
There has been much ado about Apple’s removal of the headphone jack in its latest version of the iPhone. That means you only have one port on the phone–so how do you charge and listen to music at the same time? We have some options for you.

苹果公司在其最新版本的iPhone中移除了耳机插Kong ,这已经引起了很多争议。 这意味着您电话上只有一个端口-那么如何同时充电和听音乐呢? 我们为您提供一些选择。

Most people are concerned with why Apple removed the headphone jack in the first place. Their marketing department would like you to believe it was all about “courage” but there are actually more practical reasons. The iPhone is a very powerful handheld computer, but it’s a computer packed in severely finite space and if Apple is to keep making advancements, something had to go.

大多数人都担心苹果为什么首先要拆下耳机插Kong。 他们的市场部门希望您相信一切都与“勇气”有关,但实际上还有更多实际原因。 iPhone是一台功能非常强大的掌上电脑,但它是装在非常有限的空间中的计算机,如果苹果公司要继续取得进步,就必须有所发展。

The reasons, then are very simple: Apple wanted to make improvements to the camera and battery life, which are two things users often pay attention to beyond others.

原因很简单 :Apple希望改善相机和电池寿命,这是用户经常需要注意的两件事。

Unfortunately, getting rid of the headphone jack means possibly alienating a lot of users, or at least creating inconvenience and unhappiness. Thankfully, there are a lot of solutions to the biggest gripe of all: charging and listening to music at the same time.

不幸的是,摆脱耳机插Kong意味着可能疏远了许多用户,或者至少造成了不便和不愉快 。 值得庆幸的是,有许多解决方案可解决所有最大难题:同时充电和听音乐。

认为加密狗和码头 (Think Dongles and Docks)

Truthfully, we’re not huge fans of dongles or docks, but this may be your number one recourse until headphone/charger manufacturers work out something more elegant.


For those who’re planning on clinging to their old analog headphones, Apple will include a special dongle that will let you plug into the iPhone 7’s Lightning port. A replacement or second dongle will set you back $9 if you order it from Apple.

对于那些打算使用老式模拟耳机的人,Apple将提供一个特殊的加密狗,让您可以插入iPhone 7的Lightning端口。 如果您从Apple订购, 更换或第二个加密狗将使您损失9美元。

It will not, however, let you actually charge the device while listening to music.


For that, you’re going to need something a little more specialized. Right now, that means this dock with a Lightning passthrough and analog headphone jack for $39. You can also find what appears to be the same dock (in a variety of colors) on Amazon for $10 more.

为此,您将需要一些更专业的东西。 现在,这意味着这个带有Lightning直通和模拟耳机插Kong的扩展坞售价39美元。 您还可以在亚马逊上找到似乎是相同的底座(多种颜色),价格再加 10美元。

This Lightning dock is perfectly fine on any bedside nightstand, but it’s probably not something most people want to travel with.

If you’re planning on making the jump to Lightning headphones, however, manufacturers such as Belkin are already stepping in with dual-Lightning adapters. That way, you can plug in both a Lightning charger and a pair of Lightning headphones. Unfortunately, this is going to set you back $40, which is pretty pricey for something most users will already be reluctant to buy.

但是,如果您打算跳到Lightning耳机,那么Belkin等制造商已经开始使用双Lightning适配器。 这样,您可以同时插入Lightning充电器和一副Lightning耳机。 不幸的是,这会让您损失40美元,对于大多数用户已经不愿购买的东西来说,这是相当昂贵的。

Belkin’s Lightning Audio + Charge RockStar dongle will meet your music/charging needs, but it’ll cost you.
Belkin的Lightning Audio + Charge RockStar加密狗可以满足您的音乐/充电需求,但要花钱。

If you can hold off a bit longer, then we’re sure we’ll be seeing troves of these accessories in a much lower price range hitting the market soon. Still, it’s nice to know you’re not stuck waiting for solutions when you lay hands on your new iPhone.

如果您可以推迟更长的时间,那么我们肯定会看到价格低得多的这些配件的大量涌入市场。 不过,很高兴知道当您把手放在新iPhone上时,您不会被迫等待解决方案。

总有蓝牙 (There’s Always Bluetooth)

Apple’s solution to this music/charging problem is simple but pricey. Apple’s new AirPods ($159) are basically fancy, glorified Bluetooth-but-better-than-Bluetooth earbuds with a proprietary wireless chip embedded within them. They feature all sorts of technology like accelerometers and microphones.

Apple解决此音乐/收费问题的方法很简单,但价格昂贵。 Apple的新款AirPods (售价159美元)基本上是花哨的,精美的蓝牙耳机,但内置了专有的无线芯片,胜过蓝牙耳机。 它们采用了诸如加速度计和麦克风之类的各种技术。

Apple’s AirPods look good and are packed with high tech but for $159, you better hope you don’t lose them.

If all you want to do is listen to tunes and charge your iPhone at the same time, then maybe then it’s time to take the plunge and nab yourself a pair of Bluetooth headphones, which are plentiful and can be had for around $20.

如果您想要做的就是同时听音乐并为iPhone充电,那么也许是时候该尝试一下,为自己准备一副蓝牙耳机了,这对蓝牙耳机来说很充裕, 售价约为20美元 。

No need to break the bank, you can find decent Bluetooth headphones much cheaper than Apple’s AirPods.
无需掏钱,您可以找到比Apple AirPods更便宜的体面的蓝牙耳机。

Just remember Bluetooth doesn’t offer audio quality as good as wired headphones. But they free you from dongles and docks, which is an appealing prospect.

请记住,蓝牙没有提供比有线耳机更好的音频质量。 但是它们使您摆脱了软件狗和坞站,这是一个诱人的前景。

We think we’ll be seeing quite a few innovations coming down the pipe in the next few months as the iPhone 7’s presence on the market gains momentum. Expect to see battery cases with Lightning and analog headphone jacks, and perhaps wired Lightning headphones with built-in splitters or a simple Lightning passthrough. Hopefully, the right accessories will make that missing headphone jack no big deal.

我们认为,随着iPhone 7在市场上的势头越来越大,在接下来的几个月中,将会看到大量创新。 期望看到带有Lightning和模拟耳机插Kong的电池盒,以及带有内置分配器或简单Lightning直通接口的有线Lightning耳机。 希望,正确的配件将使丢失的耳机插Kong没什么大不了的。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/271339/how-to-charge-the-iphone-7-and-listen-to-music-at-the-same-time/


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