FaceTime is Apple’s built-in video and audio calling app. It pairs with your iPhone and allows you to make phone calls on macOS.

FaceTime是Apple的内置视频和音频通话应用程序。 它可以与iPhone配对使用,并允许您在macOS上拨打电话。

You don’t need an iPhone to make FaceTime calls (or even use iMessage), but you will need one to make calls from a phone number. If you don’t have an iPhone, you can still make calls from the email associated with your Apple ID, but only to other FaceTime users.

您无需使用iPhone即可进行FaceTime通话(甚至不使用iMessage),但您需要使用iPhone才能通过电话号码进行通话。 如果没有iPhone,您仍然可以通过与Apple ID相关联的电子邮件拨打电话,但只能打给其他FaceTime用户。

登录到iCloud (Sign in to iCloud)

You should already be signed in when you set up your Mac, but if you’re not, you can sign in under “iCloud” in System Preferences. Make sure this account is the same account you use on your phone.

设置Mac时,您应该已经登录,但如果尚未登录,则可以在“系统偏好设置”的“ iCloud”下登录。 确保此帐户与您在手机上使用的帐户相同。

Your iPhone should automatically forward your messages to iMessage and FaceTime on your Mac once you’re signed in, but if it doesn’t, you may have to enable it under the iCloud settings on your phone.


打开FaceTime并启用您的帐户 (Open FaceTime and Enable Your Accounts)

By default, FaceTime should be in the Dock, but you can always get to it by searching for it in Spotlight with Command+Space.

默认情况下,FaceTime应该位于Dock中,但是您始终可以通过使用Command + Space在Spotlight中进行搜索来找到它。

In the app, open the “FaceTime” menu and click the “Preferences” command.

在应用程序中,打开“ FaceTime”菜单,然后单击“首选项”命令。

In the Preferences window, make sure your Apple ID is enabled. From here you can also choose the emails and phone numbers at which you want to be reached, the number from which to start new calls, and a custom ringtone.

在“首选项”窗口中,确保已启用Apple ID。 在这里,您还可以选择要联系的电子邮件和电话号码,发起新呼叫的电话号码以及自定义铃声。

You can also block people from calling you under the “Blocked” tab. This setting should sync with your iPhone.

您还可以在“已阻止”标签下阻止其他人给您打电话。 此设置应与您的iPhone同步。

拨打电话 (Making Calls)

In the FaceTime app, you can place calls to people you’ve chatted with or missed a call from recently by clicking on the video or phone icon next to their name. If you’d like to place a video call or an audio call, you can right-click a contact’s name and select “FaceTime” or “FaceTime Audio” from the drop-down menu.

在FaceTime应用程序中,您可以通过单击与其姓名旁边的视频或电话图标,向最近与之聊天或未接电话的人拨打电话。 如果您想进行视频通话或音频通话,则可以右键单击联系人的姓名,然后从下拉菜单中选择“ FaceTime”或“ FaceTime Audio”。

You can also search for someone to call from the search bar at the top.


This search pulls from all of your contacts, so they’ll need to be synced with your Mac as well. Luckily, they should be by default.

此搜索来自您所有的联系人,因此它们也需要与Mac同步。 幸运的是,它们应该默认为。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/368804/how-to-set-up-facetime-on-your-mac/


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