
  • 1.What is a purpose of flight spoilers?(扰流板的作用是)
  • 2.For which purpose may flight spoilers be used?(使用扰流板的目的是)
  • 3.What is the purpose of a servo tab?(伺服片的作用是)
  • 4.What is the purpose of an elevator trim tab?(升降舵调整片的作用是)
  • 5.Which direction from the primary control surface does a servo tab move?(相对于主操纵面,伺服片的移动方向为)
  • 6.Which direction from the primary control surface does an anti-servo tab move?(相对于主操纵面,反伺服片的移动方向为)
  • 7.Each pilot, who deviates from an ATC clearance in response to a TCAS advisory, is expected to notify ATC and ( ).(根据TCAS建议而偏离ATC许可的飞行员应通知ATC并)
  • 8.Which of the following is considered a primary flight control?(下列哪一个是主飞行操纵面?)
  • 9.Which of the following is belonging to the auxiliary control surface?(下列属于辅助飞行操纵面的是?)
  • 10.The adverse effects of ice, snow, or frost on aircraft performance and flight characteristics include decreased lift and(冰、雪和霜对飞机性能和飞行特征的负面影响包括减小飞机升力以及)
  • 11.What should the deice/anti-ice fluid temperature be during the last step of a two-phase process?(两步法除冰的最后阶段,除防冰液温度如何?)
  • 12.Which procedure increases holding time when deicing/anti-icing an airplane using a two-step process?(当飞机采用两步法除∕防冰时,哪种程序增加保持时间?)
  • 13.Snow on top of deicing or anti-icing fluids(除∕防冰液上面的雪)
  • 14.Freezing Point Depressant (FPD) fluids used for deicing(冰点抑制剂用于除冰)
  • 15.For an aircraft with three autopilots, during cruising, usually only one autopilot is on, when the aircraft is closing to the airport, manually operated by the flight crew, the other two are on , then the annunciator will display(安装有三部自动驾驶仪的飞机上,在巡航期间,通常只接通一部自动驾驶仪,当飞机靠近机场时,机组人工接通剩余的两部自动驾驶仪。此时,通告器上将出现 ( )的显示。)
  • 16.The purpose of diluting ethylene glycol deicing fluid with water in non-precipitation condition is to(在没有降雨∕雪条件下使用乙二醇防冻液的作用是)
  • 17.What is the minimum glycol content of Type Ⅰ deicing∕anti-icing fluid?(Ⅰ型除∕防冰液中乙二醇的最低含量是多少?)
  • 18.What is the minimum glycol content of Type Ⅱ deicing anti-icing fluid?(Ⅱ型防冰液中乙二醇的最低含量是多少?)
  • 19.Freezing Point Depressant (FPD) fluids are highly soluble in water, however(冰点抑制剂很易溶于水,但是)
  • 20.Freezing Point Depressant (FPD) fluid residue on engine fan or compressor blades(冰点抑制剂残留在发动机风扇或压气机叶片上)
  • 21.Baffle plates in wing fuel cells prevent(机翼油箱划分为小格是防止)
  • 22.Engine bleed air is supplied to the air gap above the hydraulic in the tanks primarily to(发动机引气供到油箱的液压油上方主要是为了)
  • 23.ESHP (Equivalent shaft horsepower) of a turboprop engine is a measure of(涡桨发动机的当量轴马力是计量)
  • 24.The function of the mach trimming device is to minimize the adverse effects of ( )(马赫数配平装置的作用是减小()所产生的不利影响。)
  • 25.The most important restriction to the operation of turbojet or turboprop engines is(涡轮喷气式发动机或涡轮螺旋桨发动机使用的最重要限制是)
  • 26.What effect will an increase in altitude have upon the available equivalent shaft horsepower (ESHP) of a turboprop engine?(高度增加时,对涡桨发动机的有效ESHP(当量轴马力)产生什么影响?)
  • 27.What effect would a change in ambient temperature or air density have on gas-turbine-engine performance?(大气温度或密度的变化对燃气涡轮发动机的性能有什么影响?)
  • 28.What effect would a change in altitude have on the thrust output of gas-turbine-engine?(高度的变化对燃气涡轮发动机的推力有什么影响?)
  • 29.What effect, if any, does high ambient temperature have upon the thrust output of a turbine engine?(温度升高对涡轮发动机的推力输出有何影响?)
  • 30.As outside air pressure decreases, thrust output will(外界气压下降,推力输出将)
  • 31.What recovery would be appropriate in the event of compressor stall?(一旦压气机失速,什么样的恢复措施是适当的?)
  • 32.Which place in the turbojet engine is subjected to the highest temperature?(涡轮喷气飞机发动机最高温的地方位于)
  • 33.‘FAIL OPERATIONAL’ means that all three autopilots will disengage if a fault is detected in one of them, leaving the aircraft in a passive state of trim.(“失效操作”意味着一旦检测到其中有一套自动驾驶仪出现错误,所有三套自动驾驶仪将会自行断开,飞机配平处于被动状态。)
  • 34.Which statement below is incorrect regarding the auto throttle?(关于自动油门以下说法不正确的是)
  • 35.Which airplanes are required to be equipped with a ground proximity warning glide slope deviation alerting system?(哪些飞机需要配备近地警告下滑道偏离警戒系统?)
  • 36.On the display of the Traffic Collision Avoidance System, different color symbols represent different levels of threatening aircraft. So what does the blue or white solid rhombus represent?(机载防撞系统显示器上,不同颜色符号代表不同级别的威胁飞机。蓝色或白色实心菱形表示)
  • 37.A cockpit voice recorder must be operated(驾驶舱话音记录器必须在( )使用。)
  • 38.Which rule applies to the use of the cockpit voice recorder erasure feature?(哪个规则反映了驾驶舱声音记录器抹音特性?)
  • 39.Which is a basic component of an INS?(惯性导航系统的基本组件是)
  • 40.How long is cockpit voice recorder and flight recorder data kept, in the event of accident or occurrence resulting in terminating the flight?(一旦发生事故事件终止飞行,驾驶舱语音记录器和飞行记录器数据保存多久?)
  • 41.What type navigation system is Inertial Navigation System (INS)? A navigation computer which provides position(INS是一种导航计算机根据( )提供飞机位置的导航系统。)
  • 42.Information obtained from flight data and cockpit voice recorders shall be mainly used for determining(从飞行数据记录器、驾舱语音记录器获取的信息主要用来确定)
  • 43.Which equipment requirement must be met by an air carrier that elects to use a dual Inertial Navigation System (INS) on a proposed flight?(对于双惯导系统的航线运输飞机,必须满足什么设备要求?)
  • 44.An air carrier that elects to use an Inertial Navigational System (INS) must meet which equipment requirement prior to takeoff on a proposed flight?(计划飞行中,起飞前航空承运人选用INS导航必须满足何种设备要求?)
  • 45.Information recorded during normal operation of a cockpit voice recorder in a multiengine turbine-powered airplane(在多发涡轮发动机驱动的飞机上,驾驶舱中的语音记录器在正常运行时记录的信息)
  • 46.The oxygen used in the cockpit of an aircraft is usually ( ).(飞机上驾驶舱用氧,常使用的是)
  • 47.Which is not a purpose of cowling?(下列哪个不是整流罩的作用)
  • 48.The purpose of hydraulic filter is(液压过滤器作用是)
  • 49.Why can't weather radar work in emission mode in the hangar?(在机库内,为什么不能使气象雷达工作于发射模式?)
  • 50.The support struts of the cone in the exhaust system(排气系统的圆锥体支柱是)
  • 51.As static temperature increases at the same altitude, which N1 held constant(同一高度上的大气静温升高,N1 保持不变)
  • 52.Which of the following description is right?(下列叙述正确的是)
  • 53.How should thrust reversers be applied to reduce landing distance for turbojet aircraft?(涡喷飞机怎样使用反推以缩短着陆距离?)
  • 54.Air supply of supercharger and air-condition is(飞机上的增压装置和空调的气源来自于)
  • 55.In general, the power supply system of the modern aircraft is mainly(一般现代飞机的电源系统主要是)
  • 56.The auto brakes will be activated when(飞机的自动刹车( )时候开始启动。)
  • 57.Which of the following doesn’t belong to the common type of wing structure?(下列哪个不属于常见的机翼结构型式?)
  • 58.The stringer structure fuselage's characteristic to resist force is that(桁条式机身的主要承力特点是)
  • 59.What are the basic components of the aircraft empennage?(飞机尾翼的基本组成构件是哪些?)
  • 60.What characters does the aircraft structure fatigue failure have?(飞机结构疲劳破坏具有什么特点?)
  • 61.What characters does the hydraulic oil normally used by the hydraulic system have?(液压系统常采用的液压油有哪些特点?)
  • 62.In the following descriptions, which one is not the function of pressure accumulator?(以下哪一个不属于蓄压器的功能)
  • 63.What shortcomings does the brace telescope-feed landing gear have?(支柱套筒式起落架有什么缺点?)
  • 64.The landing gear structural type which has good buffer action on perpendicular and level impact is(对垂直方向和水平方向的冲击都有较好的缓冲作用的起落架结构型式是)
  • 65.Modern transport aircraft usually adopt tubeless tires, mostly because of following advantage(现代运输机通常采用无内胎轮胎,主要是因为其具有以下优点)
  • 66.For modern transport aircraft, the normal operating power of landing gear is(现代民航运输机起落架的正常收放动力是)
  • 67.For fear of accidents of the landing gear up by mistake for aircraft on the ground, which security measures are proper?(为防止发生飞机在地面误收起落架的事故,哪些安全措施是合理的?)
  • 68.What are respectively common braking system and brake apparatus used in modern transport?(现代运输机比较常用的刹车系统和刹车装置分别是什么?)
  • 69.What is the usual way of modern aircraft nosewheel to lessen shimmy?(现代飞机前轮减摆通常采用什么方式?)
  • 70.Which of the following is the character of fly-by-wire control system?(下列哪个是电传操纵系统的特点?)
  • 71.Which of the following is correct about the function of ground spoiler?(关于地面扰流板的功用正确的是)
  • 72.The fuel-supplying ways of two-engine independence and mutuality fuel supplying system are(双发独立与交输供油系统的供油方式是)
  • 73.The reasons of ventilating the aircraft fuel tank do not include ( ).(飞机燃油箱需要通气的原因不包括)
  • 74.What issues need to be noticed when the aircraft fuel tank being refueled?(给飞机油箱加油时,需要注意哪些事项?)
  • 75.Which of the following is correct about what to be noticed when the modern transport dumps fuel in the air?(关于现代运输机空中放油的注意事项正确的是)
  • 76.Fuel gauge usually uses ( ) unit to indicate fuel capacity.(燃油量表通常采用( )单位来表示油量。)
  • 77.The bleed air valve of air supply system trips off, what may be the reasons?(飞机气源系统引气活门跳开,主要会有哪些原因?)
  • 78.What is the difference between air circulation refrigeration and evaporation circulation refrigeration?(空气循环制冷与蒸发循环制冷不同点在哪里?)
  • 79.What is the function of the cabin temperature selector?(座舱温度选择器有什么样的作用?)
  • 80.Modern mid- and large-civil airliners usually confine the cabin altitude climbing rate not exceeding ( ), descending rate not exceeding ( ).(现代大中型民航客机通常限制座舱高度爬升率不超过( ),下降率不超过( )。)
  • 81.The fundamental of aircraft cabin pressurization control is(飞机座舱增压控制的基本原理是)
  • 82.What are the characters of cabin pressurization control rule?(现代运输机座舱增压控制规律都有哪些特点?)
  • 83.The parameters included in work indication of cabin pressurization system don’t contain(飞机座舱增压系统工作指示包含的参数不包括)
  • 84.The de-icing and anti-icing methods of aircraft mainly are(飞机的除/防冰方式主要有哪些?)
  • 85.What is the type of aircraft icing detection device widely used by modern civil transport?(现代民航运输机广泛采用的飞机结冰探测装置是什么类型?)
  • 86.What is the anti-icing way of engine anti-icing system mostly adopted by modern transport?(现代民航运输机发动机防冰系统大多采用哪种方式防冰?)
  • 87.What are the standards of "aviation personnel breathing oxygen"?(“航空人员呼吸用氧”有什么规格?)
  • 88.Which safety caution is correct about utilizing aircraft oxygen system?(使用飞机氧气系统的安全注意事项正确的是?)
  • 89.Can water-base fire extinguisher agent be used to Class B extinguishment?(水基灭火器剂可用于B类火的灭火吗?)
  • 90.What are usual types of aircraft fire alarm signal?(飞机火警信号通常包含哪些形式?)
  • 91.Where does the aircraft stationary fire extinguishing system apply to?(飞机固定式灭火系统主要应用于哪些部位?)
  • 92.Where are the emergency exits in modern transport?(现代运输机可作为应急出口的地方有哪些?)
  • 93.When will the aircraft life line be used?(飞机上救生绳什么时候会用到?)
  • 94.Cabin altitude refers to(座舱高度是指)
  • 95.Which kind of accumulators is widely used in transport?(哪种蓄电池被广泛应用于运输机上?)
  • 96.What are the two kinds of aircraft constant frequency alternating current power supply?(飞机上的恒频交流电源有哪两种?)
  • 97.In the transistor voltage regulator, how does the power transistor control the engine exciting current?(在晶体管调压器中,功率晶体管怎么控制发电机励磁电流?)
  • 98.What conditions need to be met to realize alternating current generator running in parallel?(交流发电机实现并联运行需要什么条件?)
  • 99.What are the main controlling objects of aircraft alternating current power supply?(飞机交流电源主要控制的对象有哪些?)
  • 100.Alternating current power supply system adopts ( ) to conduct overvoltage failure circuit protection.(交流电源系统采用( )进行过电压故障的电路保护。)
  • 101.The function of the static converter is(静止变流器的作用是)
  • 102.According to the importance, the types of aircraft electric equipment are(按其重要性来说,飞机用电设备可以分为哪些类型?)
  • 103.The work courses of Brayton cycle are(布莱顿循环有哪几个工作过程?)
  • 104.In compressor, what is the changing rule of flow parameter about the jet engine airflow?(喷气发动机气流在压气机中气流参数有什么样的变化规律?)
  • 105.In turbine, what is the changing rule of flow parameter about the jet engine airflow?(喷气发动机气流在涡轮中气流参数有什么样的变化规律?)
  • 106.The main function of the fan of turbofan engine is(涡轮风扇发动机风扇的主要作用是什么?)
  • 107.Common powerplant of large-scale civil transport is(大型民用运输机常用的动力装置是)
  • 108.Common powerplant of mid- and low-speed and regional civil transport is(中、低速运输机和支线民航飞机常用的动力装置是什么?)
  • 109.The function of the engine intake is(发动机进气道的用途是什么?)
  • 110.When subsonic speed inlet works, the airspeed usually is confined within(亚音速进气道工作时,空速通常控制在( )之间。)
  • 111.What will happen if there is icing in the engine intake?(若发动机进气道结冰,将会有什么样的影响?)
  • 112.Before starting the engine, foreign objects, vehicles, devices and staff in all the areas around the engine need to be cleaned, why?(起动发动机前,发动机周围所有区域必须清理干净外来物,车辆,设备器和人员,为什么这样做?)
  • 113.The bypass ratio of modern civil aircraft engine is(现代民航飞机发动机的涵道比是)
  • 114.What is the effect of compressor blade pollution on the engine performance?(压气机叶片积污对发动机性能有什么影响?)
  • 115.Excess air coefficient is(余气系数是)
  • 116.Excess air coefficients of lean fuel and rich fuel gas mixtures respectively are(贫油和富油混合气的余气系数分别为)
  • 117.The function of the diffuser is(扩压器的功用是)
  • 118.The reason of combustor shutting down can be(燃烧室熄火,根本原因是)
  • 119.When you climb what is the change in cabin pressure?(爬升过程中座舱内气压)
  • 120.Which of the following is not the function of turbine?(下列哪项不属于涡轮的功用?)
  • 121.The noise resources of the engine are mainly from(发动机的噪音源主要来自)
  • 122.The function of spark igniter is(发动机点火装置的功用是)
  • 123.Which of the following doesn't belong to the type of fuel regulator of engine control system?(下列哪个不属于发动机控制系统燃油调节器的类型?)
  • 124.Which of the following are the indications of fuel system?
  • 125.Why does fuel need to add anti-icing additive?(燃油为什么需要添加防冰添加剂?)
  • 126.Lubricating oil system parameters monitored by pilots mainly include(飞行员监控的滑油系统参数主要包含)
  • 127.The two components contained by APU are(APU包含哪两大部件?)
  • 128.In which of the following situations will APU shut down automatically?①Units and systems happen to malfunction;②APU turns up fire alarm signal;③It exceeds to specific airspeed and altitude limitation.(APU 在哪些情况下会自动停车?
  • 129.Please explain the relationship between thrust and rotate speed, air pressure, air temperature as well as air density.(请说明推力同转速、气压、温度及空气密度之间的关系。)
  • 130.What is the usual way to indicate engine condition overrun?(发动机状态超限通常会以什么样的方式提示?)
  • 131.In which of the following cases does the airborne weather radar display in red?(下列哪种情况机载气象雷达显示为红色?)
  • 132.In which of the following condition the aircraft can't start in the air?(在下列哪种条件下不能够进行空中起动?)
  • 133.What is used as jet engine speed’s unit?(喷气发动机转速用什么单位表示?)
  • 134.The measurement of discharge temperature is according to(排气温度的测量是根据什么原理?)
  • 135.The methods to measure vibration are(测量振动的方法是)
  • 136.The unit of vibration is(振动的单位是)
  • 137.EICAS warning message is displayed in(EICAS的警告信息用( )显示。)
  • 138.When the pitot tube is blocked, what will machmeter indication become?(全压管堵塞,马赫数表指示如何变化?)
  • 139.The main functions of flight management computer system are
  • 140.The surfaces controlled by the three-axis autopilot can be(三轴自动驾驶仪可以控制的舵面有)
  • 141.Adding angular speed signal in the AP is in order to(在AP中加入角速度信号是为了)
  • 142.All airplanes for which the airworthiness certificate is first issued after 10th January 2015, of a maximum certificated takeoff mass in excess of 5700kg shall be equipped with a CVR capable of retaining the information recorded during at least the last ( ) of its operation.(2015年1月10日首次颁发适航证、最大审定起飞重量超过5700千克的飞机的驾驶舱话音记录器(CVR)需能保留运行过程中至少最后( )所记录的信息。)
  • 143.The HDG pattern is used to(HDG模式用于)
  • 144.The colors of flight recorder and flight voice recorder are(飞行数据记录器和语音记录器的颜色是)
  • 145.The VS pattern is used to(VS模式用于)
  • 146.In which pattern can AT maintain the flying speed automatically?(AT在( )模式下自动保持飞机速度。)
  • 147.In which of the following conditions will the AT switch off?
  • 148.High angle of attack protection is for(高迎角保护的目的是)
  • 149.Where should the portable battery﹣powered megaphone be located if only one is required on a passenger﹣carrying airplane?(载客运行的航空器如果只装有一个由电池供电的便携式扩音器,则应放置在)
  • 150.When inputting the flight plan into the FMC, the color ( ) indicates that the air route has been taken effect.(在FMC里输入飞行计划时,什么样的颜色说明航线已激活生效。)
  • 151.Which of the following about the function of automatic steering pitch trimming system is correct?(下列有关自动驾驶俯仰配平系统的功能说法正确的是)
  • 152.The emergency lights on a passenger carrying airplane must be armed or turned on during(在( )时客机上必须装有应急灯或必须打开应急灯。)
  • 153.In flight, “SINK RATE” alarms, which indicates that(飞行中,出现“SINK RATE”报警,说明了)
  • 154.It is required that interior emergency lights must(按照规定应急灯要)
  • 155.What kind of topography does the red spot on the terrain-avoidance indicator represent?(地形显示器上红色光点代表何种地形?)
  • 156.( ) before potential terrain collision threat happens, “CAUTION TERRAIN” voice admonishes in the cockpit.(在潜在地形碰撞威胁前( ),驾驶舱出现“CAUTION TERRAIN”声音警戒。)
  • 157.When a crash ax is required equipment on an aircraft, where should it be located?(飞机上要求配备的应急斧一般放置在哪个位置?)
  • 158.( ) before potential terrain collision threat happens, “TERRAIN TERRAIN,PULL UP!” voice warns in the cockpit.(在潜在地形碰撞威胁前( ),驾驶舱出现“TERRAIN TERRAIN,PULL UP!”声音警告。)
  • 159.TCASⅡ can provide(空中防撞系统Ⅱ可以提供)
  • 160.Can TCAS release RA in the case that the other aircraft doesn’t provide relevant altitude information?(在对方飞机没有提供高度信息的情况下,TCAS能否发布决策咨询?)
  • 161.What is the difference between correction RA notice and precaution RA notice?(改正决策咨询通告和预防决策咨询通告的区别在哪里?)
  • 162.A pilot receives voice notification “CLIMB NOW—CLIMB NOW”, what should he perform?(飞行员收到‘CLIMB NOW—CLIMB NOW’语音通告,应该如何行动?)
  • 163.In control area, an aircraft simultaneously receives TCAS’s and the controller’s maneuver instructions, which one must the pilot follow?(飞机在管制区域,同时收到TCAS和管制的机动指令,谁发布的指令是飞行员必须遵循的?)
  • 164.If the red master warning light is on, what is the problem?(若是红色的主警告灯亮,说明发生了什么?)
  • 165.If “MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY” alerts, what’s the problem?(若出现“MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY”报警,说明什么问题?)
  • 166.If “GO-AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD” alerts, what’s the problem?(若出现“GO-AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD”’报警,说明了什么?)
  • 167.If “WINDSHEAR AHEAD” alerts, what’s the problem?(若出现‘“WINDSHEAR AHEAD”报警,说明了什么?)
  • 168.An inward relief valve in a pressurization system is incorporated(增压系统中的负释压活门)
  • 169.If a passenger﹣carrying landplane is required to have an automatic deploying escape slide system,when must this system be armed?(载有旅客的飞机必须有一个自动充气的逃生滑梯系统。该系统应在什么时候开启备用状态?)
  • 170.A tactile inspection of the aircraft in ground icing conditions(在积冰条件下的地面检查中进行触摸检查有助于)
  • 171.Pilots must complete thorough check on the heating system of the cabin heater, so as to avoid(飞行员需要对座舱加热器的加热系统进行彻底的检查,这是为了避免)
  • 172.In the low temperature weather, the condition that the aircraft temperature is ( ) than the external environment and the fuel tank ( ) can lead to fuel contamination more easily.(低温天气下,航空器温度( )外部环境且油箱( ),更容易导致燃油污染。)
  • 173.During multi autopilot approaches, bus isolation occurs at ( ).(多套自动驾驶进近时,汇流条隔断将发生在)
  • 174.Which statement below about ice detector is incorrect?(以下有关电子结冰探测器的说法中不正确的是)
  • 175.If a preflight check indicates accumulations of ice, snow or frost, the aircraft must(若飞行前检查发现有冰、雪或霜污染,飞机必须)
  • 176.When the temperature is at or near freezing point, the flight crew shall avoid the precipitation area shown on the weather radar screen, because the airborne weather radar(当温度等于或接近冰点时,应避开雷达上显示的降水区域,原因是机载气象雷达)
  • 177.To ensure safe flights in conditions conductive to aircraft icing, ( ) can be used to check critical aircraft surfaces for clean airplane.(为确保飞机能够在易积冰条件下安全飞行,主要可以通过( )检查飞机关键表面以保证飞机清洁。)
  • 178.Which of the following statements is correct?(下列哪项描述是正确的?)
  • 179.During the deicing and anti-icing process of pressurized aircraft, what assistant work should crew members do?(增压飞机在地面除/防冰过程中,机组人员应做什么辅助工作?)
  • 180.Ethylene and diethylene glycol are ( ) for humans.(甘醇和二甘醇对于人类)
  • 181.For the ISO type II anti-ice fluids, the freeze point margin is ( )℃ if the ambient temperature is above -7℃ and ( )℃ if the ambient temperature is below -7℃.(对于ISOⅡ型液,周围温度高于和低于-7℃时的冰点裕度分别为( )℃和( )℃。)
  • 182.Type II - 75/25 - 1100h - 01 Mar 2013
  • 183.The heated fluid for deicing will ( ) the deicing effect.(飞机进行人工除冰时,加热用于除冰的液体会( )除冰的效果。)
  • 184.Spraying the windows and windshield directly with the heated FPD fluid can cause(直接将加热过的除冰液喷洒在飞机的窗户和风挡表面会)
  • 185.The deicing fluid of the two-step deicing procedure should(两步除冰程序的除冰液)
  • 186.Concentrated ISO type II deicing fluid can’t be used in(浓缩的国际标准组织的II型防冰液不能用于)
  • 187.If a passenger-carrying airplane can start taxiing before the automatic deploying escape slide system has not been armed?(一架载有旅客的飞机是否可以在自动充气逃生滑梯系统未开启备用状态之前就开始滑行?)
  • 188.Comparing to ISO Type II FPD fluid, the ISO Type IV FPD fluid can maintain ( ) time.(与ISOⅡ型防冰液相比,ISO IV型防冰液可以提供( )的保持时间。)
  • 189.The ISO Type I FPD fluid is mainly used for(ISO I型防冰液的主要用于)
  • 190.The ISO Type II FPD fluid can maintain at least ( ) minutes in light precipitation.(ISO II型防冰液在轻度降水时作用时间持续至少( )分钟。)
  • 191.( ) may affect the deicing/anti-icing abilities of FPD fluid.(( )会影响除/防冰液防冰效力。)
  • 192.FPD is short for(FPD是( )的缩写。)
  • 193.In a two-step deicing procedure(对于两步除冰程序,应)
  • 194.Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, all FDRs shall be capable of retaining the information recorded during at least the last ( ) hours (airplanes) or ( ) hours (rotorcrafts) of their operation.(除经局方批准外,所有类型的飞行数据记录器应能保留运行过程中至少最后( )小时(飞机)或( )小时(旋翼机)所记录的信息。)
  • 195.The type I deice fluid(I型除冰液)
  • 196.The type II deice fluid(II型除冰液)
  • 197.Which of the followings is correct?(以下说法中正确的是)
  • 198.At temperature less than -10℃, undiluted ( ) having a strength of about 88% glycol can lead to lift reductions of about 20%.(在温度低于-10℃时,甘醇浓度达到88%的未稀释的( )能够导致升力损失大约20%。)
  • 199.The ISO Type II anti-icing fluid(国际标准组织的Ⅱ型防冰液)
  • 200.The ingestion of ice or snow into an engine may result in(冰或雪进入发动机可能造成)
  • 201.Deicing and anti-icing near the end of the departure runway can(在离场跑道终端除冰和防冰会)
  • 202.Which of the following procedures is correct concerning the ground deicing and anti-icing?(以下对于飞机地面除/防冰的操作正确的是)
  • 203.On most aircraft, the deicing of the wing should begin at(大部分飞机的机翼防冰必须从( )开始。)
  • 204.Substances on pneumatic deicer boots can be used only if approved by(在气动除冰带上使用的替代品须经( )批准。)
  • 205.Which of the followings is correct?(以下说法中正确的是)
  • 206.In light icing conditions, the accumulation rate of ( ) on the outboard of the wing can be a reference.(在轻度积冰条件下,大翼外侧达到( )的堆积率,可作为参考的积冰速率。)
  • 207.In moderate icing conditions, the accumulation rate of ( ) on the outboard of the wing can be a reference.(在中度积冰条件下,大翼外侧达到( )的堆积率,可作为参考的积冰速率。)
  • 208.If an aircraft with a gross weight of 2000 pounds were subjected to a total load of 6000 pounds in flight, the load factor would be(如果全重2000磅的飞机在飞行中的总负荷是6000磅,载荷因数应是)
  • 209.In heavy icing conditions, the accumulation rate of ( ) on the outboard of the wing can be a reference.(在严重积冰条件下,大翼外侧达到( )的堆积率,可作为参考的积冰速率。)
  • 210.In icing conditions, before taking off, the pilot in command should(结冰环境下,起飞前机长应该)
  • 211.( ) has a higher ice collection coefficient.(( )结冰收集系数较高。)
  • 212.( ) are belonging to aircraft deicing systems.(( )属于飞机除冰系统。)
  • 213.What is the difference between an aircraft deicing system and anti-icing system?(飞机除冰系统与防冰系统有什么不同?)
  • 214.( ) are belonging to aircraft anti-icing systems.(( )属于飞机防冰系统。)
  • 215.An aircraft is taking off without performing the anti-icing inspection, ( ) is ultimately responsible.(飞机若在未完成防冰检查的情况下起飞,( )负最终责任。)
  • 216.Which part of a modern aircraft uses hydraulic system to lessen shimmy?(现代飞机的哪个部分使用液压系统来减摆?)
  • 217.The landing gear is controlled by ( ).(起落架由( )控制)
  • 218.Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR) is(发动机增压比指的是)
  • 219.When the hydraulic system pressuring, the hydraulic fluid stored in reservoir will(当液压系统增压时,油箱中的液压油将)
  • 220.The basic method of cabin heating on civil aircraft is(民用客机中客舱加温的基本方法是)
  • 221.Ground high pressure pneumatic could supply airplane with(地面高压气源能够提供飞机)
  • 222.If an aircraft is to be de-iced prior to departure(如果飞机在离场前除冰)
  • 223.The air data computer takes the input from outside air temperature sensor is used to calculate(大气数据计算机根据外部空气温度传感器的输入数据,用来计算)
  • 224.When can the anti-icing system be more appropriately started?(防冰系统在什么时候开启比较合适?)
  • 225.Which of the outputs from the ADC are provided to the flight instruments?(大气数据计算机(ADC)的哪些输出数据可用于飞行仪表?)
  • 226.In B737-300,the negative and relief pressure valve will open automatically when the outside pressure exceeds the cabin pressure by(B737-300的负压释压活门在外界大气压力大于座舱压力( )时自动打开。)
  • 227.As for the thrust reverser of clam shell type, when being used, the reverse thrust is approximately equal to ( ) of the positive thrust at the same position.(蛤壳式反推装置中,使用反推装置时,反推力的大小约等于同位置正推力的?)
  • 228.As for the thrust reverser of clam shell type, when lifting the engine’s thrust reverser handle, the direction of engine exhaust emission will be(蛤壳式反推装置中,上提发动机反推手柄时,发动机排气方向)
  • 229.When wind shear warning system has detected that there is wind shear in the alert area, the voice alarm provided for the flight crew is(风切变预警系统(PWS)探测到风切变位于警戒区时,它将向机组提供的语音报警是)
  • 230.The auto throttle system modes include(自动油门系统模式包含)
  • 231.The most susceptible surface of the aircraft for ice accumulation is the(飞机表面最易积冰的部分是)
  • 232.A gas turbine engine generally has several systems including(燃气涡轮发动机通常有若干个系统组成,包括)
  • 233.In the Take-off thrust mode, "SPD" switch on mode control panel(起飞推力模式时,模态控制板上的“SPD”开关)
  • 234.In flight, if the baroport is covered, with the height increasing ,the Mach number is(飞行中,如果静压孔被堵塞,随高度增加,马赫数表指示)
  • 235.If the pitot tube becomes blocked but its associated drain remains clear, the airspeed indicator reading will(如果皮托管堵塞而和它相连的排水口未堵塞,空速表指示会如何变化?)
  • 236.If the pitot tube and the drain become blocked by icing, whereas the static system remains clear, during climbing, the airspeed indicator reading will(如果皮托管和排水口被积冰阻塞,而静压系统未堵塞,爬升时,空速表指示将)
  • 237.With the altitude increases, if RPM remains unchanged, the thrust of turbo-jet will ( ).(高度上升,如果转速不变,涡轮喷气发动机的推力将会)
  • 238.If the static port becomes blocked by icing, how would the airspeed indicator be affected?(如果静压孔被积冰堵塞,空速表指示将受何影响)
  • 239.What is the main function of nose wheel neutral mechanism of retractable landing gear(可收放起落架前轮中立机构的主要功用)
  • 240.Which information that the air data computer cannot provide?(大气数据计算机不能提供( )信息。)
  • 241.The landing gear component serves for decreasing side load of strut and some serves as parts of landing-gear operation mechanism, such landing gear component is called(用于减小支柱侧向载荷, 有的作为起落架收放机构的组成部分,这样的起落架组件叫做()?)
  • 242.What is primary method for jet airliner to refuel?(喷气式飞机的主要加油方式是?)
  • 243.As outside air pressure decreases, maximum available thrust will______.(当外界大气压力降低时,最大可用推力会______。)
  • 244.What is the major advantage of aircraft powered by high bypass ratio engine?(高涵道比发动机飞机的最大优点是)
  • 245.Chemical oxygen generator can release oxygen after diluting. The duration time of oxygen supply is about ( ) minutes.(用化学氧气发生器产生氧气,经稀释后为旅客供氧时,供氧持续时间大约为( )分钟。)
  • 246.The fundamental of cabin temperature regulation and control is(座舱温度调节与控制的基本原理是)
  • 247.The cabin pressure control is to(客舱压力控制指的是)
  • 248.The effective duration time of de/anti-icing starts from ( ).(地面除防冰的持续效应时间是从()开始计算)
  • 249.What are the input signals of the ADC?(大气数据计算机的输入信号有哪些?)
  • 250.When controlling the differential ailerons to make a turn, which side of the aileron has larger deflection angle?(操纵差动副翼进行转弯时,哪一侧副翼的偏转角度更大?)
  • 251.What is the control surface corresponds to the yaw damper?(偏航阻尼器对应的操纵面是)
  • 252.which parts of the aircraft are easy to freeze?(飞机上容易结冰的部位有)
  • 253.For hydraulic driven nose wheel steering system, pilots should use handwheel to control the taxi direction when ( ).(对于液压传动式前轮转弯系统,驾驶员应在( )时用转弯手轮控制滑行方向。)
  • 254.What impact will have on the hydraulic system if wrong type of hydraulic fluid is in use?(如果在液压系统使用错误型号的液压油,将会对液压系统造成什么影响?)
  • 255.When a transport aircraft is flying at maximum operating altitude, the cabin pressurization system must ensure cabin altitude is no more than ( ) under normal circumstances.(当运输机以最大使用高度飞行时,座舱增压系统应保证在正常情况下增压座舱高度不超过)
  • 256.TCAS is the consulting system designed to warn the potential conflict between ( ) and ( ).(TCAS是一个用于警告()和()之间存在潜在冲突的咨询系统。)
  • 257.What is the working principle of oleo struts?(油气式减震支柱的减震原理是)
  • 258.If the static vent is covered during climbing, the Mach number will(爬升过程中飞机的静压孔堵塞,马赫数表的指示)
  • 259.Which part of the gas-turbine engine has the highest temperature?(燃气涡轮发动机的( )部位温度最高。)
  • 260.Generally, modern transport aircraft use(现代运输机通常采用)
  • 261.The function of oil system includes(滑油系统的功用包括)
  • 262.The onboard wind shear alerting system mainly includes(机载风切变警告系统主要有)
  • 263.For the restrictions on cabin altitude change rate, which of the following factors is/are more important?(对于座舱高度变化率的限制,下列哪个要素更重要?)
  • 264.Which of the following structural measures is not used to eliminate the compressor stall?(以下哪一项结构措施不是用于防止压气机失速的?)
  • 265.What cooling system does modern transport aircraft air condition system widely adopted?(现代运输机座舱空调系统广泛采用的制冷方式是)
  • 266.What is the main function of symbol generator?(符号发生器的主要作用是什么?)
  • 267.Large jet airline supply fuel to engine through ( ) to enhance the efficiency.(大型涡轮喷气飞机使用()燃油调节器提高发动机燃油供给效率?)
  • 268.What is the ply rating of tyre used for?(轮胎的层级的含义是)
  • 269.Under specified altitude, if the altitude increase, the propeller efficient of turboprop aircraft will ( ).(涡轮螺旋桨飞机在额定高度以下飞行,随着高度的增高,螺旋桨有效功率)
  • 270.To keep aircraft balanced, Mach trim make elevator ( ) while flying with high subsonic speed.(飞机以高亚音速飞行,为了使飞机处于平衡状态,马赫配平系统调整升降舵)
  • 271.Which of the following message that qualified personnel don’t need to fill in the logbook and provide to flight crew in ground de-icing?(地面除冰时,由合格人员检查之后不需要填入记录本提供给飞行机组的信息是)
  • 272.Hydraulic actuator is used to convert ( ).(液压动作筒是用于转换( ))
  • 273.Measuring the rate of the aircraft rotation by laser gyro is based on(激光陀螺基于什么原理测量飞机的转动角速度)
  • 274.According to the aircraft’s flight attitude ,the yawing damper is used to prevent Duch roll by controlling ( ).(根据飞机飞行姿态,偏航阻尼器通过控制()防止飞机发生飘摆(荷兰滚)。)
  • 275.The Predictive Windshear System (PWS) detects that the warning zone occurs wind shear during takeoff, what audio warning that crews can hear?(起飞时,风切变预警系统(PWS)探测到风切变位于警告区时,机组可以听到的语音警告是?)
  • 276.Who decides whether a B737-700 needs to be de-iced prior to takeoff at night?(一架B737-700在夜间起飞前是否需要进行除冰由谁决定?)
  • 277.Which kind of hydraulic oil is used for the hydraulic system of modern transport airplane?(现代运输机液压系统使用的液压油为)
  • 278.The cruising level is FL330. When the cabin pressure altitude is adjusted from 4000 feet to 6000 feet, the cabin pressure difference  between inside and outside will()(飞机巡航高度FL330,如果将飞机座舱气压高度从4000ft调到6000ft,则座舱内外气压差会)
  • 279.The term equivalent shaft horsepower (ESHP) is used(当量轴功率用于( )。)
  • 280.Each pilot who deviates from an ATC clearance in response to a TCASII, resolution advisory (RA) is expected to(根据TCASII建议偏离ATC许可的飞行员,决断咨询为)
  • 281.TCAS I provides(TCAS I提供)
  • 282.TCAS II provides(TCAS II提供)
  • 283.Which of the following measures can extend the service life of braking system?(下面哪种方式可以延长刹车系统的使用寿命?)
  • 284.The largest range of PWS warning is(风切变预警系统(PWS)的最大报警范围为)
  • 285.The aircraft ammeter pointer indicates negative which means(飞机上电流表指针为负时表示:)
  • 286.What is the function of yaw damper?(偏航阻尼器的作用是什么?)
  • 287.Please compare the skin thickness of following wing structures(试比较以下几种机翼结构蒙皮的厚薄)
  • 288.What is the structural feature of wing spar?(翼梁的构造特点是)
  • 289.One of characteristics to resist force of girder structure wing is that(梁式机翼的受力特性之一是)
  • 290.The monoblock structure wing's structural characteristic is that(单块式机翼的构造特点是)
  • 291.The monoblock structure wing's characteristics to resist force is that(单块式机翼的主要承力特点是)
  • 292.The spar structure fuselage's structural characteristic is that(桁梁式机身的构造特点是)
  • 293.Which of the following sentences is not correct?(以下说法中不正确的是)
  • 294.Which of the following sentences is not correct?(以下说法中不正确的是)
  • 295.The hydraulic oil which usually used in early aircraft hydraulic system, puddle-jumper (lightplane) hydraulic system and modern aero transport hydraulic system are respectively(常应用于早期飞机液压系统、小型飞机液压系统和现代运输机液压系统的液压油分别是)
  • 296.The purpose of pressurization of hydraulic reservoir is to(液压油箱增压的目的是)
  • 297.In the following descriptions, which one is not the function of hydraulic pump?(以下哪一个不属于液压泵的功能?)
  • 298.the function to transform pressure energy into mechanical energy dose not belong to?(将压力能转换为机械能输出到传动部件不是以下哪个部件的功能?)
  • 299.In following components, which one serves for restricting maximum operation pressure of the system?(限制液压系统最高工作压力的是以下哪个部件的功能?)
  • 300.An aircraft's hydraulic system indicates that operating pressure is higher than normal but less than a constant value, the possible reason may be(某飞机液压系统指示的工作压力比正常值高但又不超过某一恒定值,可能的原因是)
  • 301.The hydraulic system component consists of hydraulic motor and pump, and its function is to utilize hydraulic pressure in one hydraulic system to drive hydraulic motor, so as to drive pump rotor to pump hydraulic oil from an other hydraulic system's hydraulic reservoir, such component is called(由液压马达和泵组合的部件,其功能是:利用一个液压源系统的液压来驱动液压马达转动,带动泵转子转动,从另一个液压源系统油箱抽油,建立压力。这样的部件叫)
  • 302.The function of pressure unit in hydraulic pump is(液压泵中压力组件的功能是)
  • 303.The landing gear component serves for supporting and transferring landing load, reducing landing impact force and bumping, such component is called(承受、传递地面载荷,减小着陆撞击与颠簸的部件是)
  • 304.The landing gear component serves for decreasing longitudinal load and ensuring stable work in longitudinal direction, it is called(用于减小支柱纵向载荷,保证支柱纵向工作稳定的部件是)
  • 305.When brake pressure is too high to make wheels jammed, or slip rate exceeds the regulation, what brake mode can adjust or release the pressure?(能够根据刹车压力过大使机轮卡滞或打滑率超过规定时调节或解除刹车压力的刹车方式为)
  • 306.Which of the following is not the reason of nose wheel shimmy?(以下不属于前轮摆振的原因的是)
  • 307.The operating principle of shimmy damper is(减摆器的工作原理是)
  • 308.The nose wheel steering controlled by aircraft’s pedal is usually used for(飞机方向脚蹬操纵的前轮转弯通常用于)
  • 309.Which of the following do not belong to auxiliary control surface?(以下不属于辅助操纵面的是)
  • 310.Which of the following control mechanisms are not all used for auxiliary control surface?(以下操纵机构中不全用于辅助操纵面的操纵机构是)
  • 311.When the weather radar onboard works in weather mode, if the aircraft is at or approaching the freezing level, how to control the grade?(当雷达工作于气象模式时, 飞机接近或者进入结冰层,应如何调节增益)
  • 312.Which of the following is not the feature of hydraulically actuated flight control system?(以下特征中不属于液压助力主操纵系统的是)
  • 313.What is the common assistant power of modern transport aircraft power-assisting primary control system?(现代运输机助力式主操纵系统最常采用的助力能源是)
  • 314.The difference between non-power-assisted primary control system and hydraulic-power-assisted primary control system does not include(无助力主操纵系统和液压助力式主操纵系统的区别不包括)
  • 315.The advantages of fly-by-wire system do not include(电传操纵系统的优点不包括)
  • 316.Which of the following options does not all belong to flight spoiler’s function?(以下不全属于飞行扰流板功用的是)
  • 317.Which of the following options does not all belong to air bleed source of modern transport aircraft air supply system?(以下不全属于现代运输机气源系统引气来源的是)
  • 318.Which of the following options does not all belong to modern transport aircraft air supply system?(以下不全属于现代运输机气源系统用途的是)
  • 319.Air-condition components of modern transport aircraft system do not include(现代运输机座舱空调系统中的空调组件不包括)
  • 320.The main components of the vapor cycle refrigeration system do not include(蒸发循环制冷系统的主要部件不包括)
  • 321.Modern civil aviation airliner’s cabin altitude usually satisfies(现代民航客机的座舱高度通常满足)
  • 322.Modern civil aviation airliner’s cabin altitude rate usually satisfies(现代民航客机座舱高度变化率通常满足)
  • 323.Aircraft cabin pressurization regulation (cabin pressure system) refers to the rule that ( ) varies with flight altitude?(飞机座舱压力制度是指以下哪个参数随飞机飞行高度变化的规律?)
  • 324.When there is large negative overpressure in cabin, the safety measure is to open negative pressure depressurization valve. Usually, it is likely to occur at(座舱出现过大的负余压时的安全措施是打开负压释压活门,通常这有可能出现在)
  • 325.When cabin overpressure exceeds a certain value, to prevent aircraft configuration damage caused by large overpressure, the measure is to open(在座舱余压超过一定值时为防止余压过大危害飞机结构安全的安全措施是打开)
  • 326.The cabin altitude warning usually does not occur when ( ).(座舱高度警告通常不会出现在)
  • 327.Which of the following options does not all include in aircraft’s icing position?(以下不全属于飞机易结冰部位的是)
  • 328.The principle of de/anti-icing liquid is(液体除/防冰的原理是)
  • 329.The principle of pneumatic de-icing is(气动除冰的原理是)
  • 330.The principle of gas-thermal de/anti-icing is(气热除/防冰的原理是)
  • 331.The principle of electric-heating de/anti-icing is(电热除/防冰的原理是)
  • 332.A gas turbine engine includes five major parts, that are(燃气涡轮发动机包括五个主要组件,即)
  • 333.After combustion, hot gases drive the turbine and exhaust. At same time(燃烧后的热气流驱动涡轮并排出,同时)
  • 334.In the axial flow compressor(对于轴流压气机)
  • 335.When a stall of compressor blades may occur?(什么时候压气机叶片会发生失速?)
  • 336.Most compressor stalls occur during engine acceleration. How to eliminate the stall condition?(大多数压气机失速会发生在发动机加速过程中,如何消除失速的状态?)
  • 337.Which is not the design approach to eliminate the compressor stall?(下列哪一项不是消除压气机失速的设计方法?)
  • 338.What is the state of ignition during engine operation?(在发动机运行期间,点火处于什么状态?)
  • 339.What is the definition of engine thrust?(发动机推力的定义是什么?)
  • 340.Which of the following factors is correct of affecting engine thrust?(下列影响发动机推力的因素,哪一项是正确的?)
  • 341.Which of the following statements about RPM, thrust, and SFC is correct?(下列转速与推力和油耗的关系哪一个是正确的?)
  • 342.Which is not the reason of pilot monitoring the EGT indication?(下列哪一项不是飞行员监视EGT指示的原因?)
  • 343.How will the Mach meter be affected if the pitot-tube is frozen in flight?(飞行中,如果皮托管结冰的话,马赫数表会如何被影响?)
  • 344.What flight instruments do the ADC provide signals for?(大气数据计算机为哪些飞行仪表提供信号?)
  • 345.What systems do the ADC provide output signals for?(大气数据计算机为哪些系统提供输出信号?)
  • 346.What information in typical EADI indications is provided by IRS as the centre information source?(作为信号源中心的惯性参考系统为典型的EADI提供什么信息?)
  • 347.What modes are displayed on the EHSI?(电子水平状态显示器显示哪些模式?)
  • 348.What information are stored in the navigation database?(导航数据库储存哪些数据?)
  • 349.What information is stored in the performance database?(性能数据库储存哪些数据?)
  • 350.In inertial navigation systems, the function of the gyro platform is(惯性导航系统中,陀螺平台的作用是)
  • 351.The gyro-stabilized platform maintains a constant level relative to(由陀螺所稳定的平台,保持水平稳定是相对于)
  • 352.The inertial reference system, or IRS, generally indicates(惯性基准系统,或 IRS,一般是指)
  • 353.Which inertial sensors make up a basic inertial navigation system?(基本的惯性导航系统具有哪些惯性传感器?)
  • 354.In a strap-down inertial reference system, the gyros and accelerometers are installed at(捷联式惯性基准系统中,陀螺仪和加速度计被安装于)
  • 355.In strap-down inertial reference system, the accelerometers are used(捷联式惯性基准系统中,加速度计被用于)
  • 356.What function is provided by the initial alignment in a strap-down inertial reference system?(捷联式惯性基准系统中,初始对准的作用是)
  • 357.During the initial alignment of strap-down inertial reference system, the aircraft should maintain(捷联式惯性基准系统,初始对准过程中,飞机要保持)
  • 358.What is the function of the autopilot in flight?(飞行过程中,自动驾驶仪被用来)
  • 359.The autopilot can be classified into(自动驾驶仪可分类为)
  • 360.What does a typical autopilot consist of?(典型的自动驾驶仪由哪些部件组成?)
  • 361.The function of the sensing systems is(传感器系统的功能是)
  • 362.The control function of autopilot is(自动驾驶仪的控制功能是)
  • 363.What does it mean if pitch command bar moves above zero position of the scale on flight director?(如果俯仰指令杆移动到飞行指引仪零位置的上方,意味着)
  • 364.What does it mean if the roll command bar moved to the left of the zero reference of the scale on flight director?(如果滚转指令杆移动到飞行指引仪刻度盘零基准的左侧,意味着)
  • 365.The function of the HDG SEL button is(“HDG SEL”按钮的功能是)
  • 366.When the ALT HOLD button is pressed, the autopilot will(当按下“ALT HOLD”按钮的时候,自动驾驶仪将)
  • 367.When V/S is selected, the autopilot will(当选择“V/S”的时候,自动驾驶仪将)
  • 368.What is the function of autothrottle system?(自动油门系统的功能是什么?)
  • 369.When the speed mode is selected, the A/T system will move the power levers(当速度模式被选择时,自动油门系统将驱动油门杆)
  • 370.In the typical A/T system, autothrottle is disengaged by(典型的自动油门系统中,自动油门断开采用哪种方式)
  • 371.What is the function of yaw damper?(偏航阻尼器的功能是什么?)
  • 372.Why the autopilot pitch trim system is installed on the aircraft?(飞机上为什么要安装自动驾驶俯仰配平系统?)
  • 373.For aircraft that using a stabilator , what is the automatic pitch trim usually achieved?(在采用全动平尾的飞机上,自动俯仰配平通常是通过下列方式来实现的)
  • 374.The function of the automatic Mach trim system is(自动马赫数配平系统的作用是)
  • 375.Cabin differential pressure is the difference between cabin pressure and ( ).(座舱压差是指座舱压力与()的差值。)
  • 376.What is the inlet of turbofan?(涡轮风扇发动机的进气道指的是)
  • 377.What is the main function of crash axe in the emergency equipment?(请问应急设备中应急斧的主要作用是?)
  • 378.Ram air turbine is a component that provides emergency energy to aircraft when all systems fail. It usually consists of ( ).(冲压空气涡轮是在所有系统失效后向飞机提供应急能源的部件,它通常包括)
  • 379.What are the display modes of ECAM's S/SD?(ECAM的S/SD有哪几种显示模式?)
  • 380.Which databases are contained in the FMCS?(FMCS包括哪些数据库?)
  • 381.The command bars of flight director indicate(飞行指引仪上的指令杆显示( )。)
  • 382.For shock wave system in supersonic inlet,under the same Mach number, if the shockwave increases, the total pressure recovery coefficient will ( ).(在超音速进气道激波系中的激波数目越多,则在同样的飞行马赫数下,总压恢复系数()。)
  • 383.APU is usually started(APU通常在()进行起动?)
  • 384.The function of APU centrifugal switch is to control the start and (), control procedures and overspeed protection circuit.(APU的离心电门的功用是控制启动和(),控制工作程序和超转保护电路。)
  • 385.What is the function of an accumulator in an aircraft hydraulic system?(飞机液压系统蓄压器的功能是什么?)
  • 386.What kind of voltage regulator widely used in modern transport aircraft ?(在现代运输机上广泛采用的调压器是)
  • 387.What is the application and supercharging principle of centrifugal compressor?(离心式压气机的应用和增压原理是什么?)
  • 388.How does the turbo-fan engine change the thrust?(如何改变涡扇发动机的推力?)
  • 389.The deterministic error sources of inertial navigation system mainly include ( ).(惯性导航系统确定性误差源主要包括)
  • 390.What is the most common disconnect way for autopilot (AP)?(自动驾驶仪AP最常用的断开方法是)
  • 391.What will happen when the turboprop engine reaches the rated speed?(涡桨发动机达到额定转速会怎么样?)
  • 392.What is diffuser?(扩压器是?)
  • 393.The high bypass ratio engine is appropriate for ( ).(高涵道比发动机适用于?)
  • 394.When the slide is in the “ARM” position, open the cabin door, the slide will ( )(滑梯处于预位状态时,打开舱门?)
  • 395.What is the strapdown inertial navigation system composed of?(捷联式惯导系统是由什么组成的?)
  • 396.At automatic mode, when cabin altitude reaches ( ) feet, oxygen mask for passengers will automatically drop down.(旅客氧气系统在自动方式下,通常当座舱高度达到()英尺时,旅客氧气面罩会自动掉下。)
  • 397.Which inertial navigation system's accelerometers and gyroscopes are installed on the platform?(下列哪类惯性导航系统的加速度计和陀螺安装在平台上?)
  • 398.High bypass ratio turbofan engine is suitable for ()large and medium-sized civil aircraft and transport aircraft as power device.(高涵道涡扇发动机适宜作()大中型民航机、运输机的动力装置。)
  • 399.( ) anti-icing system is usually adopted in modern airplane windshields.(现代飞机座舱风挡玻璃通常采用()防冰)
  • 400.The vibration load factor is(振动载荷系数是指?)
  • 401.the sensor used to measure oil pressure is(用于测量滑油压力的传感器是)
  • 402.For twin-engine aircraft,when fuel is supplied from center tank,wing tank fuel boost pumps()(对于双发飞机,当燃油从中央油箱供应时,机翼油箱的增压泵)
  • 403.under which condition during the landing roll are the main wheel brakes at maximum effectiveness(着陆滑跑时,在哪种条件下主轮刹车效应达到最大?)
  • 404.In the operation of a constant frequency parallel AC system, the load sharing of the paralleled AC generators means(在恒定频率交流发电机并联运行中,并联交流电机的负载均衡是指)
  • 405.Acceleration type piezoelectric vibrator measure vibration by converting the vibration acceleration into ( ) that is proportional to the vibration acceleration(加速度式压电测振是通过把振动加速度转换成与之成正比的()从而测量振动。)
  • 406.Which of the following methods can be used to change a engine thrust (rating)?(下列哪个方法可以用来改变发动机推力等级?)
  • 407.The working principle of the a oil temperature gauging system is based on(滑油温度测量系统的工作原理是基于)
  • 408.In flight,when failure is detected in the NAV mode of IN S, ( ) mode can be still used to get the heading date.(在飞行中,如果惯性导航系统中的导航模式被检测到失效,什么模式仍然可以得到航向数据?)
  • 409.( )bypass ratio turbo-fan engine is suitable for ( ) aircraft because of economical efficiency.(由于较好的经济效率,( )涵道涡扇发动机适用于( )飞机 。)
  • 410.Fly-by-wire system is a breakthrough of modern aircraft,which of the following is its advantage?(电传操纵系统对于现代飞机来说是一项突破,以下哪项是它的优势?)
  • 411.Constant speed constant frequency AC power supply with constant speed drive the generator constant operation, the most widely used is the mechanical hydraulic constant speed device,its main components are(恒速恒频交流电源利用恒速传动装置使发电机恒速运行,使用最广的是机械液压式恒速传动装置,其主要组成包括)
  • 412.What kind of display modes does ECAM S/SD have?(ECAM S/SD有几种显示模式?)
  • 413.The laser gyro on an aircraft is an optical device for measuring the ( ) and ( ) of the aircraft relative to the inertial space.(激光陀螺是一种用于测量物体相对于惯性空间的( )和( )的光学装置。)
  • 414.The basic principle of anti-icing fluid used for de-icing is to ( ) freezing point of water.(防冰液用于除冰的基本原理是防冰液能够()水的冰点。)
  • 415.Using the airborne weather radar, heavy or extreme level echoes should be separated by at least ( ) before flying between them.(使用机载气象雷达时,若出现大强度或极端强度的回波,飞过它们之间之前至少需间隔( )。)
  • 416.What is the main function of FMCS?(FMCS(飞行管理计算机系统)的主要功能是)
  • 417.( ) should be allocated one life jacket or equivalent individual flotation device, when landing at an aerodrome, where the approach path is so disposed over water that in the event of a mishap there would be a likelihood of a ditching .(自特定机场起飞或者着陆时,飞机的进近航迹处于水面上空,发生异常且有可能迫降水上的情况,机上( )都应配备有救生衣或者经批准的等效漂浮装置。)
  • 418.The maximum differential pressure of a transport category airplane is about(运输类飞机的最大余压是)
  • 419.Which type of gas turbine engine is more fuel efficient at low subsonic speeds?(以较低亚音速飞行时,哪种燃气涡轮发动机更省油?)
  • 420.Shaft power of a turboprop engine is proportional to the ( )(涡桨发动机的轴功率与( )成比例。)
  • 421.If the bleed air is used for anti-icing systems, it would(如果引气用于防冰系统,则)
  • 422.Which location in the turbojet engine is subjected to the highest temperature?(涡轮发动机中温度最高的地方在?)
  • 423.Angular momentum flow meter depends on () in proportion to flow, then transform the value to moment in order to measuring the quality flow.(角动量式流量表根据()与流量成正比,然后把该数值换成力矩,从而测量质量流量。)
  • 424.Load balancing circuit is the essential device when(负载均衡电路是在()时的必要装置。)
  • 425.Which of the following is right with regard to inertial navigation system?(关于惯性导航系统,正确的是)
  • 426.What is the advantage of high bypass ratio over the low bypass ratio.(高涵道比相对于低涵道比的优势是)
  • 427.Which configuration the aircraft should be when the fuel is jettisoned in flight?(飞行中放油时,飞机应该处于哪种状态?)
  • 428.( )sensors are directly mounted to the airframe.(( )传感器直接"捆绑"在机体上。)
  • 429.Yaw damper provides instruction to deflect the rudder in the opposite direction according to ( ) when Dutch roll occurs(当发生飘摆时,根据( ),偏航阻尼器可提供指令使方向舵反向偏转。)
  • 430.The warning ways only provided by stall warning include(只有失速警告才提供的警告方式包括)
  • 431.The valid period for de-icing operation shall start from(除冰后,保持时间应从( )开始计算。)
  • 432.Velocity magnetic vibration measurement indicator measures the vibration by converting the vibration velocity into a proportional ().(速度式磁电测振指示器把振动速度转换成与之成正比的(),从而测量振动。)
  • 433.Accelerometer piezoelectric vibration measurement indicator measures the vibration by converting the vibration ( ) into a voltage proportional to it.(加速度式压电测振指示器把振动()转换成与之成正比的电压,从而测量振动。)
  • 434.There is a ↑near a solid circle in amber in the TCAS2 display unit,the↑represent(在TCAS2显示装置中的琥珀色实心圆附近有一个向上箭头,这个箭头代表)
  • 435.What is the measurement principle of oil temperature?(滑油温度是利用什么原理测量的?)
  • 436.Modern large and medium-sized civil aircraft’s cabin overpressure is usually restricted not more than(现代大中型民航客机通常限制座舱余压不超过)
  • 437.When an aircraft speeds up during flight, advancing the throttle too quickly will cause(飞行中,飞机加速时, 加油门过猛易导致)
  • 438.After the compressor has been working for a long time, there will be accumulated contaminants on some places such as the blade surface, etc. Usually, they can be removed by ( ) to recover the engine performance.(压气机长时间工作后会在叶片表面等位置出现污物堆积,通常通过()的方法去除积污,恢复发动机性能。)
  • 439.The principle of the aircraft hydraulic system is using the hydraulic source to provide power to control ( ) for doing external work.(飞机液压系统的工作原理是利用液压源提供动力,通过控制( )对外做功。)
  • 440.What is auto pilot’s fundamental function?(自动驾驶的基本作用是?)
  • 441.Which kind of fuel is usually used in turbojet aircraft?(涡轮喷气飞机通常使用什么燃油?)
  • 442.( ) has the highest priority in ECAM system.(ECAM系统中,( )具有最高优先级。)
  • 443.After passenger boarding, when the evacuation slide is not armed, the aircraft can not(旅客登机之后,撤离滑梯还未预位时,飞机不能)
  • 444.During flight, if the overspeed warning system alerts, pilots should(飞行中,超速警告系统发出语音警告,应当)
  • 445.With ( ), pilots can perform all effective roll maneuvers without making the aircraft out of control.(( )可以让飞行员执行任何有效的横滚机动而不会使飞机进入不可控状态。)
  • 446.In an aircraft, when would the radio altimeter indicate “0”?(飞机无线电高度表什么时候指示“0”?)
  • 447.APU is started up ( ) and shut down ( ).(APU在( )起动,在( )关车。)
  • 448.Usually, how can the usage time of APU be calculated?(通常情况下,如何计算APU使用时间?)
  • 449.How do temperature and pressure change in the compressor of turbine?(在涡轮压气机中,温度和压力如何变化?)
  • 450.In modern large and medium-sized civil aviation transport aircraft, what ice detector is used widely?(现代大中型民航运输机上广泛应用( )结冰探测器。)
  • 451.Which of the following is the main function of EICAS?(下述哪项是EICAS的主要作用?)
  • 452.During the alignment of the inertial reference system, the aircraft must remain ( )(校准惯性导航系统时,飞机需保持())
  • 453.Which weather phenomenon can be detected by the weather radar?(气象雷达可探测到何种天气现象?)
  • 454.The weather radar detects only()(气象雷达仅可检测)
  • 455.With the increase of mach number, the power of the turboprop engine()(随着飞行马赫数增加,涡桨发动机功率)
  • 456.In modern transport aircraft, ( ) provides oxygen for the flight crew.(现代运输飞机,机组用氧由( )提供。)
  • 457.Modern turbo-fan engine gross power can be changed without the installation of new engine. How is this achieved?(现代涡扇发动机总推力可在不安装新发动机的情况下改变,这是如何实现的?)
  • 458.Cockpit voice recorder use ( )audio track to make sure all the conversation and background sound in the cockpit can be recorded.(为了保证驾驶舱所有语音和背景音都能够被记录,语音记录机器采用()条音轨分别记录。)
  • 459.Composite material is applied largely among aircraft manufacture which is outstanding in the areas of()(复合材料( ),被广泛应用于飞机制造)
  • 460.APU is separated from other parts of airplane by ( )(飞机的辅助动力装置(APU)通过()与其它部分分离。)
  • 461.Flight envelope protection contains(飞行包线保护类型有)
  • 462.Which of the following about de-icing/anti-icing fluid valid period is correct?(下列关于除冰/防冰液的保持时间说法正确的是?)
  • 463.We can prevent rupture of turbine blades by avoiding engine ()in flight.(飞行中,可通过避免发动机( )防止涡轮叶片损伤)
  • 464.On some aircraft the vibration monitors show () of engine in mil(一些飞机装有振动指示器,以密耳为单位指示发动机的( ))
  • 465.Most modern aeroplanes are fitted with two FMS units,and both FMCs are cross-coupled, as a consequence(大多数现代飞机都装有两套飞行管理系统(FMS)组件,而且两个飞行管理计算机(FMC)交叉连接,因此( ))
  • 466.What is the basic function of the auto throttle system?(自动油门系统的基本功用是?)
  • 467.How can the fuel quantity in fuel tanks of an aircraft be indicated?(飞机燃油油箱的燃油量如何指示?)
  • 468.The auxiliary power unit (APU) is generally located(飞机的辅助动力装置(APU)安装于)
  • 469.During flight, if the fuel temperature indicator reading is too low, what measures should be taken to heat it?(飞行中若发现燃油温度表指示过低,应采取什么措施进行加热?)
  • 470.Thermocouples measure temperatures under the principle that(热电偶测量温度的原理是)
  • 471.Airborne weather radar can detect ( ).(机载气象雷达能够探测( )。)
  • 472.Which part of a turbo jet generates the forward thrust?(涡轮发动机飞机哪个部位产生向前的推力?)
  • 473.The RPM of ( ) is usually represented by N1.(( )转速常用N1表示。)
  • 474.On TAWS indicator, the medium-intensity yellow spot indicates ( ).(TAWS地形显示,中亮度的黄色光点表示)
  • 475.The anti-icing of engine inlet mainly uses ( ) method.(发动机进气口通常采用的防冰方法是)

1.What is a purpose of flight spoilers?(扰流板的作用是)

  • A. Increase the camber of the wing.(增加机翼的弧度)
  • B. Reduce lift without increasing airspeed.(在不提高空速的情况下减小升力)
  • C. Direct airflow over the top of the wing at high angles of attack.(以高迎角引导气流流经机翼顶部)




参考知识点:主考点-扰流板操纵) #13371.1CB900

2.For which purpose may flight spoilers be used?(使用扰流板的目的是)

  • A. Reduce the wings’ lift upon landing.(着陆时减小机翼的升力)
  • B. Increase the rate of descent without increasing aerodynamic drag.(在不增加空气动力阻力的情况下,增加下降率)
  • C. Aid in longitudinal balance when rolling an airplane into a turn.(为飞机横滚至转弯提供纵向平衡辅助)



参考知识点:主考点-扰流板操纵) #13373.475B64

3.What is the purpose of a servo tab?(伺服片的作用是)

  • A. Move the flight controls in the event of manual reversion.(在手动恢复操作的情况下,移动飞行操纵面)
  • B. Reduce control forces by deflecting in the proper direction to move a primary flight control.(通过适当的偏转角度减小主操作面的操作压力)
  • C. Prevent a control surface from moving to a full-deflection position due to aerodynamic forces.(防止操纵面因空气动力作用移动到完全偏转位置)

解析:伺服片可以帮助驾驶员操纵主操纵面并保持其停留在所需位置。 通过适当的偏转角度减小主操作面的操作压力。

参考知识点:主考点-配平操纵) #13381.6919D6

4.What is the purpose of an elevator trim tab?(升降舵调整片的作用是)

  • A. Provide horizontal balance as airspeed is increased to allow hands-off flight.(当速度增加时提供水平平衡以助于自动飞行。)
  • B. Adjust the speed tail load for different airspeeds in flight allowing neutral control forces.(对于在飞行中不同的速度调整速度尾部载荷,得到中和的操纵力。)
  • C. Modify the downward tail load for various airspeeds in flight eliminating flight-control pressures.(对于在飞行中不同的速度修正下洗尾部载荷,减小飞行操纵压力。)


参考知识点:主考点-配平操纵) #13383.B6CBC8

5.Which direction from the primary control surface does a servo tab move?(相对于主操纵面,伺服片的移动方向为)

  • A. Same direction.(与主操纵面移动方向相同)
  • B. Opposite direction.(与主操纵面移动方向相反)
  • C. Remains fixed for all positions.(对所有位置保持固定方向)


参考知识点:主考点-配平操纵) #13385.8335F1

6.Which direction from the primary control surface does an anti-servo tab move?(相对于主操纵面,反伺服片的移动方向为)

  • A. Same direction.(与主操纵面移动方向相同)
  • B. Opposite direction.(与主操纵面移动方向相反)
  • C. Remains fixed for all positions.(对所有位置保持固定方向)


参考知识点:主考点-配平操纵) #13387.9EC5E0

7.Each pilot, who deviates from an ATC clearance in response to a TCAS advisory, is expected to notify ATC and ( ).(根据TCAS建议而偏离ATC许可的飞行员应通知ATC并)

  • A. maintain the course and altitude resulting from the deviation, as ATC has radar contact.(保持当前由于偏离而变化的航路和高度,因为空中交通服务有雷达冲突)
  • B. expeditiously return to the ATC clearance in effect prior to the advisory, after the conflict is clear.(在冲突解决后迅速有效地执行ATC指令,然后再询问ATC)
  • C. request a new ATC clearance.(请求新的ATC指令)

解析:如果飞机在管制区域,收到TCAS2的RA指令,飞行员必须遵循TCAS2指令,并且在适当的时候告诉管制TCAS2发出的爬升或下降指令;一旦收到TCAS2的信息“clear of conflict”,必须操纵飞机回到ATC指定的飞行高度上。

参考知识点:主考点-工作模式和咨询抑制) #112717.2585F3

8.Which of the following is considered a primary flight control?(下列哪一个是主飞行操纵面?)

  • A. Slats(缝翼)
  • B. Elevator(升降舵)
  • C. Dorsal fin(背鳍)


参考知识点:主考点-飞行操纵系统的组成) #13475.8E2942

9.Which of the following is belonging to the auxiliary control surface?(下列属于辅助飞行操纵面的是?)

  • A. The rudder located on the vertical stabilizer(垂直安定面上的方向舵)
  • B. The leading edge slats(前缘缝翼)
  • C. The elevator located on the horizontal stabilizer(水平安定面上的升降舵)

解析:辅助操纵面包括:前缘襟翼(leading edge flaps),前缘缝翼(leading edge slats),后缘缝翼(trailing edge slats),扰流板(spoiler),可调水平安定面(adjustable horizontal stabilizer)。

参考知识点:主考点-飞行操纵系统的组成) #13477.B42A91

10.The adverse effects of ice, snow, or frost on aircraft performance and flight characteristics include decreased lift and(冰、雪和霜对飞机性能和飞行特征的负面影响包括减小飞机升力以及)

  • A. increased thrust.(增加推力)
  • B. an increased stall speed.(增加失速速度)
  • C. a decreased stall speed.(降低失速速度)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机易结冰部位及危害) #13537.F90053

11.What should the deice/anti-ice fluid temperature be during the last step of a two-phase process?(两步法除冰的最后阶段,除防冰液温度如何?)

  • A. Hot(变热)
  • B. Warm(变暖)
  • C. Cold(变冷)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #13539.4CAC66

12.Which procedure increases holding time when deicing/anti-icing an airplane using a two-step process?(当飞机采用两步法除∕防冰时,哪种程序增加保持时间?)

  • A. Heated Type Ⅰ fluid followed by cold Type Ⅱ fluid.(先采用经过加热的Ⅰ型液体,接着采用冷的Ⅱ型液体)
  • B. Cold Type Ⅱ fluid followed by hot Type Ⅱ fluid.(先采用冷的Ⅱ型液体,接着采用热的Ⅱ型液体)
  • C. Heated Type Ⅰ or Ⅱ fluid followed by cold Type Ⅰ fluid.(先采用加热过的Ⅰ型或Ⅱ型液体,接着采用冷的Ⅰ型液体)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #13541.4F777E

13.Snow on top of deicing or anti-icing fluids(除∕防冰液上面的雪)

  • A. needs not be considered as adhering to the aircraft.(不必视为附着在飞机上的雪。)
  • B. must be considered as adhering to the aircraft.(必须视为附着在飞机上的雪。)
  • C. must be considered as adhering to the aircraft, but a safe takeoff can be made as it will blow off.(必须视为附着在飞机上的雪,但是由于它能被吹走,所以能够安全起飞。)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #13547.297A88

14.Freezing Point Depressant (FPD) fluids used for deicing(冰点抑制剂用于除冰)

  • A. provide ice protection during flight.(为飞行期间提供防冰措施。)
  • B. are intended to provide ice protection on the ground only.(其目的是仅仅在地面提供防冰措施。)
  • C. on the ground, cause no performance degradation during takeoff.(在地面上,不会引起起飞时飞机性能降低。)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #13549.06AEDD

15.For an aircraft with three autopilots, during cruising, usually only one autopilot is on, when the aircraft is closing to the airport, manually operated by the flight crew, the other two are on , then the annunciator will display(安装有三部自动驾驶仪的飞机上,在巡航期间,通常只接通一部自动驾驶仪,当飞机靠近机场时,机组人工接通剩余的两部自动驾驶仪。此时,通告器上将出现 ( )的显示。)

  • A. LAND3(LAND3)
  • B. LAND2(LAND2)
  • C. LAND1(LAND1)

解析:安装有三部自动驾驶仪的飞机上,根据自动驾驶仪接通的数量,系统执行LAND2或 LAND3的自动着陆。LAND2表示两部自动驾驶仪接通,系统具有失效—被动能力。LAND3 表示三部自动驾驶仪接通,系统具有失效—操作能力。在巡航和朝着机场进近期间,通常只接通一部自动驾驶仪,操纵飞机沿着指定的航路飞行。当飞机靠近机场时,机组人工在 AFDS 控制板上选择APP模式,此时,航向道、下滑道以及剩余的两部自动驾驶仪均预位。当飞机通过1500英尺无线电高度时,截获航向道和下滑道,两部预位的自动驾驶仪自动接通。此时,通告器上出现LAND3显示。在无线电高度 200~1500 英尺之间如果出现失效,系统自动降级为失效—被动,通告器上出现 LAND2 显示。

参考知识点:主考点-工作和状态信号) #14161.726349

16.The purpose of diluting ethylene glycol deicing fluid with water in non-precipitation condition is to(在没有降雨∕雪条件下使用乙二醇防冻液的作用是)

  • A. raise the eutectic point(提高共晶点)
  • B. increase the minimum freezing point (onset of crystallization)(增大最低冰点(结晶发生))
  • C. decrease the freeze point(降低冰点)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #13553.584D67

17.What is the minimum glycol content of Type Ⅰ deicing∕anti-icing fluid?(Ⅰ型除∕防冰液中乙二醇的最低含量是多少?)

  • A. 30 percent.(30%)
  • B. 50 percent.(50%)
  • C. 80 percent.(80%)

解析:Ⅰ型防冰液:这些乙二醇含量至少 80% 的防冰液因其相对较低的粘度而被认为是“不可增稠的” 。ISOⅠ型防冰液可用于除冰和防冰,但其防冰保护的能力非常有限。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #13555.54FCCA

18.What is the minimum glycol content of Type Ⅱ deicing anti-icing fluid?(Ⅱ型防冰液中乙二醇的最低含量是多少?)

  • A. 80 percent(80%)
  • B. 50 percent(50%)
  • C. 30 percent(30%)

解析:ISOⅡ型防冰液:这些乙二醇含量至少 50%的防冰液在添加增稠剂后会呈现除一种更黏稠的状态,能够在飞机表面保持直至起飞,因此被认为是“可增稠的” 。ISOⅡ型防冰液可用于地面除冰和防冰,与Ⅰ型防冰液相比,在飞机易积冰的条件下能够提供更好的防冰、雪


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #13557.57708C

19.Freezing Point Depressant (FPD) fluids are highly soluble in water, however(冰点抑制剂很易溶于水,但是)

  • A. ice is slow to absorb it but fast to melt when in contact with FPD.(当和FPD接触时,冰吸收缓慢但是融化迅速。)
  • B. ice absorbs it very fast but is slow to melt when in contact with it.(当和FPD接触时,冰吸收迅速但是融化缓慢。)
  • C. ice is slow to absorb it, and to melt when in contact with it.(当和FPD接触时,冰吸收和融化都缓慢。)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #13559.373358

20.Freezing Point Depressant (FPD) fluid residue on engine fan or compressor blades(冰点抑制剂残留在发动机风扇或压气机叶片上)

  • A. can increase performance and cause stalls or surges.(会提高飞行性能,引起失速或喘振。)
  • B. could cause FPD vapors to enter the aircraft but would have no effect on engine thrust or power.(会导致FPD蒸汽进入飞机,但是对发动机的推力或功率没有影响。)
  • C. can reduce engine performance and cause surging and/or compressor stalls.(会降低发动机性能,引起喘振和/或压气机失速。)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #13561.0C962C

21.Baffle plates in wing fuel cells prevent(机翼油箱划分为小格是防止)

  • A. fuel coming from one tank to another during turbulent flight(燃油在颠簸飞行时从一个油箱流到另一个油箱)
  • B. over pressure in the fuel tank(对油箱造成过大压力)
  • C. movement of the fuel (surging) in the tank during acceleration/deceleration and in turbulence(在颠簸加速/减速飞行时油箱中燃油运动(喘振))


参考知识点:主考点-飞机燃油系统典型部件及功能) #13567.CC2888

22.Engine bleed air is supplied to the air gap above the hydraulic in the tanks primarily to(发动机引气供到油箱的液压油上方主要是为了)

  • A. warm the hydraulic oil(热化液压油)
  • B. ensure an adequate supply of hydraulic pressure is maintained to the APU(确保有足够的液压油压力来维护辅助动力装置)
  • C. prevent cavitation(防止出现气穴现象)


参考知识点:主考点-液压系统典型部件及功能) #13569.C9F575

23.ESHP (Equivalent shaft horsepower) of a turboprop engine is a measure of(涡桨发动机的当量轴马力是计量)

  • A. Turbine inlet temperature(涡轮进气温度)
  • B. Shaft horsepower and jet thrust(轴马力和喷气推力)
  • C. Propeller thrust only(只计量螺旋桨推力)


参考知识点:主考点-轴功率、当量功率) #13573.1D2CBC

24.The function of the mach trimming device is to minimize the adverse effects of ( )(马赫数配平装置的作用是减小()所产生的不利影响。)

  • A. aft-movement of the CP when at high speed(飞机高速飞行时,压力中心后移)
  • B. increase drag due to shockwave formation(激波形成致使阻力增大)
  • C. forward-movement of the CP when at high speed(飞机高速飞行时,压力中心前移)


参考知识点:主考点-马赫配平系统) #18304.74322D

25.The most important restriction to the operation of turbojet or turboprop engines is(涡轮喷气式发动机或涡轮螺旋桨发动机使用的最重要限制是)

  • A. limiting compressor speed.(限制压气机速度)
  • B. limiting Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT).(限制涡轮进气温度)
  • C. limiting torque.(限制扭矩)

解析:为监控发动机热端部件安全,需要限制涡轮进口燃气温度,但由于进口温度太高,不易测量,而且在发动机大部份工作状态下涡轮的进、 出口温度基本成线性关系, 因此用排气温度间接表示涡轮进口温度。

参考知识点:主考点-排气温度及超温预防) #13585.BCD820

26.What effect will an increase in altitude have upon the available equivalent shaft horsepower (ESHP) of a turboprop engine?(高度增加时,对涡桨发动机的有效ESHP(当量轴马力)产生什么影响?)

  • A. Lower air density and engine mass flow will cause a decrease in power.(较低的空气密度和发动机空气流量将引起功率下降。)
  • B. Higher propeller efficiency will cause an increase in usable power (ESHP) and thrust.(较高的螺旋桨效率将导致可用的ESHP(等效轴马力)和推力增大。)
  • C. Power will remain the same but propeller efficiency will decrease.(功率会保持不变但是螺旋桨效率会下降。)


参考知识点:主考点-轴功率、当量功率) #13591.A7D2BA

27.What effect would a change in ambient temperature or air density have on gas-turbine-engine performance?(大气温度或密度的变化对燃气涡轮发动机的性能有什么影响?)

  • A. As air density decreases, thrust increases.(随着大气密度的减小,推力增大)
  • B. As temperature increases, thrust increases.(随着大气温度的升高,推力增大)
  • C. As temperature increases, thrust decreases.(随着大气温度的升高,推力减小)

解析:随着发动机转速增加,发动机推力增加,转速越大推力增加越快;大气压力增加时,发动机推力增加;大气温度降低时,发动机推力增加;大气密度增加时,发动机推力增加;在 11,000 米以下时,推力随飞行高度增加而降低,在 11,000 米以上时,随着飞行高度增加,发动机推力下降更快。

参考知识点:主考点-推力同空速、空气密度、气压、温度和转速之间的关系) #13595.3269F1

28.What effect would a change in altitude have on the thrust output of gas-turbine-engine?(高度的变化对燃气涡轮发动机的推力有什么影响?)

  • A. As altitude increases, thrust decreases.(随着高度的增加,推力减小)
  • B. As altitude increases, thrust increases.(随着高度的增加,推力增大)
  • C. As altitude decreases, thrust decreases.(随着高度的降低,推力减小)

解析:随着发动机转速增加,发动机推力增加,转速越大推力增加越快;大气压力增加时,发动机推力增加;大气温度降低时,发动机推力增加;大气密度增加时,发动机推力增加;在 11,000 米以下时,推力随飞行高度增加而降低,在 11,000 米以上时,随着飞行高度增加,发动机推力下降更快。

参考知识点:主考点-推力同空速、空气密度、气压、温度和转速之间的关系) #13599.2EDD84

29.What effect, if any, does high ambient temperature have upon the thrust output of a turbine engine?(温度升高对涡轮发动机的推力输出有何影响?)

  • A. Thrust will be reduced due to the decrease in air density.(由于空气密度降低,推力会减少)
  • B. Thrust will remain the same, but turbine temperature will be higher.(推力不变,但是涡轮温度会升高)
  • C. Thrust will be higher because more heat energy is extracted from the hotter air.(由于较热的空气中较高热能,推力会增大)

解析:随着发动机转速增加,发动机推力增加,转速越大推力增加越快;大气压力增加时,发动机推力增加;大气温度降低时,发动机推力增加;大气密度增加时,发动机推力增加;在 11,000 米以下时,推力随飞行高度增加而降低,在 11,000 米以上时,随着飞行高度增加,发动机推力下降更快。

参考知识点:主考点-推力同空速、空气密度、气压、温度和转速之间的关系) #13601.BA1F8E

30.As outside air pressure decreases, thrust output will(外界气压下降,推力输出将)

  • A. increase due to greater efficiency of jet aircraft in thin air.(增大,因为在稀薄空气中喷气式飞机的功率更高。)
  • B. remain the same since compression of inlet air will compensate for any decrease in air pressure.(保持不变,因为进气压缩弥补了气压的降低。)
  • C. decrease due to higher density altitude.(由于较高的密度高度而减小。)

解析:随着发动机转速增加,发动机推力增加,转速越大推力增加越快;大气压力增加时,发动机推力增加;大气温度降低时,发动机推力增加;大气密度增加时,发动机推力增加;在 11,000 米以下时,推力随飞行高度增加而降低,在 11,000 米以上时,随着飞行高度增加,发动机推力下降更快。注意密度高度高,气压小,密度小。

参考知识点:主考点-推力同空速、空气密度、气压、温度和转速之间的关系) #13603.2D276B

31.What recovery would be appropriate in the event of compressor stall?(一旦压气机失速,什么样的恢复措施是适当的?)

  • A. Reduce fuel flow, reduce angle of attack, and increase airspeed.(降低燃油流量,降低迎角,增加空速。)
  • B. Advance throttle, lower angle of attack, and reduce airspeed.(加油门,降低迎角,降低空速。)
  • C. Reduce throttle, reduce airspeed, and increase angle of attack.(减油门,降低空速,增加迎角。)


参考知识点:主考点-压气机失速和喘振) #13613.AFFE16

32.Which place in the turbojet engine is subjected to the highest temperature?(涡轮喷气飞机发动机最高温的地方位于)

  • A. Compressor discharge.(压气机出风口)
  • B. Fuel spray nozzles.(燃油喷嘴)
  • C. Turbine inlet.(涡轮进气口)


参考知识点:主考点-涡轮喷气发动机气流参数变化) #13619.1F4CFB

33.‘FAIL OPERATIONAL’ means that all three autopilots will disengage if a fault is detected in one of them, leaving the aircraft in a passive state of trim.(“失效操作”意味着一旦检测到其中有一套自动驾驶仪出现错误,所有三套自动驾驶仪将会自行断开,飞机配平处于被动状态。)

  • A. Depends(要根据不同情况分析。)
  • B. True(这种说法正确。)
  • C. False(这种说法错误。)



参考知识点:主考点-基本术语) #13621.1D7124

34.Which statement below is incorrect regarding the auto throttle?(关于自动油门以下说法不正确的是)

  • A. It can be engaged during VNAV operations(自动油门可以在VNAV 模式下操作。)
  • B. It can be engaged in N1 and SPD modes(自动油门可以在N1 和SPD 模式下操作。)
  • C. A∕T operates whenever a MCP FD mode is selected, irrespective of the A/T switch position(无论A/T开关的位置如何,A/T都可以在所选中的MCP FD模式下运行。)


参考知识点:主考点-基本工作模式) #13623.158B5A

35.Which airplanes are required to be equipped with a ground proximity warning glide slope deviation alerting system?(哪些飞机需要配备近地警告下滑道偏离警戒系统?)

  • A. All turbine powered airplanes(所有涡轮驱动飞机)
  • B. Passenger-carrying turbine-powered airplanes only(仅载客涡轮驱动飞机)
  • C. Large turbine-powered airplanes only(仅大型涡轮驱动飞机)


参考知识点:主考点-功能和安装要求) #13625.E072FE

36.On the display of the Traffic Collision Avoidance System, different color symbols represent different levels of threatening aircraft. So what does the blue or white solid rhombus represent?(机载防撞系统显示器上,不同颜色符号代表不同级别的威胁飞机。蓝色或白色实心菱形表示)

  • A. RA target(RA目标)
  • B. TA target(TA目标)
  • C. PT target(PT目标)






参考知识点:主考点-驾驶舱显示) #152687.9740A5

37.A cockpit voice recorder must be operated(驾驶舱话音记录器必须在( )使用。)

  • A. from the start of the before starting engine checklist to completion of final checklist upon termination of flight.(从(启动发动机之前)使用检查单开始,到飞行结束完成最后检查单)
  • B. from the start of the before starting engine checklist to completion of checklist prior to engine shutdown.(从(启动发动机之前)使用检查单开始,到完成关闭发动机前的检查单)
  • C. when starting to taxi for takeoff to the engine shutdown checklist after termination of the flight.(从为准备起飞而开始移动时,到飞行结束完成最后检查单)

解析:根据CCAR121部第 121.359 条 规定:合格证持有人按照本规则运行的所有飞机应当装备经批准的驾驶舱话音记录器,并且该记录器从使用检查单开始(为飞行而起动发动机之前),到飞行结束完成最后检查单止始终连续工作。

参考知识点:主考点-2.6.7(驾驶舱话音记录器) #13633.7CA204

38.Which rule applies to the use of the cockpit voice recorder erasure feature?(哪个规则反映了驾驶舱声音记录器抹音特性?)

  • A. All recorded information may be erased, except for the last 30 minutes prior to landing.(除着陆之前的30分钟外,运行中所有信息记录都可能被删除)
  • B. Any information more than 30 minutes old may be erased(超过30分钟的任何旧信息都可能被删除)
  • C. All recorded information may be erased, unless the NTSB needs to be notified of an occurrence.(除非有事件需要通告给NTSB,所有运行信息都可能被删除)

解析:根据CCAR121部第121.359 条规定:驾驶舱话音记录器应当至少能够保存最后 30 分钟运行中所记录的信息。为遵守本条要求,可以使用具有抹音特性的经批准的驾驶舱话音记录器。这样,在录音工作过程中,可以随时抹掉或者用其它方法消除所记录内容最后 30 分钟时间之前的记录内容。

参考知识点:主考点-2.6.7(驾驶舱话音记录器) #13639.AA403B

39.Which is a basic component of an INS?(惯性导航系统的基本组件是)

  • A. Accelerometer.(加速计)
  • B. Amplifier.(扩音器)
  • C. Antenna.(天线)


参考知识点:主考点-组成和分类) #14249.585B39

40.How long is cockpit voice recorder and flight recorder data kept, in the event of accident or occurrence resulting in terminating the flight?(一旦发生事故事件终止飞行,驾驶舱语音记录器和飞行记录器数据保存多久?)

  • A. 60 days(60 天)
  • B. 90 days(90 天)
  • C. 30 days(30 天)

解析:根据CCAR121部第121.359 条规定:一旦发生了导致飞行终止、需要立即通知局方的事故或者事件,合格证持有人应当将所记录的内容保留至少 60 天, 或者按照局方要求保留更长的时间。

参考知识点:主考点-2.6.7(驾驶舱话音记录器) #13641.86C8D4

41.What type navigation system is Inertial Navigation System (INS)? A navigation computer which provides position(INS是一种导航计算机根据( )提供飞机位置的导航系统。)

  • A. from information by compass, airspeed, and an input of wind and variation data(来自于罗盘,空速,和风力及变化数据的信息)
  • B. from radar-type sensors that measure ground speed and drift angles(来自于测量地速和偏航角的雷达型传感器)
  • C. by signals from, self-contained gyros and accelerometers(通过独立陀螺仪和加速度计传来的信号)


参考知识点:主考点-基本功能和优缺点) #14251.B565D0

42.Information obtained from flight data and cockpit voice recorders shall be mainly used for determining(从飞行数据记录器、驾舱语音记录器获取的信息主要用来确定)

  • A. who was responsible for any accident or incident.(任何事故或事件的负责人)
  • B. evidence for use in civil penalty or certificate action.(用于民事罚款或证书诉讼的证据)
  • C. possible causes of accidents or incidents.(事故或事件的可能原因)


参考知识点:主考点-2.6.6(飞行数据记录器) #13643.05AC9E

43.Which equipment requirement must be met by an air carrier that elects to use a dual Inertial Navigation System (INS) on a proposed flight?(对于双惯导系统的航线运输飞机,必须满足什么设备要求?)

  • A. The dual system must consist of two operative INS units.(双惯性导航系统必须由2个有效的惯性导航系统单元组成)
  • B. A dual VORTAC/ILS system may be substituted for an inoperative INS.(双VORTAC / ILS系统可以取代无效的惯性导航系统)
  • C. Only one INS is required to be operative, if a Doppler Radar is substituted for the other INS.(如果一个多普勒雷达替换其中一个INS,只需要一个有效的惯性导航系统)


参考知识点:主考点-工作模式) #14253.FF26C6

44.An air carrier that elects to use an Inertial Navigational System (INS) must meet which equipment requirement prior to takeoff on a proposed flight?(计划飞行中,起飞前航空承运人选用INS导航必须满足何种设备要求?)

  • A. The INS system must consist of two operative INS units.(惯性导航系统必须由2个有效的惯性导航系统单元组成)
  • B. Only one INS is required to be operative, if a Doppler Radar is substituted for other INS.(如果一个多普勒雷达替换其中一个INS,只需要一个有效的惯性导航系统)
  • C. A dual VORTAC/ILS system may be substituted for an inoperative INS.(双VORTAC / ILS系统可以取代无效的的惯性导航系统)


参考知识点:主考点-工作模式) #14255.457B3C

45.Information recorded during normal operation of a cockpit voice recorder in a multiengine turbine-powered airplane(在多发涡轮发动机驱动的飞机上,驾驶舱中的语音记录器在正常运行时记录的信息)

  • A. may all be erased, prior to each flight, unless the NTSB has requested that it be kept for 60 days.(除非NTSB要求保留信息60天,所有的信息在每次飞行之前可能会被删除)
  • B. may all be erased or otherwise obliterated except for the last 30 minutes prior to landing.(除着陆前的最后30分钟的运行信息外,所有的信息可能会被删除或彻底销毁)
  • C. may all be erased or otherwise obliterated except for the last 30 minutes.(除最后30分钟的运行信息外,所有的信息可能会被删除或彻底销毁)

解析:根据CCAR121部第121.359 条规定:驾驶舱话音记录器应当至少能够保存最后 30 分钟运行中所记录的信息。为遵守本条要求,可以使用具有抹音特性的经批准的驾驶舱话音记录器。这样,在录音工作过程中,可以随时抹掉或者用其它方法消除所记录内容最后 30 分钟时间之前的记录内容。

参考知识点:主考点-2.6.7(驾驶舱话音记录器) #13647.548AFB

46.The oxygen used in the cockpit of an aircraft is usually ( ).(飞机上驾驶舱用氧,常使用的是)

  • A. gaseous oxygen(气态氧)
  • B. solid oxygen(固态氧)
  • C. liquid oxygen(液态氧)


参考知识点:主考点-氧气源及供氧方式) #152691.1D194E

47.Which is not a purpose of cowling?(下列哪个不是整流罩的作用)

  • A. Prevent airflow from entering engine.(防止气流进入发动机)
  • B. Adjust airflow.(调整气流)
  • C. Prevent engine from being damaged.(防止发动机受到损害)


参考知识点:主考点-功用、分类和工作) #13669.0E2D53

48.The purpose of hydraulic filter is(液压过滤器作用是)

  • A. Prevent the fuel from entering into the fuel pump.(防止燃油进入燃油泵。)
  • B. Prevent the debris from entering the hydraulic system and damaging the important parts.(防止杂物进入液压系统,损坏重要部件。)
  • C. Prevent the fuel from entering into the hydraulic pump.(防止燃油进入液压泵。)


参考知识点:主考点-液压系统典型部件及功能) #13673.B82D22

49.Why can’t weather radar work in emission mode in the hangar?(在机库内,为什么不能使气象雷达工作于发射模式?)

  • A. in order to avoid energy waste(为了避免能源浪费)
  • B. in order to avoid harmful radiation(为了避免有害辐射)
  • C. in order to avoid ground communication signal interference(为了避免地面通信信号干扰)


参考知识点:主考点-地面使用注意事项) #13689.739424

50.The support struts of the cone in the exhaust system(排气系统的圆锥体支柱是)

  • A. are used to straighten out the exhaust gases(用于使排气轴向流动)
  • B. have a swirl effect on the exhaust gases(对排气起涡流效应)
  • C. are fitted to support the cone only(只用来支撑圆锥体)


参考知识点:主考点-尾喷管功能、构造和工作) #13695.410703

51.As static temperature increases at the same altitude, which N1 held constant(同一高度上的大气静温升高,N1 保持不变)

  • A. TAS increase and SFC decrease(TAS(实际空速)增加,SFC(燃油消耗率)减小。)
  • B. TAS and SFC both increase(TAS(实际空速)和SFC(燃油消耗率)均增加。)
  • C. TAS decreases and SFC increases(TAS(实际空速)减小,SFC(燃油消耗率)增加。)


参考知识点:主考点-推力参数) #13697.6EBCD1

52.Which of the following description is right?(下列叙述正确的是)

  • A. Turn the handwheel to the right, the right aileron will be down(方向盘右转,右副翼将下降)
  • B. Turn the handwheel to the left, the left aileron will be down(方向盘左转,左副翼将下降)
  • C. Turn the handwheel to the right, the right aileron will be up(方向盘右转,右副翼将上升)


参考知识点:主考点-飞行操纵系统的组成) #13699.018AFE

53.How should thrust reversers be applied to reduce landing distance for turbojet aircraft?(涡喷飞机怎样使用反推以缩短着陆距离?)

  • A. Immediately after ground contact.(触地后立即使用)
  • B. Immediately prior to touchdown.(到接地点之前立即使用)
  • C. After applying maximum wheel braking.(采用最大轮制动后)


参考知识点:主考点-反推装置的原理及使用) #15624.D6D8E4

54.Air supply of supercharger and air-condition is(飞机上的增压装置和空调的气源来自于)

  • A. from engine compressor, APU compressor and ground air supply(发动机压气机,APU压气机以及地面空气补给)
  • B. hot air from single gear box and compressor(单极齿轮箱和压气机的热空气)
  • C. hot air from the compressor(压气机的热空气)


参考知识点:主考点-引气来源及控制) #13705.F2328D

55.In general, the power supply system of the modern aircraft is mainly(一般现代飞机的电源系统主要是)

  • A. direct-current power supply(直流电源)
  • B. alternating current power supply(交流电源)
  • C. static converter power supply(静态变频电源)


参考知识点:主考点-交流发电机) #13707.E583EF

56.The auto brakes will be activated when(飞机的自动刹车( )时候开始启动。)

  • A. at idle(油门慢车位)
  • B. the gross weight on the sensor of wheel(机轮传感器上的总重量增加)
  • C. the thrust reversers are applied(使用反推装置)


参考知识点:主考点-刹车方式) #15632.9D8C1F

57.Which of the following doesn’t belong to the common type of wing structure?(下列哪个不属于常见的机翼结构型式?)

  • A. monocoque type wing(单块式机翼)
  • B. integrated structure wing(整体结构机翼)
  • C. truss girder wing(桁梁式机翼)


参考知识点:主考点-机翼结构) #13721.7CFFA4

58.The stringer structure fuselage’s characteristic to resist force is that(桁条式机身的主要承力特点是)

  • A. fuselage’s bending moment is resisted by former and skin(机身弯矩主要由隔框和蒙皮承受)
  • B. fuselage’s bending moment is resisted by spar(机身弯矩主要由桁梁承受)
  • C. fuselage’s bending moment is resisted by wainscot made up of many thick stringer and thick skin(机身弯矩主要由较厚的蒙皮、较密较强的桁条构成的壁板承受)




参考知识点:主考点-机身结构) #13723.15CEA8

59.What are the basic components of the aircraft empennage?(飞机尾翼的基本组成构件是哪些?)

  • A. girder, purlin and skin.(梁、桁条和蒙皮。)
  • B. girder, rib, purlin and skin.(梁、肋、桁条和蒙皮。)
  • C. girder, rib and purlin.(梁、肋和桁条。)


参考知识点:主考点-尾翼结构) #13725.606243

60.What characters does the aircraft structure fatigue failure have?(飞机结构疲劳破坏具有什么特点?)

  • A. contingency(偶然性)
  • B. inevitability(必然性)
  • C. suddenness(突然性)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机结构失效) #13727.823D8A

61.What characters does the hydraulic oil normally used by the hydraulic system have?(液压系统常采用的液压油有哪些特点?)

  • A. having good performance of fireproofing, low-temperature, and high-pressure.(具有很好的防火、低温和高压性能)
  • B. normally coloring purple, not being harmful to eyes and skin.(通常呈紫色,对眼睛和皮肤无害)
  • C. normally coloring blue, having corrosive effect on eyes and skin.(通常呈蓝色,对眼睛和皮肤有腐蚀作用)


参考知识点:主考点-液压油) #13729.175E06

62.In the following descriptions, which one is not the function of pressure accumulator?(以下哪一个不属于蓄压器的功能)

  • A. appending output, mitigating impulse, absorbing heat expansion(附加输出、缓和冲击、吸收热胀)
  • B. absorbing heat expansion, emergency energy sources, supplement of oil and keep pressure(吸收热胀、应急能源、补液保压)
  • C. appending output, filtering hydraulic oil, absorbing heat expansion(附加输出、过滤油液、吸收热胀)


参考知识点:主考点-液压系统典型部件及功能) #13731.BD3AE7

63.What shortcomings does the brace telescope-feed landing gear have?(支柱套筒式起落架有什么缺点?)

  • A. Its weight is light, but the structure is complicated.(重量轻, 但结构复杂。)
  • B. It has preferable buffer effect on both vertical and horizontal directions.(对垂直方向和水平方向的冲击都有较好的缓冲作用。)
  • C. Its sealing device is easy to appear uneven wear.(密封装置容易出现不均匀磨损。)


参考知识点:主考点-起落架结构) #13733.5C29A2

64.The landing gear structural type which has good buffer action on perpendicular and level impact is(对垂直方向和水平方向的冲击都有较好的缓冲作用的起落架结构型式是)

  • A. framework type(构架式)
  • B. bell crank type(摇臂式)
  • C. strut sleeve type(支柱套筒式)


参考知识点:主考点-起落架结构) #13735.A0A0D1

65.Modern transport aircraft usually adopt tubeless tires, mostly because of following advantage(现代运输机通常采用无内胎轮胎,主要是因为其具有以下优点)

  • A. better air impermeability and easy to seal(气密性较好,容易密封)
  • B. light weight and better cooling performance, the charging connector may not be damaged by tire shifting(重量轻且冷却性好,充气气嘴不会因轮胎错动而受损)
  • C. better air impermeability, the tire may not easily shift when tire pressure is low(气密性较好,轮胎气压较低时不易发生错动)


参考知识点:主考点-机轮) #13737.8AC81F

66.For modern transport aircraft, the normal operating power of landing gear is(现代民航运输机起落架的正常收放动力是)

  • A. hydraulic pressure supplied by hydraulic system(液压系统提供液压)
  • B. electric power supplied by electrical system(电气系统提供电力)
  • C. air pressure supplied by air feed system;(供气系统提供气压)


参考知识点:主考点-起落架收放操作与指示) #13739.081AD3

67.For fear of accidents of the landing gear up by mistake for aircraft on the ground, which security measures are proper?(为防止发生飞机在地面误收起落架的事故,哪些安全措施是合理的?)

  • A. designing landing gear up-an-down handles against maloperation(起落架收放手柄防误动设计)
  • B. adopting landing gear automatical electromagnetic lock.(采用起落架自动电磁锁)
  • C. adopting interior mechanical lock.(采用内部机械锁)


参考知识点:主考点-起落架地面防收安全措施) #13741.F37AC9

68.What are respectively common braking system and brake apparatus used in modern transport?(现代运输机比较常用的刹车系统和刹车装置分别是什么?)

  • A. disc type brake device, power brake system(圆盘式刹车装置, 动力刹车系统)
  • B. capsule type brake device, independent brake system(胶囊式刹车装置, 独立刹车系统)
  • C. curved block type brake device, hydraulic pressurizing brake system(弯块式刹车装置, 液压增压刹车系统)









参考知识点:主考点-刹车装置与系统) #13743.DF9441

69.What is the usual way of modern aircraft nosewheel to lessen shimmy?(现代飞机前轮减摆通常采用什么方式?)

  • A. lessening shimmy through fuel system(燃油系统减摆)
  • B. lessening shimmy through machine driven system(机械驱动系统减摆)
  • C. lessening shimmy through hydraulic system(液压系统减摆)


参考知识点:主考点-前起落架) #13745.67A9F8

70.Which of the following is the character of fly-by-wire control system?(下列哪个是电传操纵系统的特点?)

  • A. Steering signal is released by the pilot directly to transmit to the rudder surface.(把驾驶员发出的操纵指令转换为电信号并直接输送给操纵面。)
  • B. It mainly uses hydraulic power to control the rudder surface.(主要使用液压动力来控制操纵面。)
  • C. It simplifies the combination of primary control system and autopilot.(简化了主操纵系统和自动驾驶仪的组合。)


参考知识点:主考点-电传操纵系统) #13747.21EE92

71.Which of the following is correct about the function of ground spoiler?(关于地面扰流板的功用正确的是)

  • A. It helps the aileron to conduct aircraft rolling control.(辅助副翼进行飞机横滚操纵。)
  • B. It can be used as air brake.(作为空中减速板使用。)
  • C. It can enhance drag and reduce lift on the ground, so as to help the aircraft to brake and decelerate.(在地面增阻卸升,帮助飞机刹车减速。)



参考知识点:主考点-扰流板操纵) #13749.A4D39E

72.The fuel-supplying ways of two-engine independence and mutuality fuel supplying system are(双发独立与交输供油系统的供油方式是)

  • A. Each fuel tank independently supplies fuel for relevant engine.(各油箱可独立向相应发动机供油。)
  • B. Each fuel tank supplies for master manifold and then assigns to other engines each.(各油箱向总汇流管供油再分配给其它各发动机。)
  • C. Normal independence fuel supplying way, mutuality fuel supplying way, and pumping fuel supplying way.(具有正常独立供油方式、交输供油方式和抽吸供油方式。)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机燃油系统的供油方式) #13751.06B791

73.The reasons of ventilating the aircraft fuel tank do not include ( ).(飞机燃油箱需要通气的原因不包括)

  • A. eliminate pressure difference between inside and outside of fuel tank, so as to ensure fuel supplying and filling(消除油箱内外压差,保证供油和加油顺利)
  • B. supply positive pressure to fuel in flight, so as to prevent cavitation(飞行中给油面提供正压,防止出现气穴现象)
  • C. exhaust fuel steam, so as to prevent deflagration(排出燃油蒸汽,防止形成爆燃条件)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机燃油系统典型部件及功能) #13753.54441D

74.What issues need to be noticed when the aircraft fuel tank being refueled?(给飞机油箱加油时,需要注意哪些事项?)

  • A. no open flames; away from vehicles; anti-pollution.(严禁明火;车辆远离;防污染)
  • B. keep in communication; closely monitor electrical equipment.(保持通信;密切监视电气设备)
  • C. keep radar’s normal work; make sure no accident.(保持雷达正常工作,确保不发生事故)


参考知识点:主考点-油箱加油) #13755.4B21B2

75.Which of the following is correct about what to be noticed when the modern transport dumps fuel in the air?(关于现代运输机空中放油的注意事项正确的是)

  • A. Fuel dumping can be decided by the pilot at discretion.(飞行员自行决定空中放油。)
  • B. Fuel dumping can be done at any altitude.(可以在任意高度放油。)
  • C. Enough fuel must be remained after dumping.(放油后确保留有足够的剩余油量。)



参考知识点:主考点-空中放油) #13757.2A575E

76.Fuel gauge usually uses ( ) unit to indicate fuel capacity.(燃油量表通常采用( )单位来表示油量。)

  • A. ml or L(毫升或升)
  • B. Pound or Kg(磅或千克)
  • C. g or mg(克或毫克)


参考知识点:主考点-油箱加油) #13759.F8FBC4

77.The bleed air valve of air supply system trips off, what may be the reasons?(飞机气源系统引气活门跳开,主要会有哪些原因?)

  • A. the bleed air overheat or overpressure(引气超温或超压)
  • B. the bleed air low temperature or low pressure(引气低温或低压)
  • C. the bleed air overheat or low pressure(引气超温或低压)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机气源系统的控制与指示) #13761.94605F

78.What is the difference between air circulation refrigeration and evaporation circulation refrigeration?(空气循环制冷与蒸发循环制冷不同点在哪里?)

  • A. Air circulation refrigeration gets freezing air directly through cooling turbine.(空气循环制冷是经过冷却涡轮获得冷空气。)
  • B. Air circulation refrigeration absorbs heat and refrigerate through refrigerating fluid phase change.(空气循环制冷方式是通过制冷剂相变来吸热制冷。)
  • C. Air circulation refrigeration gets freezing air preliminarily through being cooled by the heat exchanger, and then expanding and cooling through cooling turbine.(空气循环制冷是经热交换器初步冷却后,再经冷却涡轮进行膨胀降温。)


参考知识点:主考点-引气制冷方式、部件及功能) #13763.B9B219

79.What is the function of the cabin temperature selector?(座舱温度选择器有什么样的作用?)

  • A. Under the automatic control mode, it sets temperature signal automatically.(在座舱温度自动控制方式下,自动设置温度信号。)
  • B. Under the manual control mode, it directly controls the opening of air valve.(在座舱温度人工控制方式下,直接控制空气阀的开度。)
  • C. It is controlled by the crew members, so as to change the cabin temperature at any time.(由机组人员控制的,随时改变座舱温度。)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱空调系统的操作与指示) #13765.355077

80.Modern mid- and large-civil airliners usually confine the cabin altitude climbing rate not exceeding ( ), descending rate not exceeding ( ).(现代大中型民航客机通常限制座舱高度爬升率不超过( ),下降率不超过( )。)

  • A. 500 ft/min, 350 ft/min(500英尺/分;350英尺/分)
  • B. 600 ft/min, 300 ft/min(600英尺/分;300英尺/分)
  • C. 400 ft/min, 300 ft/min(400英尺/分;300英尺/分)

解析:现代大中型民航客机通常限制座舱高度爬升率不超过500 英尺/分钟,座舱高度下降率不超过350 英尺/分钟。

参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压控制参数) #13767.2FBD77

81.The fundamental of aircraft cabin pressurization control is(飞机座舱增压控制的基本原理是)

  • A. to maintain air flux and adjust exhaust valve opening(保持供气量不变,调节排气活门开度)
  • B. to adjust air flux and maintain exhaust valve opening(调节供气量,保持排气活门开度不变)
  • C. to adjust air flux and exhaust valve opening(调节供气量,调节排气活门开度)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压控制基本原理) #13769.23DE78

82.What are the characters of cabin pressurization control rule?(现代运输机座舱增压控制规律都有哪些特点?)

  • A. During aircraft taking off and landing, engine power loss is little; passengers’ boarding comfort is better.(飞机起降过程中,发动机功率损失小; 乘员乘坐舒适性较好。)
  • B. During aircraft taking off and landing, engine power loss is more; passengers’ boarding comfort is worse.(飞机起降过程中,发动机功率损失较大;乘员乘坐舒适性较差。)
  • C. During aircraft taking off and landing, engine power loss is more; passengers’ boarding comfort is better.(飞机起降过程中,发动机功率损失较大;乘员乘坐舒适性较好。)









参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压规律) #13771.6A7B9D

83.The parameters included in work indication of cabin pressurization system don’t contain(飞机座舱增压系统工作指示包含的参数不包括)

  • A. cabin temperature indication(座舱温度指示)
  • B. cabin altitude indication(座舱高度指示)
  • C. cabin excess pressure indication(座舱余压指示)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压系统的操作与指示) #13775.857641

84.The de-icing and anti-icing methods of aircraft mainly are(飞机的除/防冰方式主要有哪些?)

  • A. manual de-icing, gas-thermal de/anti-icing, electro-thermal de/anti-icing(人工除冰、气热除/防冰、电热除/防冰。)
  • B. pneumatic de-icing, electro-thermal de/anti-icing; hydraulic de/anti-icing(气动除冰、电热除/防冰、液压除/防冰。)
  • C. pneumatic de-icing, gas-thermal de/anti-icing, electro-thermal de/anti-icing, liquid de/anti-icing(气动除冰、气热除/防冰、电热除/防冰、液体除/防冰。)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机除/防冰方式及原理) #13777.7B6253

85.What is the type of aircraft icing detection device widely used by modern civil transport?(现代民航运输机广泛采用的飞机结冰探测装置是什么类型?)

  • A. automatic icing indicator(自动式结冰信号器)
  • B. visualized icing indicator(直观式结冰信号器)
  • C. mechanical icing indicator(机械式结冰信号器)



参考知识点:主考点-飞机结冰探测) #13779.E7E978

86.What is the anti-icing way of engine anti-icing system mostly adopted by modern transport?(现代民航运输机发动机防冰系统大多采用哪种方式防冰?)

  • A. electric heating anti-icing(电加热防冰)
  • B. gas heating anti-icing(燃气加热防冰)
  • C. anti-icing liquid(防冻液)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机除/防冰系统的工作与指示) #13781.E4C42D

87.What are the standards of “aviation personnel breathing oxygen”?(“航空人员呼吸用氧”有什么规格?)

  • A. 99.5% pure oxygen; water content not exceeding 0.005mg/kg(99.5%纯氧;水分含量不超过0.005毫克/千克)
  • B. 95.0% pure oxygen; water content not exceeding 0.005mg/kg(95.0%的纯氧;水分含量不超过0.005毫克/千克)
  • C. 99.0% pure oxygen; water content not exceeding 0.05mg/kg(99.0%纯氧;水分含量不超过为0.05毫克/千克)


参考知识点:主考点-氧气源及供氧方式) #13783.6FF799

88.Which safety caution is correct about utilizing aircraft oxygen system?(使用飞机氧气系统的安全注意事项正确的是?)

  • A. Before flight, pilots should check the overheating-releasing indication.(飞机飞行前驾驶员应检查氧气瓶过热释放指示。)
  • B. It shouldn’t oxygenate inside before the oxygen cylinder is used up.(氧气瓶使用完之前不能向内充氧。)
  • C. All oxygen-supplying ways have the ability to prevent smoke.(所有供氧方式要具备防烟能力。)

解析:为保证安全,氧气瓶具有过热释放功能,机外有氧气瓶过热释放指示膜片,飞机飞行前驾驶员应检查膜片完整性。应注意部分供氧方式不具有防烟功能,例如驾驶员的正常稀释供氧方式以及旅客连续供氧方式,只能用于座舱失密情况下的供氧。旅客氧气系统的启动方式有人工方式、自动方式和机械方式。在自动方式下,通常当座舱高度达14000 英尺时,旅客氧气面罩会自动掉下,下拉氧气面罩即可触发化学氧气发生器。另外,为了保证飞行安全和避免用氧伤害,还应严格遵循氧气系统安全使用注意事项。地面维护时应注意采取适当的防火措施,保持氧气设备清洁,及时向氧气瓶充氧保持一定压力值,定期对氧气系统进行泄漏试验等。飞行中使用时应注意严禁明火,避免氧气与油脂接触,避免接触和搬动氧气发生器,避免检查电气和无线电设备等。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机氧气系统的使用注意事项) #13785.B6A990

89.Can water-base fire extinguisher agent be used to Class B extinguishment?(水基灭火器剂可用于B类火的灭火吗?)

  • A. Yes, it can. Water-base fire extinguisher agent can only be applied to Class B extinguishment.(可以,只适用于B类火的灭火。)
  • B. Yes, it can. Water-base fire extinguisher agent can be applied to Class A, B and C extinguishment.(可以,适用于A、B、C 类火的灭火。)
  • C. No, it can’t. Water-base fire extinguisher agent can only be applied to Class A extinguishment.(不可以,只适用于A类火的灭火。)

解析:水或水基灭火剂:只适用于A 类火的灭火。B 类火:燃油、滑油等油类或易燃气体着火。

参考知识点:主考点-2.1.12(飞机防火系统) #13787.2C4E73

90.What are usual types of aircraft fire alarm signal?(飞机火警信号通常包含哪些形式?)

  • A. vision and sound alert(目视和声响警告)
  • B. only sound alert(只有声响警告)
  • C. only vision alert(只有目视警告)

解析:火警信号装置将监控组件的输出信号转换为目视和声响警告信息,包括主警告(红色火警灯及火警铃)和ECAM 或EICAS 上的文字警告信息。

参考知识点:主考点-2.1.12(飞机防火系统) #13789.B1EB49

91.Where does the aircraft stationary fire extinguishing system apply to?(飞机固定式灭火系统主要应用于哪些部位?)

  • A. mainly used in cabin.(主要用于座舱。)
  • B. mainly used in engines and APU.(主要用于发动机和APU。)
  • C. mainly used in cockpit and cargo compartment.(主要用于驾驶舱和货舱。)

解析:固定式灭火系统是固定安装的专用灭火系统,由灭火瓶、喷射导管和灭火控制组件组成。主要用于发动机和APU 灭火,某些飞机货舱和卫生间也采用固定灭火系统。

参考知识点:主考点-2.1.12(飞机防火系统) #13791.41C09C

92.Where are the emergency exits in modern transport?(现代运输机可作为应急出口的地方有哪些?)

  • A. passenger boarding gate, service gate, dedicated emergency exits(旅客登机门,勤务门,专用应急出口)
  • B. passenger boarding gate, slide, dedicated emergency exits(旅客登机门,滑梯,专用应急出口)
  • C. passenger boarding gate, slide, life float(旅客登机门,滑梯,救生筏)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机应急出口/滑梯/救生筏) #13793.BE99BA

93.When will the aircraft life line be used?(飞机上救生绳什么时候会用到?)

  • A. The life line can be used to help aircrew to slip to the ground outside the aircraft from the side window.(救生绳可以用来帮助机组成员从侧舷窗滑到机外地面)
  • B. The life line can be used to help passengers to get on and off the slide.(救生绳可以用来帮助旅客上下滑梯)
  • C. The life line and the life float can be used together.(救生绳和救生筏可以一起使用)


参考知识点:主考点-其它应急设备) #13795.DFE8DA

94.Cabin altitude refers to(座舱高度是指)

  • A. The altitude corresponding to cabin absolute air pressure(座舱内空气绝对压力所对应的海拔高度)
  • B. The altitude the aircraft’s cabin has climbed to(座舱随飞机爬升达到海拔高度)
  • C. The altitude corresponding to cabin air temperature(座舱内空气温度所对应的海拔高度)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压控制参数) #14935.A6FFCD

95.Which kind of accumulators is widely used in transport?(哪种蓄电池被广泛应用于运输机上?)

  • A. lead accumulator(铅蓄电池)
  • B. cadmium-nickel accumulator(镉镍蓄电池)
  • C. zinc- manganese accumulator(锌锰蓄电池)


参考知识点:主考点-蓄电池) #13797.212082

96.What are the two kinds of aircraft constant frequency alternating current power supply?(飞机上的恒频交流电源有哪两种?)

  • A. constant speed and constant frequency; variable speed and constant frequency(恒速恒频电源;变速恒频电源)
  • B. slow speed and constant frequency; quick speed and constant frequency(低速恒频电源;高速恒频电源)
  • C. constant speed and constant frequency; quick speed and constant frequency(恒速恒频电源;高速恒频电源)


参考知识点:主考点-交流电源的类型) #13799.CE7C9E

97.In the transistor voltage regulator, how does the power transistor control the engine exciting current?(在晶体管调压器中,功率晶体管怎么控制发电机励磁电流?)

  • A. Transistors are installed in series in the exciter circuit, by means of changing transistors’ conduction ratio to alter the exciting current.(晶体管串联在励磁电路中,通过改变晶体管的导通比(占空比)来改变励磁电流。)
  • B. Transistors are installed in parallel in the exciter circuit, by means of changing transistors’ conduction ratio to alter the exciting current.(晶体管并联在励磁电路中,通过改变晶体管的导通比(占空比)来改变励磁电流。)
  • C. Transistors are not only installed in series but also in parallel in the exciter circuit, by means of changing transistors’ conduction ratio to alter the exciting current.(晶体管不仅串联还并联在励磁电路中,通过改变晶体管的导通比(占空比)来改变励磁电流。)


参考知识点:主考点-交流发电机的电压调节) #13801.2B97D0

98.What conditions need to be met to realize alternating current generator running in parallel?(交流发电机实现并联运行需要什么条件?)

  • A. Only if the voltage frequency, voltage and phase all are within prescribed scope.(只有当发电机输出电压的频率、相位、电压均在规定的范围内时,发电机才能投入并联。)
  • B. Only if the voltage phase sequence, frequency, voltage and phase all are within prescribed scope.(只有当发电机输出电压的相序、频率、电压和相位均在规定的范围内时,发电机才能投入并联。)
  • C. Only if the voltage waveform, phase sequence, frequency, voltage and phase all are within prescribed scope.(只有当发电机输出电压的波形、相序、频率、电压和相位均在规定的范围内时,发电机才能投入并联。)


参考知识点:主考点-交流发电机的并联运行) #13803.24534A

99.What are the main controlling objects of aircraft alternating current power supply?(飞机交流电源主要控制的对象有哪些?)

  • A. generator excitation control, generator output control, conflux condition connect control and outer power supply(发电机励磁控制,发电机输出控制,汇流条连接控制,外电源控制)
  • B. generator excitation control, generator input control, conflux condition connect control and outer power supply(发电机励磁控制,发电机输入控制,汇流条连接控制,外电源控制)
  • C. generator excitation control, generator input control, conflux condition connect control and inner power supply(发电机励磁控制,发电机输入控制,汇流条连接控制,内电源控制)

解析:运输机上交流电源的主要控制对象通常有4个,一、发电机励磁控制 二、发电机输出控制 三、汇流条件连接控制 四、外电源控制

参考知识点:主考点-交流电源的控制) #13805.48C771

100.Alternating current power supply system adopts ( ) to conduct overvoltage failure circuit protection.(交流电源系统采用( )进行过电压故障的电路保护。)

  • A. fixed delay mode(固定延时模式)
  • B. anti-delay mode(反延时模式)
  • C. non fixed delay mode(非固定延时模式)


参考知识点:主考点-交流发电机的故障与保护) #13807.E60089

101.The function of the static converter is(静止变流器的作用是)

  • A. changing the direct current on the plane into 500Hz single phase alternating current.(将飞机上的直流电转变为 500Hz 的单相交流电。)
  • B. changing the direct current on the plane into 400Hz single phase alternating current.(将飞机上的直流电转变为 400Hz 的单相交流电。)
  • C. changing the direct current on the plane into 300Hz single phase alternating current.(将飞机上的直流电转变为 300Hz 的单相交流电。)

解析:静止变流器将飞机上的直流电转变为400Hz 的单相或三相交流电。静止变流器主要由两部分构成:直流变换器和直交逆变器。前者用于将低压直流电转变为高压直流电并实现电气隔离,后者将高压直流电转变为400Hz 正弦交流电。

参考知识点:主考点-变流机) #13809.3304F3

102.According to the importance, the types of aircraft electric equipment are(按其重要性来说,飞机用电设备可以分为哪些类型?)

  • A. flight key equipment, mission key equipment and general electric equipment(飞行关键设备,关键任务设备和一般用电设备)
  • B. flight key equipment, general electric equipment and emergency electric equipment(飞行关键设备,一般用电设备和应急电气设备)
  • C. flight key equipment, mission key equipment and emergency electric equipment(飞行关键设备,关键任务设备和应急电气设备)


参考知识点:主考点-用电设备) #13811.CFFBBE

103.The work courses of Brayton cycle are(布莱顿循环有哪几个工作过程?)

  • A. adiabatic expansion process, constant-pressure heating process, adiabatic compression process and constant-pressure exothermic process(绝热膨胀过程,定压加热过程 ,绝热压缩过程以及定压放热过程。)
  • B. adiabatic compression process, constant-pressure heating process, adiabatic expansion process and constant-pressure exothermic process(绝热压缩过程,定压加热过程,绝热膨胀过程以及定压放热过程。)
  • C. adiabatic expansion process, constant-pressure exothermic process, adiabatic compression process and constant-pressure heating process(绝热膨胀过程, 定压放热过程,绝热压缩过程以及定压加热过程。)


参考知识点:主考点-布莱顿循环) #13813.D1EE97

104.In compressor, what is the changing rule of flow parameter about the jet engine airflow?(喷气发动机气流在压气机中气流参数有什么样的变化规律?)

  • A. With the gas pressure and temperature slightly increasing, its speed decreases.(随着气压和温度略微升高,其速度降低。)
  • B. With the gas pressure and speed slightly increasing, its temperature decreases.(随着气压和速度略微增加,其温度降低。)
  • C. With the gas temperature and speed slightly increasing, its pressure decreases.(随着气体的温度和速度略微增加,其压力降低。)


参考知识点:主考点-涡轮喷气发动机气流参数变化) #13815.357BAE

105.In turbine, what is the changing rule of flow parameter about the jet engine airflow?(喷气发动机气流在涡轮中气流参数有什么样的变化规律?)

  • A. With the gas pressure and temperature decreasing, its speed increases.(随着气压和温度的降低,其速度增加。)
  • B. With the gas pressure and speed decreasing, its temperature increases.(随着气压和速度降低,其温度升高。)
  • C. With the gas temperature and speed decreasing, its pressure increases.(随着气体的温度和速度降低,其压力增加。)



参考知识点:主考点-涡轮喷气发动机气流参数变化) #13817.5A4514

106.The main function of the fan of turbofan engine is(涡轮风扇发动机风扇的主要作用是什么?)

  • A. helping the engine to dissipate heat and decrease temperature.(帮助发动机散热降温。)
  • B. making the compressed bypass air accelerate to erupt backward, so as to produce part of the thrust.(使外涵空气受压缩后加速向后喷出,而产生部分推力。)
  • C. dedusting and keeping the engine clean(除尘,保持发动机清洁。)


参考知识点:主考点-燃气涡轮发动机的类型) #13819.0C41FB

107.Common powerplant of large-scale civil transport is(大型民用运输机常用的动力装置是)

  • A. turbojet engine(涡轮喷气发动机)
  • B. low bypass turbofan engine(低涵道涡扇发动机)
  • C. high bypass turbofan engine(高涵道涡扇发动机)


参考知识点:主考点-燃气涡轮发动机应用) #13821.E13F1E

108.Common powerplant of mid- and low-speed and regional civil transport is(中、低速运输机和支线民航飞机常用的动力装置是什么?)

  • A. turboshaft engine(涡轮轴发动机(简称涡轴))
  • B. turbojet engine(涡轮喷气发动机(简称涡喷))
  • C. turboprop engine(涡轮螺旋桨发动机(简称涡桨))


参考知识点:主考点-燃气涡轮发动机应用) #13823.8D1992

109.The function of the engine intake is(发动机进气道的用途是什么?)

  • A. rectifying outer air, and introducing enough airflow to the compressor.(整流外部空气,并将足够量的气流引入压气机。)
  • B. pressing air to pressurize when flight speed is slower than the speed of the airflow into the engine intake.(飞行速度小于于发动机进气口气流速度时,冲压空气增压。)
  • C. pressing air to decompress when flight speed is quicker than the speed of the airflow into the engine intake.(飞行速度大于发动机进气口气流速度时,冲压空气减压。)


参考知识点:主考点-功用、分类和工作) #13825.75AF78

110.When subsonic speed inlet works, the airspeed usually is confined within(亚音速进气道工作时,空速通常控制在( )之间。)

  • A. 0.31.0(0.31.0)
  • B. 0.41.0(0.41.0)
  • C. 0.51.0(0.51.0)


参考知识点:主考点-亚音速进气道工作) #13827.62508F

111.What will happen if there is icing in the engine intake?(若发动机进气道结冰,将会有什么样的影响?)

  • A. It will have little impact on the engine intake air inflow.(对发动机进气道的进气几乎没有影响。)
  • B. It will intensify airflow separation, and will cause engine surge if it’s serious.(会加剧气流的分离,严重时导致发动机喘振。)
  • C. The inner parts inside the engine will not be affected.(发动机的内部部分不会受到影响。)


参考知识点:主考点-防冰) #13829.1BFBE1

112.Before starting the engine, foreign objects, vehicles, devices and staff in all the areas around the engine need to be cleaned, why?(起动发动机前,发动机周围所有区域必须清理干净外来物,车辆,设备器和人员,为什么这样做?)

  • A. in order to maintain good order and image in the airport.(维护机场次序和形象。)
  • B. in order to provide a clear runway for aircraft taking off(为飞机起飞提供一个干净的跑道。)
  • C. for fear of foreign object damage(防止外来物损伤。)


参考知识点:主考点-使用注意) #13831.021028

113.The bypass ratio of modern civil aircraft engine is(现代民航飞机发动机的涵道比是)

  • A. the ratio of outer duct airflow and air mass flow(外涵空气流量与空气流量之比)
  • B. the ratio of outer duct airflow and inner duct airflow(外涵空气流量与内涵空气流量之比)
  • C. the ratio of inner duct airflow and air mass flow(内涵空气流量与空气流量之比)


参考知识点:主考点-风扇及涵道比) #13833.F41756

114.What is the effect of compressor blade pollution on the engine performance?(压气机叶片积污对发动机性能有什么影响?)

  • A. leading to discharge temperature decrease(导致排气温度降低。)
  • B. causing engine knock(引起发动机爆震。)
  • C. inducing engine surge(诱发发动机喘振。)


参考知识点:主考点-积污、损伤的影响) #13835.877B65

115.Excess air coefficient is(余气系数是)

  • A. actual air quantity / theoretical air quantity(实际空气量/理论空气量)
  • B. theoretical air quantity / actual air quantity(理论空气量/实际空气量)
  • C. excess air quantity / actual air quantity(过量空气量/实际空气量)


参考知识点:主考点-混合比) #13837.56481A

116.Excess air coefficients of lean fuel and rich fuel gas mixtures respectively are(贫油和富油混合气的余气系数分别为)

  • A. less than 1; more than 1(小于1;大于1)
  • B. more than 1; less than 1(大于1;小于1)
  • C. equal to 1; more than 1(等于1;大于1)


参考知识点:主考点-混合比) #13839.5F1D0C

117.The function of the diffuser is(扩压器的功用是)

  • A. decreasing the airflow speed flowing from the compressor.(降低从压气机流出的气流速度。)
  • B. increasing the airflow speed flowing from the compressor.(提高从压气机流出的气流速度。)
  • C. balancing the airflow speed flowing from the compressor unchanged.(保持从压气机流出的气流速度平衡不变。)


参考知识点:主考点-扩压器) #13841.B71764

118.The reason of combustor shutting down can be(燃烧室熄火,根本原因是)

  • A. accelerator manipulating failure(油门操纵失灵。)
  • B. engine lost of thrust(发动机失去推力。)
  • C. excess air coefficient of gas mixture in combustion area is beyond stable combustion range.(燃烧区混合气余气系数超出了稳定燃烧范围。)


参考知识点:主考点-熄火判断,原因及控制) #13843.BFD750

119.When you climb what is the change in cabin pressure?(爬升过程中座舱内气压)

  • A. more change than outside pressure(比外部气压变化大)
  • B. less change than outside pressure(比外部气压变化小)
  • C. no change with pressure(气压无变化)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压控制参数) #14981.AF8F99

120.Which of the following is not the function of turbine?(下列哪项不属于涡轮的功用?)

  • A. transforming heat energy to mechanical energy.(将热能转换为机械能。)
  • B. make the air expand to work, so as to drive the compressor to work.(使气体膨胀,带动压气机工作。)
  • C. transforming mechanical energy to heat energy, and drive the compressor to work.(将机械能转换为热能,带动压气机工作。)


参考知识点:主考点-功能、构造和工作原理) #13845.CBED18

121.The noise resources of the engine are mainly from(发动机的噪音源主要来自)

  • A. air intake, propeller and combustor(进气口,螺旋桨和燃烧器)
  • B. air fan, compressor, turbine and air injection(风扇,压气机,涡轮和喷气)
  • C. air fan, paddle and jet nozzle(风扇,桨和喷嘴)


参考知识点:主考点-尾喷管-噪音) #13847.A1358D

122.The function of spark igniter is(发动机点火装置的功用是)

  • A. to generate spark and light the gas mixture.(产生火花,点燃混合气)
  • B. to prevent the generator from shutting down.(防止发电机关闭)
  • C. to mix the high-temperature fuel with gas.(将高温燃料和气体混合)


参考知识点:主考点-2.2.8(点火系统) #13849.09166B

123.Which of the following doesn’t belong to the type of fuel regulator of engine control system?(下列哪个不属于发动机控制系统燃油调节器的类型?)

  • A. mechanical hydraulic control(机械液压式)
  • B. analog electrical control(模拟电子式)
  • C. FADEC (full authority digital electronic control)(全权数字电子控制)


参考知识点:主考点-燃油调节器) #13851.5DF7D6

124.Which of the following are the indications of fuel system?

① low pressure fuel filter jam alert;② fuel pressure indication and alert;③ fuel temperature; ④ fuel flow(燃油系统的指示有哪些:①低压燃油滤堵塞警告②燃油压力指示和警告;③燃油温度;④燃油流量。)

  • A. ②③④(②③④)
  • B. ①②③(①②③)
  • C. ①②③④(①②③④)


参考知识点:主考点-控制与指示) #13853.CC267C

125.Why does fuel need to add anti-icing additive?(燃油为什么需要添加防冰添加剂?)

  • A. for fear of water entrained in the fuel icing(防止燃油中夹带的水结冰)
  • B. for fear of microbial breeding(防止微生物繁殖)
  • C. maintaining constant temperature of fuel(维持燃油温度恒定)


参考知识点:主考点-燃油) #13855.171357

126.Lubricating oil system parameters monitored by pilots mainly include(飞行员监控的滑油系统参数主要包含)

  • A. oil pressure, oil temperature, metal filing, oil capacity(滑油压力,滑油温度,金属屑,滑油量)
  • B. oil color, oil temperature, dust, oil capacity(滑油颜色,滑油温度,灰尘,滑油量)
  • C. oil pressure, oil temperature, dust, oil capacity(滑油压力,滑油温度,灰尘,滑油量)


参考知识点:主考点-操作和监控) #13857.082134

127.The two components contained by APU are(APU包含哪两大部件?)

  • A. gear case and large-scale constant-speed gas turbine engine(齿轮箱和大型气涡轮恒速发动机)
  • B. gear case and large-scale variable-speed gas turbine engine(齿轮箱和大型气涡轮变速发动机)
  • C. gear case and small-scale constant-speed gas turbine engine(齿轮箱和小型气涡轮恒速发动机)


参考知识点:主考点-组成部件及其作用) #13859.CF5760

128.In which of the following situations will APU shut down automatically?①Units and systems happen to malfunction;②APU turns up fire alarm signal;③It exceeds to specific airspeed and altitude limitation.(APU 在哪些情况下会自动停车?


  • A. ①②③(①②③)
  • B. ②③(②③)
  • C. ①③(①③)

解析:正常情况下,APU 应在无负载情况下工作大约2分钟,然后将主控制电门置于OFF 位或STOP位进行关车。根据APU 的类型和安装要求,在下列任何一种情况下,APU 可以自动关车:1、部件和系统发生某些故障;2、APU 出现火警信号;3、超过特定的空速和高度限制。

参考知识点:主考点-操纵和监控) #13861.67EC89

129.Please explain the relationship between thrust and rotate speed, air pressure, air temperature as well as air density.(请说明推力同转速、气压、温度及空气密度之间的关系。)

  • A. With engine rotate speed increasing, engine thrust increases; the quicker the rotate speed, the more the thrust increases.(发动机转速增加,发动机推力增大,转速越快,推力越大。)
  • B. With the air pressure increasing, engine thrust decreases; with air temperature decreasing, engine thrust increases.(气压的升高,发动机推力减小;空气温度降低,发动机推力增大。)
  • C. With air temperature increasing, engine thrust increases; with air density decreasing, engine thrust increases.(空气温度升高,发动机推力增大;空气密度降低,发动机推力增大。)

解析:随着发动机转速增加,发动机推力增加,转速越大推力增加越快;大气压力增加时,发动机推力增加;大气温度降低时,发动机推力增加;大气密度增加时,发动机推力增加;在11,000 米以下时,推力随飞行高度增加而降低,在11,000 米以上时,随着飞行高度增加,发动机推力下降更快。

参考知识点:主考点-推力同空速、空气密度、气压、温度和转速之间的关系) #13863.AB0EF9

130.What is the usual way to indicate engine condition overrun?(发动机状态超限通常会以什么样的方式提示?)

  • A. Usually it’s indicated on the cockpit panel.(通常会在飞机座舱仪表中进行指示。)
  • B. Usually it’s indicated in the way of warning light and warning beep.(通常会通过警告灯和警告声响进行提示。)
  • C. Usually it’s indicated on the cockpit panel, and then warned by light and beep.(通常会在飞机座舱仪表中进行指示,并通过警告灯和警告声响进行提示。)

解析:发动机状态超限通常会在飞机座舱仪表中进行指示,并通过警告灯和警告声响进行提示,当出现超限和故障时,应根据飞行手册进行相应处理。在发动机监控参数采用EICAS和ECAM 显示方式的飞机上,还会显示发动机超限的具体参数和故障,及相应的处置程序供飞行员参考。

参考知识点:主考点-发动机的操纵和使用) #13867.EB9F8C

131.In which of the following cases does the airborne weather radar display in red?(下列哪种情况机载气象雷达显示为红色?)

  • A. light rain area(小雨区域)
  • B. moderate rain area(中雨区域)
  • C. heavy rain area(大雨区域)


参考知识点:主考点-2.7.1(机载气象雷达) #152696.DDE7FE

132.In which of the following condition the aircraft can’t start in the air?(在下列哪种条件下不能够进行空中起动?)

  • A. in the process of climbing(在爬升过程中)
  • B. engine failure-free operation(起动机为无故障发动机)
  • C. Aircrew members have completed the preparatory work of in-flight engine start.(机组完成空中起动发动机的准备工作)


参考知识点:主考点-空中起动) #13869.6792F9

133.What is used as jet engine speed’s unit?(喷气发动机转速用什么单位表示?)

  • A. r/min(圈/分)
  • B. r/s(圈/秒)
  • C. %(%)


参考知识点:主考点-2.3.3(转速表) #13871.02654E

134.The measurement of discharge temperature is according to(排气温度的测量是根据什么原理?)

  • A. the thermoelectromotive force produced by pyroelectric effect of thermocouple(热电偶的热电效应产生热电动势。)
  • B. the hot and cold difference produced by the temperature variation effect of thermocouple.(热电偶的温差效应产生热冷差异。)
  • C. the analysis of thermocouple’s feedback to temperature.(热电偶的温度反馈分析。)


参考知识点:主考点-2.3.4(排气温度表) #13873.842770

135.The methods to measure vibration are(测量振动的方法是)

  • A. distance interval magnetoelectrical vibration measurement; time interval electrical vibration measurement(间距式磁电测振;时距式压电测振)
  • B. speed magnetoelectrical vibration measurement; accelerated speed electrical vibration measurement(速度式磁电测振;加速度式压电测振)
  • C. speed magnetoelectrical vibration measurement; time interval electrical vibration measurement(速度式磁电测振;时距式压电测振)


参考知识点:主考点-2.3.7(振动指示) #13875.ABF843

136.The unit of vibration is(振动的单位是)

  • A. m/s, mil(米/秒,密耳(振动幅值))
  • B. km, g(公里,振动载荷系数)
  • C. g, mil(振动载荷系数,密耳(振动幅值))

解析:振动指示单位:g,指示振动载荷系数; mil,指示振动幅值。

参考知识点:主考点-2.3.7(振动指示) #13877.DC2BAB

137.EICAS warning message is displayed in(EICAS的警告信息用( )显示。)

  • A. red(红色)
  • B. amber(琥珀色)
  • C. yellow(黄色)

解析:EICAS报警信息分为三级:A 级、B 级和C级。

A 级:警告信息,需要机组立即采取行动。该信息用红色显示。出现该信息时,主警告灯点亮,中央警告系统给出音响警告。

B 级:警戒信息,需要机组立即知晓,但不需立即采取行动。该信息用琥珀色显示。出现该信息时,警戒灯点亮,并伴随有音响信息。

C 级:咨询信息,需要机组知晓。该信息也用琥珀色显示。为了区分警戒信息,退后一个字符显示。

参考知识点:主考点-2.3.8(EICAS系统) #13879.47B268

138.When the pitot tube is blocked, what will machmeter indication become?(全压管堵塞,马赫数表指示如何变化?)

  • A. With the flying altitude increasing, machmeter indication increases.(飞行高度升高,马赫表指示增大。)
  • B. With the flying altitude increasing, machmeter indication decreases.(飞行高度升高,马赫表指示减小。)
  • C. With the flying altitude decreasing, machmeter indication increases.(飞行高度降低,马赫表指示增大。)


参考知识点:主考点-马赫数表) #13881.F26F0D

139.The main functions of flight management computer system are

①navigation; ②performance; ③guidance; ④information display(飞行管理计算机系统的主要功能是

  • A. ①③④(①③④)
  • B. ①②③④(①②③④)
  • C. ①②③(①②③)

解析:飞行管理计算机系统(FMCS)是现代飞机电子系统的心脏,由飞行管理计算机(FMC)和显示控制组件(CDU)构成。机组通过FMCS 输入航路和飞行计划垂直性能数据,以便降低工作强度。利用飞行计划和来自飞机传感器的输入,FMCS 实施导航、性能和制导三项功能。

参考知识点:主考点-功能和组成) #13883.78A8CD

140.The surfaces controlled by the three-axis autopilot can be(三轴自动驾驶仪可以控制的舵面有)

  • A. the rudder, the aileron and the elevator(方向舵、副翼和升降舵)
  • B. the rudder and the leading edge slat(方向舵和前缘缝翼)
  • C. the aileron and the elevator(副翼和升降舵)


参考知识点:主考点-基本功能和分类) #13885.95BA0E

141.Adding angular speed signal in the AP is in order to(在AP中加入角速度信号是为了)

  • A. accurately measure the angular speed of aircraft deviating from the initial position(准确测量飞机偏离初始位置的角速度。)
  • B. decrease number of oscillation and enhance the stability of the autopilot(减少振荡次数,提高自动驾驶仪的稳定性。)
  • C. accurately measure the angular displacement(准确测量角位移。)


参考知识点:主考点-控制通道和通道组成) #13887.14E3BF

142.All airplanes for which the airworthiness certificate is first issued after 10th January 2015, of a maximum certificated takeoff mass in excess of 5700kg shall be equipped with a CVR capable of retaining the information recorded during at least the last ( ) of its operation.(2015年1月10日首次颁发适航证、最大审定起飞重量超过5700千克的飞机的驾驶舱话音记录器(CVR)需能保留运行过程中至少最后( )所记录的信息。)

  • A. two hours(2小时)
  • B. 1 hour(1小时)
  • C. 30 minutes(30分钟)



参考知识点:主考点-2.6.7(驾驶舱话音记录器) #12077.800FC1

143.The HDG pattern is used to(HDG模式用于)

  • A. instruct AFDS to manipulate aircraft to fly along the level airway directed by FMS.(指令 AFDS 操纵飞机沿着 FMS 指令的水平航路飞行。)
  • B. instruct AFDS to manipulate aircraft to intercept and track LOC course.(指令 AFDS 操纵飞机截获和跟踪 LOC 航向道。)
  • C. instruct AFDS to manipulate aircraft to switch to the scheduled heading and hold to it.(指令 AFDS 操纵飞机转到预定航向并保持在该航向上。)

解析:HDG 模式:该模式是AFDS(自动驾驶飞行指引系统)的横滚模式中的一种,用于指令AFDS 操纵飞机转到预定航向并保持在该航向上。

参考知识点:主考点-横滚模式) #13889.D6BE96

144.The colors of flight recorder and flight voice recorder are(飞行数据记录器和语音记录器的颜色是)

  • A. black or gray(黑色或灰色)
  • B. green or bright yellow(绿色或亮黄色)
  • C. bright orange or bright yellow(鲜橙色或亮黄色)




3、外部安装有自动激发的水下定位装置。一旦进入水中,它就开始工作,并且能够连续工作30 天

参考知识点:主考点-2.6.6(飞行数据记录器) #12079.C93400

145.The VS pattern is used to(VS模式用于)

  • A. instruct AFDS to manipulate aircraft to fly at the selected altitude and hold to it.(指令 AFDS 操纵飞机飞行到选中的高度并保持在该高度上。)
  • B. instruct AFDS to manipulate aircraft to climb as given vertical speed or descend to given altitude.(指令 AFDS 操纵飞机以给定垂直速度爬升或下降到给定高度。)
  • C. instruct AFDS to manipulate aircraft to fly along the vertical airway directed by FMS.(指令 AFDS 操纵飞机沿着 FMS 指令的垂直航路飞行。)

解析:VS 模式:是AFDS(自动驾驶飞行指引系统)的俯仰模式中的一种,该模式用于指令AFDS 操纵飞机按给定的垂直速度爬升或下降到预定高度。

参考知识点:主考点-俯仰模式) #13891.6685F3

146.In which pattern can AT maintain the flying speed automatically?(AT在( )模式下自动保持飞机速度。)

  • A. N1(推力模式(压气机转速))
  • B. EPR(推力模式(发动机压力比))
  • C. SPD(速度模式)

解析:自动油门的基本工作模式有两种:推力模式(N1 模式或EPR 模式)和速度模(SPD

模式)。在推力模式时,AT 自动保持发动机推力。在速度模式,AT 自动保持飞机速度。此时,自动油门系统将驱动油门杆按需移动来保持所选的速度。起飞阶段完成后,在随后的所有飞行阶段SPD 模式都可用。

参考知识点:主考点-基本工作模式) #13893.07C77D

147.In which of the following conditions will the AT switch off?

①The arm switch is on “OFF”; ②Press AT to cutoff switch; ③AT system failure; ④after landing(AT在哪些情况下会断开?

  • A. ①②③(①②③)
  • B. ①②③④(①②③④)
  • C. ①②④(①②④)

解析:AT 断开方法:AT 预位电门置于OFF位;按压油门杆上的 AT 脱开电门;检测到AT 系统失效自动断开;着陆之后自动断开

参考知识点:主考点-断开和警告) #13895.2528D6

148.High angle of attack protection is for(高迎角保护的目的是)

  • A. making pilots perform quick lifting maneuver with maximum angle of attack under the circumstance of in-flight collision avoidance without over controlling.(使飞行员在空中避撞的紧急情况下能以最大迎角执行快速拉升机动而不会出现操纵过量。)
  • B. making it possible for pilots to descend quickly by pushing forward the control column without exceeding specified speed limitation.(使飞行员可以通过前推驾驶杆快速进入大的下降操作而飞机速度不会超出规定限制。)
  • C. making it possible for pilots to conduct any effective roll maneuver rather than making aircraft uncontrollable.(让飞行员执行任何有效的横滚机动而不会使飞机进入不可控状态。)



参考知识点:主考点-2.5.6(自动飞行中的飞行包线保护) #13897.A69C75

149.Where should the portable battery﹣powered megaphone be located if only one is required on a passenger﹣carrying airplane?(载客运行的航空器如果只装有一个由电池供电的便携式扩音器,则应放置在)

  • A. The most rearward location in the passenger cabin.(客舱最后面的位置)
  • B. The most forward location in the passenger cabin.(客舱最前面的位置)
  • C. In the cabin near the over﹣the﹣wing emergency exit.(客舱中靠近翼上紧急出口的位置)

解析:依据CCAR121部第121.309条应急设备 (f)扩音器.每架载运旅客飞机应当配有电池供电的便携式扩音器,放在负责指挥应急撤离的机组成员方便取用的地方,其配备数量和位置按照以下规定: (1)在旅客座位数61至99(含)的飞机上配备一个,安放在客舱后部从客舱乘务员座位易于取用处.但是,如果局方认为安放 在其他位置可能对应急情况下人员的撤离更为适合,可以批准偏 离本款的要求; (2)在旅客座位数大于99的飞机客舱内配备两个扩音器,一 个安放在前部,另一个安放在后部,并且易于从客舱乘务员座位处取用.

参考知识点:主考点-其它应急设备) #15035.486D10

150.When inputting the flight plan into the FMC, the color ( ) indicates that the air route has been taken effect.(在FMC里输入飞行计划时,什么样的颜色说明航线已激活生效。)

  • A. purple(紫色)
  • B. blue(蓝色)
  • C. white(白色)


参考知识点:主考点-2.4.4(飞行管理计算机系统) #17198.FD7540

151.Which of the following about the function of automatic steering pitch trimming system is correct?(下列有关自动驾驶俯仰配平系统的功能说法正确的是)

  • A. increasing resistance to yawing, so as to decrease rolling.(增大偏航阻力,从而减少飘摆。)
  • B. ensuring the pitching balance of aircraft under the center of gravity changes.(在重心改变时确保飞机的俯仰平衡。)
  • C. adjusting the elevator to realize aircraft trim.(调整升降舵,实现飞机配平。)


参考知识点:主考点-自动驾驶俯仰配平系统) #13899.DE2DBF

152.The emergency lights on a passenger carrying airplane must be armed or turned on during(在( )时客机上必须装有应急灯或必须打开应急灯。)

  • A. taxiing, takeoff, cruise, and landing.(滑行、起飞、巡航和着陆)
  • B. taxiing, takeoff, and landing.(滑行、起飞和着陆)
  • C. takeoff, cruise, and landing.(起飞、巡航和着陆)


参考知识点:主考点-2.1.13(飞机应急设备) #15039.D45E2E

153.In flight, “SINK RATE” alarms, which indicates that(飞行中,出现“SINK RATE”报警,说明了)

  • A. the aircraft descending rate exceeds permissive ultimate value.(飞机的下降速率超过了允许的极限值。)
  • B. the speed of aircraft approaching to the ground is too quick.(飞机接地速率过大。)
  • C. significant altitude descent endangers flight security.(飞机高度出现明显下降危及飞行安全。)

解析:在一定的无线电高度上,若飞机的下降速率超过了允许的极限值,则发出目视和语音信号提醒机组。该模式一般在无线电高度2500英尺以下开始生效工作。进入警戒区,将点亮警告灯,同时出现语音报警“SINK RATE”。

参考知识点:主考点-基本报警模式) #13901.E3514D

154.It is required that interior emergency lights must(按照规定应急灯要)

  • A. operate automatically when subjected to a negative G load.(在负过载时能自动运行)
  • B. be armed or turned on during taxiing and all flight operations.(在滑行和整个飞行运行过程中配备或打开)
  • C. be operable manually from the flightcrew station and a point in the passenger compartment.(从机组位置上可以手动操作,并且在客舱有指示)


参考知识点:主考点-2.1.13(飞机应急设备) #15041.C49456

155.What kind of topography does the red spot on the terrain-avoidance indicator represent?(地形显示器上红色光点代表何种地形?)

  • A. the terrain below 2000 feet as the current aircraft altitude(比飞机高度低2000英尺的地形)
  • B. the terrain below 1000-2000 feet as the current aircraft altitude(比飞机高度低1000-2000英尺的地形)
  • C. the terrain above 2000 feet as the current aircraft altitude(比飞机高度高2000英尺的地形)







参考知识点:主考点-地形显示) #13903.76F93F

156.( ) before potential terrain collision threat happens, “CAUTION TERRAIN” voice admonishes in the cockpit.(在潜在地形碰撞威胁前( ),驾驶舱出现“CAUTION TERRAIN”声音警戒。)

  • A. 20~30s(20〜30秒)
  • B. 30~50s(30〜50秒)
  • C. 40~60s(40〜60秒)


参考知识点:主考点-前视警戒的驾驶舱报警) #13905.EC83EE

157.When a crash ax is required equipment on an aircraft, where should it be located?(飞机上要求配备的应急斧一般放置在哪个位置?)

  • A. In the flight crew compartment.(在飞行机组舱内)
  • B. At a location accessible to both the crew and passengers during normal operations.(在紧急情况下运行时机组人员和乘客都可以够到的位置)
  • C. At a location inaccessible to the passengers during normal operations.(在正常运行时乘客不可以够到的位置)


参考知识点:主考点-其它应急设备) #15043.3A944A

158.( ) before potential terrain collision threat happens, “TERRAIN TERRAIN,PULL UP!” voice warns in the cockpit.(在潜在地形碰撞威胁前( ),驾驶舱出现“TERRAIN TERRAIN,PULL UP!”声音警告。)

  • A. 2030s(2030秒)
  • B. 3050s(3050秒)
  • C. 4060s(4060秒)


参考知识点:主考点-前视警告的驾驶舱报警) #13907.2079F9

159.TCASⅡ can provide(空中防撞系统Ⅱ可以提供)

  • A. approaching warning and traffic advisory(进近警告和交通咨询)
  • B. traffic advisory and resolution advisory(交通咨询(TA)和决策咨询(RA))
  • C. approaching warning and terrain warning(进近警告和地形警告)


参考知识点:主考点-功能和分类) #13909.A87CC2

160.Can TCAS release RA in the case that the other aircraft doesn’t provide relevant altitude information?(在对方飞机没有提供高度信息的情况下,TCAS能否发布决策咨询?)

  • A. Yes, it can only if the other aircraft is provided with valid responder.(只有在对方飞机带有有效应答机的情况下才能发布。)
  • B. Yes, it can. TCAS can release RA in any case.(能,空中防撞系统在任何情况下都能发布决策咨询。)
  • C. No, it can’t. Only when the other aircraft provides altitude report, TCAS can release RA.(不能,仅当对方飞机提供高度报告,空中防撞系统才能发布决策咨询。)


参考知识点:主考点-系统保护区) #13911.3BC45E

161.What is the difference between correction RA notice and precaution RA notice?(改正决策咨询通告和预防决策咨询通告的区别在哪里?)

  • A. Correction RA notice is to let pilots turn left or right at specified horizontal speed; precaution RA notice is to the control of horizontal speed change.(改正RA通告指令飞行员按给定的水平速度左转或右转;预防RA要控制水平速度的改变。)
  • B. Correction RA notice is to let pilots climb or descend at specified vertical speed; precaution RA notice is to the control of horizontal speed change.(改正RA通告指令飞行员按给定的垂直速度爬升或下降;预防RA要控制水平速度的改变。)
  • C. Correction RA notice is to let pilots climb or descend at specified vertical speed; precaution RA notice is to the control of vertical speed change.(改正RA通告指令飞行员按给定的垂直速度爬升或下降;预防RA要控制垂直速度的改变。)


参考知识点:主考点-目视措施信息) #13913.1CF8EC

162.A pilot receives voice notification “CLIMB NOW—CLIMB NOW”, what should he perform?(飞行员收到‘CLIMB NOW—CLIMB NOW’语音通告,应该如何行动?)

  • A. climb immediately(立即爬升)
  • B. take off immediately(立即起飞)
  • C. climb, not execute immediately(爬升,不立即执行)

解析:增强RA是从初始RA变化过来的。这些指令要求机组立即行动。改正RA语音指令“CLIMB, CLIMB NOW”(或“DESCEND”)在下降 (爬升) 指令之后出现。TCAS计算机确定必须进行垂直速度的反转,才能得到足够的垂直间隔。

改正RA语音指令“INCREASE CLIMB” (或“DESCEND”)告诉机组增加垂直机动到EFIS显示组件上的要求值,通常为2500英尺/分。

参考知识点:主考点-主要的语音信息) #13915.85B951

163.In control area, an aircraft simultaneously receives TCAS’s and the controller’s maneuver instructions, which one must the pilot follow?(飞机在管制区域,同时收到TCAS和管制的机动指令,谁发布的指令是飞行员必须遵循的?)

  • A. the controller’s(管制员)
  • B. TCAS’s(空中防撞系统)
  • C. neither, and ask for a new instruction(都不是,请求新的指令)


参考知识点:主考点-工作模式和咨询抑制) #13917.CAE0E7

164.If the red master warning light is on, what is the problem?(若是红色的主警告灯亮,说明发生了什么?)

  • A. A certain system malfunctions; aircrew need immediately take corrective measures.(某一系统出现故障;机组需要立即采取纠正措施。)
  • B. A certain system malfunctions; aircrew need timely take corrective measures.(某一系统出现故障;机组需要及时采取纠正措施。)
  • C. A certain system malfunctions and will cause serious consequence.(某一系统出现故障,会造成严重的后果。)


参考知识点:主考点-2.6.8(主警告系统 ) #13919.20BECC

165.If “MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY” alerts, what’s the problem?(若出现“MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY”报警,说明什么问题?)

  • A. The PWS system has detected that wind shear is within the caution area.(PWS系统检测到风切变在警戒区内。)
  • B. The PWS system has detected that the aircraft is flying into wind shear warning area.(PWS系统检测到飞机飞入风切变预警区。)
  • C. The PWS system has detected that the aircraft has flied away from wind shear warning area.(PWS系统发现飞机已经飞离风切变预警区。)

解析:当PWS系统探测到风切变位于警戒区时,它将向机组提供语言报警‘MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY’。

参考知识点:主考点-警戒报警) #13921.5276DE

166.If “GO-AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD” alerts, what’s the problem?(若出现“GO-AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD”’报警,说明了什么?)

  • A. It has detected wind shear during taking off.(起飞期间就已经探测到风切变)
  • B. It has detected wind shear during approaching.(进近期间就已经探测到风切变)
  • C. It has detected wind shear during flight.(飞行期间就已经探测到风切变)

解析:当PWS系统探测到风切变位于警告区时,将向机组提供语音警告。飞行阶段不同,PWS提供的语音报警也不同。起飞阶段探测到风切变,其语音为“WINDSHEAR AHEAD”(响两次)。进近阶段探测到风切变,语音报警为“GO–AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD”(响一次)。

参考知识点:主考点-警告报警) #13923.376682

167.If “WINDSHEAR AHEAD” alerts, what’s the problem?(若出现‘“WINDSHEAR AHEAD”报警,说明了什么?)

  • A. It has detected wind shear during taking off.(起飞期间就已经探测到风切变)
  • B. It has detected wind shear during approaching.(进近期间就已经探测到风切变)
  • C. It has detected wind shear during flight.(飞行期间就已经探测到风切变)

解析:起飞阶段探测到风切变,其语音为‘WINDSHEAR AHEAD’(响两次),进近阶段探测到风切变,语音报警为‘GO –AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD’(响一次)。

参考知识点:主考点-警告报警) #13925.50D722

168.An inward relief valve in a pressurization system is incorporated(增压系统中的负释压活门)

  • A. to open when ambient pressure exceeds fuselage pressure.(当周围气压大于机身气压时打开)
  • B. to control the cabin rate of climb during pressurized flight.(在增压飞行期间控制机舱爬升率)
  • C. to provide automatic control of the maximum permitted different pressure.(在允许的不同最大气压中可以自动控制)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压安全措施) #13931.2CBBBF

169.If a passenger﹣carrying landplane is required to have an automatic deploying escape slide system,when must this system be armed?(载有旅客的飞机必须有一个自动充气的逃生滑梯系统。该系统应在什么时候开启备用状态?)

  • A. For taxi, takeoff, and landing.(滑行、起飞和着陆)
  • B. During taxi, takeoff, landing, and after ditching.(滑行、起飞、着陆和水上迫降之后)
  • C. Only for takeoff and landing.(只有在起飞和着陆时)

解析:自动充气逃生滑梯是紧急情况下方便旅客紧急撤离使用,根据CCAR121第 121.567 条 规定,载有旅客的飞机在所安装的每个机上自动展开应急撤离辅助设备做好撤离准备之前,不得在地面上移动、起飞或者着陆。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机应急出口/滑梯/救生筏) #15075.36F13E

170.A tactile inspection of the aircraft in ground icing conditions(在积冰条件下的地面检查中进行触摸检查有助于)

  • A. allows the PIC to make a better tactical decision for departure delays.(机长根据触摸决策是否延迟起飞)
  • B. allows the PIC more time to review and understand the airport taxiways and departure procedures.(机长获得足够的时间了解和回顾机场的滑行路线和离港程序)
  • C. is very valuable for detecting clear ice or other contaminants by physically touching the surface.(机组以物理触摸机身表面的方式发现明冰或其他形式的污染物)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #16775.83E080

171.Pilots must complete thorough check on the heating system of the cabin heater, so as to avoid(飞行员需要对座舱加热器的加热系统进行彻底的检查,这是为了避免)

  • A. the possibility of carbon monoxide entering into the cockpit or cabin.(一氧化碳进入驾驶舱或客舱的可能)
  • B. heated fuel volatilizing into the cockpit or cabin.(燃油加热后挥发进入驾驶舱或客舱)
  • C. heated oil volatilizing into the cockpit or cabin.(滑油加热后挥发进入驾驶舱或客舱)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱调温的基本原理) #17086.6B769A

172.In the low temperature weather, the condition that the aircraft temperature is ( ) than the external environment and the fuel tank ( ) can lead to fuel contamination more easily.(低温天气下,航空器温度( )外部环境且油箱( ),更容易导致燃油污染。)

  • A. higher; isn’t full(高于;不满)
  • B. lower than; isn’t full(低于;不满)
  • C. lower; is full(低于;全满)



参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17090.B84C20

173.During multi autopilot approaches, bus isolation occurs at ( ).(多套自动驾驶进近时,汇流条隔断将发生在)

  • A. 500 ft AGL.(高于地平面500英尺)
  • B. 1,000 ft AGL.(高于地平面1000英尺)
  • C. 1,500 ft AGL.(高于地平面1500英尺)


参考知识点:主考点-2.1.14(电气系统) #17908.1FB093

174.Which statement below about ice detector is incorrect?(以下有关电子结冰探测器的说法中不正确的是)

  • A. The indication of the ice detector only serves as the visual reference in icing conditions.(结冰探测器的指示仅可作为积冰条件下的目视参考条件)
  • B. The ice will be the first to accumulate on icing probes, and the pilot will observe it.(积冰会最先聚集到结冰探头上而让驾驶员发现)
  • C. Usually an ice detector can be activated in one minute.(结冰探测器通常一分钟就能被激活)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机结冰探测) #17094.74C363

175.If a preflight check indicates accumulations of ice, snow or frost, the aircraft must(若飞行前检查发现有冰、雪或霜污染,飞机必须)

  • A. complete deicing using deicing equipment onboard and then prepare for takeoff.(使用飞机自身除冰设备完成除冰之后才能起飞)
  • B. return for additional deice procedure.(返回做额外的除冰程序)
  • C. return for additional deice and anti-ice procedure.(返回做额外的除冰和防冰程序)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17096.19D62B

176.When the temperature is at or near freezing point, the flight crew shall avoid the precipitation area shown on the weather radar screen, because the airborne weather radar(当温度等于或接近冰点时,应避开雷达上显示的降水区域,原因是机载气象雷达)

  • A. can detect drizzle and small drops, but can’t effectively detect the ice crystal.(虽然能探测到毛毛雨和云中的小水滴,但是不能有效地探测到冰晶)
  • B. cannot effectively detect drizzle, small drops or ice crystals in the cloud.(不能有效地探测毛毛雨、云中的小水滴或者冰晶)
  • C. would lose its detecting efficiency and accuracy at or near the freezing point.(在温度等于接近冰点时,探测数据不准确)


参考知识点:主考点-气象目标的反射特性) #17098.B6904B

177.To ensure safe flights in conditions conductive to aircraft icing, ( ) can be used to check critical aircraft surfaces for clean airplane.(为确保飞机能够在易积冰条件下安全飞行,主要可以通过( )检查飞机关键表面以保证飞机清洁。)

  • A. the visual inspection or physical inspection(目视方法或物理方法)
  • B. the physical inspection or the chemical inspection(物理方法或化学方法)
  • C. manual handling or mechanical processing(人工处理或机械处理)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机除/防冰系统的工作与指示) #17100.E36711

178.Which of the following statements is correct?(下列哪项描述是正确的?)

  • A. Dry powdery snow or frost can be removed by blowing hot air across the aircraft surface.(粉状干雪或霜可以通过在飞机表面吹热空气清除)
  • B. Heavy wet snow or ice can only be removed by using heated water.(重的湿雪或冰只能通过加热过的水清除)
  • C. Heavy wet snow or ice can be removed by mechanical means.(重的湿雪或冰可以通过机械方式清除)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17102.32E2FF

179.During the deicing and anti-icing process of pressurized aircraft, what assistant work should crew members do?(增压飞机在地面除/防冰过程中,机组人员应做什么辅助工作?)

  • A. Switch off all the power supplies.(关闭所有电源)
  • B. Switch off emergency systems.(关闭应急系统)
  • C. Switch off all air intakes.(关闭所有客舱空气入口)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17104.06276D

180.Ethylene and diethylene glycol are ( ) for humans.(甘醇和二甘醇对于人类)

  • A. not toxic(没有毒性)
  • B. lightly toxic(具有轻度毒性)
  • C. moderately toxic(具有中度毒性)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17106.4BC601

181.For the ISO type II anti-ice fluids, the freeze point margin is ( )℃ if the ambient temperature is above -7℃ and ( )℃ if the ambient temperature is below -7℃.(对于ISOⅡ型液,周围温度高于和低于-7℃时的冰点裕度分别为( )℃和( )℃。)

  • A. 4;5(4;5)
  • B. 3;7(3;7)
  • C. 3;6(3;6)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17108.3AED59

182.Type II - 75/25 - 1100h - 01 Mar 2013

According to the deicing/anti-icing code above, the deicing fluid consistency is(Ⅱ型液–75/25–11:00–2013.3.1

  • A. 25%(25%)
  • B. 75%(75%)
  • C. 75% liquid and 25% water(75%液体25%水)







参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17110.EF449A

183.The heated fluid for deicing will ( ) the deicing effect.(飞机进行人工除冰时,加热用于除冰的液体会( )除冰的效果。)

  • A. decrease(降低)
  • B. increase(增加)
  • C. have no effect on(无影响)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17112.362CE9

184.Spraying the windows and windshield directly with the heated FPD fluid can cause(直接将加热过的除冰液喷洒在飞机的窗户和风挡表面会)

  • A. thermal shock(导致热量冲击)
  • B. structure deformation of the windows and windshield(导致窗户和风挡结构变形)
  • C. no effect at all(无影响)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17114.29F8AE

185.The deicing fluid of the two-step deicing procedure should(两步除冰程序的除冰液)

  • A. be used before the first step fluid freezes.(在第一步防冰液结冰以前使用)
  • B. be applied within 5 minutes for typical procedures.(典型的应当在5 分钟之内使用)
  • C. be used on the key aircraft parts preferentially.(应该优先用于飞机关键部位)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17116.C93BA1

186.Concentrated ISO type II deicing fluid can’t be used in(浓缩的国际标准组织的II型防冰液不能用于)

  • A. the control surface(操纵面)
  • B. engines(发动机)
  • C. wings(机翼)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17118.46ECB8

187.If a passenger-carrying airplane can start taxiing before the automatic deploying escape slide system has not been armed?(一架载有旅客的飞机是否可以在自动充气逃生滑梯系统未开启备用状态之前就开始滑行?)

  • A. Yes, it can.(可以)
  • B. No, it can’t.(不可以)
  • C. There is no such specific authority provision.(没有类似具体的权力规定)

解析:自动充气逃生滑梯是紧急情况下方便旅客紧急撤离使用,根据CCAR121第 121.567 条 规定,载有旅客的飞机在所安装的每个机上自动展开应急撤离辅助设备做好撤离准备之前,不得在地面上移动、起飞或者着陆。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机应急出口/滑梯/救生筏) #15115.BC5BD7

188.Comparing to ISO Type II FPD fluid, the ISO Type IV FPD fluid can maintain ( ) time.(与ISOⅡ型防冰液相比,ISO IV型防冰液可以提供( )的保持时间。)

  • A. equal(相等)
  • B. shorter(较短)
  • C. longer(较长)

解析:Ⅳ型防冰液中含有至少50%的乙二醇并有增稠剂,因其具有形成保护膜的特性而可以对飞机再次积冰提供额外的保护。Ⅳ型防冰液可比Ⅱ型防冰液提供更长的保持时间,它既可以用做一步除防冰操作的单一液体,也可以与I 除防冰液联合使用,作为两步除防冰操作的第二步骤液体来使用。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17120.44A624

189.The ISO Type I FPD fluid is mainly used for(ISO I型防冰液的主要用于)

  • A. anti-icing(防冰)
  • B. deicing(除冰)
  • C. deicing and anti-icing(除/防冰)

解析:ISO I型液的主要用途是除冰。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17122.F69C41

190.The ISO Type II FPD fluid can maintain at least ( ) minutes in light precipitation.(ISO II型防冰液在轻度降水时作用时间持续至少( )分钟。)

  • A. 40(40)
  • B. 45(45)
  • C. 50(50)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17124.3D8DC0

191.( ) may affect the deicing/anti-icing abilities of FPD fluid.(( )会影响除/防冰液防冰效力。)

  • A. The fluid type, TOW, wind, OAT and altitude(液体型号、起飞重量、风、外界温度和高度)
  • B. The altitude, wind, OAT and TOW(高度、风、外界温度和起飞重量)
  • C. The OAT, wind speed, aircraft skin temperature and FPD fluid temperature(外界温度、风速、飞机蒙皮温度、防冰液温度)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17126.75652C

192.FPD is short for(FPD是( )的缩写。)

  • A. Flight Path Deviation(飞行航径偏航)
  • B. Freezing Point Depressant(冰点抑制剂)
  • C. Flight Plan Data(飞行计划数据)

解析:FPD是Freezing Point Depressant的缩写,表示防冰液。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17128.6D0082

193.In a two-step deicing procedure(对于两步除冰程序,应)

  • A. Type II de-icing fluid should be applied first, then Type I.(先用二类除冰液再用一类除冰液)
  • B. Type I de-icing fluid and Type II de-icing fluid should be applied in the meantime.(同时使用一类和二类除冰液)
  • C. Type I de-icing fluid should be applied first, then Type II.(先用一类除冰液再用二类除冰液)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17130.978405

194.Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, all FDRs shall be capable of retaining the information recorded during at least the last ( ) hours (airplanes) or ( ) hours (rotorcrafts) of their operation.(除经局方批准外,所有类型的飞行数据记录器应能保留运行过程中至少最后( )小时(飞机)或( )小时(旋翼机)所记录的信息。)

  • A. 25,10(25,10)
  • B. 30,15(30,15)
  • C. 60,30(60,30)


参考知识点:主考点-2.6.6(飞行数据记录器) #12175.2D7799

195.The type I deice fluid(I型除冰液)

  • A. is more effective in the de-icing process.(在除冰操作中更为有效)
  • B. maintains a clean aircraft surface longer.(能长时间保持机身表面清洁)
  • C. can be used for wings and tail deicing in flight.(能用于在飞行中为机翼、尾翼除冰)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17132.CD11D3

196.The type II deice fluid(II型除冰液)

  • A. can be used for deicing(能被用于除冰)
  • B. is used for deicing and anti-icing(能被用于除冰或防冰)
  • C. is normal in temperature(是常温液体)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17134.75F102

197.Which of the followings is correct?(以下说法中正确的是)

  • A. The deicing fluid is used for preventing further ice and snow accumulation; the anti-icing fluid is used to remove ice and snow.(除冰液用于防止冰和雪的进一步累积,防冰液用于除去冰和雪)
  • B. The functions of the deicing fluid and anti-icing fluid are the same except for different applicable outside temperature.(除冰液和防冰液的作用相同,但适用的外界温度条件不同)
  • C. The deicing fluid is used to remove ice and snow, while the anti-icing fluid is used for preventing any further ice and snow accumulation in a specified time.(除冰液用于除去冰和雪,防冰液用于在特定时间内防止冰和雪的进一步累积)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17136.ED620D

198.At temperature less than -10℃, undiluted ( ) having a strength of about 88% glycol can lead to lift reductions of about 20%.(在温度低于-10℃时,甘醇浓度达到88%的未稀释的( )能够导致升力损失大约20%。)

  • A. propylene glycol(丙二醇)
  • B. ethylene glycol(乙二醇)
  • C. methyl alcohol(甲醇)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17138.D249B7

199.The ISO Type II anti-icing fluid(国际标准组织的Ⅱ型防冰液)

  • A. shall only be used for ground anti-icing.(只能用于地面防冰)
  • B. is appropriate for aircraft with Vr less than 85 knots.(适用于Vr小于85节的飞机)
  • C. would lose at least 20% of the anti-icing ability due to improper use of equipment.(若使用的设备不当,防冰能力至少会损失20%)




参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17140.886E55

200.The ingestion of ice or snow into an engine may result in(冰或雪进入发动机可能造成)

  • A. increasing of the engine EGT(排气温度上升)
  • B. engine flame out(发动机熄火)
  • C. damage to the engine(发动机受损)


参考知识点:主考点-防冰) #17142.3FCC2F

201.Deicing and anti-icing near the end of the departure runway can(在离场跑道终端除冰和防冰会)

  • A. reduce the time between deicing/anti-icing and taking off(减少除/防冰和起飞之间的时间)
  • B. increase the potential environmental impact(增加潜在的环境影响)
  • C. The other two are correct(其他两项都对)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17144.A5B84D

202.Which of the following procedures is correct concerning the ground deicing and anti-icing?(以下对于飞机地面除/防冰的操作正确的是)

  • A. Use the FPD fluid approved by the aircraft manufacturer.(使用飞机制造厂家批准的防冰液)
  • B. Use multiple aircraft deicing units for faster and more uniform management during precipitation.(在降水时使用多台除冰车,以便取得更快速和统一的处理)
  • C. The other two are correct.(其他两项都对)




参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17146.4F3715

203.On most aircraft, the deicing of the wing should begin at(大部分飞机的机翼防冰必须从( )开始。)

  • A. the leading-edge of the wing tip(翼尖前缘)
  • B. the inboard of the wing(机翼内侧)
  • C. the outboard of the wing(机翼外侧)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机除/防冰方式及原理) #17148.872A89

204.Substances on pneumatic deicer boots can be used only if approved by(在气动除冰带上使用的替代品须经( )批准。)

  • A. the manufacturer(飞机制造厂家)
  • B. company operation standards departments(公司运行标准部门)
  • C. CAAC(中国民航局)



参考知识点:主考点-飞机除/防冰方式及原理) #17150.339340

205.Which of the followings is correct?(以下说法中正确的是)

  • A. The wing tip icing will affect the roll control.(翼尖结冰会影响到横滚操纵)
  • B. The wing root is easier to freeze.(翼根更容易结冰)
  • C. The ailerons have no effect on the roll control.(副翼对横滚操纵没有影响)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机易结冰部位及危害) #17154.F82EC1

206.In light icing conditions, the accumulation rate of ( ) on the outboard of the wing can be a reference.(在轻度积冰条件下,大翼外侧达到( )的堆积率,可作为参考的积冰速率。)

  • A. 1-3 inches (2.5-7.0 cm) per hour(每小时1至3英寸(2.5至7.0厘米))
  • B. 0.25- 1 inch (0.6-2.5 cm) per hour(每小时0.25至1英寸(0.6至2.5厘米))
  • C. more than 3 inches (7.5 cm) per hour(每小时超过3英寸(7.5厘米))

解析:轻度积冰:这种结冰速度需要偶尔循环使用手动除冰系统以减少机身上结冰的形成。供参考的典型结冰速度为外侧机翼为每小时 0.6 到 2.5 厘米。飞行员应考虑脱离这种环境。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机结冰探测) #17156.BB6FF3

207.In moderate icing conditions, the accumulation rate of ( ) on the outboard of the wing can be a reference.(在中度积冰条件下,大翼外侧达到( )的堆积率,可作为参考的积冰速率。)

  • A. 1-3 inches (2.5-7.0 cm) per hour(每小时1至3 英寸(2.5至7.0 厘米))
  • B. 0.25- 1 inch (0.6-2.5 cm) per hour(每小时0.25至1 英寸(0.6至2.5厘米))
  • C. more than 3 inches (7.5 cm) per hour(每小时超过3 英寸(7.5厘米))

解析:中度结冰:中度结冰的速度需要频繁地循环使用手动除冰系统以减少机身上结冰的形成。供参考的典型结冰速度为外侧机翼为每小时 2.5 到 7.5 厘米。飞行员应尽快脱离这种环境。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机结冰探测) #17158.A69068

208.If an aircraft with a gross weight of 2000 pounds were subjected to a total load of 6000 pounds in flight, the load factor would be(如果全重2000磅的飞机在飞行中的总负荷是6000磅,载荷因数应是)

  • A. 2 G’s.(2 G’s.)
  • B. 3 G’s.(3 G’s.)
  • C. 9 G’s.(9 G’s.)


参考知识点:主考点-2.5.6(自动飞行中的飞行包线保护) #15151.96B63D

209.In heavy icing conditions, the accumulation rate of ( ) on the outboard of the wing can be a reference.(在严重积冰条件下,大翼外侧达到( )的堆积率,可作为参考的积冰速率。)

  • A. 1-3 inches (2.5-7.0 cm) per hour(每小时1至3 英寸(2.5至7.0 厘米))
  • B. 0.25- 1 inch (0.6-2.5 cm) per hour(每小时0.25至1 英寸(0.6至2.5厘米))
  • C. more than 3 inches (7.5 cm) per hour(每小时超过3 英寸(7.5厘米))

解析:严重结冰,快速积累的冰需要最大程度上使用结冰保护系统以使机身上的积冰减到最少。供参考的典型积冰速度为外侧机翼每小时大于 7.5 厘米。飞行员需要考虑立即脱离这种环境。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机结冰探测) #17160.09AB18

210.In icing conditions, before taking off, the pilot in command should(结冰环境下,起飞前机长应该)

  • A. finish a preflight contamination check.(完成起飞前污染物检查)
  • B. provide the specified cabin temperature for the passengers onboard.(为旅客提供规定的客舱温度)
  • C. ensure enough oxygen supply equipment being equipped onboard.(确保机上配备了足够的供氧装备)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17162.5D53F6

211.( ) has a higher ice collection coefficient.(( )结冰收集系数较高。)

  • A. The swept back wing(后掠翼)
  • B. A thin wing(薄机翼)
  • C. The wing root(翼根)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机结冰探测) #17164.421349

212.( ) are belonging to aircraft deicing systems.(( )属于飞机除冰系统。)

  • A. Electronic Impact System, Electrothermal System and Pneumatic Boots System(电子冲击系统、电热系统和气动除冰系统)
  • B. Electric Heating System, Hot Air System, and Chemical System(电加温系统、热引气系统和化学系统)
  • C. Thermo Induction, Chemical System and Electromagnetic System(热感应系统、化学系统和电磁系统)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机除/防冰方式及原理) #17166.D7F4FE

213.What is the difference between an aircraft deicing system and anti-icing system?(飞机除冰系统与防冰系统有什么不同?)

  • A. There is no difference between them.(两者之间没有区别)
  • B. Anti-icing does not permits ice accumulation, while deicing system permits a certain amount of ice accumulation before operation.(防冰系统不允许冰的积累,而除冰系统则允许在冰积累到一定量后开始工作)
  • C. Deicing system does not permits ice accumulation, while anti-icing system permits a certain amount of ice accumulation before operation.(除冰系统不允许冰的积累,而防冰系统则允许在冰积累到一定量后开始工作)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机除/防冰方式及原理) #17168.51B42C

214.( ) are belonging to aircraft anti-icing systems.(( )属于飞机防冰系统。)

  • A. Electronic Impact System, Physical System and Chemical System(电子冲击系统、物理系统和化学系统)
  • B. Electric Heating System, Hot Air System, and Chemical System(电加温系统、热引气系统和化学系统)
  • C. Thermo Induction, Chemical System and Electromagnetic System(热感应系统、化学系统和电磁系统)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机除/防冰方式及原理) #17170.0E78A6

215.An aircraft is taking off without performing the anti-icing inspection, ( ) is ultimately responsible.(飞机若在未完成防冰检查的情况下起飞,( )负最终责任。)

  • A. The airline operation director(航空公司运营负责人)
  • B. The Dispatch department(签派放行部门)
  • C. The Pilot in Command(机长)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17172.02CB7E

216.Which part of a modern aircraft uses hydraulic system to lessen shimmy?(现代飞机的哪个部分使用液压系统来减摆?)

  • A. Braking system.(刹车系统)
  • B. Nose wheel(前轮)
  • C. Radio communications system(无线电通信系统)


用下,绕前轮偏转轴线左右往复摆动,形成 S 型运动轨迹的高频自激振动。减摆器的工作原理是利用油液高速流过小孔摩擦生热消耗摆振能量,减弱或防止摆振。现代运输机前轮减摆通常采用液压系统减摆的方式。

参考知识点:主考点-前起落架) #17176.0A038A

217.The landing gear is controlled by ( ).(起落架由( )控制)

  • A. the flap indicator(襟翼指示器)
  • B. the gear indicator light(起落架指示灯)
  • C. the control handle(控制手柄)


参考知识点:主考点-起落架收放操作与指示) #17182.74F1FA

218.Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR) is(发动机增压比指的是)

  • A. the ratio of the compressor exhaust pressure to the intake pressure.(压缩机排气压力和进气压力之比)
  • B. the ratio of the engine exhaust pressure to the intake pressure.(发动机排气压力和进气压力之比)
  • C. the ratio of the turbine exhaust pressure to the intake pressure.(涡轮排气压力和进气压力之比)


参考知识点:主考点-推力参数) #17238.70FE8A

219.When the hydraulic system pressuring, the hydraulic fluid stored in reservoir will(当液压系统增压时,油箱中的液压油将)

  • A. below the full mark(低于满刻度)
  • B. equal the full mark(与满刻度持平)
  • C. above the full mark(高于满刻度)


参考知识点:主考点-液压系统工作原理) #17510.B6C86A

220.The basic method of cabin heating on civil aircraft is(民用客机中客舱加温的基本方法是)

  • A. directly introducing the hot air from the engine.(发动机直接引入热空气)
  • B. adopting the electrically heating mode.(采取电加温的方式给客舱加温)
  • C. introducing a certain ratio mixture of cold air and hot air.(将冷空气与热空气按照一定比率混合后引入客舱)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱温度控制方式) #17528.4D5E0E

221.Ground high pressure pneumatic could supply airplane with(地面高压气源能够提供飞机)

  • A. engine start bleed air(发动机启动引气)
  • B. air conditioning bleed(空调引气)
  • C. pressurization bleed(增压引气)


参考知识点:主考点-起动机) #17564.048662

222.If an aircraft is to be de-iced prior to departure(如果飞机在离场前除冰)

  • A. neither APU nor main engines can be running during the procedure.(在除冰过程中APU和主发动机都不可以运行)
  • B. the aircraft can be de-iced with APU running and bleed air off.(飞机可以在APU运行引气关闭时进行除冰)
  • C. the aircraft can be de-iced with engines running.(飞机可以在发动机运行时进行除冰)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #17566.84F677

223.The air data computer takes the input from outside air temperature sensor is used to calculate(大气数据计算机根据外部空气温度传感器的输入数据,用来计算)

  • A. True airspeed(真空速)
  • B. TAT(总温)
  • C. AOA(迎角)


参考知识点:主考点-输入和输出数据) #17570.066D2D

224.When can the anti-icing system be more appropriately started?(防冰系统在什么时候开启比较合适?)

  • A. The temperature is below zero.(温度0度以下)
  • B. in icing conditions(易结冰条件下)
  • C. in icing conditions and moist air(易结冰条件下,有潮湿空气)

解析:防冰系统以在结冰条件下飞行时不允许飞机或特定的飞机系统结冰为原则工作。尽管飞机防冰系统的操作应严格遵守 AFM 或飞行员操作手册,但有一条很好的经验值得借鉴,就是在易于结冰的条件下一旦遭遇可见水汽就立即打开防冰系统。 这会防止任何可见冰的堆积。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机除/防冰系统的工作与指示) #17854.BA7859

225.Which of the outputs from the ADC are provided to the flight instruments?(大气数据计算机(ADC)的哪些输出数据可用于飞行仪表?)

  • A. the altimeters, VSI, and ASI/Mach meter.(高度,升降速度,空速,马赫数)
  • B. the altimeters, Heading indicators, and Mach meter.(高度,航向指示和马赫数)
  • C. VSI, backup attitude indicator and ASI/Mach meter.(升降速度,后备全姿态指示,空速,马赫数)


参考知识点:主考点-输入和输出数据) #17866.1CDEF5

226.In B737-300,the negative and relief pressure valve will open automatically when the outside pressure exceeds the cabin pressure by(B737-300的负压释压活门在外界大气压力大于座舱压力( )时自动打开。)

  • A. 0.2psi(0.2psi)
  • B. 0.5psi(0.5psi)
  • C. 1psi(1psi)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压安全措施) #17906.8796DD

227.As for the thrust reverser of clam shell type, when being used, the reverse thrust is approximately equal to ( ) of the positive thrust at the same position.(蛤壳式反推装置中,使用反推装置时,反推力的大小约等于同位置正推力的?)

  • A. 45%(45%)
  • B. 60%(60%)
  • C. 100%(100%)


参考知识点:主考点-反推装置的原理及使用) #17910.C258B0

228.As for the thrust reverser of clam shell type, when lifting the engine’s thrust reverser handle, the direction of engine exhaust emission will be(蛤壳式反推装置中,上提发动机反推手柄时,发动机排气方向)

  • A. in about 45° angle to air inlet direction.(与进气方向约呈45°角)
  • B. in about 60° angle to air inlet direction.(与进气方向约呈60°角)
  • C. completely opposite to air inlet direction.(与进气方向完全倒置)


参考知识点:主考点-反推装置的原理及使用) #17912.B044A5

229.When wind shear warning system has detected that there is wind shear in the alert area, the voice alarm provided for the flight crew is(风切变预警系统(PWS)探测到风切变位于警戒区时,它将向机组提供的语音报警是)


解析:若出现“MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY”报警,说明PWS系统检测到风切变在警戒区内;若出现“GO-AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD”报警,说明进近期间就已经探测到风切变;若出现“WINDSHEAR AHEAD”报警,说明起飞期间就已经探测到风切变。

参考知识点:主考点-警戒报警) #17916.73185F

230.The auto throttle system modes include(自动油门系统模式包含)

  • A. The pitch mode and the lateral mode(俯仰模式和横向模式)
  • B. The thrust mode and the speed mode(推力模式和速度模式)
  • C. The go-around mode and the approach mode(复飞模式和进近模式)

解析:自动油门的基本工作模式有两种:推力模式(N1 模式或EPR 模式)和速度模式(SPD模式)。

参考知识点:主考点-基本工作模式) #17930.3D19A5

231.The most susceptible surface of the aircraft for ice accumulation is the(飞机表面最易积冰的部分是)

  • A. windshield(风挡玻璃)
  • B. main wing(主机翼)
  • C. tailplane(水平尾翼)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机易结冰部位及危害) #18175.B460A4

232.A gas turbine engine generally has several systems including(燃气涡轮发动机通常有若干个系统组成,包括)

  • A. Fuel system, lubrication system, start-up system, ignition system and cooling system.(燃油系统、润滑系统、起动系统、点火系统和冷却系统)
  • B. Start-up system, fuel system, lubrication system, anti-icing system and fire-protection system.(起动系统、燃油系统、润滑系统、防冰系统和防火系统)
  • C. Blade, disk , axis, combustion chamber and turbine system.(叶片、盘、轴、燃烧室和涡轮系统)

解析:燃气涡轮发动机主要工作系统包括:燃油系统,滑油系统 ,防冰系统,防火系统,起动系统。五大部件包括:进气道,燃烧室,涡轮,压气机,尾喷管。

参考知识点:主考点-燃气涡轮发动机基本组成) #18198.622D8A

233.In the Take-off thrust mode, “SPD” switch on mode control panel(起飞推力模式时,模态控制板上的“SPD”开关)

  • A. cannot be engaged(不能接通)
  • B. may be engaged(可以接通)
  • C. maintains the present status(保持原状态)

解析:自动油门的基本工作模式有两种:推力模式(N1 模式或 EPR 模式)和速度模式(SPD模式)。在推力模式(EPR)下,AT 自动保持发动机推力。速度模式(SPD 模式):在该模式,AT 自动保持飞机速度。在飞机起飞期间,自动油门系统总是工作在推力模式。其所需要的推力由推力计算机算出。当发动机达到起飞推力时,自动油门将关断任何到达油门的指令,在起飞的最后阶段,油门保持功能将阻止油门的移动。起飞阶段完成后,在随后的所有飞行阶段 SPD 模式都可用。

参考知识点:主考点-基本工作模式) #18318.5E4130

234.In flight, if the baroport is covered, with the height increasing ,the Mach number is(飞行中,如果静压孔被堵塞,随高度增加,马赫数表指示)

  • A. Higher(偏高)
  • B. Constant(恒定)
  • C. Lower(偏低)


参考知识点:主考点-马赫数表) #18320.1E0D6C

235.If the pitot tube becomes blocked but its associated drain remains clear, the airspeed indicator reading will(如果皮托管堵塞而和它相连的排水口未堵塞,空速表指示会如何变化?)

  • A. decrease to zero(降至零)
  • B. not change(没有变化)
  • C. be higher than actual airspeed(高于实际空速)


参考知识点:主考点-马赫数表) #17370.773EAE

236.If the pitot tube and the drain become blocked by icing, whereas the static system remains clear, during climbing, the airspeed indicator reading will(如果皮托管和排水口被积冰阻塞,而静压系统未堵塞,爬升时,空速表指示将)

  • A. decrease to zero(降至零)
  • B. be higher than actual airspeed(高于实际空速)
  • C. not change(没有变化)


参考知识点:主考点-马赫数表) #17374.A9EC6C

237.With the altitude increases, if RPM remains unchanged, the thrust of turbo-jet will ( ).(高度上升,如果转速不变,涡轮喷气发动机的推力将会)

  • A. Increase(增大)
  • B. Remains unchanged.(不变)
  • C. Decrease(减小)

解析:随着飞行高度的增加,空气密度减小,在发动机转速一定时,进入发动机的空气质量流量减小,燃油控制系统自动调节供油量与空气质量流量减小相匹配,以保持发动机转速,这样导致了发动机产生的推力减小,燃油流量减小。大气密度增加时,发动机推力增加;在 11,000 米以下时,推力随飞行高度增加而降低,在 11,000 米以上时,随着飞行高度增加,发动机推力下降更快。

参考知识点:主考点-推力同空速、空气密度、气压、温度和转速之间的关系) #18330.52786B

238.If the static port becomes blocked by icing, how would the airspeed indicator be affected?(如果静压孔被积冰堵塞,空速表指示将受何影响)

  • A. At altitudes above where the static port became blocked, the airspeed indicator would indicate a higher-than-actual airspeed.(当高度高于静压孔阻塞的高度时,空速指示将高于实际空速。)
  • B. At altitudes lower than where the static port became blocked, the airspeed indicator would display a higher-than-actual airspeed.(当高度低于阻塞高度时,空速指示将高于实际空速。)
  • C. At altitudes lower than where the static port became blocked, the airspeed indicator would indicate a lower-than-actual airspeed.(当高度低于阻塞高度时,空速指示将低于实际空速。)


参考知识点:主考点-马赫数表) #17376.12F853

239.What is the main function of nose wheel neutral mechanism of retractable landing gear(可收放起落架前轮中立机构的主要功用)

  • A. Returning the nose wheels to center after liftoff, in order to withdraw it to cabin(飞机离地使前轮回中,以便收轮入舱)
  • B. Returning the nose wheels to center place while taxiing to ensure the taxiing headings(飞机滑跑使前轮回中,保证滑跑方向)
  • C. Forbidding the nose wheels shimmy(防止前轮来回摆振)


参考知识点:主考点-前起落架) #18341.98C1A7

240.Which information that the air data computer cannot provide?(大气数据计算机不能提供( )信息。)

  • A. attitude, True headings, Magnetic headings(飞机的姿态、真航向、磁航向)
  • B. Altitude,IAS, Vertical Speed(高度、指示空速、升降速度)
  • C. TAS, Mach number, Atmospheric density(真空速、马赫数、大气密度)


参考知识点:主考点-输入和输出数据) #18351.A90653

241.The landing gear component serves for decreasing side load of strut and some serves as parts of landing-gear operation mechanism, such landing gear component is called(用于减小支柱侧向载荷, 有的作为起落架收放机构的组成部分,这样的起落架组件叫做()?)

  • A. side strut(侧撑杆)
  • B. shock strut(减震支柱)
  • C. drag strut(阻力撑杆)


参考知识点:主考点-起落架结构) #18375.883236

242.What is primary method for jet airliner to refuel?(喷气式飞机的主要加油方式是?)

  • A. Electric filling.(电力加油)
  • B. Gravity filling.(重力加油)
  • C. Pressure filling.(压力加油)


参考知识点:主考点-油箱加油) #18377.AD7B68

243.As outside air pressure decreases, maximum available thrust will______.(当外界大气压力降低时,最大可用推力会______。)

  • A. increase due to greater efficiency of jet aircraft in thin air(由于喷气式飞机在稀薄空气中更高的效率而增加)
  • B. decrease due to higher density altitude(由于更高的密度高度而降低)
  • C. remain the same since compression of inlet air will compensate for any decrease in air pressure(由于进气增压能够补偿降低了的全部气压而保持不变)


参考知识点:主考点-推力同空速、空气密度、气压、温度和转速之间的关系) #18379.D8D345

244.What is the major advantage of aircraft powered by high bypass ratio engine?(高涵道比发动机飞机的最大优点是)

  • A. Low maintenance cost.(维修成本低)
  • B. Low fuel consumption.(油耗低)
  • C. Time saving.(省时)


参考知识点:主考点-风扇及涵道比) #18970.0EA48E

245.Chemical oxygen generator can release oxygen after diluting. The duration time of oxygen supply is about ( ) minutes.(用化学氧气发生器产生氧气,经稀释后为旅客供氧时,供氧持续时间大约为( )分钟。)

  • A. 10(10)
  • B. 12(12)
  • C. 15(15)


参考知识点:主考点-氧气源及供氧方式) #18974.68BB1E

246.The fundamental of cabin temperature regulation and control is(座舱温度调节与控制的基本原理是)

  • A. to bleed air from different stage of engine compressor(从发动机压气机不同压气级引气)
  • B. to control the mixing ratio of air from cold and hot routes(控制冷、热路空气的混合比例)
  • C. to regulate bleed air temperature of engine compressor(控制发动机压气机的引气温度)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱调温的基本原理) #19028.7CAB5A

247.The cabin pressure control is to(客舱压力控制指的是)

  • A. Relieve the exceed pressure provided for cabin.(减少客舱内部过压)
  • B. Relieve the bleed air pressure provided for air condition.(减少空调的引气压力)
  • C. Adjust the exhaust valve opening to change air displacement.(调整排气活门开度,改变排气量)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压控制基本原理) #19030.44D150

248.The effective duration time of de/anti-icing starts from ( ).(地面除防冰的持续效应时间是从()开始计算)

  • A. the last time to spray the deicing fluid(最后一次喷洒除冰/防冰液)
  • B. the ice coating on aircraft surface is cleaned(飞机表面积冰清理完成)
  • C. the deicing work is completed(全部除冰工作结束后)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #19032.378C7A

249.What are the input signals of the ADC?(大气数据计算机的输入信号有哪些?)

  • A. the total pressure and static pressure, air temperature, angle of attack(全压和静压,大气温度,迎角)
  • B. the static pressure and dynamic pressure, air temperature, angle of attack(静压和动压,大气温度,迎角)
  • C. the total pressure and static pressure, dynamic pressure, angle of attack(全压和静压,动压,迎角)


参考知识点:主考点-输入和输出数据) #19036.AAB37A

250.When controlling the differential ailerons to make a turn, which side of the aileron has larger deflection angle?(操纵差动副翼进行转弯时,哪一侧副翼的偏转角度更大?)

  • A. Lowered aileron has larger deflection angel.(下偏副翼偏转角度大)
  • B. Raised aileron has larger deflection angel.(上偏副翼偏转角度大)
  • C. Both side have the same deflection angel.(上下偏转的角度相等)


参考知识点:主考点-飞行操纵系统的组成) #19040.A71C29

251.What is the control surface corresponds to the yaw damper?(偏航阻尼器对应的操纵面是)

  • A. Aileron.(副翼)
  • B. Rudder.(方向舵)
  • C. Elevator.(升降舵)


参考知识点:主考点-偏航阻尼器) #19048.564FFD

252.which parts of the aircraft are easy to freeze?(飞机上容易结冰的部位有)

  • A. The wing and the empennage.(机翼和尾翼)
  • B. The windshield and the engine inlet.(风挡、发动机进气口)
  • C. The nose and the pitot.(机头、空速管)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机易结冰部位及危害) #19060.FD1F24

253.For hydraulic driven nose wheel steering system, pilots should use handwheel to control the taxi direction when ( ).(对于液压传动式前轮转弯系统,驾驶员应在( )时用转弯手轮控制滑行方向。)

  • A. running at high speed(高速滑跑)
  • B. taxiing at low speed(低速滑行)
  • C. the aircraft is at high speed and low speed(高速和低速)


参考知识点:主考点-前起落架) #19064.727C2C

254.What impact will have on the hydraulic system if wrong type of hydraulic fluid is in use?(如果在液压系统使用错误型号的液压油,将会对液压系统造成什么影响?)

  • A. The pressure of hydraulic system will decrease.(液压系统压力降低)
  • B. The hydraulic fluid will be overheat.(液压油容易超温)
  • C. The hydraulic system will be contaminated and the parts will be damaged.(污染液压系统,损坏部件)


参考知识点:主考点-液压油) #19070.B79BFD

255.When a transport aircraft is flying at maximum operating altitude, the cabin pressurization system must ensure cabin altitude is no more than ( ) under normal circumstances.(当运输机以最大使用高度飞行时,座舱增压系统应保证在正常情况下增压座舱高度不超过)

  • A. 8000 feet(8000英尺)
  • B. 10000 feet(10000英尺)
  • C. 12000 feet(12000英尺)

解析:根据CCAR-25 部第25.841条规定,当运输机以最大使用高度飞行时,座舱增压系统应保证在正常情况下增压座舱高度不超过2438 米(8000 英尺);当飞机需要在7620 米(25000 英尺)以上飞行时,必须保证在增压系统失效时座舱高度不超过4572 米(15000 英尺)。

参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压控制参数) #19090.8648E3

256.TCAS is the consulting system designed to warn the potential conflict between ( ) and ( ).(TCAS是一个用于警告()和()之间存在潜在冲突的咨询系统。)

  • A. aircraft; aircraft(航空器、航空器)
  • B. aircraft; ground(航空器、地面)
  • C. aircraft; mountain(航空器、山峰)

解析:机载防撞系统(TCAS)是一个咨询系统,用于警告机组飞机与同一空域飞行的装备有应答机的其他飞机之间存在潜在冲突。除经局方批准外,在中华人民共和国国籍登记的最大起飞重量超过 5700 千克或批准旅客座位数超过 19 的涡轮动力飞机必须安装机载防撞系统。

参考知识点:主考点-功能和分类) #19105.4907F1

257.What is the working principle of oleo struts?(油气式减震支柱的减震原理是)

  • A. Hydraulic fluids absorb the impact energy to cushion the impact of landing.(液压油吸收接地动能,减小撞击力)
  • B. Compressed air absorb the impact energy to cushion the impact of landing.(气体压缩吸收接地动能,减小撞击力)
  • C. Flexible elastic elements absorb the impact energy to cushion the impact of landing.(内部弹性组件形变吸收接地动能,减小撞击力)


参考知识点:主考点-起落架结构) #19144.800176

258.If the static vent is covered during climbing, the Mach number will(爬升过程中飞机的静压孔堵塞,马赫数表的指示)

  • A. increase.(增大)
  • B. decrease.(减小)
  • C. remain.(保持不变)


参考知识点:主考点-马赫数表) #19202.B2E2B5

259.Which part of the gas-turbine engine has the highest temperature?(燃气涡轮发动机的( )部位温度最高。)

  • A. turbine inlet.(涡轮进口)
  • B. compressor inlet.(压气机进口)
  • C. nozzle.(喷管)


参考知识点:主考点-排气温度及超温预防) #19210.E8D763

260.Generally, modern transport aircraft use(现代运输机通常采用)

  • A. tube-type tires.(有内胎轮胎)
  • B. tubeless tires.(无内胎轮胎)
  • C. tube-type tires with good cooling performance.(冷却性好的有内胎轮胎)


参考知识点:主考点-机轮) #19243.F5E7E6

261.The function of oil system includes(滑油系统的功用包括)

  • A. lubrication, cooling, silencing, fuel heating.(润滑、散热、降低噪音、燃油加温)
  • B. cooling, cleaning, torque measuring, silencing.(散热、清洁、扭矩测量、降低噪音)
  • C. lubrication, cooling, anti-corrosion, fuel heating, torque measuring.(润滑、散热、防腐、燃油加温、扭矩测量)


参考知识点:主考点-功用组成及工作) #19285.78D637

262.The onboard wind shear alerting system mainly includes(机载风切变警告系统主要有)

  • A. active and passive(主动式和被动式)
  • B. alerting and participating(警告式和介入式)
  • C. reactive and predictive(反应式和预测式)


参考知识点:主考点-2.6.9( 风切变预警系统) #17462.1DE38E

263.For the restrictions on cabin altitude change rate, which of the following factors is/are more important?(对于座舱高度变化率的限制,下列哪个要素更重要?)

  • A. ROC.(爬升率)
  • B. ROD.(下降率)
  • C. both ROC and ROD.(同样重要)

解析:座舱高度变化率是指座舱高度的变化快慢程度。现代大中型民航客机通常限制座舱高度爬升率不超过500 英尺/分钟,座舱高度下降率不超过350 英尺/分钟。爬升率和下降率都不能超过限制。

参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压控制参数) #19332.BB4D13

264.Which of the following structural measures is not used to eliminate the compressor stall?(以下哪一项结构措施不是用于防止压气机失速的?)

  • A. engine anti-ice system.(发动机防冰系统)
  • B. variable inlet guide vanes and two-spool rotator compressor.(可调进气导片和双轴旋转压气机)
  • C. Bleed air from the compressor.(压气机中间级放气)




参考知识点:主考点-压气机失速和喘振) #19354.01EA11

265.What cooling system does modern transport aircraft air condition system widely adopted?(现代运输机座舱空调系统广泛采用的制冷方式是)

  • A. vapor cycle refrigeration(蒸发循环制冷)
  • B. semiconductor refrigeration(半导体制冷)
  • C. air cycle refrigeration(空气循环制冷)

解析:飞机空调引气制冷方式包括蒸发循环制冷和空气循环制冷两种方式。蒸发循环制冷方式的基本工作原理是通过制冷剂相变来吸热制冷。空气循环制冷方式的基本工作原理是发动机引出的高温高压引气经热交换器初步冷却后, 再经冷却涡轮进行膨胀降温, 由此获得冷空气。空气循环制冷系统在现代运输机上得到广泛采用,其空调组件包括热交换器、压气机、冷却涡轮、风扇、水分离器等部件。

参考知识点:主考点-引气制冷方式、部件及功能) #20946.E0E498

266.What is the main function of symbol generator?(符号发生器的主要作用是什么?)

  • A. to provide processed information(提供处理后的信息)
  • B. to provide display information(提供显示信息)
  • C. to provide measurement information(提供测量信息)


参考知识点:主考点-功能及组成) #20980.2CFF41

267.Large jet airline supply fuel to engine through ( ) to enhance the efficiency.(大型涡轮喷气飞机使用()燃油调节器提高发动机燃油供给效率?)

  • A. simulate circuit fuel regulator(模拟电路式)
  • B. digital fuel regulator(全权数字电子控制)
  • C. mechanical hydralic fuel regulator(机械液压式)

解析:燃油系统的核心是燃油调节器,它可根据飞行员的操纵指令,发动机参数和外界飞行条件的变化自动调节燃油量,实现对发动机的稳态控制,慢车控制,过渡控制,安全监控及防喘控制等,确保发动机正常工作。燃油调节器有机械液压式,模拟电路式,全权数字电子控制等类型。全权数字电子控制FADEC 特点:1、控制精度高;2、可实现发动机最优控制;3、发动机控制的自动化程度增加,减轻了飞行员的工作负荷;4、信息的传递更方便、快捷;5、控制系统的可靠性主要取决于FADEC 计算机的工作性能。

参考知识点:主考点-燃油调节器) #20982.96A703

268.What is the ply rating of tyre used for?(轮胎的层级的含义是)

  • A. It indicates the number of cords or piles in the tyre.(表明轮胎中的帘线或线团数量)
  • B. It indicates whether the inner tyre should be filled.(表明轮胎中是否需要填充内胎)
  • C. It indicates the tyre strength.(表明轮胎的强度)


参考知识点:主考点-机轮) #20990.BA7432

269.Under specified altitude, if the altitude increase, the propeller efficient of turboprop aircraft will ( ).(涡轮螺旋桨飞机在额定高度以下飞行,随着高度的增高,螺旋桨有效功率)

  • A. increase(增大)
  • B. decrease(减小)
  • C. remain(不变)


参考知识点:主考点-轴功率、当量功率) #21026.AFE2F2

270.To keep aircraft balanced, Mach trim make elevator ( ) while flying with high subsonic speed.(飞机以高亚音速飞行,为了使飞机处于平衡状态,马赫配平系统调整升降舵)

  • A. down(下偏)
  • B. up(上偏)
  • C. no change(不变)




参考知识点:主考点-马赫配平系统) #21028.ED68AD

271.Which of the following message that qualified personnel don’t need to fill in the logbook and provide to flight crew in ground de-icing?(地面除冰时,由合格人员检查之后不需要填入记录本提供给飞行机组的信息是)

  • A. type of deicing fluid(除冰液类型)
  • B. outside air temperature(外界温度)
  • C. density of deicing fluid(除冰液浓度)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #21038.5B2B05

272.Hydraulic actuator is used to convert ( ).(液压动作筒是用于转换( ))

  • A. pressure energy into mechanical movement(将压力能转换为机械运动)
  • B. pressure energy into operating force(将压力能转换为操纵力)
  • C. pressure energy into oleo internal energy(将压力能转换为油液内能)


参考知识点:主考点-液压系统典型部件及功能) #21058.C63BDA

273.Measuring the rate of the aircraft rotation by laser gyro is based on(激光陀螺基于什么原理测量飞机的转动角速度)

  • A. measuring the difference in frequencies of the opposing beams(测量相反方向传播的光束的频差)
  • B. measuring the difference in wavelength of the opposing beams(测量相反方向传播的光束的波长之差)
  • C. measuring the difference in phase position of the opposing beams(测量相反方向传播的光的相位差)



参考知识点:主考点-激光陀螺) #21072.848C7E

274.According to the aircraft’s flight attitude ,the yawing damper is used to prevent Duch roll by controlling ( ).(根据飞机飞行姿态,偏航阻尼器通过控制()防止飞机发生飘摆(荷兰滚)。)

  • A. aileron(副翼)
  • B. elevator(升降舵)
  • C. rudder(方向舵)


参考知识点:主考点-偏航阻尼器) #21080.601EAC

275.The Predictive Windshear System (PWS) detects that the warning zone occurs wind shear during takeoff, what audio warning that crews can hear?(起飞时,风切变预警系统(PWS)探测到风切变位于警告区时,机组可以听到的语音警告是?)


解析:当风切变预警系统(PWS)探测到风切变位于警戒区时,它将向机组提供语言报警“MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY”。风切变预警系统(PWS)探测到风切变位于警告区时,飞行阶段不同,语音报警不同。起飞阶段探测到风切变,其语音为WINDSHEAR AHEAD”(响2次),进近阶段探测到风切变,语音报警为“GO-AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD”(响1次).

参考知识点:主考点-警告报警) #111870.D99D9C

276.Who decides whether a B737-700 needs to be de-iced prior to takeoff at night?(一架B737-700在夜间起飞前是否需要进行除冰由谁决定?)

  • A. The controller has to confirm the aircraft’s icing conditions while the captain has no right to decide.
  • B. The captain can make decision by icing conditions of aircraft important parts.(机长可以根据飞机重要部件的积冰情况决定)
  • C. The captain and the controller make the decision together.(由机长和管制员共同决定)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #111896.71439A

277.Which kind of hydraulic oil is used for the hydraulic system of modern transport airplane?(现代运输机液压系统使用的液压油为)

  • A. Plant based hydraulic oil.(植物基液压油)
  • B. Mineral based hydraulic oil.(矿物基液压油)
  • C. Phosphate ester based hydraulic oil.(磷酸脂基液压油)


参考知识点:主考点-液压油) #111938.105B73

278.The cruising level is FL330. When the cabin pressure altitude is adjusted from 4000 feet to 6000 feet, the cabin pressure difference  between inside and outside will()(飞机巡航高度FL330,如果将飞机座舱气压高度从4000ft调到6000ft,则座舱内外气压差会)

  • A. increases(增加)
  • B. decreases(减小)
  • C. remains unchanged(不变)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压控制参数) #111952.A6E4CA

279.The term equivalent shaft horsepower (ESHP) is used(当量轴功率用于( )。)

  • A. to describe the output in the shaft horsepower (used to drive the propeller)(描述轴功率输出(用于驱动螺旋桨))
  • B. to describe the total engine output(描述发动机总功率输出)
  • C. to describe the jet thrust it develops(描述它产生的喷气推力)


参考知识点:主考点-轴功率、当量功率) #111971.5AB195

280.Each pilot who deviates from an ATC clearance in response to a TCASII, resolution advisory (RA) is expected to(根据TCASII建议偏离ATC许可的飞行员,决断咨询为)

  • A. maintain the course and altitude resulting from the deviation, as ATC has radar contact(保持当前由于偏离而变化的航路和高度,因为空中交通服务有雷达冲突)
  • B. request ATC clearance for the deviation(请求ATC偏离许可)
  • C. notify ATC of the deviation as soon as practicable(尽快通知ATC该偏离)


参考知识点:主考点-工作模式和咨询抑制) #14823.3E36AA

281.TCAS I provides(TCAS I提供)

  • A. traffic and resolution advisories(交通咨询(TA)和决策咨询(RA))
  • B. proximity warning(接近警告)
  • C. recommended maneuvers to avoid conflicting traffic(建议机动操作以避免交通冲突)


参考知识点:主考点-功能和分类) #14825.873762

282.TCAS II provides(TCAS II提供)

  • A. maneuvers in all directions to avoid the conflicting traffic.(各个方向的机动操作以避免交通冲突)
  • B. traffic and resolution advisories.(交通咨询(TA)和决策咨询(RA))
  • C. proximity warning.(接近警告)


参考知识点:主考点-功能和分类) #14827.66EFBD

283.Which of the following measures can extend the service life of braking system?(下面哪种方式可以延长刹车系统的使用寿命?)

  • A. maintain constant speed(保持恒速)
  • B. Use reverse thrust as much as possible.(尽可能多的使用反推力)
  • C. Taxi on a smooth taxiway.(在平滑的跑道上滑行)


参考知识点:主考点-反推装置的原理及使用) #112025.C6304F

284.The largest range of PWS warning is(风切变预警系统(PWS)的最大报警范围为)

  • A. 3nm(3nm)
  • B. 5nm(5nm)
  • C. 10nm(10nm)


参考知识点:主考点-报警范围) #112037.CEF939

285.The aircraft ammeter pointer indicates negative which means(飞机上电流表指针为负时表示:)

  • A. The generator failed.(发电机失效)
  • B. The battery is charging.(蓄电池处于充电状态)
  • C. The battery is discharging.(蓄电池处于放电状态)


参考知识点:主考点-蓄电池) #112041.DEDD4E

286.What is the function of yaw damper?(偏航阻尼器的作用是什么?)

  • A. increases the damping of Dutch roll(增大了荷兰滚的阻尼)
  • B. increases the lateral static stability of the aircraft(增大了飞机的横侧静稳定性)
  • C. increases the damping of pitching movement(增大了俯仰运动的阻尼)

解析:现代运输机方向舵操纵系 统中的偏航阻尼器可根据飞机姿态变化的情况操纵方向舵,防止飞机发生飘摆(荷兰滚 )。

参考知识点:主考点-偏航阻尼器) #112119.F59393

287.Please compare the skin thickness of following wing structures(试比较以下几种机翼结构蒙皮的厚薄)

  • A. The skin of girder structure wing is thicker than that of monoblock structure wing.(梁式机翼蒙皮比单块式机翼蒙皮厚)
  • B. The skin of girder structure wing is thinner than that of monoblock structure wing.(梁式机翼蒙皮比单块式机翼蒙皮薄)
  • C. The skin of girder structure wing is as thick as that of monoblock structure wing.(梁式机翼蒙皮与和单块式机翼蒙皮厚度相当)


参考知识点:主考点-机翼结构) #112121.CBD4DF

288.What is the structural feature of wing spar?(翼梁的构造特点是)

  • A. “I” shape structure be made up of upper/lower flanges and web plate(由上、下缘条和中间腹板组成的工字形结构)
  • B. the structure be made up of upper/lower skin and web plate(由上、下蒙皮和中间腹板组成的结构)
  • C. “I” shape structure be made up of upper/lower stringers and web plate(由上、下桁条和中间腹板组成的工字形结构)


参考知识点:主考点-机翼结构) #112123.2064D6

289.One of characteristics to resist force of girder structure wing is that(梁式机翼的受力特性之一是)

  • A. bending moment is mainly resisted by upper/lower skin of the wing.(弯矩主要由上、下蒙皮承受)
  • B. bending moment is mainly resisted by upper/lower flanges of the spar.(弯矩主要由翼梁上、下缘条承受)
  • C. bending moment is mainly resisted by web plate of the spar.(弯矩主要由翼梁腹板承受)


参考知识点:主考点-机翼结构) #112125.2B0DB3

290.The monoblock structure wing’s structural characteristic is that(单块式机翼的构造特点是)

  • A. The wing is made up of integral wainscot(由整体式壁板形成)
  • B. The airframe is made up of spar, former and stringer, and skin is riveted to the airframe(翼梁、翼肋、桁条组成机翼构架外铆接蒙皮)
  • C. The upper and lower monoblock of the wing were composed of many strong stringers and thick skin(由较多和较强的桁条和较厚的蒙皮组合成上、下机翼壁板而形成)

解析:单块式机翼主要构件有桁条、蒙皮、翼肋和纵墙;以较多较强的桁条和较厚的蒙皮所组成的多块壁板为主承受弯曲轴向力;单块式机翼生存力强,适合做成结构油箱,但不适合大开口,机翼机身连接接头多,检查维护不方便 。

参考知识点:主考点-机翼结构) #112127.E33EC8

291.The monoblock structure wing’s characteristics to resist force is that(单块式机翼的主要承力特点是)

  • A. torsional moment and bending moment is resisted by closed frame made up of upper and lower monoblock.(由上、下组合壁板形成的闭合框承受扭矩和弯矩)
  • B. shearing force and bending moment is resisted by closed frame made up of upper and lower monoblock.(由上、下组合壁板承受剪力和弯矩)
  • C. shearing force and torsional moment is resisted by closed frame made up of upper and lower monoblock.(由上、下组合壁板承受剪力和扭矩)

解析:单块式机翼结构特点是,多而强的桁条与较厚蒙皮组成壁板,再 与纵墙和肋相连而成。其受力特点是,纵墙主要承受剪力,壁板承受绝大部分弯曲轴向力,蒙皮同时还承受扭矩。

参考知识点:主考点-机翼结构) #112129.E70B42

292.The spar structure fuselage’s structural characteristic is that(桁梁式机身的构造特点是)

  • A. it is made up of thick spar, thick stringer, former and thick skin.(由强桁梁、强桁条、隔框和厚蒙皮组成)
  • B. it is made up of thick spar, thin stringer, former and thin skin.(由强桁梁、弱桁条、隔框和薄蒙皮组成)
  • C. it is made up of thick skin,wainscot composed of thick stringer, and former.(由较厚的蒙皮、较密较强的桁条构成的壁板以及隔框组成)


参考知识点:主考点-机身结构) #112131.63D62D

293.Which of the following sentences is not correct?(以下说法中不正确的是)

  • A. The aircraft configuration’s ability to resist distortion is called structure stiffness(飞机结构抵抗变形的能力称为结构刚度)
  • B. The aircraft configuration’s ability to resist destroying is called structure stiffness(飞机结构抵抗破坏的能力称为结构刚度)
  • C. The intensity and stiffness indicates aircraft configuration’s load carrying capacity(强度和刚度是表征飞机结构承载能力的主要标志)

解析:飞机结构抵抗破坏的能力称为结构强度;飞机结构抵抗变形的能力称为结构刚度;强度和刚度是表征飞机结构承载能力的主要标志 。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机结构失效) #112133.A3033A

294.Which of the following sentences is not correct?(以下说法中不正确的是)

  • A. aircraft configuration’s fatigue rupture occurs in an abrupt way(飞机结构的疲劳破坏具有突然性)
  • B. the large load of aircraft structure is main reason of fatigue rupture occurrence(飞机结构承受的大载荷是发生疲劳破坏的主要原因)
  • C. fatigue rupture is one of main form of aircraft structure 's invalidation(疲劳破坏是飞机结构失效的主要形式之一)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机结构失效) #112135.70858A

295.The hydraulic oil which usually used in early aircraft hydraulic system, puddle-jumper (lightplane) hydraulic system and modern aero transport hydraulic system are respectively(常应用于早期飞机液压系统、小型飞机液压系统和现代运输机液压系统的液压油分别是)

  • A. mineral hydraulic oil, phosphate ester hydraulic oil and plant-based hydraulic oil(矿物基液压油、磷酸脂基液压油、植物基液压油)
  • B. phosphate ester hydraulic oil, mineral hydraulic oil and plant-based hydraulic oil(磷酸脂基液压油、矿物基液压油、植物基液压油)
  • C. plant-based hydraulic oil, mineral hydraulic oil and phosphate-ester hydraulic oil(植物基液压油、矿物基液压油、磷酸脂基液压油)


参考知识点:主考点-液压油) #112137.500918

296.The purpose of pressurization of hydraulic reservoir is to(液压油箱增压的目的是)

  • A. enable hydraulic oil to export work(使液压油具有对外做功的能力)
  • B. increase hydraulic oil flux and feeding speed(增大供油量和供油速度)
  • C. prevent hydraulic oil pipeline airlock(防止管路出现气塞现象)

解析:现代运输机常采用气源引气增压油箱防止气塞 。

参考知识点:主考点-液压系统典型部件及功能) #112139.60002F

297.In the following descriptions, which one is not the function of hydraulic pump?(以下哪一个不属于液压泵的功能?)

  • A. Transform hydraulic oil’s pressure energy into mechanical energy(将液压油的压力能转变为机械能)
  • B. Transform mechanical energy into hydraulic oil’s pressure energy(将机械能转变为液压油的压力能)
  • C. Pump hydraulic oil from hydraulic reservoir into oil supply pipeline(从油箱吸油加压送入供油管路)


参考知识点:主考点-液压系统典型部件及功能) #112141.6175E6

298.the function to transform pressure energy into mechanical energy dose not belong to?(将压力能转换为机械能输出到传动部件不是以下哪个部件的功能?)

  • A. hydraulic motor(液压马达)
  • B. hydraulic pump(液压泵)
  • C. actuating cylinder(作动筒)

解析:液压动作筒产生直线往复 运动输出,液压马达产生周转运动输出。其功能是将压力能转换为机械能输出传动部件。

参考知识点:主考点-液压系统典型部件及功能) #112143.BEBEE0

299.In following components, which one serves for restricting maximum operation pressure of the system?(限制液压系统最高工作压力的是以下哪个部件的功能?)

  • A. security valve(安全活门)
  • B. unload valve(卸荷活门)
  • C. switching valve(换向活门)


参考知识点:主考点-液压系统典型部件及功能) #112145.89E8EA

300.An aircraft’s hydraulic system indicates that operating pressure is higher than normal but less than a constant value, the possible reason may be(某飞机液压系统指示的工作压力比正常值高但又不超过某一恒定值,可能的原因是)

  • A. security valve failure but unload valve is normal(安全活门失效,卸荷活门正常)
  • B. security valve is normal but unload valve failure(安全活门正常,卸荷活门失效)
  • C. security valve and unload valve failure but decompression valve is normal(安全活门与卸荷活门失效,减压活门正常)

解析:安全活门的功能是限制液压系统最高工作压力,保证系统安全。卸荷活门的功能是在不需要传动部件时给泵提供一个空转回路,使油泵卸荷 。

参考知识点:主考点-液压系统典型部件及功能) #112147.E7649D

301.The hydraulic system component consists of hydraulic motor and pump, and its function is to utilize hydraulic pressure in one hydraulic system to drive hydraulic motor, so as to drive pump rotor to pump hydraulic oil from an other hydraulic system’s hydraulic reservoir, such component is called(由液压马达和泵组合的部件,其功能是:利用一个液压源系统的液压来驱动液压马达转动,带动泵转子转动,从另一个液压源系统油箱抽油,建立压力。这样的部件叫)

  • A. RAT(RAT)
  • B. PTU(PTU)
  • C. ADP(ADP)

解析:PTU 是一个液压马达和泵的组合体,即液压马达驱动泵,工作时利用一个液压源系统驱动PTU 的液压马达转动,带动泵转子转动,从另一个液压源系统油箱抽油,建立压力。

参考知识点:主考点-液压系统工作原理) #112149.06DF58

302.The function of pressure unit in hydraulic pump is(液压泵中压力组件的功能是)

  • A. filtering and directing hydraulic oil that return back to hydraulic reservoir(过滤及引导返回油箱的油液)
  • B. pumping oil from reservoir of the hydraulic system and setting up pressure in downstream pipeline(从液压源系统油箱抽油,并对下游管路建立压力)
  • C. filtering and distributing hydraulic oil from pump outlet to each pressure using systems(过滤及分配泵出口液压油到各用压系统)


参考知识点:主考点-液压系统工作原理) #112151.09BC75

303.The landing gear component serves for supporting and transferring landing load, reducing landing impact force and bumping, such component is called(承受、传递地面载荷,减小着陆撞击与颠簸的部件是)

  • A. shock strut(减震支柱)
  • B. side strut(侧撑杆)
  • C. drag strut(阻力撑杆)


参考知识点:主考点-起落架结构) #112153.8B62E0

304.The landing gear component serves for decreasing longitudinal load and ensuring stable work in longitudinal direction, it is called(用于减小支柱纵向载荷,保证支柱纵向工作稳定的部件是)

  • A. shock strut(减震支柱)
  • B. side strut(侧撑杆)
  • C. drag strut(阻力撑杆)


参考知识点:主考点-起落架结构) #112155.CA4F1A

305.When brake pressure is too high to make wheels jammed, or slip rate exceeds the regulation, what brake mode can adjust or release the pressure?(能够根据刹车压力过大使机轮卡滞或打滑率超过规定时调节或解除刹车压力的刹车方式为)

  • A. auto-brake(自动刹车)
  • B. normal brake(正常刹车)
  • C. anti-skid brake(防滞刹车)


参考知识点:主考点-刹车方式) #112157.1A35AF

306.Which of the following is not the reason of nose wheel shimmy?(以下不属于前轮摆振的原因的是)

  • A. nose wheel stable-distance and external disturbance(前轮稳定距与外界干扰作用)
  • B. nose wheel centering device and tire wearing(前轮中立机构与轮胎磨损)
  • C. elastic restoring force and ground friction(弹性恢复力与地面摩擦力)

解析:前轮摆振是指前轮在高速滑跑中受外界作用偏离后 ,在弹性恢复力与地面摩擦力交替作用下,绕前轮偏转轴线左右往复摆动,形成S 型运动轨迹的高频自激振动。

参考知识点:主考点-前起落架) #112159.0EC44F

307.The operating principle of shimmy damper is(减摆器的工作原理是)

  • A. using friction heating to consume shimmy energy as high-speed oil liquid pass through orifice(利用油液高速流过小孔摩擦生热消耗摆振能量)
  • B. using air compression to absorb shimmy energy(利用空气压缩吸收摆振能量)
  • C. using cam centering machinery to prevent shimmy(利用凸轮式中立机构防止摆振)


参考知识点:主考点-前起落架) #112161.FADBCB

308.The nose wheel steering controlled by aircraft’s pedal is usually used for(飞机方向脚蹬操纵的前轮转弯通常用于)

  • A. correcting direction in high speed taxiing(高速滑跑时修正方向)
  • B. turning in low speed taxiing(低速滑行时转弯)
  • C. both in high speed taxiing and low speed taxiing(高速滑跑和低速滑行两种情况)

解析:对于液压传动式前轮转弯系统,驾驶员可通过方向舵脚蹬和转弯手轮操纵。脚操纵时前轮偏角范围小,用于飞机高速滑跑时修正方向 。手操纵时前轮偏角范围大,用于低速滑行时转弯。

参考知识点:主考点-前起落架) #112163.2E10C9

309.Which of the following do not belong to auxiliary control surface?(以下不属于辅助操纵面的是)

  • A. leading edge flap and slat(前缘襟翼与前缘缝翼)
  • B. spoiler and adjustable horizontal stabilizer(扰流板与可调水平安定面)
  • C. aileron and trailing edge flap(副翼与后缘襟翼)


参考知识点:主考点-飞行操纵系统的组成) #112165.C5E192

310.Which of the following control mechanisms are not all used for auxiliary control surface?(以下操纵机构中不全用于辅助操纵面的操纵机构是)

  • A. flap operating quadrant or switch, spoiler operating quadrant(襟翼操纵手柄或电门、扰流板操纵手柄)
  • B. pedal, trimming handwheel or switch(脚蹬、配平手轮或电门)
  • C. spoiler operating quadrant, trimming handwheel or switch(扰流板操纵手柄、配平手轮或电门)


参考知识点:主考点-配平操纵) #112167.8E3FDE

311.When the weather radar onboard works in weather mode, if the aircraft is at or approaching the freezing level, how to control the grade?(当雷达工作于气象模式时, 飞机接近或者进入结冰层,应如何调节增益)

  • A. Upgrade(调高增益水平)
  • B. Downgrade(降低增益水平)
  • C. Maintain(保持增益水平不变)


参考知识点:主考点-增益调节的基本原则) #112055.9F9161

312.Which of the following is not the feature of hydraulically actuated flight control system?(以下特征中不属于液压助力主操纵系统的是)

  • A. The main control force felt by pilots of the irreversible hydraulically actuated flight control system is provided by feel system(不可逆式液压助力操纵系统驾驶员感受到的主操纵力由感力装置提供)
  • B. The counter force felt by pilots of the reversible hydraulically actuated flight control system is from the main flight control surface.(可逆式液压助力操纵系统驾驶员可直接感受到的主操纵面传来的反力)
  • C. The main control force felt by pilots is partly from feel system and partly from the counter force.(驾驶员感受到的主操纵力部分由感力装置提供,部分来自于舵面反力)


参考知识点:主考点-液压助力式主操纵系统) #112169.A239C1

313.What is the common assistant power of modern transport aircraft power-assisting primary control system?(现代运输机助力式主操纵系统最常采用的助力能源是)

  • A. pneumatic energy(气动助力)
  • B. hydraulic pressure energy(液压助力)
  • C. electric power energy(电动助力)

解析:现代运输机采用助力式主操纵系统,即利用除驾驶员体力以外的能源(如气动助力、液压助力、电动助力或它们的组合)帮 助或代替驾驶员体力操纵舵面,其中液压助力最为常见 。

参考知识点:主考点-液压助力式主操纵系统) #112171.2AF6C7

314.The difference between non-power-assisted primary control system and hydraulic-power-assisted primary control system does not include(无助力主操纵系统和液压助力式主操纵系统的区别不包括)

  • A. whether using the power except pilot’s physical effort to control surface(是否利用除驾驶员体力以外的能源操纵舵面)
  • B. whether there is a force-feeling device(是否具有感力装置)
  • C. whether there is feeling of power back during control(操纵时是否有回力的感觉)

解析:靠人力操纵飞机主舵面的飞行主操纵系统称为无助力机械传动式主操纵系统。飞行员通过操纵机构发出的操纵信号(操纵位移量和操纵速度)及施加的操纵力由机械传动系统传递至舵面操纵摇臂,作动舵面按需要偏转。舵面枢轴力矩通过机械传动机构反传到主操纵机构,由飞行员施加的操纵力来平衡。液压助力式主操纵系统的工作特点:操纵信号由驾驶员发出,最终传递到舵面;驱动舵面所需的力主要或全部由液压助力器提供;驾驶员感受到的主操纵力由感力装置(或称为感力定中配平机构)提供 。

参考知识点:主考点-液压助力式主操纵系统) #112173.28DFE0

315.The advantages of fly-by-wire system do not include(电传操纵系统的优点不包括)

  • A. lightening weight of control system, simplifying combination of primary control system and autopilot(减轻操纵系统重量,简化主操纵系统和自动驾驶仪的组合)
  • B. eliminating mechanical friction, gap and nonlinear factors in control system(消除操纵系统中的机械摩擦、间隙和非线性因素)
  • C. saving more effort than mechanical control system(比机械操纵系统省力)

解析:电传操纵系统的优点:减轻了操纵系统的重量; 消除了机械操纵系统中的摩擦、间隙和非线性因素以及飞机结构变形对传动性能的影响 ;简化了主操纵系统和自动驾驶仪的组合;飞机操稳特性得到根本改善。

参考知识点:主考点-电传操纵系统) #112175.41FFFB

316.Which of the following options does not all belong to flight spoiler’s function?(以下不全属于飞行扰流板功用的是)

  • A. assist aileron to control roll; used as airbrake(辅助副翼进行横滚操纵,作为空中减速板使用)
  • B. increase drag and decrease lift on ground so as to help aircraft reduce speed when braking(在地面增阻卸升,帮助飞机刹车减速)
  • C. help aircraft realize trimming; realize emergency roll when aileron is blocked(帮助飞机实现配平,在副翼卡阻时实现应急横滚操纵)


参考知识点:主考点-扰流板操纵) #112179.48A948

317.Which of the following options does not all belong to air bleed source of modern transport aircraft air supply system?(以下不全属于现代运输机气源系统引气来源的是)

  • A. engine compressor, APU compressor(发动机压气机;APU压气机)
  • B. ground pneumatic, PTU(地面气源;PTU)
  • C. engine compressor, ground pneumatic(发动机压气机;地面气源)

解析:现代运输机气源系统的引气来源包括发动机压气机,APU压气机和地面气源。通常用于座舱空调增压供气,液压油箱增压,飞机机翼 除/防冰,发动机防冰,水箱增压,发动机起动等。

参考知识点:主考点-引气来源及控制) #112181.7EE39D

318.Which of the following options does not all belong to modern transport aircraft air supply system?(以下不全属于现代运输机气源系统用途的是)

  • A. pressurization and air feed for cabin air-condition, pressurization for hydraulic reservoir(座舱空调增压供气;液压油箱增压)
  • B. deicing and anti-icing, pressurization for water tank(除冰/防冰;水箱增压)
  • C. start-up engine, drive RAT(发动机起动;驱动RAT)

解析:现代运输机气源系统的引气来源包括发动机压气机,APU压气机和地面气源。通常用于座舱空调增压供气,液压油箱增压,飞机机翼除/防冰,发动机防冰,水箱增压,发动机起动等 。

参考知识点:主考点-引气来源及控制) #112183.A6F75A

319.Air-condition components of modern transport aircraft system do not include(现代运输机座舱空调系统中的空调组件不包括)

  • A. cooling turbine and engine compressor(冷却涡轮与发动机压气机)
  • B. fan and heat exchanger(风扇与热交换器)
  • C. gas compressor and expansion valve(压缩机与膨胀阀)


参考知识点:主考点-引气制冷方式、部件及功能) #112185.41222C

320.The main components of the vapor cycle refrigeration system do not include(蒸发循环制冷系统的主要部件不包括)

  • A. expansion valve and evaporator(膨胀阀与蒸发器)
  • B. cooling turbine and water separator(冷却涡轮与水分离器)
  • C. gas compressor and condenser(压缩机与冷凝器)

解析:飞机空调引气制冷方式包括蒸发循环制冷和空气循环制冷两种方式。蒸发循环制冷方式的基本工作原理是通过制冷剂相变来吸热制冷。制冷原理与普通民用冰箱相同,主要部件有压缩机,冷凝器,膨胀阀,蒸发器。冷却涡轮和水分离器是空气循环制冷系统的空调组件 。

参考知识点:主考点-引气制冷方式、部件及功能) #112187.93938A

321.Modern civil aviation airliner’s cabin altitude usually satisfies(现代民航客机的座舱高度通常满足)

  • A. cabin altitude is higher than maximum flight altitude(座舱高度大于飞机最大飞行高度)
  • B. cabin altitude is lower than maximum flight altitude(座舱高度小于飞机最大飞行高度)
  • C. cabin altitude equals to maximum flight altitude(座舱高度等于飞机最大飞行高度)

解析:根据 CCAR-25 部第 25.841 条(a)款规定,当运输机以最大使用高度飞行时,座舱增压系统应保证在正常情况下增压座舱高度不超过 2438 米(8000 英尺);当飞机需要在 7620 米(25000 英尺)以上飞行时,必须保证在增压系统失效时座舱高度不超过 4572 米(15000 英尺)。即座舱高度应小于飞机最大飞行高度。

参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压控制参数) #112189.C8F27A

322.Modern civil aviation airliner’s cabin altitude rate usually satisfies(现代民航客机座舱高度变化率通常满足)

  • A. cabin altitude climbing rate is larger than cabin altitude descending rate(座舱高度爬升率大于座舱高度下降率)
  • B. cabin altitude climbing rate is less than cabin altitude descending rate(座舱高度爬升率小于座舱高度下降率)
  • C. cabin altitude climbing rate equals to cabin altitude descending rate(座舱高度爬升率等于座舱高度下降率)

解析:现代大中型民航客机通常限制座舱高度爬升率不超过500 英尺/分钟,座舱高度下降率不超过350 英尺/分钟。

参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压控制参数) #112191.CC7E9E

323.Aircraft cabin pressurization regulation (cabin pressure system) refers to the rule that ( ) varies with flight altitude?(飞机座舱压力制度是指以下哪个参数随飞机飞行高度变化的规律?)

  • A. absolute pressure (or cabin altitude) in pressure cabin(气密座舱内空气绝对压力(或座舱高度))
  • B. air pressure difference (or overpressure) inside and outside cabin(气密座舱内外气压之差(或余压))
  • C. cabin altitude and overpressure(座舱高度和余压)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压控制参数) #112193.E6BF15

324.When there is large negative overpressure in cabin, the safety measure is to open negative pressure depressurization valve. Usually, it is likely to occur at(座舱出现过大的负余压时的安全措施是打开负压释压活门,通常这有可能出现在)

  • A. climb phase(飞机爬升阶段)
  • B. descent phase(飞机下降阶段)
  • C. cruise phase(飞机巡航阶段)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压安全措施) #112195.BDCFB6

325.When cabin overpressure exceeds a certain value, to prevent aircraft configuration damage caused by large overpressure, the measure is to open(在座舱余压超过一定值时为防止余压过大危害飞机结构安全的安全措施是打开)

  • A. positive depressurization valve(正压释压活门)
  • B. negative depressurization valve(负压释压活门)
  • C. cabin altitude warning(座舱高度警告)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压安全措施) #112197.800071

326.The cabin altitude warning usually does not occur when ( ).(座舱高度警告通常不会出现在)

  • A. cabin altitude exceeds 10000ft(座舱高度超过10000英尺)
  • B. cabin overpressure is too large(座舱余压过大)
  • C. there is cabin leakage or air bleed failure(座舱失密或引气失效)

解析:由于增压座舱结构受损失密或引气失效等原因,飞机座舱高度超过10000 英尺时,驾驶舱警告指示器发出音响或目视信号 。

参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压系统的操作与指示) #112199.E14645

327.Which of the following options does not all include in aircraft’s icing position?(以下不全属于飞机易结冰部位的是)

  • A. leading edge of wing and tail wing, wind screen and engine inlet(机翼和尾翼前前缘、风挡、发动机进气口)
  • B. pitot tube, angle of attack transducer and total air temperature sensor(空速管、迎角传感器、大气总温传感器)
  • C. drainpipe, exhaust valve and relief valve(排水管、排气活门、释压活门)

解析:飞机易结冰部位主要有机翼和尾翼前缘、风挡、发动机进气口、空速管、迎角传感器、大气总温传感器等 。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机易结冰部位及危害) #112201.177854

328.The principle of de/anti-icing liquid is(液体除/防冰的原理是)

  • A. To increase liquid temperature on protective surface(提高防护表面液体的温度)
  • B. To decrease the liquid freezing point on protective surface(降低防护表面液体的冰点)
  • C. To increase the liquid freezing point on protective surface(提高防护表面液体的冰点)

解析:液体除/防冰的原理是将冰点较低的除/防冰液体喷洒在防护表面与水或过冷水混合而进一步降低冰点温度,防止结冰或让冰层松动而除冰 。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机除/防冰方式及原理) #112203.5474C4

329.The principle of pneumatic de-icing is(气动除冰的原理是)

  • A. to blow ice away using high speed airflow(利用高速气流将积冰吹走)
  • B. to break up ice layer by means of air inflation in deicer boot(除冰带充气膨胀使已结冰层破碎)
  • C. to thaw ice using hot airflow(利用热气流使结冰融化)

解析:气动除冰的原理是让铺设在防护表面的除冰带充气膨胀使已结冰层破碎,并利用外界气流吹除 。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机除/防冰方式及原理) #112205.06AF9B

330.The principle of gas-thermal de/anti-icing is(气热除/防冰的原理是)

  • A. to blow ice away using hot airflow(利用热气流将积冰吹走)
  • B. to break up ice layer by hot air inflation in deicing tube(热气使除冰带膨胀使冰层破碎)
  • C. to heat protection position using hot airflow(利用热空气加热防护部位)

解析:气热除/防冰的原理是利用热空气进入防护表面内的防冰腔加热防护部位而防止其结冰或除冰 。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机除/防冰方式及原理) #112207.C6125C

331.The principle of electric-heating de/anti-icing is(电热除/防冰的原理是)

  • A. to thaw ice using hot airflow(利用热气流使结冰融化)
  • B. to heat protection position by electrifying resistance heating-element(电阻加热元件通电发热而对防护部位加温)
  • C. to heat protection position using hot airflow(利用热空气加热防护部位)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机除/防冰方式及原理) #112209.DD58E5

332.A gas turbine engine includes five major parts, that are(燃气涡轮发动机包括五个主要组件,即)

  • A. Air intake, compressor, combustion chamber, turbine and exhaust jet pipe.(进气道、压气机、燃烧室、涡轮和尾喷管)
  • B. Fan, combustion chamber, turbine, casing and axis.(风扇、燃烧室、涡轮、机匣和轴)
  • C. Blade, disk, axis, combustion chamber and turbine system.(叶片、盘、轴、燃烧室和涡轮系统)


参考知识点:主考点-燃气涡轮发动机基本组成) #112211.B7A2EC

333.After combustion, hot gases drive the turbine and exhaust. At same time(燃烧后的热气流驱动涡轮并排出,同时)

  • A. the pressure increases, velocity and temperature decrease.(压力增加,速度和温度降低)
  • B. the velocity increases, pressure and temperature decrease.(速度增加,压力和温度降低)
  • C. the temperature increases, velocity and pressure decrease.(温度增加,速度和压力降低)

解析:在涡轮中,燃气膨胀做功,压力、温度降低,速度升高 。

参考知识点:主考点-涡轮喷气发动机气流参数变化) #112213.5D6392

334.In the axial flow compressor(对于轴流压气机)

  • A. heat energy is converted into kinetic energy.(热能转换为动能)
  • B. air temperature increases progressively as the pressure decreases.(气体温度随着压力降低而逐渐增高)
  • C. each row of rotating blades is followed by a row of stationary blades.(每一级旋转叶片跟随着一级静子叶片)


参考知识点:主考点-轴流压气机的结构和工作) #112215.E61E23

335.When a stall of compressor blades may occur?(什么时候压气机叶片会发生失速?)

  • A. When the angle of incidence is low.(在小攻角)
  • B. When the inlet velocity is low and RPM is high.(在低的进气速度高的转速时)
  • C. When the compressor pressure is higher than combustor chamber pressure.(在压气机压力高于燃烧室压力)


参考知识点:主考点-压气机失速和喘振) #112217.3C4137

336.Most compressor stalls occur during engine acceleration. How to eliminate the stall condition?(大多数压气机失速会发生在发动机加速过程中,如何消除失速的状态?)

  • A. Decrease the pressure on the compressor.(降低压气机的压力)
  • B. Decrease the airflow.(降低空气流量)
  • C. Increase the fuel flow.(增加燃油流量)


参考知识点:主考点-压气机失速和喘振) #112219.75653E

337.Which is not the design approach to eliminate the compressor stall?(下列哪一项不是消除压气机失速的设计方法?)

  • A. Variable inlet guide stationary blades and two-spool compressors.(可变进气导向静子叶片和双转子压气机)
  • B. Using the bleed air system.(使用放气系统)
  • C. Engine anti-ice system.(发动机防冰系统)


参考知识点:主考点-压气机失速和喘振) #112221.2385CC

338.What is the state of ignition during engine operation?(在发动机运行期间,点火处于什么状态?)

  • A. After ignited, the flame is self-sustaining in stable conditions.(点火成功后稳定工作时,火焰处于自动持续燃烧状态)
  • B. Fuel/air mixture is continuously ignited by the electric sparking plug during engine operating.(在发动机运行期间,电嘴持续地点燃油气混合气)
  • C. Once ignition is not provided in operation, the engine will shut down.(在运行期间一旦不提供点火火花,发动机将熄火)


参考知识点:主考点-功能、类型和工作原理) #112223.3145FB

339.What is the definition of engine thrust?(发动机推力的定义是什么?)

  • A. Engine thrust depends on the mass of gas passing through per second.(发动机推力取决于每秒通过的气体质量)
  • B. Engine thrust is the velocity of the gas discharged from the engine nozzle.(发动机推力是排出尾喷管的速度)
  • C. The engine thrust is reaction of the gas passing through the engine.(发动机推力是通过发动机的气体反作用)

解析:发动机推力是气体作用在发动机所有工作面上的压力的轴向合力 。

参考知识点:主考点-推力公式、推力分布) #112225.62B519

340.Which of the following factors is correct of affecting engine thrust?(下列影响发动机推力的因素,哪一项是正确的?)

  • A. The mass of gas passing through per second.(每秒流过的气体质量)
  • B. The velocity of the gas discharged from the engine nozzle.(发动机尾喷管排出的气体速度)
  • C. The speed of flight.(飞机飞行的速度)


参考知识点:主考点-推力参数) #112227.7E6335

341.Which of the following statements about RPM, thrust, and SFC is correct?(下列转速与推力和油耗的关系哪一个是正确的?)

  • A. The higher the RPM, the greater the thrust and SFC.(发动机转速越高,推力增大而耗油率增加)
  • B. The higher the RPM, the greater the thrust and lower the SFC.(发动机转速越高,推力增大而耗油率降低)
  • C. The higher the RPM, the lower the thrust and SFC.(发动机转速越高,推力减小而耗油率降低)


参考知识点:主考点-推力同空速、空气密度、气压、温度和转速之间的关系) #112231.CEC710

342.Which is not the reason of pilot monitoring the EGT indication?(下列哪一项不是飞行员监视EGT指示的原因?)

  • A. Over temperature of EGT means the damage of engine hot section components.(EGT超温意味着损伤发动机热端部件)
  • B. Over temperature of EGT means the waste of engine hot section components life.(EGT超温意味着消耗发动机热端部件的寿命)
  • C. Over temperature of EGT means the vibration of engine.(EGT超温意味着发动机出现振动)

解析:排气温度(EGT)是指涡轮出口或涡轮级间的燃气温度(TOT 或 ITT)。为监控发动机热端部件安全,理论上应该测量涡轮进口燃气温 度,但由于进口温度太高,不易测量,而且在发动机大部份工作状态下涡轮的进、出口温度基本成线性关系,因此用排气温度间接表示涡轮进口温度。排气温度反映了发动机的性能和机件的热负荷程度,也是发动机工作中主要的限制参数,在发动机工作时要随时留意监控。

参考知识点:主考点-排气温度及超温预防) #112233.26C92F

343.How will the Mach meter be affected if the pitot-tube is frozen in flight?(飞行中,如果皮托管结冰的话,马赫数表会如何被影响?)

  • A. With the flying altitude decreases, Mach meter indicates higher(飞行高度降低,马赫数表指示增大)
  • B. With the flying altitude decreases, Mach meter indicates lower(飞行高度降低,马赫数表指示减小)
  • C. With the flying altitude increases, Mach meter indication is correct(飞行高度增加,马赫数表指示正确)


参考知识点:主考点-马赫数表) #112235.E736DB

344.What flight instruments do the ADC provide signals for?(大气数据计算机为哪些飞行仪表提供信号?)

  • A. altimeter, heading indicator, and Mach meter(高度表,航向指示器和马赫数表)
  • B. altimeter, VSI, and ASI/Mach meter(高度表,垂直速度表和空速表/马赫数表)
  • C. VSI, and ASI/Mach meter(垂直速度表和空速表/马赫数表)

解析:大气数据计算机能够输出高度、指示空速、真空速、升降速度、马赫数、静温、大气密度和总温等飞行参数 。

参考知识点:主考点-输入和输出数据) #112237.A9F1EA

345.What systems do the ADC provide output signals for?(大气数据计算机为哪些系统提供输出信号?)

  • A. FD, AFCS, FMC, GPWS, FDR(飞行指引仪,自动飞行控制系统,飞行管理计算机,近地警告系统,飞行数据记录仪)
  • B. AFCS, FMC, GPWS, FDR(自动飞行控制系统,飞行管理计算机,近地警告系统,飞行数据记录仪)
  • C. FD, AFCS, GPWS, FDR(飞行指引仪,自动飞行控制系统,近地警告系统,飞行数据记录仪)

解析:数字式大气数据计算机接收压力传感器、总温传感器和迎角传感器送入的全压、静压、总温和迎角信号,经过模数转换,转换成计算机能够处理的数字信号,然后自动计算飞机的高度、空速、升降速度、马赫数、静温等飞行数据,这些数据经过数模转换后,送到相关的仪表进行显示,同时送到相应的系统,保证这些系统的工作,例如。飞行数据记录仪(FDR)、飞行管理系统(FMS)、自动飞行控制系统(AFCS)、应答机(XPDR)、近地警告系统(GPWS)、动力管理计算机(PMC)和飞行指引系统(FDS)等 。

参考知识点:主考点-基本工作) #112239.FC7478

346.What information in typical EADI indications is provided by IRS as the centre information source?(作为信号源中心的惯性参考系统为典型的EADI提供什么信息?)

  • A. altitude information(高度信息)
  • B. attitude information(姿态信息)
  • C. navigation information(导航信息)


参考知识点:主考点-显示组件) #112241.AEFA02

347.What modes are displayed on the EHSI?(电子水平状态显示器显示哪些模式?)

  • A. FULL NAV, FULL VOR, FULL ILS, Map Mode, Plan Mode, and ENG standby mode(全罗盘导航,全罗盘VOR,全罗盘ILS,地图模式,计划模式和发动机备用模式)
  • B. FULL NAV, FULL ILS, Map Mode, Plan Mode, and ENG standby mode(全罗盘导航,全罗盘ILS,地图模态,计划模式和发动机备用模式)
  • C. FULL VOR, FULL ILS, Map Mode, and Plan Mode(全罗盘VOR,全罗盘ILS,地图模式和计划模式)

解析:电子水平状态指示器EHSI上显示导航 信息和飞行进程。显示模式通过EFIS控制板进行选择。EHSI有FULL NAV(全罗盘导航)、FULL VOR(全罗盘VOR)、FULL ILS(全罗盘ILS)、EXP NAV(扩展导航)、EXP VOR(扩展VOR)、EXP ILS(扩展ILS)、CTR MAP(中心地图)、MAP和PLAN等9种显示格式。

参考知识点:主考点-显示组件) #112243.C0C051

348.What information are stored in the navigation database?(导航数据库储存哪些数据?)

  • A. waypoints, airports, routes, departure/arrival procedures.(航路点、机场数据、航路数据、离场/进场程序)
  • B. waypoints, airports, routes, navigational aids and departure/arrival procedures.(航路点、机场数据、航路数据、导航台和离场/进场程序)
  • C. waypoints, airports, routes, and navigational aids.(航路点、机场数据、航路数据和导航台)


参考知识点:主考点-数据库) #112247.0AB9CC

349.What information is stored in the performance database?(性能数据库储存哪些数据?)

  • A. All of the attitude data information.(全部的姿态数据信息)
  • B. All of the approach procedure data.(进近程序数据)
  • C. Data related to the specific aircraft/engine configuration.(有关某系列飞机/发动机配置的数据)

解析:FMC 中有两个性能数据库:缺省性能数据库和机型/发动机性能数据库。缺省性能数据库是飞行操作程序的一部分,是某一系列飞机的空气动力模型和某一特定发动机的燃油流量/推力模型。该数据用于预测飞机的最佳垂直剖面性能。机型/发动机性能数据库与缺省性能数据库具有相同类型的信息和相同的功能。然而,机型/发动机性能数据库是更为具体的某系列飞机所要求的数据 。

参考知识点:主考点-数据库) #112249.61CCDE

350.In inertial navigation systems, the function of the gyro platform is(惯性导航系统中,陀螺平台的作用是)

  • A. to maintain correct direction, and maintain accelerometers level(保持正确的方位,并使加速度计保持水平)
  • B. to maintain correct direction(保持正确的方位)
  • C. to maintain accelerometers that are mounted on the platform level(使安装在平台上的加速度计保持水平)


参考知识点:主考点-基本原理) #112251.265603

351.The gyro-stabilized platform maintains a constant level relative to(由陀螺所稳定的平台,保持水平稳定是相对于)

  • A. the aircraft(飞机)
  • B. the earth(地球)
  • C. inertial space(惯性空间)


参考知识点:主考点-初始对准) #112253.7A5D12

352.The inertial reference system, or IRS, generally indicates(惯性基准系统,或 IRS,一般是指)

  • A. an inertial reference unit and computer(惯性基准组件和计算机)
  • B. a group of accelerometers and computer(一组加速度计和计算机)
  • C. the gyro-stabilized platform and computer(由陀螺所稳定的平台和计算机)


参考知识点:主考点-基本功能和优缺点) #112255.EA261F

353.Which inertial sensors make up a basic inertial navigation system?(基本的惯性导航系统具有哪些惯性传感器?)

  • A. a group of accelerometers(一组加速度计)
  • B. a group of gyros(一组陀螺仪)
  • C. a group of accelerometers and gyros(一组加速度计和陀螺仪)

解析:惯性导航最主要的惯性敏感元件是加速度计和陀螺仪 。

参考知识点:主考点-基本功能和优缺点) #112257.6B91A5

354.In a strap-down inertial reference system, the gyros and accelerometers are installed at(捷联式惯性基准系统中,陀螺仪和加速度计被安装于)

  • A. the gimbal platform(支架平台上)
  • B. the axes of the aircraft(飞机的轴线上)
  • C. the gimbal platform or the body of the aircraft(支架平台或者直接安装在飞机上)


参考知识点:主考点-基本原理) #112259.FFF66F

355.In strap-down inertial reference system, the accelerometers are used(捷联式惯性基准系统中,加速度计被用于)

  • A. to stabilize the platform(稳定平台)
  • B. to sense accelerant along three axes of an aircraft(感受沿飞机三轴的加速度)
  • C. to sense accelerometer along three axes of the platform(感受沿平台三轴的加速度)


参考知识点:主考点-基本原理) #112261.8757DB

356.What function is provided by the initial alignment in a strap-down inertial reference system?(捷联式惯性基准系统中,初始对准的作用是)

  • A. improve navigation performance(改善导航性能)
  • B. determine the position of the aircraft(确定飞机位置)
  • C. perform a horizontal leveling and determine aircraft true heading and latitude(完成水平校准,确定飞机的真航向角和所在的纬度)








参考知识点:主考点-初始对准) #112263.0EEFC4

357.During the initial alignment of strap-down inertial reference system, the aircraft should maintain(捷联式惯性基准系统,初始对准过程中,飞机要保持)

  • A. movable(移动)
  • B. stationary(静止)
  • C. a certain direction(某一方位)


参考知识点:主考点-初始对准) #112265.A66EDC

358.What is the function of the autopilot in flight?(飞行过程中,自动驾驶仪被用来)

  • A. maintaining attitude and heading of an aircraft(保持飞机的姿态和航向)
  • B. maintaining the stability of an aircraft(飞机的稳定)
  • C. maintaining straight flight(保持直线飞行)


①按给定的平飞姿态和航向保持飞机平直飞行 。





参考知识点:主考点-基本功能和分类) #112267.708686

359.The autopilot can be classified into(自动驾驶仪可分类为)

  • A. holding attitude and heading autopilot(保持姿态和航向的自动驾驶仪)
  • B. holding heading, attitude and tracking navigation autopilot(保持姿态、航向和导航跟踪的自动驾驶仪)
  • C. single-axis autopilot, two-axis autopilot and three-axis autopilot(单轴自动驾驶仪,双轴自动驾驶仪和三轴自动驾驶仪)


参考知识点:主考点-基本功能和分类) #112269.1DA08D

360.What does a typical autopilot consist of?(典型的自动驾驶仪由哪些部件组成?)

  • A. sensor system and server(传感器系统和伺服器)
  • B. sensor system, signal processor, server and flight control panel(传感器系统,信号处理器,伺服器和飞行控制面)
  • C. sensor system, signal processor and server(传感器系统,信号处理器和伺服器)


参考知识点:主考点-控制通道和通道组成) #112271.34045A

361.The function of the sensing systems is(传感器系统的功能是)

  • A. to feedback signal to the autopilot information processor(反馈信号到自动驾驶仪信息处理器)
  • B. to give command signals(给出指令信号)
  • C. to maintain a specific parameter(保持指定的参数)

解析:姿态传感器感受姿态的变化情况,并将偏差信号传送给信息处理器 。

参考知识点:主考点-基本工作原理(内环稳定)) #112273.946C32

362.The control function of autopilot is(自动驾驶仪的控制功能是)

  • A. to allow the pilot to engage/disengage the autopilot and instruct it to follow selected modes(允许驾驶员接通/断开自动驾驶仪并且通告其跟踪所选择的模式)
  • B. to allow the pilot to engage/disengage the autopilot(允许驾驶员接通/断开自动驾驶仪)
  • C. to instruct the pilot to follow selected modes(通告驾驶员跟踪所选择的模式)


参考知识点:主考点-控制通道和通道组成) #112275.56E6F2

363.What does it mean if pitch command bar moves above zero position of the scale on flight director?(如果俯仰指令杆移动到飞行指引仪零位置的上方,意味着)

  • A. the aircraft nose will pitch up(飞机机头要上升)
  • B. the aircraft nose will pitch down(飞机机头要下降)
  • C. a reduction in pitch attitude(减少俯仰姿态)

解析:若纵向指引针在飞机符号上面,驾驶员应操纵飞机抬头,反之应操纵飞机低头,使纵向指引针与飞机符号对齐,以达到预定的俯仰角 。

参考知识点:主考点-功能和指引形式) #112277.FF3ECA

364.What does it mean if the roll command bar moved to the left of the zero reference of the scale on flight director?(如果滚转指令杆移动到飞行指引仪刻度盘零基准的左侧,意味着)

  • A. the pilot should roll to the right(驾驶员应向右压坡度)
  • B. the pilot should roll to the left(驾驶员应向左压坡度)
  • C. the pilot should turn to the left(驾驶员应向左转弯)


参考知识点:主考点-功能和指引形式) #112279.4BE9DA

365.The function of the HDG SEL button is(“HDG SEL”按钮的功能是)

  • A. to command autopilot to steer and maintain the selected heading.(要求自动驾驶仪转向并保持所选择的航向)
  • B. to command autopilot to maintain present heading.(要求自动驾驶仪保持现在的航向)
  • C. to set the designed heading to autopilot.(建立自动驾驶仪的设计航向)

解析:航向模式(HDG):该模式用于指引飞机到所选航向并保持在所选航向上 。

参考知识点:主考点-基本工作模式) #112281.EA05FE

366.When the ALT HOLD button is pressed, the autopilot will(当按下“ALT HOLD”按钮的时候,自动驾驶仪将)

  • A. hold present altitude(保持现在的高度)
  • B. recapture the designed altitude(重新捕获所设计的高度)
  • C. show the pitch motion(展示俯仰运动)

解析:ALT HOLD选择开关,用于接通高度保持指引,是飞机的高度保持在接通电门瞬间的气压高度上。

参考知识点:主考点-基本工作模式) #112283.526DC7

367.When V/S is selected, the autopilot will(当选择“V/S”的时候,自动驾驶仪将)

  • A. maintain the vertical speed set in the V/S window(保持V/S窗中所建立的垂直速度)
  • B. maintain the present vertical speed(保持现在的垂直速度)
  • C. maintain the designed vertical speed(保持所设计的垂直速度)

解析:按下控制盒上的V/S钮,即接通垂直速度方式。该方式允许自动驾驶仪按垂直速度窗中显示的垂直速度去截获高度预选器中所选的高度 。

参考知识点:主考点-外环控制(指令模式)) #112285.52EF29

368.What is the function of autothrottle system?(自动油门系统的功能是什么?)

  • A. maintain the selected altitude(保持所选择的高度)
  • B. provide automatic thrust control at all phases of flight(为飞行的所有阶段提供自动推力控制)
  • C. provide automatic thrust control at some phases of flight(在某些飞行阶段提供自动推力控制)

解析:自动油门系统(AT)是一个计算机控制的机电系统,它控制发动机推力在发动机的设计参数之内,并在所有飞行阶段,都能提供自动推力控制和速度控制。自动油门由推力管理计算机(TMC)或飞行管理计算机(FMC)控制 。

参考知识点:主考点-功能和基本原理) #112287.C104ED

369.When the speed mode is selected, the A/T system will move the power levers(当速度模式被选择时,自动油门系统将驱动油门杆)

  • A. to maintain the desired speed during climb.(保持爬升期间所期望的速度)
  • B. to maintain the desired speed during climb and some phases of descent.(保持爬升和某些下降段所期望的速度)
  • C. to maintain the desired speed during all flight phases after take-off.(保持所选的速度,这一功能在起飞后的所有飞行阶段都可用)

解析:在速度模式,AT 自动保持飞机速度。此时,自动油门系统将驱动油门杆按需移动来保持所选的速度。起飞阶段完成后,在随后的所有飞行阶段SPD 模式都可用。

参考知识点:主考点-基本工作模式) #112289.DAE72E

370.In the typical A/T system, autothrottle is disengaged by(典型的自动油门系统中,自动油门断开采用哪种方式)

  • A. pressing the A/T disengage switches on the panel(操纵面板上的A/T断开开关)
  • B. pressing the A/T disengage switches on both sides of the throttle lever(按压油门杆两侧的A/T脱开电门)
  • C. pressing the A/T disengage switches on the panel or the A/T disengage switches on both sides of the throttle lever(操纵面板上的A/T断开开关或按压油门杆两侧的A/T脱开电门)

解析:自动油门的断开方法有:AT预位电门置于OFF位;按压油门杆上的AT脱开电门;检测到AT系统失效自动断开;着陆之后自动断开 。

参考知识点:主考点-断开和警告) #112291.AFB6FE

371.What is the function of yaw damper?(偏航阻尼器的功能是什么?)

  • A. to gradually reduce the Dutch roll oscillation(用于逐渐减少荷兰滚振荡)
  • B. to increase the inherent stability of the aircraft(增加飞机固有的稳定性)
  • C. to gradually reduce motion damping of the aircraft(用于逐渐减小飞机运动的阻尼)

解析:为了消除飘摆,现代飞机上都装有偏航阻尼器(YD),它根据空速和偏航角速度信号,经处理,适时提供指令使方向舵相对飘摆振荡反向偏转,从而增大偏航运动阻力,减小飘摆 。

参考知识点:主考点-偏航阻尼器) #112293.88AEA4

372.Why the autopilot pitch trim system is installed on the aircraft?(飞机上为什么要安装自动驾驶俯仰配平系统?)

  • A. to provide pitch trim that are required by changing speed, configuration and weight in autoflight with the servo operation of primary flight control surfaces by the autopilot.(通过自动驾驶仪主飞行操纵面的伺服操纵来提供自动飞行期间由于速度、构形和重量变化所需要的俯仰平衡)
  • B. to improve the pitching characteristic of the aircraft with the servo operation of primary flight control surfaces by the autopilot.(通过自动驾驶仪主飞行操纵面的伺服操纵来改善飞机的俯仰特性)
  • C. to provide automatically pitch trimming of the aircraft with the lift changed of flight control surfaces by the autopilot.(通过自动驾驶仪主飞行操纵面所改变的升力来自动地提供飞机的俯仰平衡)


参考知识点:主考点-自动驾驶俯仰配平系统) #112295.B68D7E

373.For aircraft that using a stabilator , what is the automatic pitch trim usually achieved?(在采用全动平尾的飞机上,自动俯仰配平通常是通过下列方式来实现的)

  • A. move the tailplane(转动平尾)
  • B. limit the tailplane(限制平尾)
  • C. move the elevator(转动升降舵)

解析:自动俯仰配平系统通过调整水平安定面的偏转来保持飞机的俯仰平衡。该系统使用一个单独的俯仰配平伺服电机,与自动驾驶仪俯仰通道的伺服电机并行工作。无论什么时候,只要 AFCS 接通,自动驾驶俯仰配平系统就生效工作。

参考知识点:主考点-自动驾驶俯仰配平系统) #112297.3CDFDC

374.The function of the automatic Mach trim system is(自动马赫数配平系统的作用是)

  • A. to provide pitch trim that are required by changing speed and weight in autoflight(使飞机在自动飞行中速度和重量变化时处于平衡状态)
  • B. to provide pitch trim that are required by changing attitude in autoflight(使飞机在自动飞行中姿态变化时处于平衡状态)
  • C. to provide pitch trim when autopilot in high speed by automatic adjusting elevator up(通过自动调整升降舵上偏来使飞机在高速自动飞行下处于平衡状态)


参考知识点:主考点-马赫配平系统) #112299.0D4560

375.Cabin differential pressure is the difference between cabin pressure and ( ).(座舱压差是指座舱压力与()的差值。)

  • A. sea level pressure(海平面气压)
  • B. the air pressure at 8000ft(8000ft高度气压)
  • C. the ambient air pressure of present altitude(实际高度的外界大气压力)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压控制参数) #112388.2F6136

376.What is the inlet of turbofan?(涡轮风扇发动机的进气道指的是)

  • A. the airflow line between the forefront inlet section of the engine and the inlet section of the fan(发动机最前沿进口截面与风扇进口截面之间的气流管道)
  • B. the airflow line between the forefront inlet section of the engine and the inlet section of the combustor(发动机最前沿进口截面与燃烧室进口截面之间的气流管道)
  • C. the airflow line between the forefront inlet section of the engine and the end section of the compressor(发动机最前沿进口截面与压气机末端截面之间的气流管道)


参考知识点:主考点-功用、分类和工作) #112692.EBBED0

377.What is the main function of crash axe in the emergency equipment?(请问应急设备中应急斧的主要作用是?)

  • A. cut the escape rope as required and assign(按需裁切救生绳,分配使用)
  • B. break the door as it is out of shape(舱门变形打不开时破门而出)
  • C. deter passengers and control cabin’s order(对旅客起威慑作用,控制客舱秩序)


参考知识点:主考点-其它应急设备) #112694.90004E

378.Ram air turbine is a component that provides emergency energy to aircraft when all systems fail. It usually consists of ( ).(冲压空气涡轮是在所有系统失效后向飞机提供应急能源的部件,它通常包括)

  • A. a pair of variable pitch propeller driven by airflow(一副气流驱动的可变距螺旋桨)
  • B. a pair of variable pitch propeller driven by turbine(一副涡轮驱动的可变距螺旋桨)
  • C. a pair of fixed pitch propeller driven by airflow(一副气流驱动的定距螺旋桨)

解析:冲压空气涡轮是在所有系统失效后向飞机提供应急能源如制飞机的液压源等,冲压空气涡轮也可以在飞行中的任何时间由人工控制其工作,如果所有的液压系统压力下降,RAT 自动转入工作。地面传感器禁止冲压空气涡轮在地面工作。冲压空气涡轮包括一副气流驱动的可变距螺旋桨。由配重和弹簧控制螺旋桨保持一个衡定转速。当开始工作的时候,桨叶在最小距,使螺旋桨转速尽快增加到工作转速。当转速接近工作转速4000RPM时,桨叶桨距逐渐增大,防止超速。

参考知识点:主考点-冲压涡轮(RAT)) #112709.73267F

379.What are the display modes of ECAM’s S/SD?(ECAM的S/SD有哪几种显示模式?)

  • A. flight performance mode, instruction mode, protected mode and manual model(飞行性能模式、指令模式、保护模式和人工模式)
  • B. flight phase mode, consulting mode, fail-passive mode and backup mode(飞行阶段模式、咨询模式、失效被动模式和备份模式)
  • C. flight phase mode, consulting mode, fail mode and manual mode(飞行阶段模式、咨询模式、失效模式和人工模式)

解析:ECAM 用来在正常/非正常情况下帮助机组对系统进行管理。ECAM的S/SD有四种显示模式:飞行阶段模式、咨询模式、失效模式和人工模式。

参考知识点:主考点-2.3.9(ECAM系统) #112711.F0BD19

380.Which databases are contained in the FMCS?(FMCS包括哪些数据库?)

  • A. navigational data and performance data(导航数据和性能数据)
  • B. runway and terrain data(跑道和地形数据)
  • C. navigational data and terrain data(导航和地形数据)


参考知识点:主考点-数据库) #112713.1C6E05

381.The command bars of flight director indicate(飞行指引仪上的指令杆显示( )。)

  • A. the required control inputs to change aircraft attitude(改变飞机姿态所需的控制输入)
  • B. the preselected aircraft status(预选的飞机姿态)
  • C. the actual aircraft attitude(实际飞行姿态)


参考知识点:主考点-基本工作原理) #112715.22ED14

382.For shock wave system in supersonic inlet,under the same Mach number, if the shockwave increases, the total pressure recovery coefficient will ( ).(在超音速进气道激波系中的激波数目越多,则在同样的飞行马赫数下,总压恢复系数()。)

  • A. increase(越大)
  • B. remain unchanged(不变)
  • C. decrease(越小)


参考知识点:主考点-亚音速进气道工作) #112736.3B7D05

383.APU is usually started(APU通常在()进行起动?)

  • A. in the cockpit(座舱)
  • B. out of the aircraft(机外)
  • C. in the cockpit orout of the aircraft(座舱和机外)

解析:在座舱中和从外部易达机身部位,设置有APU起动、停车和正常工作必须的各种电门、警告灯和仪表。通常,APU 只能在座舱中进行起动,但可以在座舱和机外进行关车。

参考知识点:主考点-操纵和监控) #113497.EC0A9F

384.The function of APU centrifugal switch is to control the start and (), control procedures and overspeed protection circuit.(APU的离心电门的功用是控制启动和(),控制工作程序和超转保护电路。)

  • A. radiator(散热器)
  • B. lubricating oil pump(滑油泵)
  • C. ignition coil(点火线圈)

解析:辅助动力装置APU的离心电门的作用是控制APU的启动和点火,控制工作程序和超转 保护电路。

参考知识点:主考点-工作系统) #113499.4E7453

385.What is the function of an accumulator in an aircraft hydraulic system?(飞机液压系统蓄压器的功能是什么?)

  • A. additional output, ease shock, absorb thermal expansion, emergency energy, fluid retention(附加输出、缓和冲击、吸收热胀、应急能源、补液保压)
  • B. oil storage, oil supply, heat dissipation, pressurization and precipitation(储油、补油、散热、增压、放沉淀)
  • C. convert the pressure energy into mechanical energy and output the drive parts(将压力能转换为机械能输出传动部件)


参考知识点:主考点-液压系统典型部件及功能) #113537.C7C9E5

386.What kind of voltage regulator widely used in modern transport aircraft ?(在现代运输机上广泛采用的调压器是)

  • A. carbon regulator(炭片调压器)
  • B. transistorized regulator(晶体管式调压器)
  • C. vibrating regulator(振动式调压器)


参考知识点:主考点-交流发电机的电压调节) #113539.941DD8

387.What is the application and supercharging principle of centrifugal compressor?(离心式压气机的应用和增压原理是什么?)

  • A. Apply to large thrust turbofan engines and its principle of pressurization is that the diffuser works on the gas, and the mechanical energy obtained by the gas is converted into the pressure of the gas by the way of diffusion pressurization(可应用于大推力的涡扇发动机,其增压原理是扩压器对气体作了功,气体获得的机械能通过扩散增压的方式转变成气体的压力)
  • B. Apply to small and medium power turboprop engines, the principle of which is to increase the gas pressure by centrifugal and diffusion pressurization, but the basic reason is that the impeller does the work on the gas(可应用于中小功率的涡桨发动机,其增压原理是依靠离心增压和扩散增压提高气体压力,但根本原因是叶轮对气体作功)
  • C. Apply to small thrust turbofan enginesindependently and the principle of supercharging is to increase the gas pressure by centrifugal compression(独立应用于小推力的涡扇发动机,其增压原理是依靠离心增压提高气体压力)


参考知识点:主考点-离心压气机的结构和工作) #113541.81CE91

388.How does the turbo-fan engine change the thrust?(如何改变涡扇发动机的推力?)

  • A. The thrust output is set when delivery(传输时设定输出压力)
  • B. Thrust can be set on the thrust management page in the cockpit(可在驾驶舱中推力管理页面设置发动机推力)
  • C. The thrust cannot be changed, for engine composition is fixed(因发动机构成固定不变,无法改变推力)


参考知识点:主考点-推力等级) #113543.AB1E9E

389.The deterministic error sources of inertial navigation system mainly include ( ).(惯性导航系统确定性误差源主要包括)

  • A. installation error, scale error, initial condition error and system calculation error of gyroscope and accelerometer(陀螺仪和加速度计的安装误差、标度误差、初始条件误差、系统的计算误差)
  • B. installation error of accelerometer and zero bias of gyro drift(加速度计的安装误差和陀螺漂移的零位偏置)
  • C. gyro drift zero bias and accelerometer zero offset(陀螺漂移的零位偏置和加速度计的零位偏置)


参考知识点:主考点-基本功能和优缺点) #113545.C57C89

390.What is the most common disconnect way for autopilot (AP)?(自动驾驶仪AP最常用的断开方法是)

  • A. press the disengage switch on the control column(按驾驶盘上的脱开电门)
  • B. disconnect the engage switch of the autopilot(断开自动驾驶仪接通电门)
  • C. artificially disengage(人工强行脱开)


参考知识点:主考点-接通和断开) #113547.DB8395

391.What will happen when the turboprop engine reaches the rated speed?(涡桨发动机达到额定转速会怎么样?)

  • A. compressor stall(压气机失速)
  • B. engine over heating(发动机过热)
  • C. propeller shock wave(螺旋桨激波)


参考知识点:主考点-轴功率、当量功率) #113685.391903

392.What is diffuser?(扩压器是?)

  • A. The diffuser is expanding structure, when the airflow is compressed,the flow velocity reduces, which facilitates the combustion.(扩压器是扩张型结构,气流压缩,流速减小,以利于组织燃烧)
  • B. The diffuser is expanding structure,when the airflow is expanded, the flow velocity increases, which facilitates the combustion.(扩压器是扩张型结构,气流膨胀,流速增大,以利于组织燃烧)
  • C. The diffuser is flat structure, when the airflow is compressed,the flow velocity reduces, which facilitates the combustion.(扩压器是平直型结构,气流压缩,流速减小,以利于组织燃烧)


参考知识点:主考点-扩压器) #113774.1EBE4A

393.The high bypass ratio engine is appropriate for ( ).(高涵道比发动机适用于?)

  • A. high subsonic aircraft(高亚音速飞机)
  • B. supersonic aircraft(超音速飞机)
  • C. medium and low speed aircraft(中低速飞机)


参考知识点:主考点-燃气涡轮发动机应用) #113776.57EE95

394.When the slide is in the “ARM” position, open the cabin door, the slide will ( )(滑梯处于预位状态时,打开舱门?)

  • A. be released and inflated automatically(自动充气放出)
  • B. be released and inflated manually(手动充气放出)
  • C. not be released and inflated(不能充气放出)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机应急出口/滑梯/救生筏) #113778.3742FE

395.What is the strapdown inertial navigation system composed of?(捷联式惯导系统是由什么组成的?)

  • A. three laser gyroscopes and three accelerometers(三个激光陀螺仪和三个加速度计)
  • B. three laser gyroscopes and three angular velocities(三个激光陀螺仪和三个角速度计)
  • C. three laser gyroscopes and two angular velocities(三个激光陀螺仪和两个角速度仪)


参考知识点:主考点-基本原理) #113870.3D5F73

396.At automatic mode, when cabin altitude reaches ( ) feet, oxygen mask for passengers will automatically drop down.(旅客氧气系统在自动方式下,通常当座舱高度达到()英尺时,旅客氧气面罩会自动掉下。)

  • A. 12000(12000)
  • B. 14000(14000)
  • C. 16000(16000)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机氧气系统的使用注意事项) #113878.4F8F97

397.Which inertial navigation system’s accelerometers and gyroscopes are installed on the platform?(下列哪类惯性导航系统的加速度计和陀螺安装在平台上?)

  • A. gimbaled inertial navigation system(平台式)
  • B. strap down inertial system(捷联式)
  • C. gimbaled inertial navigation system and strap down inertial system(平台式和捷联式)


参考知识点:主考点-组成和分类) #113890.0595C3

398.High bypass ratio turbofan engine is suitable for ()large and medium-sized civil aircraft and transport aircraft as power device.(高涵道涡扇发动机适宜作()大中型民航机、运输机的动力装置。)

  • A. supersonic(超音速)
  • B. high subsonic(高亚音速)
  • C. transonic(跨音速)


参考知识点:主考点-燃气涡轮发动机应用) #113896.B97CAF

399.( ) anti-icing system is usually adopted in modern airplane windshields.(现代飞机座舱风挡玻璃通常采用()防冰)

  • A. Electro-thermal/ electrical resistance(电热)
  • B. Hot air(气热)
  • C. Liquid(液体)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机除/防冰系统的工作与指示) #114583.98158B

400.The vibration load factor is(振动载荷系数是指?)

  • A. the ratio of vibration acceleration amplitude to acceleration of gravity(振动加速度幅值和重力加速度的比值)
  • B. the ratio of gravity acceleration to vibration acceleration amplitude(重力加速度和振动加速度幅值的比值)
  • C. the ratio of relative gravity acceleration to vibration acceleration amplitude(相对重力加速度和振动加速度幅值的比值)


参考知识点:主考点-2.3.7(振动指示) #114609.91DD76

401.the sensor used to measure oil pressure is(用于测量滑油压力的传感器是)

  • A. bourdon tube(弹簧管)
  • B. bellows(波纹管)
  • C. diaphragm or capsule(膜片或膜盒)





参考知识点:主考点-2.3.6(滑油温度和压力指示) #114621.10488C

402.For twin-engine aircraft,when fuel is supplied from center tank,wing tank fuel boost pumps()(对于双发飞机,当燃油从中央油箱供应时,机翼油箱的增压泵)

  • A. don’t run(不工作)
  • B. run, supply fuel at same time(工作,同时供应燃油)
  • C. run, but donot supply fuel(工作,但不供应燃油)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机燃油系统的供油方式) #115234.B1332B

403.under which condition during the landing roll are the main wheel brakes at maximum effectiveness(着陆滑跑时,在哪种条件下主轮刹车效应达到最大?)

  • A. when the wheels are locked and skidding(主轮锁定滑行的情况下)
  • B. At high ground speeds(高地速的情况下)
  • C. when wing lift has been reduce(机翼升力降低的情况下)


参考知识点:主考点-刹车装置与系统) #114615.1CABA4

404.In the operation of a constant frequency parallel AC system, the load sharing of the paralleled AC generators means(在恒定频率交流发电机并联运行中,并联交流电机的负载均衡是指)

  • A. reactive power equivalent(无功负载均衡)
  • B. active power equivalent(有功负载均衡)
  • C. active and reactive power equivalent(有功和无功负载均衡)





参考知识点:主考点-交流发电机的并联运行) #115238.95B87E

405.Acceleration type piezoelectric vibrator measure vibration by converting the vibration acceleration into ( ) that is proportional to the vibration acceleration(加速度式压电测振是通过把振动加速度转换成与之成正比的()从而测量振动。)

  • A. Voltage(电压)
  • B. Resistance(电阻)
  • C. Electric current(电流)


参考知识点:主考点-2.3.7(振动指示) #115242.E449E4

406.Which of the following methods can be used to change a engine thrust (rating)?(下列哪个方法可以用来改变发动机推力等级?)

  • A. by using identification plug(利用识别塞)
  • B. by using EEC or ECU(通过使用发动机电子控制装置或发动机控制组件)
  • C. by using FMC(通过使用飞行管理计算机)



参考知识点:主考点-推力等级) #115366.BA52D4

407.The working principle of the a oil temperature gauging system is based on(滑油温度测量系统的工作原理是基于)

  • A. extension and compression of the helical bimetallic strip(螺旋双金属片的伸展性和压缩性)
  • B. electromotive force between the hot and the cold junction of the thermocouple(热电偶冷和热连接处的电动势/力)
  • C. change in resistance(电阻的变化)






参考知识点:主考点-2.3.6(滑油温度和压力指示) #115375.AA512D

408.In flight,when failure is detected in the NAV mode of IN S, ( ) mode can be still used to get the heading date.(在飞行中,如果惯性导航系统中的导航模式被检测到失效,什么模式仍然可以得到航向数据?)

  • A. HDG(磁航向模式)
  • B. ATT(姿态基准模式)
  • C. ALIGN(校准模式)

解析:ATT 模式

该模式为姿态基准模式。在该模式,导航能力失效,只提供俯仰、横滚和航向信息输出。如果导航模式失效,选择该模式,系统向EFIS 和AFCS 提供连续的姿态和航向数据输出。

参考知识点:主考点-工作模式) #115379.FA5FC6

409.( )bypass ratio turbo-fan engine is suitable for ( ) aircraft because of economical efficiency.(由于较好的经济效率,( )涵道涡扇发动机适用于( )飞机 。)

  • A. LOW; supersonic speed(低,超音速)
  • B. HIGH; supersonic speed(高,超音速)
  • C. HIGH; subsonic speed(高,亚音速)


参考知识点:主考点-燃气涡轮发动机应用) #115381.BE034B

410.Fly-by-wire system is a breakthrough of modern aircraft,which of the following is its advantage?(电传操纵系统对于现代飞机来说是一项突破,以下哪项是它的优势?)

  • A. Reduce the weight of the flight control system(减轻了飞行操纵系统的重量)
  • B. No electromagnetic interference(无电磁干扰)
  • C. Same maintenance cost(维护成本不变)


参考知识点:主考点-电传操纵系统) #115730.325882

411.Constant speed constant frequency AC power supply with constant speed drive the generator constant operation, the most widely used is the mechanical hydraulic constant speed device,its main components are(恒速恒频交流电源利用恒速传动装置使发电机恒速运行,使用最广的是机械液压式恒速传动装置,其主要组成包括)

  • A. power generation system, oil system, speed control system, protection system(发电系统、滑油系统、调速系统和保护系统)
  • B. transmission system, oil system, speed control system, protection system(传动系统、滑油系统、调速系统和保护系统)
  • C. power generation system, transmission system, speed control system, protection system(发电系统、传动系统、调速系统和保护系统)

解析:恒速恒频交流电源利用恒速传动装置使发电机恒速运行,从而产生400Hz 的恒频交流电。使用最广的是机械液压式恒速传动装置,其主要组成包括:传动系统、滑油系统、调速系统和保护系统四大部分。

参考知识点:主考点-交流电源的类型) #115732.2CB5A8

412.What kind of display modes does ECAM S/SD have?(ECAM S/SD有几种显示模式?)

  • A. Flight phase mode, advisory mode, failure mode, manual mode(飞行阶段模式、咨询模式、失效模式和人工模式)
  • B. Flight phase mode, control mode, failure mode, manual mode(飞行阶段模式、操纵模式、失效模式和人工模式)
  • C. Advisory mode, control mode, failure mode, manual mode(咨询模式、操纵模式、失效模式和人工模式)

解析:ECAM的S/SD有四种显示模式:飞行阶段模式、咨询模式、失效模式和人工模式。飞行阶段关联模式自动显示与飞行阶段相关联的信息。咨询模式(状态模式)自动在S/S 显示器上向机组提供飞机系统的工作状态概况显示。失效关联模式自动显示失效系统名称、失效系统的工作简图和采取的行动。在飞机系统人工模式,根据需要,通过ECAM 控制板人工选择在S/S 显示器上显示飞机某系统(例如:ENG、HYD、AC、DC、BLEED、COND、PRESS、FUEL、APU、F/CTL、DOOR 和WHEEL)的工作简图。人工模式具有最高优先级。

参考知识点:主考点-2.3.9(ECAM系统) #115736.7FA01F

413.The laser gyro on an aircraft is an optical device for measuring the ( ) and ( ) of the aircraft relative to the inertial space.(激光陀螺是一种用于测量物体相对于惯性空间的( )和( )的光学装置。)

  • A. turn angle, linear acceleration(转角,线性加速度)
  • B. turn angle, turn rate(转角,转动角速率)
  • C. turn rate, linear acceleration(转动角速率,线性加速度)



参考知识点:主考点-激光陀螺) #115748.29588E

414.The basic principle of anti-icing fluid used for de-icing is to ( ) freezing point of water.(防冰液用于除冰的基本原理是防冰液能够()水的冰点。)

  • A. decrease(降低)
  • B. maintain(保持)
  • C. increase(升高)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机除/防冰方式及原理) #115832.B65FEE

415.Using the airborne weather radar, heavy or extreme level echoes should be separated by at least ( ) before flying between them.(使用机载气象雷达时,若出现大强度或极端强度的回波,飞过它们之间之前至少需间隔( )。)

  • A. 30KM (20 miles)(30千米(20英里))
  • B. 60KM(40 miles)(60千米(40英里))
  • C. 50KM(30 miles)(50千米(30英里))

解析:对于极其强烈的雷达回波区,绕飞间距至少要达到 30 公里(20 英里)(如果要从两个雷达回波中间穿越,必须保证回波间至少要有 60 公里(40 英里)的间隔)。飞行员可以根据回波的强弱,适当调整绕飞间距。

参考知识点:主考点-工作原理) #115756.65D681

416.What is the main function of FMCS?(FMCS(飞行管理计算机系统)的主要功能是)

  • A. navigation, performance(导航、性能)
  • B. navigation, performance, guidance(导航、性能和制导)
  • C. get the current information about what is happening in flight operation(获取飞机运行情况的最新信息)

解析:飞行管理计算机系统(FMCS)是现代飞机电子系统的心脏,由飞行管理计算机(FMC)和显示控制组件(CDU)构成。机组通过FMCS 输入航路和飞行计划垂直性能数据,以便降低工作强度。利用飞行计划和来自飞机传感器的输入,FMCS 实施导航、性能和制导三项功能。

参考知识点:主考点-功能和组成) #115803.619DFB

417.( ) should be allocated one life jacket or equivalent individual flotation device, when landing at an aerodrome, where the approach path is so disposed over water that in the event of a mishap there would be a likelihood of a ditching .(自特定机场起飞或者着陆时,飞机的进近航迹处于水面上空,发生异常且有可能迫降水上的情况,机上( )都应配备有救生衣或者经批准的等效漂浮装置。)

  • A. All the passengers(所有乘客)
  • B. All the flight crew(所有机组成员)
  • C. Each person on board(所有成员)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机应急出口/滑梯/救生筏) #115834.6AFDA6

418.The maximum differential pressure of a transport category airplane is about(运输类飞机的最大余压是)

  • A. 9.0 psi(9.0 psi)
  • B. 10.0 psi(10.0 psi)
  • C. 11.0 psi(11.0 psi)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压控制参数) #115854.A9FDC9

419.Which type of gas turbine engine is more fuel efficient at low subsonic speeds?(以较低亚音速飞行时,哪种燃气涡轮发动机更省油?)

  • A. low bypass turbofan engine(小涵道比涡扇发动机)
  • B. high bypass turbine engine(大涵道比涡扇发动机)
  • C. turboprop engine(涡轮螺旋桨发动机(简称涡桨发动机))


参考知识点:主考点-燃气涡轮发动机应用) #115856.A000CB

420.Shaft power of a turboprop engine is proportional to the ( )(涡桨发动机的轴功率与( )成比例。)

  • A. oil temperature(滑油温度)
  • B. torque(扭矩)
  • C. Fuel temperature(燃油温度)


参考知识点:主考点-轴功率、当量功率) #115858.B150DC

421.If the bleed air is used for anti-icing systems, it would(如果引气用于防冰系统,则)

  • A. improve the performance of the engine(发动机性能可得到改善)
  • B. increase the idle thrust(慢车推力增加)
  • C. limit usage of the aerodynamic speed brake devices(会限制气动速度刹车装置的使用)


参考知识点:主考点-熄火判断,原因及控制) #115878.119F47

422.Which location in the turbojet engine is subjected to the highest temperature?(涡轮发动机中温度最高的地方在?)

  • A. Compressor discharge(压缩机排气口)
  • B. Fuel spray nozzles(喷油嘴)
  • C. Turbine inlet(涡轮进气口)


参考知识点:主考点-功能、构造和工作原理) #115909.E87DD1

423.Angular momentum flow meter depends on () in proportion to flow, then transform the value to moment in order to measuring the quality flow.(角动量式流量表根据()与流量成正比,然后把该数值换成力矩,从而测量质量流量。)

  • A. Fluid momentum(流体动量)
  • B. volume flow(体积流量)
  • C. rotate speed(转速)



参考知识点:主考点-2.3.5(燃油消耗指示) #115911.FFFBB0

424.Load balancing circuit is the essential device when(负载均衡电路是在()时的必要装置。)

  • A. the generator runs in parallel(发电机并联)
  • B. GPU and APU supply power to bus bar at the same time(地面电源和APU同时给汇流条供电)
  • C. the generator runs in series(发电机串联运行)


参考知识点:主考点-交流发电机的并联运行) #115913.ED1A55

425.Which of the following is right with regard to inertial navigation system?(关于惯性导航系统,正确的是)

  • A. gimbaled inertial navigation system has a “mathematical platform”(平台式惯性导航系统有一个“数学平台”)
  • B. strap down inertial navigation system has a “machinery platform”(捷联式惯性导航系统有一个“机械平台”)
  • C. strap down inertial navigation system has a“mathematical platform ”(捷联式惯性导航系统有一个“数学平台”)

解析:捷联式惯导系统没有实际的陀螺稳定平台,加速度计和陀螺直接"捆绑"在机体上,“平台" 的概念是用计算机建立的"数学平台"模型来替代。

参考知识点:主考点-组成和分类) #115915.5C5D97

426.What is the advantage of high bypass ratio over the low bypass ratio.(高涵道比相对于低涵道比的优势是)

  • A. Less fuel consumption(燃油消耗更低)
  • B. Low maintenance cost(维护费低)
  • C. High reliability(可靠性高)


参考知识点:主考点-燃气涡轮发动机应用) #115926.2BF7F4

427.Which configuration the aircraft should be when the fuel is jettisoned in flight?(飞行中放油时,飞机应该处于哪种状态?)

  • A. Landing configuration(着陆状态)
  • B. Take off configuration(起飞状态)
  • C. Clean configuration(净形状态)


参考知识点:主考点-空中放油) #116057.75E807

428.( )sensors are directly mounted to the airframe.(( )传感器直接"捆绑"在机体上。)

  • A. strapdown inertial navigation system(捷联式惯导系统)
  • B. platform inertial navigation system(平台式惯导系统)
  • C. mechanical gyroscope inertial navigation system(机械陀螺式惯导系统)

解析:捷联式惯导系统没有实际的陀螺稳定平台,加速度计和陀螺直接"捆绑"在机体上,“平台" 的概念是用计算机建立的"数学平台"模型来替代。

参考知识点:主考点-组成和分类) #116059.151B24

429.Yaw damper provides instruction to deflect the rudder in the opposite direction according to ( ) when Dutch roll occurs(当发生飘摆时,根据( ),偏航阻尼器可提供指令使方向舵反向偏转。)

  • A. bank and pitch attitude(倾斜和俯仰姿态)
  • B. air speed and linear speed(空速和线速度)
  • C. air speed and yaw rate(空速和偏航角速度)


参考知识点:主考点-偏航阻尼器) #116061.EAEC6B

430.The warning ways only provided by stall warning include(只有失速警告才提供的警告方式包括)

  • A. “pull up”warning sound(“pull up(上拉)”的警告声)
  • B. “don’t sink”warning sound(“don’t sink(请勿下降)”警告声)
  • C. shaking of control wheel(驾驶盘振动)

解析:当飞机速度接近失速速度时,失速警告电路接通,连接在两个驾驶盘上的偏心马达工作,导致驾驶盘振动。其作用是模仿空气动力学上的抖动,在失速形成之前给机组人员警告信息。同时失速警告信息也显示在EFIS 显示组件上。

参考知识点:主考点-2.6.4(失速警告系统) #116063.C95CC6

431.The valid period for de-icing operation shall start from(除冰后,保持时间应从( )开始计算。)

  • A. the completion of de-icing fluid(使用除冰液后)
  • B. the beginning of the anti-icing fluid spraying(防冰液开始喷洒)
  • C. the completion of the anti-icing fluid spraying(防冰液喷洒完成)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #116071.179AD2

432.Velocity magnetic vibration measurement indicator measures the vibration by converting the vibration velocity into a proportional ().(速度式磁电测振指示器把振动速度转换成与之成正比的(),从而测量振动。)

  • A. electromotive force(电动势)
  • B. voltage(电压)
  • C. current(电流)



参考知识点:主考点-2.3.7(振动指示) #116154.F0D32D

433.Accelerometer piezoelectric vibration measurement indicator measures the vibration by converting the vibration ( ) into a voltage proportional to it.(加速度式压电测振指示器把振动()转换成与之成正比的电压,从而测量振动。)

  • A. angular speed(角速度)
  • B. amplitude(幅值)
  • C. accelerated speed(加速度)



参考知识点:主考点-2.3.7(振动指示) #116156.02A1C4

434.There is a ↑near a solid circle in amber in the TCAS2 display unit,the↑represent(在TCAS2显示装置中的琥珀色实心圆附近有一个向上箭头,这个箭头代表)

  • A. the intruder aircraft is climbing equal or more than 500ft/min(入侵飞机爬升速度等于或大于500英尺/分钟)
  • B. the intruder aircraft is climbing equal or more than 1500ft/min(入侵飞机爬升速度等于或大于1500英尺/分钟)
  • C. the TCAS aircraft is climbing equal or more than 500ft/min(TCAS飞机的爬升速度等于或大于500英尺/分钟)

解析:当对方飞机报告高度信息时,在符号的上面或下面将出现一数据标记。数据标记由两位数和一个“+”或“-”号组成,颜色与符号同色。两位数代表自身飞机与对方飞机间的垂直间距,以百英尺计。如果对方飞机在自身飞机上面,数据标记将位于符号的上面,且前面加一个“+”号;如果对方飞机在自身飞机下面,数据标记将位于符的下面,且前面加一个“-” 号。若对方飞机以大于或等于500英尺/分的垂直速度爬升或下降时,符号右侧将出现一个向上或向下的箭头。

参考知识点:主考点-驾驶舱显示) #116158.C60035

435.What is the measurement principle of oil temperature?(滑油温度是利用什么原理测量的?)

  • A. According to the character that resistance of conductor or semiconductor varies with temperature, the measurable temperature is converted to resistance value(利用导体或半导体的电阻随温度而变化的特性,将被测温度转换为电阻值,从而进行滑油温度测量。)
  • B. Use pressure sensor to convert measurable pressure to electric quantity through diaphragm or capsule.(利用压力传感器通过膜片或膜盒将被测压力转换为电量,从而进行滑油温度测量。)
  • C. Use thermal electromotive force produced by thermoelectric effect of thermocouple to measure.(利用热电偶的热电效应产生热电动势从而进行滑油温度的测量。)

解析:滑油温度的测量是利用导体或半导体的电阻随温度而变化的特性,将被测温度转换为电阻值,从而进行滑油温度测量。 滑油压力的测量是利用压力传感器通过膜片或膜盒将被测压力转换为电量,从而进行滑油压力测量。

参考知识点:主考点-2.3.6(滑油温度和压力指示) #116352.E2E035

436.Modern large and medium-sized civil aircraft’s cabin overpressure is usually restricted not more than(现代大中型民航客机通常限制座舱余压不超过)

  • A. 10PSI(10PSI)
  • B. 9PSI(9PSI)
  • C. 11PSI(11PSI)


参考知识点:主考点-座舱增压控制参数) #116356.2D81B3

437.When an aircraft speeds up during flight, advancing the throttle too quickly will cause(飞行中,飞机加速时, 加油门过猛易导致)

  • A. Flameout(熄火)
  • B. Surge(喘振)
  • C. Detonation(爆震)


参考知识点:主考点-发动机加速性) #116360.DB2D06

438.After the compressor has been working for a long time, there will be accumulated contaminants on some places such as the blade surface, etc. Usually, they can be removed by ( ) to recover the engine performance.(压气机长时间工作后会在叶片表面等位置出现污物堆积,通常通过()的方法去除积污,恢复发动机性能。)

  • A. water cleaning(水洗)
  • B. gas cleaning(气洗)
  • C. oil cleaning(油洗)




参考知识点:主考点-积污、损伤的影响) #116370.679E27

439.The principle of the aircraft hydraulic system is using the hydraulic source to provide power to control ( ) for doing external work.(飞机液压系统的工作原理是利用液压源提供动力,通过控制( )对外做功。)

  • A. Transform hydraulic energy turning into mechanical energy(将液压能转换为机械能)
  • B. mechanical energy turning into hydraulic energy(将机械能转换为液压能)
  • C. hydraulic energy turning into thermal energy(将液压能转换为热能)


参考知识点:主考点-液压系统工作原理) #116372.983147

440.What is auto pilot’s fundamental function?(自动驾驶的基本作用是?)

  • A. override pilot to control aircraft’s control surfaces(超越飞行员控制飞机的操纵面)
  • B. controlling the aircraft control surfaces instead of job-doing by pilot(代替飞行员控制飞机的操纵面)
  • C. control aircraft control surfaces with pilot together(和飞行员一起来控制飞机的操纵面)


参考知识点:主考点-基本功能和分类) #116396.9E3AED

441.Which kind of fuel is usually used in turbojet aircraft?(涡轮喷气飞机通常使用什么燃油?)

  • A. Gasoline(汽油)
  • B. Kerosene(煤油)
  • C. Diesel(柴油)


参考知识点:主考点-燃油) #116416.80CDB3

442.( ) has the highest priority in ECAM system.(ECAM系统中,( )具有最高优先级。)

  • A. Advisory mode(咨询模式)
  • B. Failure mode(失效模式)
  • C. Manual mode(人工模式)

解析:ECAM的S/SD有四种显示模式:飞行阶段模式、咨询模式、失效模式和人工模式。飞行阶段关联模式自动显示与飞行阶段相关联的信息。咨询模式(状态模式)自动在S/S 显示器上向机组提供飞机系统的工作状态概况显示。失效关联模式自动显示失效系统名称、失效系统的工作简图和采取的行动。在飞机系统人工模式,根据需要,通过ECAM 控制板人工选择在S/S 显示器上显示飞机某系统(例如:ENG、HYD、AC、DC、BLEED、COND、PRESS、FUEL、APU、F/CTL、DOOR 和WHEEL)的工作简图。人工模式具有最高优先级。

参考知识点:主考点-2.3.9(ECAM系统) #116828.8638A3

443.After passenger boarding, when the evacuation slide is not armed, the aircraft can not(旅客登机之后,撤离滑梯还未预位时,飞机不能)

  • A. taxi(滑行)
  • B. take off(起飞)
  • C. be pushed back(推出)

解析:撤离滑梯是紧急情况下方便旅客紧急撤离使用,根据CCAR121第 121.567 条 规定,载有旅客的飞机在所安装的每个机上自动展开应急撤离辅助设备做好撤离准备之前,不得在地面上移动、起飞或者着陆。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机应急出口/滑梯/救生筏) #17987.ED72C1

444.During flight, if the overspeed warning system alerts, pilots should(飞行中,超速警告系统发出语音警告,应当)

  • A. decrease airspeed.(减少空速)
  • B. lower level.(降低高度)
  • C. turn off the warning.(关掉警告)



参考知识点:主考点-2.6.3(超速警告系统) #116830.C8CDE2

445.With ( ), pilots can perform all effective roll maneuvers without making the aircraft out of control.(( )可以让飞行员执行任何有效的横滚机动而不会使飞机进入不可控状态。)

  • A. high speed protection(高速保护)
  • B. slope protection(坡度保护)
  • C. load factor protection(载荷因素保护)

解析:高速保护使飞行员可以通过前推驾驶杆快速进入大的下降操作而飞机速度不会达到规定限制。需要ADC 提供空速和马赫数信号。输出加到升降舵。商用飞机通常坡度不能超过30。但某些情况可能需要大的坡度。坡度保护可以让飞行员执行任何有效的横滚机动而不会使飞机进入不可控状态。载荷因素保护通过加速度计感受飞机的G载荷来提供。G载荷限制器保护飞机不会过载。载荷因素保护与高迎角保护相关联。

参考知识点:主考点-2.5.6(自动飞行中的飞行包线保护) #116832.B0AB78

446.In an aircraft, when would the radio altimeter indicate “0”?(飞机无线电高度表什么时候指示“0”?)

  • A. when the aircraft stops on the ground.(飞机停在地面时)
  • B. when the aircraft touches the ground.(飞机接地时)
  • C. when the main landing gear touches the ground during landing.(主起落架着陆接地时)


参考知识点:主考点-2.7.2(无线电高度表) #116834.74D95A

447.APU is started up ( ) and shut down ( ).(APU在( )起动,在( )关车。)

  • A. in the cockpit; in the cockpit and outside the aircraft(座舱;座舱和机外)
  • B. in the cockpit; outside the aircraft(座舱;机外)
  • C. in the cockpit; in the cockpit(座舱;座舱)

解析:在座舱中和从外部易达机身部位,设置有APU起动、停车和正常工作必须的各种电门、 警告灯和仪表。通常,APU 只能在座舱中进行起动,但可以在座舱和机外进行关车。

参考知识点:主考点-操纵和监控) #116854.2E5B2E

448.Usually, how can the usage time of APU be calculated?(通常情况下,如何计算APU使用时间?)

  • A. By the aircraft’s own timer(使用飞机自带的计时器)
  • B. By the APU’s own timer(使用APU自带的计时器)
  • C. By manual recording(人工进行记录)


参考知识点:主考点-操纵和监控) #116856.5C6D23

449.How do temperature and pressure change in the compressor of turbine?(在涡轮压气机中,温度和压力如何变化?)

  • A. Both temperature and pressure increase(温度和压力都升高)
  • B. Temperature increases 、 pressure decreases(温度升高,压力下降)
  • C. Temperature decreases、 pressure increases(温度下降,压力升高)


参考知识点:主考点-涡轮喷气发动机气流参数变化) #116860.534A74

450.In modern large and medium-sized civil aviation transport aircraft, what ice detector is used widely?(现代大中型民航运输机上广泛应用( )结冰探测器。)

  • A. visual ice detector(直观式结冰探测器)
  • B. oscillatory type ice detector(振荡式结冰探测器)
  • C. pressure differential ice detector(压差式结冰探测器)

解析:飞机结冰探测装置按工作原理分为直观式和自动式结冰信号器两大类。一、直观式结冰探测装置 即结冰探棒,可靠性高,便于观察。二、自动式结冰信号器 包括振荡式、压差式、放射性同位素结冰探测器等,其中振荡式结冰探测器在现代大中型民航运输机上得到了广泛应用。

参考知识点:主考点-飞机结冰探测) #116866.4EA103

451.Which of the following is the main function of EICAS?(下述哪项是EICAS的主要作用?)

  • A. To generate collision avoidance warning(提供防撞警告)
  • B. To generate warning to the crew in abnormal flight condition(在非正常状态为机组提供警告)
  • C. To assist flight status management and guidance(辅助飞行状态管理和指引)

解析:EICAS 用于显示主要的发动机参数,在非正常状态为机组提供警告,也提供飞机系统的状态显示。在地面,还向地面维护人员提供大量的系统数据。

参考知识点:主考点-2.3.8(EICAS系统) #116878.9300E2

452.During the alignment of the inertial reference system, the aircraft must remain ( )(校准惯性导航系统时,飞机需保持())

  • A. constant speed(恒速)
  • B. stationary(静止)
  • C. true north heading(真北)

解析:惯性导航系统的工作模式主要有NAV 、ATT和ALIGN三种。

ALIGN 模式:该模式为对准模式。在该模式,系统自动进行初始对准。对准时飞机不能移动。

参考知识点:主考点-工作模式) #116880.B4B03F

453.Which weather phenomenon can be detected by the weather radar?(气象雷达可探测到何种天气现象?)

  • A. dry hail(干冰雹)
  • B. clear air turbulence(晴空颠簸)
  • C. wet hail(湿冰雹)

解析:包含有较大雨滴的空中降雨区域,能够对机载气象雷达天线所辐射的X 波段电磁波产生一定程度的反射,形成降雨区域的雷达回波,而被机载气象雷达所接收。





参考知识点:主考点-工作原理) #116882.D6F8B5

454.The weather radar detects only()(气象雷达仅可检测)

  • A. minute cloud droplets(微小云滴)
  • B. precipitation drops(雨滴)
  • C. hazardous turbulence(危险湍流)


参考知识点:主考点-气象目标的反射特性) #116966.3AD83C

455.With the increase of mach number, the power of the turboprop engine()(随着飞行马赫数增加,涡桨发动机功率)

  • A. increases(增加)
  • B. changes little(变化不大)
  • C. decreases(减小)


参考知识点:主考点-轴功率、当量功率) #116980.F6827F

456.In modern transport aircraft, ( ) provides oxygen for the flight crew.(现代运输飞机,机组用氧由( )提供。)

  • A. the oxygen cylinder( 氧气瓶)
  • B. the chemical oxygen generator( 化学氧气发生器)
  • C. the portable oxygen supply equipment( 便携式供氧设备)


参考知识点:主考点-氧气源及供氧方式) #116984.8D30E0

457.Modern turbo-fan engine gross power can be changed without the installation of new engine. How is this achieved?(现代涡扇发动机总推力可在不安装新发动机的情况下改变,这是如何实现的?)

  • A. The thrust of recognition on FADEC to determine the engine thrust different thrust(通过安装在FADEC上的推力识别塞确定发动机推力等级)
  • B. Adjust the output thrust by manually adjust the intake airflow valve(通过手动调整进气道气流流量来调节输出推力)
  • C. Adjust the output thrust by manually adjust the maximum turbine(通过手动调节涡轮调整输出推力)



参考知识点:主考点-推力等级) #117002.841A59

458.Cockpit voice recorder use ( )audio track to make sure all the conversation and background sound in the cockpit can be recorded.(为了保证驾驶舱所有语音和背景音都能够被记录,语音记录机器采用()条音轨分别记录。)

  • A. 1(1)
  • B. 2(2)
  • C. 4(4)


参考知识点:主考点-2.6.7(驾驶舱话音记录器) #117006.9D9FBA

459.Composite material is applied largely among aircraft manufacture which is outstanding in the areas of()(复合材料( ),被广泛应用于飞机制造)

  • A. light weight,good electric conductivity and cost saving(轻重量,高导电,低成本)
  • B. high strength,light weight,easy maintainability(高强度,轻重量,易维护)
  • C. high strength,light weight and heat endurance(高强度,轻重量,耐热性能好)


参考知识点:主考点-2.1.1(飞机机体结构) #117012.70B98F

460.APU is separated from other parts of airplane by ( )(飞机的辅助动力装置(APU)通过()与其它部分分离。)

  • A. Metal bulkhead(金属隔板)
  • B. Composite bulkhead(复合隔板)
  • C. Firewall(防火墙)


参考知识点:主考点-功能及位置) #117016.12177D

461.Flight envelope protection contains(飞行包线保护类型有)

  • A. Angle of attack protection, airspeed protection, altitude protection, load factor protection(迎角保护、速度保护、高度保护、载荷因素保护)
  • B. airspeed protection, pitch attitude protection, altitude protection, bank protection(速度保护、俯仰姿态保护、高度保护、坡度保护)
  • C. Angle of attack protection, airspeed protection, pitch attitude protection, bank protection, load factor protection(迎角保护、速度保护、俯仰姿态保护、坡度保护、载荷因素保护)

解析:飞行包线保护是保证飞机在所有飞行阶段都能在正常的飞行包线内飞行。保护类型包 括:迎角保护、速度保护、俯仰姿态保护、坡度保护和载荷因素保护等。

参考知识点:主考点-2.5.6(自动飞行中的飞行包线保护) #117020.D2350F

462.Which of the following about de-icing/anti-icing fluid valid period is correct?(下列关于除冰/防冰液的保持时间说法正确的是?)

  • A. It is calculated at the start of de-icing/anti-icing operation.(从除冰/防冰操作的开始时刻计算)
  • B. It expires at the start of de-icing operation.(结束于除冰操作开始的时刻)
  • C. It expires at the start of anti-icing operation.(结束于防冰操作开始的时刻)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机地面除/防冰) #117091.2E3BA6

463.We can prevent rupture of turbine blades by avoiding engine ()in flight.(飞行中,可通过避免发动机( )防止涡轮叶片损伤)

  • A. overweight, over pressure(超重,超压)
  • B. overweight, RPM overspeed(超重,超转)
  • C. over heat, RPM overspeed(超温,超转)



参考知识点:主考点-涡轮的损伤、原因及防止措施) #117109.DEA2C9

464.On some aircraft the vibration monitors show () of engine in mil(一些飞机装有振动指示器,以密耳为单位指示发动机的( ))

  • A. vibration period(振动周期)
  • B. vibration amplitude(振动幅值)
  • C. vibration frequency(振动频率)

解析:振动指示单位g:指示振动载荷系数。民航飞机正常工作时,振动载荷数一般在3~4。mil(密耳):指示振动幅值。通常正常值在2~3 mil 之间。(1 密耳=10 -3 英寸)

参考知识点:主考点-2.3.7(振动指示) #117111.3C11CE

465.Most modern aeroplanes are fitted with two FMS units,and both FMCs are cross-coupled, as a consequence(大多数现代飞机都装有两套飞行管理系统(FMS)组件,而且两个飞行管理计算机(FMC)交叉连接,因此( ))

  • A. loading data into left CDU feeds the left FMC(导入左显示控制组件(CDU)的装载数据供给左飞行管理计算机(FMC))
  • B. loading data into left CDU feeds only the right FMC(导入左显示控制组件(CDU)的装载数据仅供给右飞行管理计算机(FMC))
  • C. loading data into one CDU automatically feeds both FMCs(导入一个显示控制组件(CDU)的装载数据自动供给两个飞行管理计算机(FMC))

解析:现代飞机上一般都安装了两套FMCS。两个FMCS 交叉连接或配成双重系统,从一个CDU 导入的数据自动供给两个FMC。这样可以用一个CDU 作数据导入而用另一CDU 监控或交叉检查数据导入。

参考知识点:主考点-功能和组成) #117113.A8AAE2

466.What is the basic function of the auto throttle system?(自动油门系统的基本功用是?)

  • A. At all stages it can automatically provide the optimal airspeed to achieve economics flight.(在所有飞行阶段,都能自动提供最佳空速以实现经济型飞行。)
  • B. At all flight stages the optimal oil and gas mixing ratio can be calculated automatically to achieve economics flight.(在所有飞行阶段,都能自动计算最佳油气混合比以实现经济型飞行。)
  • C. Automatic thrust control and speed control can be provided at all flight stages.(在所有飞行阶段,都能提供自动推力控制和速度控制 。)


参考知识点:主考点-功能和基本原理) #117250.FF9ECC

467.How can the fuel quantity in fuel tanks of an aircraft be indicated?(飞机燃油油箱的燃油量如何指示?)

  • A. By the capacitive type transducer(采用电容式传感器)
  • B. By the float type transducer(采用浮子式传感器)
  • C. By mechanical direct-reading(机械式直接读取)



参考知识点:主考点-飞机燃油系统的控制与指示) #117260.6B56AD

468.The auxiliary power unit (APU) is generally located(飞机的辅助动力装置(APU)安装于)

  • A. in the tail of the aircraft(飞机尾部)
  • B. in the middle of the fuselage(飞机中部)
  • C. nearby the nose of the aircraft(飞机前部)


参考知识点:主考点-功能及位置) #117276.7A3710

469.During flight, if the fuel temperature indicator reading is too low, what measures should be taken to heat it?(飞行中若发现燃油温度表指示过低,应采取什么措施进行加热?)

  • A. Increase airspeed(增大飞行速度)
  • B. Climb to a higher altitude(爬升至较高高度)
  • C. Decrease airspeed(减小飞行速度)


参考知识点:主考点-飞机燃油系统的控制与指示) #117280.4E7319

470.Thermocouples measure temperatures under the principle that(热电偶测量温度的原理是)

  • A. the temperature remains constant below -300℉(在零下300℉以下温度保持不变)
  • B. the temperature of Hot End remains constant(热端温度保持不变)
  • C. the temperature of Cold End remains constant(冷端温度保持不变)


参考知识点:主考点-2.3.4(排气温度表) #117284.AD8923

471.Airborne weather radar can detect ( ).(机载气象雷达能够探测( )。)

  • A. large super-cooled water droplets(大的过冷水滴)
  • B. ice crystals(冰晶)
  • C. dry snow(干雪)


参考知识点:主考点-气象目标的反射特性) #117288.62CCB3

472.Which part of a turbo jet generates the forward thrust?(涡轮发动机飞机哪个部位产生向前的推力?)

  • A. the compressor(压气机)
  • B. the turbine(涡轮)
  • C. the nozzle(尾喷管)


参考知识点:主考点-推力公式、推力分布) #117774.A54206

473.The RPM of ( ) is usually represented by N1.(( )转速常用N1表示。)

  • A. low-pressure rotor(低压转子)
  • B. medium-pressure rotor(中压转子)
  • C. high-pressure rotor(高压转子)


参考知识点:主考点-2.2.3(发动机部件-压气机) #117776.B501C4

474.On TAWS indicator, the medium-intensity yellow spot indicates ( ).(TAWS地形显示,中亮度的黄色光点表示)

  • A. the terrain below 1000~2000 feet as the current aircraft altitude(低于飞机当前高度1000~2000 英尺的地形)
  • B. the terrain above 1000~2000 feet as the current aircraft altitude(高于飞机现行高度1000~2000 英尺的地形)
  • C. the terrain below 500 feet or above 1000 feet as the current aircraft altitude(低于飞机当前高度500 英尺以内或高于飞机当前高度1000 英尺以内的地形)

解析:飞机前方地形在显示器上以星罗棋布的红、黄、绿等光点图形来显示。不同的颜色表示地形与飞机当前高度之间的相对高度。低亮度的绿色光点表示低于飞机当前高度1000~2000 英尺的地形。中亮度的绿色光点表示低于飞机当前高度500~1000 英尺的地形。

中亮度的黄色光点表示低于飞机当前高度500 英尺以内或高于飞机当前高度1000 英尺以内的地形。高亮度的黄色光点表示高于飞机现行高度1000~2000 英尺的地形。红色光点表示高于飞机当前高度2000 英尺以上的地形。地形数据库内没有包含的地形,在显示器上用品红色光点图形表示。为了减少显示的混乱,任何低于飞机当前高度2000 英尺以上的地形不显示,只用黑色背景显示。

参考知识点:主考点-地形显示) #117782.31C783

475.The anti-icing of engine inlet mainly uses ( ) method.(发动机进气口通常采用的防冰方法是)

  • A. gas-thermal anti-icing(气热防冰)
  • B. electro-thermal anti-icing(电热防冰)
  • C. liquid anti-icing(液体防冰)



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    1.The main function of hemoglobin is to(血红蛋白的主要功能是) A. hemostasis(止血作用) B. carry oxygen around to bo ...

  4. 【航线运输驾驶员理论考试】气象学

    1.TAF is the weather forcast information applied to an area within ( ) from the center of an airport ...

  5. 【航线运输驾驶员理论考试】领航

    1.(Refer to figures ATP6-1) What is the runway distance remaining at "A" for a daytime tak ...

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    摘要: 随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,越来越多的人会参与到驾驶技术的学习中,对于驾驶培训单位而言,如何利用信息技术,提高广大学员的驾驶理论考试通过率,是当前共同面临的问题.在此背景下,浙江交通技 ...

  7. 驾驶员理论考试通过!

    驾驶员理论考试通过! 今天去车管所考理论,20分钟左右的时间,得分97分,顺利通过.接下去就要学习场地了,这几天天比较热,不知道会不会中暑.

  8. 驾照理论考试android应用

    驾驶员理论考试系统 ◇软件简介:适用于A.B.C类的驾照类型,共850题.其中通用725题,客车专用57题,货车专用68题. ◇章节练习:按章节做练习 ◇顺序练习:有记忆功能.可以记住上次考试的题号. ...

  9. 驾驶员内部考试资料-不看书照样100分

    驾驶员理论考试____内部考试资料____不看书照样100分 作者: 紫水晶  已被分享9次 [url=javascript:;]评论(0)[/url] [url=javascript:;]复制此分享 ...


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