1. But Benítez said: We don't know if he needs an operation.


2. When I spoke to Benítez he understood my situation.


3. The question is whether it has reached that stage with Benítez.


4. If you look at how Benítez spent his first 20m, you'll see why his was the correct way.


5. What has the equipment of Rafa Benítez so that you think asi'?


6. The Liverpool manager, Rafael Benítez, is understood to share that confidence, with the player having agreed personal terms and the transfer discussed at length at a board meeting yesterday.


7. For years, the criticism was that Benítez bought too many squad players, and didn't spend his budget on the high-end, proven quality stars who cost a pretty packet.


8. It all started in the 2001/02 season, which brought with it a League victory, thirty-one years after the last. There were new incorporations to the team, the manager Rafa Benítez from Tenerife Football Club and the new players; Marchena, Mista, Curro Torres, Rufete, De los Santos and Salva.


9. Behind the scenes there is still irritation about how he handled his departure and, subsequently, Rafael Ben í tez's attempts to re-sign him from Real Madrid.


10. Peter Crouch has been reassured about his Liverpool future by Rafael Ben í tez.


11. Rafael Ben í tez's tactics for a Merseyside derby involved stopping his compatriot as, the former Liverpool manager would argue, Everton had no one else with his passing ability or creativity.


12. TEZ

12. For all his complaints about the situation he inherited from Rafael Ben í tez, Hodgson took over a squad containing Pepe Reina, Jamie Carragher, Javier Mascherano, Steven Gerrard, Dirk Kuyt and Torres.


13. Alonso's impressive reaction to the events of last summer, coupled with the need for proven Premier League talent ahead of a title challenge, prompted Ben í tez to revise his view on the midfielder.


14. " We now think these creatures were killed off because Earth's ozone was blasted away by two or more supernovae, " said Ben í tez.


15. " Milan says he wants to play against Olympiakos and if everything goes OK there is a chance he will, " said Rafael Ben í tez.



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