内容来自 xcode-users@lists.apple.com

the following steps seem to work:

- Download the new Provisioning Profile from the web portal.

- Quit Xcode.
- Delete the bad profiles from "~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles".
- Rename the downloaded profile with the "UUID" key from the snippet of XML inside the file. I was able to find this by opening the .mobileprovision file in TextWrangler and looking on line 3. You can copy the UDID string right out of the file and paste it into the filename in the Finder.
- Put the new .mobileprovision file in "~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles".
- Re-launch Xcode. Don't try to update the profiles via the Prefs pane; it might undo all your hard work.

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