


解决方法:在另一台ubuntu系统下找到相同的文件 cp过来


// unique_ptr implementation -*- C++ -*-// Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
// any later version.// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>./** @file bits/unique_ptr.h*  This is an internal header file, included by other library headers.*  Do not attempt to use it directly. @headername{memory}*/#ifndef _UNIQUE_PTR_H
#define _UNIQUE_PTR_H 1#include <bits/c++config.h>
#include <debug/assertions.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <tuple>
#include <bits/stl_function.h>
#include <bits/functional_hash.h>namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
_GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_VERSION/*** @addtogroup pointer_abstractions* @{*/#if _GLIBCXX_USE_DEPRECATEDtemplate<typename> class auto_ptr;
#endif/// Primary template of default_delete, used by unique_ptrtemplate<typename _Tp>struct default_delete{/// Default constructorconstexpr default_delete() noexcept = default;/** @brief Converting constructor.** Allows conversion from a deleter for arrays of another type, @p _Up,* only if @p _Up* is convertible to @p _Tp*.*/template<typename _Up, typename = typenameenable_if<is_convertible<_Up*, _Tp*>::value>::type>default_delete(const default_delete<_Up>&) noexcept { }/// Calls @c delete @p __ptrvoidoperator()(_Tp* __ptr) const{static_assert(!is_void<_Tp>::value,"can't delete pointer to incomplete type");static_assert(sizeof(_Tp)>0,"can't delete pointer to incomplete type");delete __ptr;}};// _GLIBCXX_RESOLVE_LIB_DEFECTS// DR 740 - omit specialization for array objects with a compile time length/// Specialization for arrays, default_delete.template<typename _Tp>struct default_delete<_Tp[]>{public:/// Default constructorconstexpr default_delete() noexcept = default;/** @brief Converting constructor.** Allows conversion from a deleter for arrays of another type, such as* a const-qualified version of @p _Tp.** Conversions from types derived from @c _Tp are not allowed because* it is unsafe to @c delete[] an array of derived types through a* pointer to the base type.*/template<typename _Up, typename = typenameenable_if<is_convertible<_Up(*)[], _Tp(*)[]>::value>::type>default_delete(const default_delete<_Up[]>&) noexcept { }/// Calls @c delete[] @p __ptrtemplate<typename _Up>typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Up(*)[], _Tp(*)[]>::value>::typeoperator()(_Up* __ptr) const{static_assert(sizeof(_Tp)>0,"can't delete pointer to incomplete type");delete [] __ptr;}};template <typename _Tp, typename _Dp>class __uniq_ptr_impl{template <typename _Up, typename _Ep, typename = void>struct _Ptr{using type = _Up*;};template <typename _Up, typename _Ep>struct_Ptr<_Up, _Ep, __void_t<typename remove_reference<_Ep>::type::pointer>>{using type = typename remove_reference<_Ep>::type::pointer;};public:using _DeleterConstraint = enable_if<__and_<__not_<is_pointer<_Dp>>,is_default_constructible<_Dp>>::value>;using pointer = typename _Ptr<_Tp, _Dp>::type;__uniq_ptr_impl() = default;__uniq_ptr_impl(pointer __p) : _M_t() { _M_ptr() = __p; }template<typename _Del>__uniq_ptr_impl(pointer __p, _Del&& __d): _M_t(__p, std::forward<_Del>(__d)) { }pointer&   _M_ptr() { return std::get<0>(_M_t); }pointer    _M_ptr() const { return std::get<0>(_M_t); }_Dp&       _M_deleter() { return std::get<1>(_M_t); }const _Dp& _M_deleter() const { return std::get<1>(_M_t); }private:tuple<pointer, _Dp> _M_t;};/// unique_ptr for single objects.template <typename _Tp, typename _Dp = default_delete<_Tp>>class unique_ptr{template <class _Up>using _DeleterConstraint =typename __uniq_ptr_impl<_Tp, _Up>::_DeleterConstraint::type;__uniq_ptr_impl<_Tp, _Dp> _M_t;public:using pointer     = typename __uniq_ptr_impl<_Tp, _Dp>::pointer;using element_type  = _Tp;using deleter_type  = _Dp;// helper template for detecting a safe conversion from another// unique_ptrtemplate<typename _Up, typename _Ep>using __safe_conversion_up = __and_<is_convertible<typename unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>::pointer, pointer>,__not_<is_array<_Up>>>;// Constructors./// Default constructor, creates a unique_ptr that owns nothing.template <typename _Up = _Dp,typename = _DeleterConstraint<_Up>>constexpr unique_ptr() noexcept: _M_t(){ }/** Takes ownership of a pointer.** @param __p  A pointer to an object of @c element_type** The deleter will be value-initialized.*/template <typename _Up = _Dp,typename = _DeleterConstraint<_Up>>explicitunique_ptr(pointer __p) noexcept: _M_t(__p){ }/** Takes ownership of a pointer.** @param __p  A pointer to an object of @c element_type* @param __d  A reference to a deleter.** The deleter will be initialized with @p __d*/unique_ptr(pointer __p,typename conditional<is_reference<deleter_type>::value,deleter_type, const deleter_type&>::type __d) noexcept: _M_t(__p, __d) { }/** Takes ownership of a pointer.** @param __p  A pointer to an object of @c element_type* @param __d  An rvalue reference to a deleter.** The deleter will be initialized with @p std::move(__d)*/unique_ptr(pointer __p,typename remove_reference<deleter_type>::type&& __d) noexcept: _M_t(std::move(__p), std::move(__d)){ static_assert(!std::is_reference<deleter_type>::value,"rvalue deleter bound to reference"); }/// Creates a unique_ptr that owns nothing.template <typename _Up = _Dp,typename = _DeleterConstraint<_Up>>constexpr unique_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept : _M_t() { }// Move constructors./// Move constructor.unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& __u) noexcept: _M_t(__u.release(), std::forward<deleter_type>(__u.get_deleter())) { }/** @brief Converting constructor from another type** Requires that the pointer owned by @p __u is convertible to the* type of pointer owned by this object, @p __u does not own an array,* and @p __u has a compatible deleter type.*/template<typename _Up, typename _Ep, typename = _Require<__safe_conversion_up<_Up, _Ep>,typename conditional<is_reference<_Dp>::value,is_same<_Ep, _Dp>,is_convertible<_Ep, _Dp>>::type>>unique_ptr(unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>&& __u) noexcept: _M_t(__u.release(), std::forward<_Ep>(__u.get_deleter())){ }#if _GLIBCXX_USE_DEPRECATED/// Converting constructor from @c auto_ptrtemplate<typename _Up, typename = _Require<is_convertible<_Up*, _Tp*>, is_same<_Dp, default_delete<_Tp>>>>unique_ptr(auto_ptr<_Up>&& __u) noexcept;
#endif/// Destructor, invokes the deleter if the stored pointer is not null.~unique_ptr() noexcept{auto& __ptr = _M_t._M_ptr();if (__ptr != nullptr)get_deleter()(__ptr);__ptr = pointer();}// Assignment./** @brief Move assignment operator.** @param __u  The object to transfer ownership from.** Invokes the deleter first if this object owns a pointer.*/unique_ptr&operator=(unique_ptr&& __u) noexcept{reset(__u.release());get_deleter() = std::forward<deleter_type>(__u.get_deleter());return *this;}/** @brief Assignment from another type.** @param __u  The object to transfer ownership from, which owns a*             convertible pointer to a non-array object.** Invokes the deleter first if this object owns a pointer.*/template<typename _Up, typename _Ep>typename enable_if< __and_<__safe_conversion_up<_Up, _Ep>,is_assignable<deleter_type&, _Ep&&>>::value,unique_ptr&>::typeoperator=(unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>&& __u) noexcept{reset(__u.release());get_deleter() = std::forward<_Ep>(__u.get_deleter());return *this;}/// Reset the %unique_ptr to empty, invoking the deleter if necessary.unique_ptr&operator=(nullptr_t) noexcept{reset();return *this;}// Observers./// Dereference the stored pointer.typename add_lvalue_reference<element_type>::typeoperator*() const{__glibcxx_assert(get() != pointer());return *get();}/// Return the stored pointer.pointeroperator->() const noexcept{_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_PEDASSERT(get() != pointer());return get();}/// Return the stored pointer.pointerget() const noexcept{ return _M_t._M_ptr(); }/// Return a reference to the stored deleter.deleter_type&get_deleter() noexcept{ return _M_t._M_deleter(); }/// Return a reference to the stored deleter.const deleter_type&get_deleter() const noexcept{ return _M_t._M_deleter(); }/// Return @c true if the stored pointer is not null.explicit operator bool() const noexcept{ return get() == pointer() ? false : true; }// Modifiers./// Release ownership of any stored pointer.pointerrelease() noexcept{pointer __p = get();_M_t._M_ptr() = pointer();return __p;}/** @brief Replace the stored pointer.** @param __p  The new pointer to store.** The deleter will be invoked if a pointer is already owned.*/voidreset(pointer __p = pointer()) noexcept{using std::swap;swap(_M_t._M_ptr(), __p);if (__p != pointer())get_deleter()(__p);}/// Exchange the pointer and deleter with another object.voidswap(unique_ptr& __u) noexcept{using std::swap;swap(_M_t, __u._M_t);}// Disable copy from lvalue.unique_ptr(const unique_ptr&) = delete;unique_ptr& operator=(const unique_ptr&) = delete;};/// unique_ptr for array objects with a runtime length// [unique.ptr.runtime]// _GLIBCXX_RESOLVE_LIB_DEFECTS// DR 740 - omit specialization for array objects with a compile time lengthtemplate<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>class unique_ptr<_Tp[], _Dp>{template <typename _Up>using _DeleterConstraint =typename __uniq_ptr_impl<_Tp, _Up>::_DeleterConstraint::type;__uniq_ptr_impl<_Tp, _Dp> _M_t;template<typename _Up>using __remove_cv = typename remove_cv<_Up>::type;// like is_base_of<_Tp, _Up> but false if unqualified types are the sametemplate<typename _Up>using __is_derived_Tp= __and_< is_base_of<_Tp, _Up>,__not_<is_same<__remove_cv<_Tp>, __remove_cv<_Up>>> >;public:using pointer      = typename __uniq_ptr_impl<_Tp, _Dp>::pointer;using element_type  = _Tp;using deleter_type  = _Dp;// helper template for detecting a safe conversion from another// unique_ptrtemplate<typename _Up, typename _Ep,typename _UPtr = unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>,typename _UP_pointer = typename _UPtr::pointer,typename _UP_element_type = typename _UPtr::element_type>using __safe_conversion_up = __and_<is_array<_Up>,is_same<pointer, element_type*>,is_same<_UP_pointer, _UP_element_type*>,is_convertible<_UP_element_type(*)[], element_type(*)[]>>;// helper template for detecting a safe conversion from a raw pointertemplate<typename _Up>using __safe_conversion_raw = __and_<__or_<__or_<is_same<_Up, pointer>,is_same<_Up, nullptr_t>>,__and_<is_pointer<_Up>,is_same<pointer, element_type*>,is_convertible<typename remove_pointer<_Up>::type(*)[],element_type(*)[]>>>>;// Constructors./// Default constructor, creates a unique_ptr that owns nothing.template <typename _Up = _Dp,typename = _DeleterConstraint<_Up>>constexpr unique_ptr() noexcept: _M_t(){ }/** Takes ownership of a pointer.** @param __p  A pointer to an array of a type safely convertible* to an array of @c element_type** The deleter will be value-initialized.*/template<typename _Up,typename _Vp = _Dp,typename = _DeleterConstraint<_Vp>,typename = typename enable_if<__safe_conversion_raw<_Up>::value, bool>::type>explicitunique_ptr(_Up __p) noexcept: _M_t(__p){ }/** Takes ownership of a pointer.** @param __p  A pointer to an array of a type safely convertible* to an array of @c element_type* @param __d  A reference to a deleter.** The deleter will be initialized with @p __d*/template<typename _Up,typename = typename enable_if<__safe_conversion_raw<_Up>::value, bool>::type>unique_ptr(_Up __p,typename conditional<is_reference<deleter_type>::value,deleter_type, const deleter_type&>::type __d) noexcept: _M_t(__p, __d) { }/** Takes ownership of a pointer.** @param __p  A pointer to an array of a type safely convertible* to an array of @c element_type* @param __d  A reference to a deleter.** The deleter will be initialized with @p std::move(__d)*/template<typename _Up,typename = typename enable_if<__safe_conversion_raw<_Up>::value, bool>::type>unique_ptr(_Up __p, typenameremove_reference<deleter_type>::type&& __d) noexcept: _M_t(std::move(__p), std::move(__d)){ static_assert(!is_reference<deleter_type>::value,"rvalue deleter bound to reference"); }/// Move constructor.unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& __u) noexcept: _M_t(__u.release(), std::forward<deleter_type>(__u.get_deleter())) { }/// Creates a unique_ptr that owns nothing.template <typename _Up = _Dp,typename = _DeleterConstraint<_Up>>constexpr unique_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept : _M_t() { }template<typename _Up, typename _Ep, typename = _Require<__safe_conversion_up<_Up, _Ep>,typename conditional<is_reference<_Dp>::value,is_same<_Ep, _Dp>,is_convertible<_Ep, _Dp>>::type>>unique_ptr(unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>&& __u) noexcept: _M_t(__u.release(), std::forward<_Ep>(__u.get_deleter())){ }/// Destructor, invokes the deleter if the stored pointer is not null.~unique_ptr(){auto& __ptr = _M_t._M_ptr();if (__ptr != nullptr)get_deleter()(__ptr);__ptr = pointer();}// Assignment./** @brief Move assignment operator.** @param __u  The object to transfer ownership from.** Invokes the deleter first if this object owns a pointer.*/unique_ptr&operator=(unique_ptr&& __u) noexcept{reset(__u.release());get_deleter() = std::forward<deleter_type>(__u.get_deleter());return *this;}/** @brief Assignment from another type.** @param __u  The object to transfer ownership from, which owns a*             convertible pointer to an array object.** Invokes the deleter first if this object owns a pointer.*/template<typename _Up, typename _Ep>typenameenable_if<__and_<__safe_conversion_up<_Up, _Ep>,is_assignable<deleter_type&, _Ep&&>>::value,unique_ptr&>::typeoperator=(unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>&& __u) noexcept{reset(__u.release());get_deleter() = std::forward<_Ep>(__u.get_deleter());return *this;}/// Reset the %unique_ptr to empty, invoking the deleter if necessary.unique_ptr&operator=(nullptr_t) noexcept{reset();return *this;}// Observers./// Access an element of owned array.typename std::add_lvalue_reference<element_type>::typeoperator[](size_t __i) const{__glibcxx_assert(get() != pointer());return get()[__i];}/// Return the stored pointer.pointerget() const noexcept{ return _M_t._M_ptr(); }/// Return a reference to the stored deleter.deleter_type&get_deleter() noexcept{ return _M_t._M_deleter(); }/// Return a reference to the stored deleter.const deleter_type&get_deleter() const noexcept{ return _M_t._M_deleter(); }/// Return @c true if the stored pointer is not null.explicit operator bool() const noexcept{ return get() == pointer() ? false : true; }// Modifiers./// Release ownership of any stored pointer.pointerrelease() noexcept{pointer __p = get();_M_t._M_ptr() = pointer();return __p;}/** @brief Replace the stored pointer.** @param __p  The new pointer to store.** The deleter will be invoked if a pointer is already owned.*/template <typename _Up,typename = _Require<__or_<is_same<_Up, pointer>,__and_<is_same<pointer, element_type*>,is_pointer<_Up>,is_convertible<typename remove_pointer<_Up>::type(*)[],element_type(*)[]>>>>>voidreset(_Up __p) noexcept{pointer __ptr = __p;using std::swap;swap(_M_t._M_ptr(), __ptr);if (__ptr != nullptr)get_deleter()(__ptr);}void reset(nullptr_t = nullptr) noexcept{reset(pointer());}/// Exchange the pointer and deleter with another object.voidswap(unique_ptr& __u) noexcept{using std::swap;swap(_M_t, __u._M_t);}// Disable copy from lvalue.unique_ptr(const unique_ptr&) = delete;unique_ptr& operator=(const unique_ptr&) = delete;};template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>inline
#if __cplusplus > 201402L || !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) // c++1z or gnu++11// Constrained free swap overload, see p0185r1typename enable_if<__is_swappable<_Dp>::value>::type
#endifswap(unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x,unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __y) noexcept{ __x.swap(__y); }#if __cplusplus > 201402L || !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) // c++1z or gnu++11template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>typename enable_if<!__is_swappable<_Dp>::value>::typeswap(unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>&,unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>&) = delete;
#endiftemplate<typename _Tp, typename _Dp,typename _Up, typename _Ep>inline booloperator==(const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x,const unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>& __y){ return __x.get() == __y.get(); }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>inline booloperator==(const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x, nullptr_t) noexcept{ return !__x; }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>inline booloperator==(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x) noexcept{ return !__x; }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp,typename _Up, typename _Ep>inline booloperator!=(const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x,const unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>& __y){ return __x.get() != __y.get(); }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>inline booloperator!=(const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x, nullptr_t) noexcept{ return (bool)__x; }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>inline booloperator!=(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x) noexcept{ return (bool)__x; }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp,typename _Up, typename _Ep>inline booloperator<(const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x,const unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>& __y){typedef typenamestd::common_type<typename unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>::pointer,typename unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>::pointer>::type _CT;return std::less<_CT>()(__x.get(), __y.get());}template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>inline booloperator<(const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x, nullptr_t){ return std::less<typename unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>::pointer>()(__x.get(),nullptr); }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>inline booloperator<(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x){ return std::less<typename unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>::pointer>()(nullptr,__x.get()); }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp,typename _Up, typename _Ep>inline booloperator<=(const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x,const unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>& __y){ return !(__y < __x); }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>inline booloperator<=(const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x, nullptr_t){ return !(nullptr < __x); }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>inline booloperator<=(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x){ return !(__x < nullptr); }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp,typename _Up, typename _Ep>inline booloperator>(const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x,const unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>& __y){ return (__y < __x); }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>inline booloperator>(const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x, nullptr_t){ return std::less<typename unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>::pointer>()(nullptr,__x.get()); }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>inline booloperator>(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x){ return std::less<typename unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>::pointer>()(__x.get(),nullptr); }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp,typename _Up, typename _Ep>inline booloperator>=(const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x,const unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>& __y){ return !(__x < __y); }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>inline booloperator>=(const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x, nullptr_t){ return !(__x < nullptr); }template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>inline booloperator>=(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x){ return !(nullptr < __x); }/// std::hash specialization for unique_ptr.template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp>struct hash<unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>>: public __hash_base<size_t, unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>>,private __poison_hash<typename unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>::pointer>{size_toperator()(const unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __u) const noexcept{typedef unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp> _UP;return std::hash<typename _UP::pointer>()(__u.get());}};#if __cplusplus > 201103L#define __cpp_lib_make_unique 201304template<typename _Tp>struct _MakeUniq{ typedef unique_ptr<_Tp> __single_object; };template<typename _Tp>struct _MakeUniq<_Tp[]>{ typedef unique_ptr<_Tp[]> __array; };template<typename _Tp, size_t _Bound>struct _MakeUniq<_Tp[_Bound]>{ struct __invalid_type { }; };/// std::make_unique for single objectstemplate<typename _Tp, typename... _Args>inline typename _MakeUniq<_Tp>::__single_objectmake_unique(_Args&&... __args){ return unique_ptr<_Tp>(new _Tp(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...)); }/// std::make_unique for arrays of unknown boundtemplate<typename _Tp>inline typename _MakeUniq<_Tp>::__arraymake_unique(size_t __num){ return unique_ptr<_Tp>(new remove_extent_t<_Tp>[__num]()); }/// Disable std::make_unique for arrays of known boundtemplate<typename _Tp, typename... _Args>inline typename _MakeUniq<_Tp>::__invalid_typemake_unique(_Args&&...) = delete;
#endif// @} group pointer_abstractions_GLIBCXX_END_NAMESPACE_VERSION
} // namespace#endif /* _UNIQUE_PTR_H */



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  11. ELKF(Elasticsearch+Logstash+ Kibana+ Filebeat) 部署
  12. 【2.Delphi语法基础】7.程序异常处理
  13. October cms-Plugins(插件-注册)
  14. redis从入门到入魔
  15. 机器学习与网络安全(一)
  16. UI设计(用户界面设计)的好处
  17. Matlab里关于T2F/F2T/lpf.m函数调用应注意的问题及函数修改
  18. 李宏毅机器学习 Regression
  19. 黑马程序员——集合Collection:体系详述
  20. 2018年7月编程语言TIOBE排行榜


  1. Experiment3: IR Evaluation
  2. Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 入门教程(七)时间轴面板的深入讲解
  3. 感情到底是该刻意的追求还是顺其自然
  4. 计算机毕业设计Java医院疫情防控管理系统(系统+源码+mysql数据库+Lw文档)
  5. 清理项目中的无用资源
  6. jquery监听input值改变
  7. 第十一章 寡头垄断市场中的企业决策
  8. 怎么在打开查看的CAD图纸上插入OLE对象?
  9. unauthorized 项目请求_请求因HTTP状态401失败:Unauthorized 的原因?
  10. 师范类的大学计算机专业好吗,高考选什么专业好,冲大学还是保专业?大学生就业报告给出答案...