
序列类型有:字符串,列表,元组 三种





1. 索引运算。s[i] [i]可以使用负数,即倒着取值

2. 切片运算。s[i:j] ,切片后会生成新的对象

3. 扩展切片。s[i:j:stride],指定步长值

obj[1:] , obj[-2:-1],obj[0:6:2]

字符串 str




移除空白 obj.strip()

分割 obj.split()

长度 len(obj) , obj.__len__()

返回索引 obj.index(),obj.find()

输出位置 obj.center(),obj.ljust(),obj.rjust()


__len__(self, /)

Return len(self).| capitalize(...) '''首字母大写'''

| S.capitalize() ->str|

|Return a capitalized version of S, i.e. make the first character| have upper case andthe rest lower case.>>> 'test string'.capitalize()'Test string'

|center(...)| S.center(width[, fillchar]) ->str| Return S centered in a string of length width. Padding is

| done using the specified fill character (default isa space)>>> print(8*'#')########

>>> 'test'.center(20,'*')'********test********'

|ljust(...)| S.ljust(width[, fillchar]) ->str>>> 'test'.ljust(10,'<')

Out[61]: 'test <<<<<'

|rjust(...)| S.rjust(width[, fillchar]) ->str>>> 'test'.rjust(10,'>')

Out[59]: '>>>>> test'

| count(...) '''统计字符出现的个数'''

| S.count(sub[, start[, end]]) ->int>>> 'test string'.count('s')

In [8]: 'test string'.count('s',1,4)| encode(...) '''指定字符编码'''

| S.encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='strict') ->bytes|

| Encode S using the codec registered for encoding. Default encoding is 'utf-8'.>>> '中文'.encode('gbk')



| endswith(...) '''判断是否以某个字符后缀结束'''

| S.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]) ->bool|

| Return True ifS ends with the specified suffix, False otherwise.>>> 'test string'.endswith('t',1,4)

True|startswith(...)| S.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) ->bool| expandtabs(...) '''将tab转换成空格'''

| S.expandtabs(tabsize=8) ->str>>> 'te\tst'.expandtabs()'te st'

|format(...)| S.format(*args, **kwargs) ->str>>> info='my name is {0}, sex {1}'

>>> info.format('Jack','male')'my name is Jack, sex male'

>>> info='my name is {Name}, sex {Sex}'

>>> info.format(Name='Lucy',Sex='female')'my name is Lucy, sex female'

| find(...) '''返回字符的索引, 如有多个,只返回第一个字符的索引,不存在返回-1'''

| S.find(sub[, start[, end]]) ->int|

| Return the lowest index in S where substring sub isfound,| such that sub iscontained within S[start:end].| Return -1on failure.>>> 'test string'.find('t',2,6)| index(...) '''返回字符的索引, 如有多个,只返回第一个字符的索引,不存则报异常'''

| S.index(sub[, start[, end]]) ->int|

| Like S.find() but raise ValueError when the substring is notfound.>>> 'test string'.index('a')

ValueError: substringnotfound>>> 'test string'.find('a')-1

|rfind(...)| S.rfind(sub[, start[, end]]) ->int|rindex(...)| S.rindex(sub[, start[, end]]) ->int|isalnum(...)| S.isalnum() ->bool|isalpha(...)| S.isalpha() ->bool|isdecimal(...)| S.isdecimal() ->bool|isdigit(...)| S.isdigit() ->bool|islower(...)| S.islower() ->bool| Return True if all cased characters in S are lowercase and there is

| at least one cased character inS, False otherwise.|isupper(...)| S.isupper() ->bool| Return True if all cased characters in S are uppercase and there is

| at least one cased character inS, False otherwise.>>> 'TEST STRING'.isupper()

True|upper(...)| S.upper() ->str| istitle(...) '''判断是否所有单词首字母大写'''

| S.istitle() ->bool|

| Return True if S is a titlecased string and there isat least one| character inS>>> 'Test String'.istitle()

True|title(...)| S.title() ->str|

|Return a titlecased version of S>>> 'test string'.title()'Test String'

| join(...) '''指定连接符将序列的元素连接起来'''

| S.join(iterable) ->str|

| Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the iterable. The separator between elements isS.>>> ls=['a','b','c']>>> '-'.join(ls)'a-b-c'

| split(...) '''将字符串分割,形成列表, 不指定分隔符默认为空格'''

| S.split(sep=None, maxsplit=-1) ->list of strings|

| Return a list of the words inS, using sep as the| delimiter string. If sep is notspecified, any whitespace string| isa separator.>>> 'test string'.split()

['test', 'string']>>> 'test=string'.split('=')

['test', 'string']>>> 'this is test string'.split(maxsplit=2)

['this', 'is', 'test string']| rsplit(...) '''从右到左进行分割'''

| S.rsplit(sep=None, maxsplit=-1) ->list of strings| strip(...) '''去除首尾的字符,默认为空格'''

| S.strip([chars]) ->str|

| Return a copy of the string S with leading andtrailing|whitespace removed.| If chars is given and not None, remove characters inchars instead.>>> 'test string'.strip()'test string

>>> '### test string ###'.strip('#')'test string'

>>> '### test string ###'.lstrip('#')'test string ###

>>> '### test string ###'.rstrip('#')'### test string'

|partition(...)| S.partition(sep) ->(head, sep, tail)|

| Search for the separator sep in S, and return the part before it, the separator itself, and the part after it. If the separator is not

| found, return S andtwo empty strings.>>> '### test ***'.partition('test')

('###', 'test', '***')|rpartition(...)| S.rpartition(sep) ->(head, sep, tail)|replace(...)| S.replace(old, new[, count]) ->str>>> 'abc'.replace('b','2')'a2c'

| swapcase(...) '''大写转小写,小写转大写'''

| S.swapcase() ->str|translate(...)| S.translate(table) ->str| maketrans(x, y=None, z=None, /)| Return a translation table usable forstr.translate().>>> intab='abcd'

>>> outtab='1234'

>>> table=str.maketrans(intab,outtab)>>> 'abcdefg'.translate(table)'1234efg'


列表 list


ls=['a','b','c'] 或 list(['a','b','c']) 或 list(('a','b','c'))




追加 obj.append(),obj.extend()

插入 obj.insert()

删除 __delitem__(),obj.remove(),obj.pop()

长度 len(obj)

返回索引 obj.index()

循环 for,while

包含 in

注意:append(),extend(),insert(),remove(),pop() 等都是直接修改列表,不会产生新的对象,不能对列表操作这些方法后赋值给另外一个变量,例如:ls2=ls1.append(),如要赋值可以使用__add__()

| __contains__(self, key, /)| Return key inself.| __delitem__(self, key, /) '''删除指定位置的元素'''

|Delete self[key].>>> ls=['a','b','c']>>> ls.__delitem__(1)>>> print(ls)

['a', 'c']| __len__(self, /) '''统计列表的长度(即元素的个数)'''

|Return len(self).| append(...) '''在末尾追加单个元素'''

| L.append(object) -> None --append object to end|clear(...)| L.clear() -> None -- remove all items fromL| copy(...) '''浅拷贝'''

| L.copy() -> list --a shallow copy of L| count(...) '''统计某个元素的出现个数'''

| L.count(value) -> integer -- returnnumber of occurrences of value>>> ls=['h','e','l','l','o']>>> ls.count('l')2

| extend(...) '''从序列里扩展元素'''

| L.extend(iterable) -> None -- extend list by appending elements fromthe iterable>>> ls=['h','e','l','l','o']>>> ls.extend('world')>>> print(ls)

['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd']| index(...) '''获取某个元素的索引,如有多个,只返回第一个'''

| L.index(value, [start, [stop]]) -> integer -- returnfirst index of value.| Raises ValueError if the value is notpresent| insert(...) '''在指定的索引迁插入'''

| L.insert(index, object) --insert object before index| pop(...) '''删除指定位置的元素并获取到这个元素,默认为最后一个元素'''

| L.pop([index]) -> item -- remove and returnitem at index (default last).| Raises IndexError if list is empty or index isout of range.>>> ls=['a','b','c',]>>> ls.pop(2)'c'


| remove(...) '''删除指定的元素'''

| L.remove(value) -> None --remove first occurrence of value.| Raises ValueError if the value is notpresent.>>> ls=['a','b','c',]>>> ls.remove('c')| reverse(...) '''倒序'''

| L.reverse() -- reverse *IN PLACE*

>>> ls=['a','b','c']>>>ls.reverse()>>> print(ls)

['c', 'b', 'a']| sort(...) '''对列表内的元素进行排序, 可以指定key'''

| L.sort(key=None, reverse=False) -> None -- stable sort *IN PLACE*

>>> ls = ['Chr1-10.txt','Chr1-1.txt','Chr1-2.txt','Chr1-14.txt','Chr1-3.txt','Chr1-20.txt','Chr1-5.txt']>>> ls.sort(key=lambda d : int(d.split('-')[-1].split('.')[0]))>>> print(ls)

['Chr1-1.txt', 'Chr1-2.txt', 'Chr1-3.txt', 'Chr1-5.txt', 'Chr1-10.txt', 'Chr1-14.txt', 'Chr1-20.txt']


元组 tuple


tp=('a','b','c') 或 tp=tuple((1,2,3)) 或 tp=tuple(['x','y','z'])




迭代 for / while

长度 len(obj)

包含 in / not in

注意:元组本身是不可变对象 ,长度固定,所以代码更安全。 所谓的“不变”是指元组的每个元素指向永远不变,元组本身不可变,但元组内嵌套了可变类型的元素,此元素的修改不会返回新元组.





>>> tp=(1,'a',['x'])

>>> tp[2].append('y')

>>> print(tp)

(1, 'a', ['x', 'y'])

| __add__(self, value, /)| Return self+value.>>> tp=(1,2,3)>>> tp.__add__(('a','b','c'))

(1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c')| __len__(self, /)|Return len(self).|count(...)| T.count(value) -> integer -- returnnumber of occurrences of value|index(...)| T.index(value, [start, [stop]]) -> integer -- returnfirst index of value.| Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


提示:创建元组或列表后面最好带逗号 如 ls=[1,2,3,] 、tp=(1,2,3,)

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