
No matter whether your Apple device is in its initial AppleCare warranty period or covered by AppleCare+, checking its current coverage can be the first step in getting a repair. Here’s how to check what’s covered, and what isn’t.

无论您的Apple设备是处于最初的AppleCare保修期内还是由AppleCare +承保,检查其当前保修范围都是获得维修的第一步。 这是检查覆盖范围和未覆盖范围的方法。

As many people have learned over the years, having Apple devices repaired outside of AppleCare can be a costly endeavor, especially given the current state of notebook repairability. Nothing is cheap when it’s all bonded or soldered to a logic board, so you’ll probably be hoping that your repair tab is going to be picked up by Apple. If it isn’t, things can get costly, quick.

多年来,许多人已经知道,在AppleCare之外维修Apple设备可能是一项昂贵的工作,尤其是考虑到当前笔记本电脑的可维修性。 将它们全部粘合或焊接到逻辑板上,再便宜不过了,因此您可能希望Apple能够拿起维修标签。 如果不是这样,事情就会变得昂贵,Swift。

Thankfully, checking AppleCare coverage is fairly simple, and you can check all of your devices in one place.


Update: You can now head to Settings > General > About to see warranty information. This option was added in iOS 12.2, released on March 25, 2019. If you don’t have AppleCare, it will show you the status of your iPhone or iPad’s limited warranty.

更新:您现在可以转到“设置”>“常规”>“关于”以查看保修信息。 此选项已添加到2019年3月25日发布的iOS 12.2中 。如果您没有AppleCare,它将向您显示iPhone或iPad的有限保修状态。

如何检查单个设备的AppleCare状态 (How to Check AppleCare Status for a Single Device)

There are a couple of different routes you can take if you want to check AppleCare coverage for a single device. One requires that you have the device’s serial number at hand, but can be done from any computer with a web browser and Internet connection. The other involves downloading an iPhone or iPad app.

如果要检查单个设备的AppleCare承保范围,可以采取几种不同的方法。 一个要求您拥有设备的序列号,但是可以在任何具有Web浏览器和Internet连接的计算机上完成。 另一个涉及下载iPhone或iPad应用程序。

If you know the serial number of the device in question, head over to and type the serial number into the relevant box. You’ll also need to fill in a security code to prove that you’re human.

如果知道有关设备的序列号,请转到,然后在相关框中键入序列号。 您还需要填写安全代码以证明您是人。

Once complete, tap the “Continue” button, and you’ll be shown information about your device, including whether it is covered by AppleCare or AppleCare+.

完成后,点击“继续”按钮,您将看到有关设备的信息,包括AppleCare或AppleCare +是否涵盖了该设备。

如何检查所有设备的AppleCare状态 (How to Check the AppleCare Status for All Your Devices)

If you’d rather see all of your devices in one place, without entering any serial numbers, download the “Apple Support” app from the App Store and sign in with your Apple ID. Once signed in, tap your account icon at the top of the screen.

如果您希望在一个地方看到所有设备而无需输入任何序列号,请从App Store下载“ Apple Support”应用程序并使用您的Apple ID登录。 登录后,点击屏幕顶部的帐户图标。

Once the screen has loaded, tap “Check Coverage.”


You’ll see a screen that shows every device associated with your Apple ID, as well as a note mentioning whether it is currently covered by AppleCare or AppleCare+. You can tap a device to see additional information about it.

您将看到一个屏幕,显示与您的Apple ID关联的每台设备,以及一条注释,说明该设备当前是否受AppleCare或AppleCare +保护。 您可以点击设备以查看有关该设备的其他信息。




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