
Which Features of the TRACE32 Instruction Simulator need a TRACE32 Simulator License?

The following features are affected:
  • Larger PRACTICE scripts running on the TRACE32 Instruction Simulator.
  • Controlling the TRACE32 Instruction Set Simulator via the TRACE32 Remote API.
  • Controlling the TRACE32 Instruction Set Simulator via a third-party tool integration.
  • Controlling the TRACE32 Instruction Set Simulator as a TCF agent.
  • Controlling the TRACE32 Instruction Set Simulator via the TRACE32 GDB API.

When is a TRACE32 Simulator License needed?

The TRACE32 Instruction Set simulator allows to perform 50 script commands/API operations after the first "single-step" or "Go". If you want to perform further script commands/API operations a TRACE32 Simulator License is needed.

Customers, who have a hardware-based TRACE32 debugger, can use it to license the TRACE32 Instruction Simulator.

If the hardware-based TRACE32 debugger is connected to the host computer by USB, the following lines have to be added to the TRACE32 config file:


If the hardware-based TRACE32 debugger is connected to the host computer by ethernet, the following lines have to be added to the TRACE32 config file:


Characteristics of the TRACE32 Simulator License

  • Floating license which is to be used with the Reprise License Manager.
  • Architecture-specific license.
  • TRACE32 standard software guarantee applies.


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