文本框,打印result的信息Show_result = tk.Label(window, bg = "white", fg = "black", font = ("宋体", 12), bd = '0', anchor = 'nw', textvariable = result)Show_result.place(x = "50", y = "50", width = "400", height = "50")# 显示窗口window.mainloop()


# 修改学生信息的窗口
def Window_Mod():# 创建root的子窗口window = tk.Toplevel(root)window.title("修改学生信息")window.geometry('500x300')# 关于学号的 label 和 entryTxt_ID = tk.StringVar()Txt_ID.set("")Label_Line1 = tk.Label(window, text = "学   号 (6 位):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line1 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_ID, width = 20)Entry_Line1.place(x = 200, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"确认"组件,此处绑定函数Mod_Student_Info用于修改学生信息Button1_Yes = tk.Button(window, text = '确认', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:Mod_Student_Info(Txt_ID.get()), width = 10)Button1_Yes.place(x = 75, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"取消"组件,此处绑定函数destroy()用于关闭窗口Button2_No = tk.Button(window, text = '取消', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:window.destroy(), width = 10)Button2_No.place(x = 325, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 在界面中显示文本框,打印result的信息result = tk.StringVar()result.set(">>>请先通过'查询学生信息'查询待修改学生的学号<<<")Show_result = tk.Label(window, bg = "white", fg = "black", font = ("宋体", 12), bd = '0', anchor = 'nw', textvariable = result)Show_result.place(x = "50", y = "50", width = "400", height = "50")#显示窗口window.mainloop()


# 输入修改学生信息的窗口
def Window_Mod_Input(ID):# 创建root的子窗口window = tk.Toplevel(root)window.title("修改学生信息")window.geometry('500x500')# 关于姓名的 label 和 entryTxt_Name = tk.StringVar()Txt_Name.set("")Label_Line2 = tk.Label(window, text = "姓   名:", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line2 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Name, width = 20)Entry_Line2.place(x = 200, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')# 关于专业的 label 和 entryTxt_Major = tk.StringVar()Txt_Major.set("")Label_Line3 = tk.Label(window, text = "专   业:", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 150, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line3 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Major, width = 20)Entry_Line3.place(x = 200, y = 150, anchor = 'nw')# 关于年龄的 label 和 entryTxt_Age = tk.StringVar()Txt_Age.set("")Label_Line4 = tk.Label(window, text = "年   龄 (17~21):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line4 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Age, width = 20)Entry_Line4.place(x = 200, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 关于班级的 label 和 entryTxt_Class = tk.StringVar()Txt_Class.set("")Label_Line5 = tk.Label(window, text = "班   级 (序号):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 250, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line5 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Class, width = 20)Entry_Line5.place(x = 200, y = 250, anchor = 'nw')# 关于电话的 label 和 entryTxt_Telephone = tk.StringVar()Txt_Telephone.set("")Label_Line6 = tk.Label(window, text = "电   话 (11位):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 300, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line6 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Telephone, width = 20)Entry_Line6.place(x = 200, y = 300, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"确认"组件,此处绑定函数Mod_Student_Info_1用于修改学生信息Button1_Yes = tk.Button(window, text = '确认', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:Mod_Student_Info_1(ID, Txt_Name.get(), Txt_Major.get(),Txt_Age.get(),Txt_Class.get(),Txt_Telephone.get()), width = 10)Button1_Yes.place(x = 75, y = 400, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"取消"组件,此处绑定函数destroy()用于关闭窗口Button2_No = tk.Button(window, text = '取消', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:window.destroy(), width = 10)Button2_No.place(x = 325, y = 400, anchor = 'nw')# 在界面中显示文本框,打印result的信息result = tk.StringVar()result.set("            >>>请输入修改后的信息<<<")Show_result = tk.Label(window, bg = "white", fg = "black", font = ("宋体", 12), bd = '0', anchor = 'nw', textvariable = result)Show_result.place(x = "50", y = "50", width = "400", height = "50")# 显示窗口window.mainloop()


# 查找学生信息的窗口
def Window_Ser():# 创建root的子窗口window = tk.Toplevel(root)window.title("查询学生信息")window.geometry('500x500')# 关于学号的 label 和 entryTxt_ID = tk.StringVar()Txt_ID.set("")Label_Line1 = tk.Label(window, text = "学   号 (6 位):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line1 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_ID, width = 20)Entry_Line1.place(x = 200, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')# 关于姓名的 label 和 entryTxt_Name = tk.StringVar()Txt_Name.set("")Label_Line2 = tk.Label(window, text = "姓   名:", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 150, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line2 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Name, width = 20)Entry_Line2.place(x = 200, y = 150, anchor = 'nw')# 关于专业的 label 和 entryTxt_Major = tk.StringVar()Txt_Major.set("")Label_Line3 = tk.Label(window, text = "专   业:", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line3 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Major, width = 20)Entry_Line3.place(x = 200, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 关于年龄的 label 和 entryTxt_Age = tk.StringVar()Txt_Age.set("")Label_Line4 = tk.Label(window, text = "年   龄 (17~21):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 250, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line4 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Age, width = 20)Entry_Line4.place(x = 200, y = 250, anchor = 'nw')# 关于班级的 label 和 entryTxt_Class = tk.StringVar()Txt_Class.set("")Label_Line5 = tk.Label(window, text = "班   级 (序号):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 300, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line5 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Class, width = 20)Entry_Line5.place(x = 200, y = 300, anchor = 'nw')# 关于电话的 label 和 entryTxt_Telephone = tk.StringVar()Txt_Telephone.set("")Label_Line6 = tk.Label(window, text = "电   话 (11位):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 350, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line6 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Telephone, width = 20)Entry_Line6.place(x = 200, y = 350, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"确认"组件,此处绑定函数Search_Student_Info用于修改学生信息Button1_Yes = tk.Button(window, text = '确认', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:Search_Student_Info(Txt_ID.get(), Txt_Name.get(), Txt_Major.get(),Txt_Age.get(),Txt_Class.get(),Txt_Telephone.get()), width = 10)Button1_Yes.place(x = 75, y = 400, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"取消"组件,此处绑定函数destroy()用于关闭窗口Button2_No = tk.Button(window, text = '取消', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:window.destroy(), width = 10)Button2_No.place(x = 325, y = 400, anchor = 'nw')# 在界面中显示文本框,打印result的信息result = tk.StringVar()result.set("   >>>请输入待查找学生的部分信息(可不全填)<<<")Show_result = tk.Label(window, bg = "white", fg = "black", font = ("宋体", 12), bd = '0', anchor = 'nw', textvariable = result)Show_result.place(x = "50", y = "50", width = "400", height = "50")# 显示窗口window.mainloop()


# 退出管理系统的窗口
def Window_Exit():# 创建root的子窗口window = tk.Toplevel()window.title("退出管理系统")window.geometry('400x300')# 关于"确认"组件,此处绑定函数destroy()用于关闭主窗口Button1_Yes = tk.Button(window, text = '确认', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:root.destroy(), width = 10)Button1_Yes.place(x = 50, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"取消"组件,此处绑定函数destroy()用于关闭窗口Button2_No = tk.Button(window, text = '取消', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:window.destroy(), width = 10)Button2_No.place(x = 250, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 在界面中显示文本框,打印result的信息result = tk.StringVar()result.set("   >>>您确认离开系统吗?<<<")Show_result = tk.Label(window, bg = "white", fg = "black", font = ("宋体", 15), bd = '0', anchor = 'nw', textvariable = result)Show_result.place(x = "50", y = "75", width = "300", height = "50")# 显示窗口window.mainloop()


# 如果该文件是程序运行的主文件,将会运行以下代码
if __name__ == '__main__':# 创建主窗口root = tk.Tk()root.title("学生信息管理系统 V1.1")root.geometry('900x400')# 关于"添加学生信息"组件,此处绑定函数Search_Student_Info用于修改学生信息Button1_Add = tk.Button(root, text = '添 加 学 生 信 息', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = Window_Add, width = 20)Button1_Add.place(x = 50, y = 50, anchor = 'nw')Button2_Del = tk.Button(root, text = '删 除 学 生 信 息', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = Window_Del, width = 20)Button2_Del.place(x = 50, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')Button3_Mod = tk.Button(root, text = '修 改 学 生 信 息', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = Window_Mod, width = 20)Button3_Mod.place(x = 50, y = 150, anchor = 'nw')Button4_Ser = tk.Button(root, text = '查 询 学 生 信 息', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = Window_Ser, width = 20)Button4_Ser.place(x = 50, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')Button5_Show = tk.Button(root, text = '显 示 学 生 信 息', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:Print_Student_Info(Info), width = 20)Button5_Show.place(x = 50, y = 250, anchor = 'nw')Button6_Exit = tk.Button(root, text = '退 出 管 理 系 统', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = Window_Exit, width = 20)Button6_Exit.place(x = 50, y = 300, anchor = 'nw')result = tk.StringVar()result.set(">>>欢迎使用学生信息管理系统<<<\n   Edition:  V1.1   \n   @Author:  Marshal\nComplete Time:  2022/10/14")Show_result = tk.Label(root, bg = "white", fg = "black", font = ("宋体", 12), bd = '0', anchor = 'nw', textvariable = result)Show_result.place(x = "300", y = "50", width = "520", height = "300")root.mainloop()


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Oct  5 09:34:15 2022@author: Marshal
# 使用tkinter模块实现GUI界面
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox# 用来存储学生信息的总列表[学号(6位)、姓名、专业、年龄(17~25)、班级(序号)、电话(11位)]
#                        [ID        Name  Major Age         Class       Telephone]
Info = []# 定义一个方法用于使用w模式写入文件:传入已经存好变更好信息的列表,然后遍历写入txt文档
def WriteTxt_w_Mode(Student_List):# w:只写入模式,文件不存在则建立,将文件里边的内容先删除再写入with open("Student_Info.txt","w",encoding="utf-8") as f:for i in range(0,len(Student_List)):Info_dict = Student_List[i]# 最后一行不写入换行符'\n'if i == len(Student_List) - 1:f.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}".format \(Info_dict["ID"],Info_dict["Name"],Info_dict["Major"],Info_dict["Age"],Info_dict["Class"],Info_dict["Telephone"]))else:f.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\n".format \(Info_dict["ID"],Info_dict["Name"],Info_dict["Major"],Info_dict["Age"],Info_dict["Class"],Info_dict["Telephone"]))# 定义一个方法用于读取文件
def ReadTxt() -> list:# 临时列表Temp_List1 = []Temp_List2 = []# 打开同目录下的文件f = open("./Student_Info.txt",'r', encoding="utf-8")# 遍历,读取文件每一行信息for i in f:a = str(i)b = a.replace('\n', '')Temp_List1.append(b.split("\t"))# 将读写的信息并入临时列表while len(Temp_List2) < len(Temp_List1):for j in range(0,len(Temp_List1)):ID = Temp_List1[j][0]Name = Temp_List1[j][1]Major = Temp_List1[j][2]Age = Temp_List1[j][3]Class = Temp_List1[j][4]Telephone = Temp_List1[j][5]Info_dict = {"ID":ID,"Name":Name,"Major":Major,"Age":Age,"Class":Class,"Telephone":Telephone}Temp_List2.append(Info_dict)# 关闭文件f.close()# 将含有学生信息的临时列表返回return Temp_List2# 定于一个方法,用于检查学号是否规范
def is_ID(ID):return len(ID) == 6 and ID.isdigit()# 定于一个方法,用于检查年龄是否规范
def is_Age(Age):return Age.isdigit() and 17 <= int(Age) and int(Age) <= 25# 定于一个方法,用于检查班级是否规范
def is_Class(Class):return Class.isdigit() and int(Class) > 0# 定于一个方法,用于检查电话是否规范
def is_Telephone(Telephone):return len(Telephone) == 11 and Telephone.isdigit()# 定义一个方法,用于判断是否为中文字符
def is_Chinese(ch):if ch >= '\u4e00' and ch <='\u9fa5':return Trueelse:return False# 定义一个方法,用于计算中西文混合字符串的字符串长度
def Len_Str(string):count = 0for line in string:if is_Chinese(line):count = count + 2else:count = count + 1return count# 提示信息
def Tip_Add():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","添加成功")
def Tip_Search():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","查询成功")
def Tip_Del():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","删除成功")
def Tip_Mod():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","修改成功")
def Tip_Add_ID_Repeat():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","此学号已经存在,请勿重复添加!")
def Tip_Del_ID_None():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","此学号不存在,请重新输入!")
def Tip_Search_None():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","未查询到有关学生信息!")
def Tip_Add_ID():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","学号格式有误,请重新输入!")
def Tip_Add_Age():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","年龄格式有误,请重新输入!")
def Tip_Add_Class():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","班级格式有误,请重新输入!")
def Tip_Add_Telephone():messagebox.showinfo("提示信息","电话格式有误,请重新输入!")# 1.添加学生信息的主方法
def Add_Student_Info(ID, Name, Major, Age, Class, Telephone):# 导入信息global Info# 检查输入信息是否规范if not is_ID(ID):Tip_Add_ID()returnfor i in Info:if ID == i['ID']:Tip_Add_ID_Repeat()returnif not is_Age(Age):Tip_Add_Age()returnif not is_Class(Class):Tip_Add_Class()returnif not is_Telephone(Telephone):Tip_Add_Telephone()return# 用字典整合学生信息Info_dict = {'ID':ID, 'Name':Name, 'Major':Major, 'Age':Age, 'Class':Class, 'Telephone':Telephone}# 将字典存入总列表Info.append(Info_dict)# 添加成功Tip_Add()# 将信息写入文件WriteTxt_w_Mode(Info)# 2.删除学生信息的主方法
def Del_Student_Info(ID):# 检查输入信息是否规范if not is_ID(ID):Tip_Add_ID()return# 用于指示是否删除的状态指标Flag = True# 导入信息global Info# 遍历,删除学生信息for i in Info:if ID == i["ID"]:Info.remove(i)Flag = Falsebreakif Flag:Tip_Del_ID_None()return# 删除成功Tip_Del()# 将删除后的信息写入文件WriteTxt_w_Mode(Info)# 3.修改学生信息,ID符合条件则打开修改学生信息的窗口
def Mod_Student_Info(ID):if not is_ID(ID):Tip_Add_ID()return# 用于指示是否打开窗口的指标Flag = Trueglobal Infofor i in Info:if ID == i["ID"]:Window_Mod_Input(ID)Flag = Falsebreakif Flag:Tip_Del_ID_None()return# 3.修改学生信息的主方法
def Mod_Student_Info_1(ID, Name, Major, Age, Class, Telephone):# 检查输入信息是否规范if not is_ID(ID):Tip_Add_ID()returnif not is_Age(Age):Tip_Add_Age()returnif not is_Class(Class):Tip_Add_Class()returnif not is_Telephone(Telephone):Tip_Add_Telephone()return# 导入信息global Info# 遍历,修改学生信息for i in Info:if i["ID"] == ID:i["Name"] = Namei["Major"] = Majori["Age"] = Agei["Class"] = Classi["Telephone"] = Telephone# 修改成功Tip_Mod()# 将修改后的信息写入文件WriteTxt_w_Mode(Info)# 4.查找学生信息的主方法
def Search_Student_Info(ID, Name, Major, Age, Class, Telephone):# 检查输入是否规范,规范的和空字符串通过if len(ID) != 0 and not is_ID(ID):Tip_Add_ID()returnif len(Age) != 0 and not is_Age(Age):Tip_Add_Age()returnif len(Class) != 0 and not is_Class(Class):Tip_Add_Class()returnif len(Telephone) != 0 and not is_Telephone(Telephone):Tip_Add_Telephone()return# 导入信息global Info# 临时列表List = []# 用来指示是否查找到学生的信息指标Flag = False# 遍历,根据输入的部分信息找到符合条件的学生for i in Info:if (i["ID"]==ID or len(ID)==0)and \(i["Name"]==Name or len(Name)==0)and \(i["Major"]==Major or len(Major)==0)and \(i["Age"]==Age or len(Age)==0)and \(i["Class"]==Class or len(Class)==0)and \(i["Telephone"]==Telephone or len(Telephone)==0)and \(len(ID)!=0 or len(Name)!=0 or len(Major)!=0 or len(Age)!=0 or len(Class)!=0 or len(Telephone)!=0 ):List.append(i)if len(List) != 0:Flag = True# 在主界面打印符合条件学生信息Print_Student_Info(List)# 是否查找成功if Flag:Tip_Search()else:Tip_Search_None()# 5.显示所有学生的主方法
def Print_Student_Info(Student_Info):# 定义一个字符串用于存储想要输出显示的内容str_out = ""# 学生信息为空将返回if Student_Info is None:result.set("学生信息为空")returnif len(Student_Info) == 0:result.set("无学生信息")return# 学生信息不为空if len(Student_Info) != 0:str_out += "学生信息如下:\n"# 显示信息标题str_out += ("{:^7}".format("学生学号") +"{:^7}".format("学生姓名") +"{:^7}".format("学生专业") +"{:^7}".format("学生年龄") +"{:^5}".format("班级") +"{:^9}".format("电话号码") +"\n")for i in range(0, len(Student_Info)):# 格式化字符串str_out += ("{:^}".format(Student_Info[i].get("ID")) + ' '*(11-Len_Str(Student_Info[i].get("ID"))) +"{:^}".format(Student_Info[i].get("Name")) +' '*(11-Len_Str(Student_Info[i].get("Name")))+"{:^}".format(Student_Info[i].get("Major")) +' '*(13-Len_Str(Student_Info[i].get("Major")))+"{:^}".format(Student_Info[i].get("Age")) +' '*(10-Len_Str(Student_Info[i].get("Age")))+"{:^}".format(Student_Info[i].get("Class")) +' '*(5-Len_Str(Student_Info[i].get("Class")))+"{:^}".format(Student_Info[i].get("Telephone")) +' '*(11-Len_Str(Student_Info[i].get("Telephone")))+"\n")# 在主界面显示学生信息result.set(str_out)# 添加学生信息的窗口
def Window_Add():# 实例化对象,创建root的子窗口windowwindow = tk.Toplevel(root)# 窗口名字window.title("添加学生信息")# 窗口大小window.geometry('500x500')# 关于学号的 label 和 entryTxt_ID = tk.StringVar()Txt_ID.set("")Label_Line1 = tk.Label(window, text = "学   号 (6 位):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 50, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line1 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_ID, width = 20)Entry_Line1.place(x = 200, y = 50, anchor = 'nw')# 关于姓名的 label 和 entryTxt_Name = tk.StringVar()Txt_Name.set("")Label_Line2 = tk.Label(window, text = "姓   名:", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line2 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Name, width = 20)Entry_Line2.place(x = 200, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')# 关于专业的 label 和 entryTxt_Major = tk.StringVar()Txt_Major.set("")Label_Line3 = tk.Label(window, text = "专   业:", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 150, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line3 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Major, width = 20)Entry_Line3.place(x = 200, y = 150, anchor = 'nw')# 关于年龄的 label 和 entryTxt_Age = tk.StringVar()Txt_Age.set("")Label_Line4 = tk.Label(window, text = "年   龄 (17~21):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line4 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Age, width = 20)Entry_Line4.place(x = 200, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 关于班级的 label 和 entryTxt_Class = tk.StringVar()Txt_Class.set("")Label_Line5 = tk.Label(window, text = "班   级 (序号):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 250, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line5 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Class, width = 20)Entry_Line5.place(x = 200, y = 250, anchor = 'nw')# 关于电话的 label 和 entryTxt_Telephone = tk.StringVar()Txt_Telephone.set("")Label_Line6 = tk.Label(window, text = "电   话 (11位):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 300, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line6 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Telephone, width = 20)Entry_Line6.place(x = 200, y = 300, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"确认"组件,此处绑定函数Add_Student_Info用于添加学生信息Button1_Yes = tk.Button(window, text = '确认', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:Add_Student_Info(Txt_ID.get(), Txt_Name.get(), Txt_Major.get(),Txt_Age.get(),Txt_Class.get(),Txt_Telephone.get()), width = 10)Button1_Yes.place(x = 75, y = 400, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"取消"组件,此处绑定函数destroy()用于关闭窗口Button2_No = tk.Button(window, text = '取消', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:window.destroy(), width = 10)Button2_No.place(x = 325, y = 400, anchor = 'nw')# 窗口显示window.mainloop() # 删除学生信息的窗口
def Window_Del():# 创建root的子窗口window = tk.Toplevel(root)window.title("删除学生信息")window.geometry('500x300')# 关于学号的 label 和 entryTxt_ID = tk.StringVar()Txt_ID.set("")Label_Line1 = tk.Label(window, text = "学   号 (6 位):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line1 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_ID, width = 20)Entry_Line1.place(x = 200, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"确认"组件,此处绑定函数Del_Student_Info用于删除学生信息Button1_Yes = tk.Button(window, text = '确认', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:Del_Student_Info(Txt_ID.get()), width = 10)Button1_Yes.place(x = 75, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"取消"组件,此处绑定函数destroy()用于关闭窗口Button2_No = tk.Button(window, text = '取消', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:window.destroy(), width = 10)Button2_No.place(x = 325, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# tk.StringVar()用于接收用户输入result = tk.StringVar()result.set(">>>请先通过'查询学生信息'查询待删除学生的学号<<<")# 在界面中显示文本框,打印result的信息Show_result = tk.Label(window, bg = "white", fg = "black", font = ("宋体", 12), bd = '0', anchor = 'nw', textvariable = result)Show_result.place(x = "50", y = "50", width = "400", height = "50")# 显示窗口window.mainloop()# 修改学生信息的窗口
def Window_Mod():# 创建root的子窗口window = tk.Toplevel(root)window.title("修改学生信息")window.geometry('500x300')# 关于学号的 label 和 entryTxt_ID = tk.StringVar()Txt_ID.set("")Label_Line1 = tk.Label(window, text = "学   号 (6 位):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line1 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_ID, width = 20)Entry_Line1.place(x = 200, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"确认"组件,此处绑定函数Mod_Student_Info用于修改学生信息Button1_Yes = tk.Button(window, text = '确认', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:Mod_Student_Info(Txt_ID.get()), width = 10)Button1_Yes.place(x = 75, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"取消"组件,此处绑定函数destroy()用于关闭窗口Button2_No = tk.Button(window, text = '取消', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:window.destroy(), width = 10)Button2_No.place(x = 325, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 在界面中显示文本框,打印result的信息result = tk.StringVar()result.set(">>>请先通过'查询学生信息'查询待修改学生的学号<<<")Show_result = tk.Label(window, bg = "white", fg = "black", font = ("宋体", 12), bd = '0', anchor = 'nw', textvariable = result)Show_result.place(x = "50", y = "50", width = "400", height = "50")#显示窗口window.mainloop()# 输入修改学生信息的窗口
def Window_Mod_Input(ID):# 创建root的子窗口window = tk.Toplevel(root)window.title("修改学生信息")window.geometry('500x500')# 关于姓名的 label 和 entryTxt_Name = tk.StringVar()Txt_Name.set("")Label_Line2 = tk.Label(window, text = "姓   名:", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line2 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Name, width = 20)Entry_Line2.place(x = 200, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')# 关于专业的 label 和 entryTxt_Major = tk.StringVar()Txt_Major.set("")Label_Line3 = tk.Label(window, text = "专   业:", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 150, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line3 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Major, width = 20)Entry_Line3.place(x = 200, y = 150, anchor = 'nw')# 关于年龄的 label 和 entryTxt_Age = tk.StringVar()Txt_Age.set("")Label_Line4 = tk.Label(window, text = "年   龄 (17~21):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line4 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Age, width = 20)Entry_Line4.place(x = 200, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 关于班级的 label 和 entryTxt_Class = tk.StringVar()Txt_Class.set("")Label_Line5 = tk.Label(window, text = "班   级 (序号):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 250, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line5 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Class, width = 20)Entry_Line5.place(x = 200, y = 250, anchor = 'nw')# 关于电话的 label 和 entryTxt_Telephone = tk.StringVar()Txt_Telephone.set("")Label_Line6 = tk.Label(window, text = "电   话 (11位):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 300, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line6 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Telephone, width = 20)Entry_Line6.place(x = 200, y = 300, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"确认"组件,此处绑定函数Mod_Student_Info_1用于修改学生信息Button1_Yes = tk.Button(window, text = '确认', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:Mod_Student_Info_1(ID, Txt_Name.get(), Txt_Major.get(),Txt_Age.get(),Txt_Class.get(),Txt_Telephone.get()), width = 10)Button1_Yes.place(x = 75, y = 400, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"取消"组件,此处绑定函数destroy()用于关闭窗口Button2_No = tk.Button(window, text = '取消', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:window.destroy(), width = 10)Button2_No.place(x = 325, y = 400, anchor = 'nw')# 在界面中显示文本框,打印result的信息result = tk.StringVar()result.set("            >>>请输入修改后的信息<<<")Show_result = tk.Label(window, bg = "white", fg = "black", font = ("宋体", 12), bd = '0', anchor = 'nw', textvariable = result)Show_result.place(x = "50", y = "50", width = "400", height = "50")# 显示窗口window.mainloop()# 查找学生信息的窗口
def Window_Ser():# 创建root的子窗口window = tk.Toplevel(root)window.title("查询学生信息")window.geometry('500x500')# 关于学号的 label 和 entryTxt_ID = tk.StringVar()Txt_ID.set("")Label_Line1 = tk.Label(window, text = "学   号 (6 位):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line1 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_ID, width = 20)Entry_Line1.place(x = 200, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')# 关于姓名的 label 和 entryTxt_Name = tk.StringVar()Txt_Name.set("")Label_Line2 = tk.Label(window, text = "姓   名:", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 150, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line2 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Name, width = 20)Entry_Line2.place(x = 200, y = 150, anchor = 'nw')# 关于专业的 label 和 entryTxt_Major = tk.StringVar()Txt_Major.set("")Label_Line3 = tk.Label(window, text = "专   业:", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line3 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Major, width = 20)Entry_Line3.place(x = 200, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 关于年龄的 label 和 entryTxt_Age = tk.StringVar()Txt_Age.set("")Label_Line4 = tk.Label(window, text = "年   龄 (17~21):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 250, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line4 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Age, width = 20)Entry_Line4.place(x = 200, y = 250, anchor = 'nw')# 关于班级的 label 和 entryTxt_Class = tk.StringVar()Txt_Class.set("")Label_Line5 = tk.Label(window, text = "班   级 (序号):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 300, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line5 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Class, width = 20)Entry_Line5.place(x = 200, y = 300, anchor = 'nw')# 关于电话的 label 和 entryTxt_Telephone = tk.StringVar()Txt_Telephone.set("")Label_Line6 = tk.Label(window, text = "电   话 (11位):", font = ('Arial', 10), width = 15).place(x = 75, y = 350, anchor = 'nw')Entry_Line6 = tk.Entry(window, show = None, font = ('宋体', 15), textvariable = Txt_Telephone, width = 20)Entry_Line6.place(x = 200, y = 350, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"确认"组件,此处绑定函数Search_Student_Info用于修改学生信息Button1_Yes = tk.Button(window, text = '确认', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:Search_Student_Info(Txt_ID.get(), Txt_Name.get(), Txt_Major.get(),Txt_Age.get(),Txt_Class.get(),Txt_Telephone.get()), width = 10)Button1_Yes.place(x = 75, y = 400, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"取消"组件,此处绑定函数destroy()用于关闭窗口Button2_No = tk.Button(window, text = '取消', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:window.destroy(), width = 10)Button2_No.place(x = 325, y = 400, anchor = 'nw')# 在界面中显示文本框,打印result的信息result = tk.StringVar()result.set("   >>>请输入待查找学生的部分信息(可不全填)<<<")Show_result = tk.Label(window, bg = "white", fg = "black", font = ("宋体", 12), bd = '0', anchor = 'nw', textvariable = result)Show_result.place(x = "50", y = "50", width = "400", height = "50")# 显示窗口window.mainloop()# 退出管理系统的窗口
def Window_Exit():# 创建root的子窗口window = tk.Toplevel()window.title("退出管理系统")window.geometry('400x300')# 关于"确认"组件,此处绑定函数destroy()用于关闭主窗口Button1_Yes = tk.Button(window, text = '确认', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:root.destroy(), width = 10)Button1_Yes.place(x = 50, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 关于"取消"组件,此处绑定函数destroy()用于关闭窗口Button2_No = tk.Button(window, text = '取消', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:window.destroy(), width = 10)Button2_No.place(x = 250, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')# 在界面中显示文本框,打印result的信息result = tk.StringVar()result.set("   >>>您确认离开系统吗?<<<")Show_result = tk.Label(window, bg = "white", fg = "black", font = ("宋体", 15), bd = '0', anchor = 'nw', textvariable = result)Show_result.place(x = "50", y = "75", width = "300", height = "50")# 显示窗口window.mainloop()# 用于将文件里的信息存入全局变量Info中
try:for i in ReadTxt():Info.append(i)
# 如果该文件是程序运行的主文件,将会运行以下代码
if __name__ == '__main__':# 创建主窗口root = tk.Tk()root.title("学生信息管理系统 V1.1")root.geometry('900x400')# 关于"添加学生信息"组件,此处绑定函数Search_Student_Info用于修改学生信息Button1_Add = tk.Button(root, text = '添 加 学 生 信 息', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = Window_Add, width = 20)Button1_Add.place(x = 50, y = 50, anchor = 'nw')Button2_Del = tk.Button(root, text = '删 除 学 生 信 息', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = Window_Del, width = 20)Button2_Del.place(x = 50, y = 100, anchor = 'nw')Button3_Mod = tk.Button(root, text = '修 改 学 生 信 息', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = Window_Mod, width = 20)Button3_Mod.place(x = 50, y = 150, anchor = 'nw')Button4_Ser = tk.Button(root, text = '查 询 学 生 信 息', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = Window_Ser, width = 20)Button4_Ser.place(x = 50, y = 200, anchor = 'nw')Button5_Show = tk.Button(root, text = '显 示 学 生 信 息', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = lambda:Print_Student_Info(Info), width = 20)Button5_Show.place(x = 50, y = 250, anchor = 'nw')Button6_Exit = tk.Button(root, text = '退 出 管 理 系 统', bg = 'silver', font = ('Arial', 12), command = Window_Exit, width = 20)Button6_Exit.place(x = 50, y = 300, anchor = 'nw')result = tk.StringVar()result.set(">>>欢迎使用学生信息管理系统<<<\n   Edition:  V1.1   \n   @Author:  Marshal\nComplete Time:  2022/10/14")Show_result = tk.Label(root, bg = "white", fg = "black", font = ("宋体", 12), bd = '0', anchor = 'nw', textvariable = result)Show_result.place(x = "300", y = "50", width = "520", height = "300")root.mainloop()


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  20. python如何询问_python在线询问


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