
  • 1. Sensors模块简介
  • 2. 模块入口函数
    • 2.1 主入口sensors_main
    • 2.2 自定义子命令custom_command
    • 2.3 模块状态print_status【重载】
  • 3. Sensors模块重要函数
    • 3.1 task_spawn
    • 3.2 instantiate
    • 3.3 init
    • 3.4 Run
  • 4. 总结
  • 5. 参考资料

1. Sensors模块简介


### Description
The sensors module is central to the whole system. It takes low-level output from drivers, turns
it into a more usable form, and publishes it for the rest of the system.The provided functionality includes:
- Read the output from the sensor drivers (`sensor_gyro`, etc.).If there are multiple of the same type, do voting and failover handling.Then apply the board rotation and temperature calibration (if enabled). And finally publish the data; one of thetopics is `sensor_combined`, used by many parts of the system.
- Make sure the sensor drivers get the updated calibration parameters (scale & offset) when the parameters change oron startup. The sensor drivers use the ioctl interface for parameter updates. For this to work properly, thesensor drivers must already be running when `sensors` is started.
- Do sensor consistency checks and publish the `sensors_status_imu` topic.### Implementation
It runs in its own thread and polls on the currently selected gyro topic.sensors <command> [arguments...]Commands:start[-h]        Start in HIL modestopstatus        print status info


class Sensors : public ModuleBase<Sensors>, public ModuleParams, public px4::ScheduledWorkItemModuleParams, public px4::WorkItem


2. 模块入口函数

2.1 主入口sensors_main


sensors_main└──> return Sensors::main(argc, argv)

2.2 自定义子命令custom_command


Sensors::custom_command└──> return print_usage("unknown command");

2.3 模块状态print_status【重载】

Sensors::print_status├──> _voted_sensors_update.printStatus();├──> <CONFIG_SENSORS_VEHICLE_MAGNETOMETER><_vehicle_magnetometer>│   ├──> PX4_INFO_RAW("\n");│   └──> _vehicle_magnetometer->PrintStatus();├──> <CONFIG_SENSORS_VEHICLE_AIR_DATA><_vehicle_air_data>│   ├──> PX4_INFO_RAW("\n");│   └──> _vehicle_air_data->PrintStatus();├──> <CONFIG_SENSORS_VEHICLE_AIRSPEED>│   ├──> PX4_INFO_RAW("\n");│   ├──> PX4_INFO_RAW("Airspeed status:\n");│   └──> _airspeed_validator.print();├──> <CONFIG_SENSORS_VEHICLE_OPTICAL_FLOW><_vehicle_optical_flow>│   ├──> PX4_INFO_RAW("\n");│   └──> _vehicle_optical_flow->PrintStatus();├──> <CONFIG_SENSORS_VEHICLE_GPS_POSITION><_vehicle_gps_position>│   ├──> PX4_INFO_RAW("\n");│   └──> _vehicle_gps_position->PrintStatus();├──> PX4_INFO_RAW("\n");├──> _vehicle_acceleration.PrintStatus();├──> PX4_INFO_RAW("\n");├──> _vehicle_angular_velocity.PrintStatus();├──> PX4_INFO_RAW("\n");├──> <for (auto &i : _vehicle_imu_list)><i != nullptr>│   ├──> PX4_INFO_RAW("\n");│   └──> i->PrintStatus();└──> return 0;

3. Sensors模块重要函数

3.1 task_spawn


Sensors::task_spawn├──> bool hil_enabled = false├──> [命令行输入参数,解析hil_enabled]├──> Sensors *instance = new Sensors(hil_enabled)├──> <instance>│   ├──> _object.store(instance)│   ├──> _task_id = task_id_is_work_queue│   └──> <instance->init()>│       └──> return PX4_OK├──> <else>│   └──> PX4_ERR("alloc failed")├──> delete instance├──> _object.store(nullptr)├──> _task_id = -1└──> return PX4_ERROR

3.2 instantiate


3.3 init


Sensors::init├──> _vehicle_imu_sub[0].registerCallback()  // 这里有点奇怪,为什么只是注册一个IMU;假如多个IMU,第0个损坏且数据不发生变化,怎么办???├──> ScheduleNow()└──> return true


uORB::SubscriptionCallbackWorkItem _vehicle_imu_sub[MAX_SENSOR_COUNT] {{this, ORB_ID(vehicle_imu), 0},{this, ORB_ID(vehicle_imu), 1},{this, ORB_ID(vehicle_imu), 2},{this, ORB_ID(vehicle_imu), 3}

3.4 Run


Sensors::Run├──> [优雅退出处理]├──> <_vcontrol_mode_sub.updated()><_vcontrol_mode_sub.copy(&vcontrol_mode)>│   └──> _armed = vcontrol_mode.flag_armed├──> <(!_armed && hrt_elapsed_time(&_last_config_update) > 500_ms) || (_last_config_update == 0)>   // keep adding sensors as long as we are not armed│   ├──> bool updated = false│   ├──> <CONFIG_SENSORS_VEHICLE_AIR_DATA>│   │   ├──> const int n_baro = orb_group_count(ORB_ID(sensor_baro))│   │   └──> <n_baro != _n_baro>│   │       └──> _n_baro = n_baro; updated = true;│   ├──> <CONFIG_SENSORS_VEHICLE_GPS_POSITION>│   │   ├──> const int n_gps = orb_group_count(ORB_ID(sensor_gps))│   │   └──> <n_gps != _n_gps>│   │       └──> _n_gps = n_gps; updated = true;│   ├──> <CONFIG_SENSORS_VEHICLE_MAGNETOMETER>│   │   ├──> const int n_mag = orb_group_count(ORB_ID(sensor_mag))│   │   └──> <n_mag != _n_mag>│   │       └──> _n_mag = n_mag; updated = true;│   ├──> <CONFIG_SENSORS_VEHICLE_OPTICAL_FLOW>│   │   ├──> const int n_optical_flow = orb_group_count(ORB_ID(sensor_optical_flow))│   │   └──> <n_optical_flow != _n_optical_flow>│   │       └──> _n_optical_flow = n_optical_flow; updated = true;│   ├──> const int n_accel = orb_group_count(ORB_ID(sensor_accel));│   ├──> const int n_gyro  = orb_group_count(ORB_ID(sensor_gyro));│   ├──> <(n_accel != _n_accel) || (n_gyro != _n_gyro) || updated>│   │   ├──> _n_accel = n_accel;│   │   ├──> _n_gyro = n_gyro;│   │   └──> parameters_update();│   ├──> _voted_sensors_update.initializeSensors();│   ├──> InitializeVehicleIMU();│   └──> _last_config_update = hrt_absolute_time();├──> <else><_parameter_update_sub.updated()>  // when not adding sensors poll for param updates│   ├──> _parameter_update_sub.copy(&pupdate);│   ├──> parameters_update();│   └──> updateParams();├──> _voted_sensors_update.sensorsPoll(_sensor_combined);├──> <_sensor_combined.timestamp != _sensor_combined_prev_timestamp>│   ├──> _voted_sensors_update.setRelativeTimestamps(_sensor_combined);│   ├──> _sensor_pub.publish(_sensor_combined);                                 // 发布sensor_combined消息│   └──> _sensor_combined_prev_timestamp = _sensor_combined.timestamp;├──> <CONFIG_SENSORS_VEHICLE_AIRSPEED>   // check analog airspeed│   ├──> adc_poll();      //发布differential_pressure消息│   └──> diff_pres_poll();      //发布airspeed消息└──> ScheduleDelayed(10_ms);  // backup schedule as a watchdog timeout

4. 总结


  • 输入
uORB::SubscriptionCallbackWorkItem _vehicle_imu_sub[MAX_SENSOR_COUNT] {{this, ORB_ID(vehicle_imu), 0},{this, ORB_ID(vehicle_imu), 1},{this, ORB_ID(vehicle_imu), 2},{this, ORB_ID(vehicle_imu), 3}};
uORB::SubscriptionInterval _parameter_update_sub{ORB_ID(parameter_update), 1_s};
uORB::Subscription _vcontrol_mode_sub{ORB_ID(vehicle_control_mode)};
uORB::Subscription _diff_pres_sub {ORB_ID(differential_pressure)};
uORB::Subscription _vehicle_air_data_sub{ORB_ID(vehicle_air_data)};
uORB::Subscription _adc_report_sub {ORB_ID(adc_report)};
  • 输出
uORB::Publication<sensor_combined_s>      _sensor_pub{ORB_ID(sensor_combined)};
uORB::Publication<airspeed_s>             _airspeed_pub{ORB_ID(airspeed)};
uORB::PublicationMulti<differential_pressure_s> _diff_pres_pub{ORB_ID(differential_pressure)};

5. 参考资料

【3】PX4模块设计之十二:High Resolution Timer设计
【7】PX4 modules_main


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