• 了解Uboot Bootstage

1.Kconfig Introduction

config BOOTSTAGEbool "Boot timing and reporting"helpEnable recording of boot time while booting. To use it, insertcalls to bootstage_mark() with a suitable BOOTSTAGE_ID frombootstage.h. Only a single entry is recorded for each ID. You cangive the entry a name with bootstage_mark_name(). You can alsorecord elapsed time in a particular stage using bootstage_start()before starting and bootstage_accum() when finished. Bootstage willadd up all the accumulated time and report it.Normally, IDs are defined in bootstage.h but a small number ofadditional 'user' IDs can be used by passing BOOTSTAGE_ID_ALLOCas the ID.Calls to show_boot_progress() will also result in log entries butthese will not have names.
config BOOTSTAGE_REPORTbool "Display a detailed boot timing report before booting the OS"depends on BOOTSTAGEhelpEnable output of a boot time report just before the OS is booted.This shows how long it took U-Boot to go through each stage of theboot process. The report looks something like this:Timer summary in microseconds:Mark    Elapsed  Stage0          0  reset3,575,678  3,575,678  board_init_f start3,575,695         17  arch_cpu_init A93,575,777         82  arch_cpu_init done3,659,598     83,821  board_init_r start                                                           3,910,375    250,777  main_loop29,916,167 26,005,792  bootm_start30,361,327    445,160  start_kernel
config BOOTSTAGE_STASH_ADDRhex "Address to stash boot timing information"default 0helpProvide an address which will not be overwritten by the OS when itstarts, so that it can read this information when ready.
config BOOTSTAGE_STASH_SIZEhex "Size of boot timing stash region"default 0x1000help                                                                                                     This should be large enough to hold the bootstage stash. A value of4096 (4KiB) is normally plenty.


  enum bootstage_id {BOOTSTAGE_ID_START = 0,BOOTSTAGE_ID_CHECK_MAGIC,   /* Checking image magic */BOOTSTAGE_ID_CHECK_HEADER,  /* Checking image header */BOOTSTAGE_ID_CHECK_CHECKSUM,    /* Checking image checksum */BOOTSTAGE_ID_CHECK_ARCH,    /* Checking architecture */BOOTSTAGE_ID_CHECK_IMAGETYPE = 5,/* Checking image type */BOOTSTAGE_ID_DECOMP_IMAGE,  /* Decompressing image */BOOTSTAGE_ID_KERNEL_LOADED, /* Kernel has been loaded */BOOTSTAGE_ID_DECOMP_UNIMPL = 7, /* Odd decompression algorithm */BOOTSTAGE_ID_CHECK_BOOT_OS, /* Calling OS-specific boot function */BOOTSTAGE_ID_BOOT_OS_RETURNED,  /* Tried to boot OS, but it returned */BOOTSTAGE_ID_CHECK_RAMDISK = 9, /* Checking ram disk */                                                BOOTSTAGE_ID_RD_MAGIC,      /* Checking ram disk magic */BOOTSTAGE_ID_RD_HDR_CHECKSUM,   /* Checking ram disk heder checksum */BOOTSTAGE_ID_RD_CHECKSUM,   /* Checking ram disk checksum */BOOTSTAGE_ID_COPY_RAMDISK = 12, /* Copying ram disk into place */BOOTSTAGE_ID_RAMDISK,       /* Checking for valid ramdisk */BOOTSTAGE_ID_NO_RAMDISK,    /* No ram disk found (not an error) */BOOTSTAGE_ID_RUN_OS = 15,   /* Exiting U-Boot, entering OS */BOOTSTAGE_ID_NEED_RESET = 30,BOOTSTAGE_ID_POST_FAIL,     /* Post failure */BOOTSTAGE_ID_POST_FAIL_R,   /* Post failure reported after reloc */...


3.1. 常用函数

 common/bootstage.c:int bootstage_init(bool first);ulong bootstage_add_record(enum bootstage_id id, const char *name,int flags, ulong mark);ulong bootstage_mark(enum bootstage_id id);ulong bootstage_mark_name(enum bootstage_id id, const char *name);  ulong bootstage_mark_code(const char *file, const char *func,int linenum);uint32_t bootstage_start(enum bootstage_id id, const char *name); uint32_t bootstage_accum(enum bootstage_id id);int bootstage_stash(void *base, int size);int bootstage_unstash(const void *base, int size);


 498 int bootstage_init(bool first)499 {500     struct bootstage_data *data;501     int size = sizeof(struct bootstage_data);502 503     gd->bootstage = (struct bootstage_data *)malloc(size);504     if (!gd->bootstage)505         return -ENOMEM;506     data = gd->bootstage;507     memset(data, '\0', size);508     if (first) {509         data->next_id = BOOTSTAGE_ID_USER;510         bootstage_add_record(BOOTSTAGE_ID_AWAKE, "reset", 0, 0);511     }512                                                                                                        513     return 0;514 }

  初始化全局变量gd->bootstage,然后调用bootstage_add_record添加record到结构体数组struct bootstage_record record[RECORD_COUNT]; 数组大小由RECORD_COUNT决定。

   19 enum {20     RECORD_COUNT = CONFIG_VAL(BOOTSTAGE_RECORD_COUNT),                                                 21 };


  • bootstage_mark(BOOTSTAGE_ID_RUN_OS);
  • bootstage_mark_name(BOOTSTAGE_ID_START_UBOOT_F, “board_init_f”);

3.4. config配置



=> bootstage report
Timer summary in microseconds (6 records):Mark    Elapsed  Stage13,284,026          0  board_init_f16,594,567  3,310,541  board_init_r17,887,992  1,293,425  id=6417,898,594     10,602  main_loop17,961,225     62,631  id=173Accumulated time:102,461  dm_r849,307  dm_f
 => bootstage stash 0 0x4096
Stashed 7 records=> bootstage unstash 0 0x4096
Unstashed 7 records

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