Previously, I shared my usage of padStart to elegantly replace what would’ve been loads of if statements. This magical method threw me off my rocker. I simply couldn’t believe it existed.

之前 ,我分享了padStart用法,以优雅地替换if语句的负载。 这种神奇的方法把我甩了下来。 我简直不敢相信它的存在。

它能做什么 (What it does)

Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) Docs:

Mozilla开发人员网络(MDN)文档 :

The padStart() method pads the current string with another string (repeated, if needed) so that the resulting string reaches the given length. The padding is applied from the start (left) of the current string.

padStart()方法用另一个字符串(如果需要,重复padStart()当前字符串,以使结果字符串达到给定的长度。 从当前字符串的开头(左侧)开始应用填充。

Keep prepending a string to another string until the target length is met.

继续在另一个字符串 前添加一个字符串 ,直到达到目标长度为止。

If the length is already less than the original string’s length, nothing happens.


And since padStart returns a string, we can chain its methods.


See? 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are all less than or equal to world's length of 5, so padStart doesn’t do anything.

看到? 1、2、3、4和5均小于或等于world 5的长度,因此padStart不会执行任何操作。

浏览器支持 (Browser support)

Unfortunately, support’s currently “meh”

不幸的是,支持目前是“ meh”

Desktop supportMobile support
桌面支持 行动支援

You can either use babel-polyfill or the polyfill by MDN.

您可以使用babel-polyfill或MDN的polyfill 。

Here’s MDN’s polyfill.


一些兴趣点: (Some points of interest:)

  • Prototypes (lines 1 and 2)

    原型 (第1行和第2行)

  • Bitwise operators (line 4)

    按位运算符 (第4行)

  • padString.repeat (line 14)

    padString.repeat (第14行)

  • padString.slice (line 17)

    padString.slice (第17行)

I’m down to step through them if you are ?


Lines 1 and 2 aren’t that bad: “If padStart isn’t supported by the browser, let’s create our own padStart and add it” (that’s polyfill-ing in a nutshell).

第1行和第2行还不错:“如果浏览器不支持padStart ,让我们创建自己的padStart并添加它”(简而言之,就是polyfill-ing)。

A common way to check a method’s browser support is to inspect its object’s prototype. Since padStart is a string method, it should exist on String.prototype.

检查方法的浏览器支持的一种常见方法是检查其对象的原型。 由于padStart是一个字符串方法,因此它应该存在于String.prototype

My old version of Safari doesn’t support padStart.


My Safari’s padStart support

But my Chrome and Firefox do.


Chrome padStart supportFirefox padStart support
Chrome padStart支持 Firefox padStart支持

Consider this safety check on line 1


if (!String.prototype.padStart) {

That if statement would only return true in my old Safari. It returns false in Chrome/Firefox, so no polyfill-ing happens.

if语句仅在我的旧版Safari中返回true 。 在Chrome / Firefox中,它返回false ,因此不会进行填充。

Moving on, line 2 creates a new function called padStart and assigns it to String.prototype.padStart. Because of JavaScript’s inheritance model, any string created afterwards can use padStart.

继续,第2行创建了一个名为padStart的新函数,并将其分配给String.prototype.padStart 。 由于JavaScript的继承模型,以后创建的任何字符串都可以使用padStart

This function takes two parameters


1. targetLength: How long should the resulting string be?

1. targetLength :结果字符串应targetLength多长时间?

2. padString: What are we padding it with?

2. padString :我们要用它填充什么?

Let’s shower this code with debugger statements.


I also removed that if statement from line 1, so even the native String.prototype.padStart will be overridden by this function–makes it useful if you want to debug in Chrome.


Don’t override prototypes in production, kids!


Using our initial example


'world'.padStart(11, 'hello ');

Check out line 2. We see that targetLength and padString made their way into our function. No craziness yet, but it’s coming. I’ve been avoiding line 5 long enough.

targetLength第2行。我们看到targetLengthpadString进入了我们的函数。 还没有疯狂,但它来了。 我一直在避开5号线足够长时间。

按位运算符 (Bitwise operators)

The comment above line 5 briefly describes its purpose: “If targetLength is a number, round it down. If it’s not a number, make it 0”.

第5行上方的注释简要描述了其目的:“如果targetLength是数字,则将其四舍五入。 如果不是数字,则将其设置为0”。

Bitwise operators make this possible.


targetLength >> 0;

targetLength >> 0;

This operator >> is known as a sign-propagating right shift (LOLWUT?). You use it with two numbers

此运算符>>被称为符号传播右移 (LOLWUT?)。 您使用两个数字

a >> b

a >> b

What this does:


  1. a is converted into binary (details here).

    a转换为二进制( 此处有详细信息 )。

  2. Binary a gets right-shifted b times.

    二进制a 右移 b次。

Our targetLength is 11–that’s 1011 in binary (here’s a converter if you don’t believe me ?).

我们的targetLength为11 –二进制为1011(如果您不相信我,这里是一个转换器 )。

A side effect of converting to binary is that numbers get rounded down and most non-numbers become 0.

转换为二进制的副作用是数字将四舍五入, 大多数非数字变为0。

Try the following examples


See? Fractions become whole numbers. Non-numbers become 0, with one notable exception…

看到? 分数变成整数。 非数字变为0,但有一个例外:

Binary is just 1’s and 0’s, right? Those 1’s and 0’s represent “on” and “off” switches–true and false. true's binary form is 1, and false's binary form is 0. Just keep that in mind.

二进制只是1和0,对吧? 那些1和0代表“ on”和“ off”开关truefalsetrue的二进制形式为1, false的二进制形式为0。请记住这一点。

So now that we’ve “sanitized” targetLength, we begin the right-shifting.

现在,我们已经“清理”了targetLength ,我们开始右移。

Right-shift means you move each bit to the right n times. That’s it.

右移意味着您将每个位右移n次。 而已。

Here’s a PowerPoint visualization of 11 >> 1 (I forgot how great PowerPoint actually is).

这是11 >> 1的PowerPoint可视化效果(我忘记了PowerPoint到底有多出色)。

Turn 11 into 1011 and right-shift it 1 time. Your end result is 101, which is 5 in binary.

将11变成1011,然后右移1次。 您的最终结果是101,即二进制5。

But our code says targetLength >> 0.

但是我们的代码说targetLength >> 0

所以我们右移0次... (So we’re right-shifting 0 times…)

The whole point of right-shifting 0 times is to abuse that side effect of converting targetLength into binary. We don’t actually want to shift anything because that’ll change the value.

右移0次的全部目的是滥用将targetLength转换为二进制的targetLength 。 我们实际上并不想转移任何东西,因为那会改变价值。

继续 (Moving on)

Jump to line 7’s debugger now. targetLength has been sanitized. Next!


Line 11.


padString = String(padString || ' ');

If we don’t provide a padString argument, it defaults to an empty space. I actually never noticed until now.

如果不提供padString参数,则默认为空白。 直到现在我才真正注意到。

Line 17.


Notice how line 13 had another safety check, “If the original string’s length is greater than targetLength, don’t do anything. Just return the original string”

注意第13行如何进行另一次安全检查,“如果原始字符串的长度大于targetLength ,则不要执行任何操作。 只需返回原始字符串”

That makes sense because if our targetLength is 1, but the string is already 10 characters, what’s the point? We demonstrated that earlier with

这是有道理的,因为如果我们的targetLength为1,但是字符串已经是10个字符,那有什么意义呢? 我们之前用

// just returns 'world'
'world'.padStart(0, 'hello ');

Line 18 determines how many more characters we need by subtracting targetLength from the original string’s length. We need 6, in this case.

第18行通过从原始字符串的长度中减去targetLength来确定我们还需要多少字符。 在这种情况下,我们需要6。

Line 27.


We skipped that if statement on line 20 because targetLength and padString.length just happened to be the same, but we’ll revisit that soon.


For now, we’re stopped right before line 29. Let’s break it up.


padString.slice(0, targetLength);

The good old String.prototype.slice method.


MDN Docs:


The slice() method extracts a section of a string and returns it as a new string.


It’s index-based, so we’re starting at index 0 of padString, and grabbing the amount of characters equal to targetLength. It’s kind of like

它基于索引,因此我们从padString索引0 padString ,并获取等于targetLength的字符targetLength 。 有点像

Return that sliced padString combined with the original string, and you’re done!


完成了 (Almost done)

I’d normally conclude here, but we haven’t explored that if statement on line 20. To make sure we hit it this time, let’s try another earlier example


'yo'.padStart(20, 'yo');

I skipped to line 20 because we already know what happens up to this point.


if (targetLength > padString.length)

if (targetLength > padString.length)

targetLength is 18, and padString is 'yo', with 2 as its length. 18 > 2, so what next?

targetLength为18, padString'yo' ,其长度为2。 18> 2,接下来呢?

padString += padString.repeat(targetLength / padString.length);

Remember, padStart returns a sliced padString + original string. If you want to pad 'yo' with 'yo' until it’s 20 characters long, you’ll have to repeat many times. This is where that logic happens, using padString.repeat.

记住, padStart返回一个切片的 padString +原始字符串。 如果你想垫'yo''yo' ,直到它的20个字符长,你必须重复多次。 这就是使用padString.repeat逻辑处理的padString.repeat

MDN Docs:


The repeat() method constructs and returns a new string which contains the specified number of copies of the string on which it was called, concatenated together.


So it copy/pastes the string n times.


In order to find out how many repeats we need, divide targetLength by padString.length.


Repeat 'yo' 9 times and get a string of 'yo's that is 18 characters long. Add that to your original 'yo', and your final count is 20 characters.

重复'yo'次,并得到一个18字符长的'yo'字符串。 将其添加到原始的'yo' ,最终计数为20个字符。

Mission accomplished. Until next time!

任务完成。 直到下一次!



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