作者:Jaron, 江都资讯网
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' 创建虚拟目录  POWER BY JARON , 江都资讯网 , 1999-2002.
' 如果您需要设置权限,请修改40-56 的代码。 ** 根据 Microsoft Corp. 的 AdminScripts 改写
' 用法: mkw3site <--RootDirectory|-r ROOT DIRECTORY>
'                         <--Comment|-t SERVER COMMENT>
'                         [--computer|-c COMPUTER1[,COMPUTER2...]]
'                         [--HostName|-h HOST NAME]
'                         [--port|-o PORT NUM]
'                         [--IPAddress|-i IP ADDRESS]
'                         [--SiteNumber|-n SITENUMBER]
'                         [--DontStart]
'                         [--verbose|-v]
'                         [--help|-?]
' IP ADDRESS            The IP Address to assign to the new server.  Optional.
' HOST NAME             The host name of the web site for host headers.
'WARNING: Only use Host Name if DNS is set up find the server.
' PORT NUM              The port to which the server should bind
' ROOT DIRECTORY        Full path to the root directory for the new server.
' SERVER COMMENT        The server comment -- this is the name that appers in the MMC.
' SITENUMBERThe Site Number is the number in the path that the web server
'will be created at.  i.e. w3svc/3
' Example 1: mkw3site -r D:/Roots/Company11 --DontStart -t "My Company Site"
' Example 2: mkw3site -r C:/Inetpub/wwwroot -t Test -o 8080

' Force explicit declaration of all variables
Option Explicit

On Error Resume Next

Dim ArgIPAddress, ArgRootDirectory, ArgServerComment, ArgSkeletalDir, ArgHostName, ArgPort
Dim ArgComputers, ArgStart
Dim ArgSiteNumber
Dim oArgs, ArgNum
Dim verbose
' 设置可写、脚本执行权限
Dim prop(15,2)
Dim propNum
prop(propNum,0) = "AccessRead"
prop(propNum,1) = true' 可读设为TRUE,不可读设为FALSE
propNum = propNum + 1
prop(propNum, 0) = "AccessWrite"
prop(propNum, 1) = true ' 可写设为TRUE,不可写设为FALSE
propNum = propNum + 1
prop(propNum, 0) = "AccessScript"
prop(propNum, 1) = true ' 可运行脚本文件设为TRUE,不可运行脚本文件设为FALSE
propNum = propNum + 1
prop(propNum, 0) = "AccessExecute"
prop(propNum, 1) = false ' 可运行执行文件设为TRUE,不可运行执行文件设为FALSE
propNum = propNum + 1
prop(propNum, 0) = "EnableDirBrowsing"
prop(propNum, 1) = true ' 允许列出目录设为TRUE,不允许列出目录设为FALSE
propNum = propNum + 1

ArgIPAddress = ""
ArgHostName = ""
ArgPort = 80
ArgStart = True
ArgComputers = Array(1)
ArgComputers(0) = "LocalHost"
ArgSiteNumber = 0
verbose = false

Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
ArgNum = 0

While ArgNum < oArgs.Count

Select Case LCase(oArgs(ArgNum))
Case "--port","-o":
ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
ArgPort = oArgs(ArgNum)
Case "--ipaddress","-i":
ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
ArgIPAddress = oArgs(ArgNum)
Case "--rootdirectory","-r":
ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
ArgRootDirectory = oArgs(ArgNum)
Case "--comment","-t":
ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
ArgServerComment = oArgs(ArgNum)
Case "--hostname","-h":
ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
ArgHostName = oArgs(ArgNum)
Case "--computer","-c":
ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
ArgComputers = Split(oArgs(ArgNum), ",", -1)
Case "--sitenumber","-n":
ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
ArgSiteNumber = CLng(oArgs(ArgNum))
Case "--dontstart":
ArgStart = False
Case "--help","-?":
Call DisplayUsage
Case "--verbose", "-v":
verbose = true
Case Else:
WScript.Echo "Unknown argument "& oArgs(ArgNum)
Call DisplayUsage
End Select

ArgNum = ArgNum + 1

If (ArgRootDirectory = "") Or (ArgServerComment = "") Then
if (ArgRootDirectory = "") then
WScript.Echo "Missing Root Directory"
WScript.Echo "Missing Server Comment"
end if
Call DisplayUsage
End If

Call ASTCreateWebSite(ArgIPAddress, ArgRootDirectory, ArgServerComment, ArgHostName, ArgPort, ArgComputers, ArgStart)

Sub ASTCreateWebSite(IPAddress, RootDirectory, ServerComment, HostName, PortNum, Computers, Start)
Dim w3svc, WebServer, NewWebServer, NewDir, Bindings, BindingString, NewBindings, ComputerIndex, Index, SiteObj, bDone
Dim comp
On Error Resume Next
For ComputerIndex = 0 To UBound(Computers)
comp = Computers(ComputerIndex)
If ComputerIndex <> UBound(Computers) Then
Trace "Creating web site on " & comp & "."
End If

' Grab the web service object
Set w3svc = GetObject("IIS://" & comp & "/w3svc")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Display "Unable to open: "&"IIS://" & comp & "/w3svc"
End If
BindingString = IpAddress & ":" & PortNum & ":" & HostName
Trace "Making sure this web server doesn't conflict with another..."
For Each WebServer in w3svc
If WebServer.Class = "IIsWebServer" Then
Bindings = WebServer.ServerBindings
If BindingString = Bindings(0) Then
Trace "The server bindings you specified are duplicated in another virtual web server."
WScript.Quit (1)
End If
End If

Index = 1
bDone = False
Trace "Creating new web server..."

' If the user specified a SiteNumber, then use that.  Otherwise,
' test successive numbers under w3svc until an unoccupied slot is found
If ArgSiteNumber <> 0 Then
Set NewWebServer = w3svc.Create("IIsWebServer", ArgSiteNumber)
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
WScript.Echo "Couldn't create a web site with the specified number: " & ArgSiteNumber
WScript.Quit (1)
' Verify that the newly created site can be retrieved
Set SiteObj = GetObject("IIS://"&comp&"/w3svc/" & ArgSiteNumber)
If (Err.Number = 0) Then
bDone = True
Trace "Web server created. Path is - "&"IIS://"&comp&"/w3svc/" & ArgSiteNumber
WScript.Echo "Couldn't create a web site with the specified number: " & ArgSiteNumber
WScript.Quit (1)
End If
End If
While (Not bDone)
Set SiteObj = GetObject("IIS://"&comp&"/w3svc/" & Index)

If (Err.Number = 0) Then
' A web server is already defined at this position so increment
Index = Index + 1
Set NewWebServer = w3svc.Create("IIsWebServer", Index)
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
' If call to Create failed then try the next number
Index = Index + 1
' Verify that the newly created site can be retrieved
Set SiteObj = GetObject("IIS://"&comp&"/w3svc/" & Index)
If (Err.Number = 0) Then
bDone = True
Trace "Web server created. Path is - "&"IIS://"&comp&"/w3svc/" & Index
Index = Index + 1
End If
End If
End If

' sanity check
If (Index > 10000) Then
Trace "Seem to be unable to create new web server.  Server number is "&Index&"."
WScript.Quit (1)
End If
End If
NewBindings = Array(0)
NewBindings(0) = BindingString
NewWebServer.ServerBindings = NewBindings
NewWebServer.ServerComment = ServerComment

' Now create the root directory object.
Trace "Setting the home directory..."
Set NewDir = NewWebServer.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir", "ROOT")
NewDir.Path = RootDirectory
NewDir.AccessRead = true
NewDir.AppCreate (True)

If (Err.Number = 0) Then
Trace "Home directory set."
Display "Error setting home directory."
End If

Trace "Web site created!"

If Start = True Then
Trace "Attempting to start new web server..."
Set NewWebServer = GetObject("IIS://" & comp & "/w3svc/" & Index)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Display "Error starting web server!"
Trace "Web server started succesfully!"
End If
End If
Call ASTSetPerms(comp, Index,ArgRootDirectory , prop, propNum)
End Sub

Sub ASTSetPerms(comp, ArgSiteNumber,ArgRootDirectory , propList, propCount)
'On Error Resume Next
Dim oAdmin
Dim fullPath
fullPath = "IIS://"&comp&"/w3svc/" & ArgSiteNumber & "/ROOT"
Trace "Opening path " & fullPath
Set oAdmin = GetObject(fullPath)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Display Error_NoNode
WScript.Quit (1)
End If

Dim name, val
if propCount > 0 then
Dim i

for i = 0 to propCount-1
name = propList(i,0)
val = propList(i,1)
if verbose = true then
Trace "Setting "&fullPath&"/"&name&" = "& val
end if
oAdmin.Put name, (val)
If Err <> 0 Then
Display "Unable to set property "&name
End If
If Err <> 0 Then
Display "不能保存更新信息."
End If
end if
End Sub

' Display the usage message
Sub DisplayUsage
WScript.Quit (1)
End Sub

Sub Display(Msg)
WScript.Echo Now & ". Error Code: " & Hex(Err) & " - " & Msg
End Sub

Sub Trace(Msg)
if verbose = true then
WScript.Echo Now & " : " & Msg
end if
End Sub


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