
  • 引言
  • Mac 安装步骤
  • M1 based Mac 安装步骤


Running the virtualization environment could take up to 15GB of space on your machine so make sure you have enough to start with.

Mac 安装步骤

  1. Download a Ubuntu Image for VMWare from osboxes.org. Click on “VM Images” and select “VMware Images”

  2. This will take you to the main you to the main page for VMWare Images. Choose a virtual disk image (I used Ubuntu).

  3. Click on “VMWare (VMDK) image” to see a listing of all of the Ubuntu images available.

  4. Scroll down until you find the Ubuntu 20.10 release area.

  5. Select “VMWare” tab is selected and then click on the “Download” button.

  6. Go to VMWare site

  7. Choose the “Register for a Personal Use License” option. You will be asked to create an account on VMWare.com.

  8. Click “Manually Download” to begin downloading the VMware Fusion Player into your Downloads directory. Once downloaded, open the .dmg file.

  9. Double-click on the VMware Fusion client to install the software.

  10. Click on “Agree” to continue the installation process.

  11. The next screen will ask you to enter the personal license you obtained when you registered on the VMWare site. Enter it in the text field above and then click “Continue”.

  12. Run VMware Fusion

  13. Select the “Create a custom virtual machine” icon and then click “Continue”

  14. Select “Linux” and then select “Ubuntu 64-bit”.

  15. If you know what the difference is between the two styles of boot firmware, choose the one that makes you happy. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, just leave it at “Legacy BIOS” and click “Continue”.

  16. Here, you’ll be asked to choose a virtual disk for your virtual machine. Select “Use an existing virtual disk” and then click on the “Choose virtual disk” button.

  17. You will need to remember where you downloaded the .vmdk file from osboxes.org. You will need to navigate to where the .vmdk file is and select it, but you must also choose one of the three options: Make…, Share…, Take … If you leave it at “Make a separate copy of the virtual disk”, VMWare will make a copy of it and put the copy somewhere in one of the VMWare directories created in your Documents directory. If you choose either of the other two options, the .vmdk file will stay where you downloaded it and you’d need to make sure you don’t move it or delete it at any point (as it will have all of your work for the semester on it). (If you are going to use one of the bottom two options, I’d suggest using the “Take this disk away…” option.

  18. Now you can click “Continue”.

  19. Depending on how much memory you have on your computer, the default Memory setting for this VM might be different.

  20. If you need to change something, you will click on the “Customize Settings” button.

  21. Here you are being asked where to save your virtual machine. By default, it will save it in a folder named “Virtual Machines” in your Documents folder. It should be fine to use the default setting, so just click “Save”.

M1 based Mac 安装步骤

If you are using a new M1 (Apple Silicon) based MacBook Air, MacBook Pro or Mac mini, you may have issues with virtualization.

There is a solution for users of M1 based Macintoshes. The Parallels virtualization product has been updated to provide ARM-based virtualization on an M1-based Macintosh. Their technology is marked as a “technical preview” and is not a fully supported shipping product yet. You can try the technical preview here.

  1. Download a Ubuntu distribution for ARM

  2. Click on the “64-bit ARM (ARMv8/AArch64) desktop image” link. This will cause a file named focal-desktop-arm64.iso to be downloaded.

  3. Once the file is downloaded launch the Parallels application.

  4. Click “Continue”.

  5. It can take a while for it to find the .iso file you just downloaded, so click on “Choose Manually”.

  6. Then, find your .iso file (that you downloaded at the beginning of these instructions) and drag it into this window.

  7. Verify that you see the “Ubuntu Linux” label, and then click “Continue”.

  8. You’ll be asked to name your Virtual Machine. It should just say “Ubuntu Linux”, and that should be fine. By default, it will store the VM in a directory named “Parallels” in your home directory. Again, it should be fine to accept the default settings in this window. Go ahead and click “Create”.

  9. Use your arrow key to move the selection to “Install Ubuntu”.

  10. Then, press the RETURN key on your keyboard. The graphical Ubuntu installer should launch.

  11. You are free to choose whichever language you want, then click “Continue”.

  12. You should be able to accept the default values in the “Keyboard layout” screen, so just click “Continue”.

  13. Make sure that “Normal Installation” is selected, then click “Continue”.

  14. Make sure “Erase disk and Install Ubuntu” is selected. This WON’T erase your computer’s hard drive/storage, it will erase the virtual disk that is created with the VM. Click “Install Now”

  15. When “Write the changes to disks?” confirmation dialog appears, click “Continue”.

  16. You’ll be asked for your time zone. Select it and click “Continue”.

  17. Here is the dialog in which you will set up your “login account” for the virtual machine. Put your name in the first field. The “Computer name” will be auto-generated so you shouldn’t need to put anything in there. Your username will also be auto-generated. You can just use whatever the installer generates for your user name or you can specify it yourself. If you specify it yourself, it’s best if it has no spaces and is all lowercase letters. Then, choose a password and verify it. Since this machine will be private on your own computer, you probably don’t need to worry about creating a strong password!

  18. Click “Continue”.

  19. The installation procedure will continue…

  20. When installation is complete, you’ll be asked to restart the virtual machine. NOTE: If the virtual machine gets “stuck” while attempting to reboot, go to the “Actions” menu and choose “Stop”. Then, you can quit and restart Parallels. Click on the triangle to boot Ubuntu. When done booting, you should see the Ubuntu login screen


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