

Dear Human Resources Leadership:

Hello! My name is Liu Xin, Thank you for your busy schedule to read my information. I am a Xinhua school graduates, at school, I have to work hard to learn, the outstanding, on many occasions by the school payment, have windows, c language, pasca,, data structures, database based on the principle of professional knowledge. At the same time, a large number of the actual operation, I master the dos, windows operating system, and I have some knowledge about unix, independent of Word, Excel, Photoshop and other applications software, programming languages have some basis in economic information and Computer application of professional learning through the three years, I already have a solid basic knowledge of professional skills.

As a student, I recognize that the Internet economy in the next great role to play, so spare time I hard a lot of self-knowledge network. First of all, the basis for the application of internet, such as surfing the Web, use search engines, online search, download all the required information, such as skilled. Moreover, I do not meet here, to learn the html language, and, frontpage, dreamweaver and other web page editing software, firework, flash graphics processing software, such as web pages, you can easily carry out the editorial pages. Now I on the Internet, it has set up their own personal home page, http://www.yjbys.com/ and file transfer protocol (ftp) to carry out maintenance and. Ongoing efforts to make my site matures.

Of course, a solid grasp of high-quality addition to professional knowledge, also should have extensive knowledge of the humanities. I love literature from an early age, in relation to broad base the book, for my writing skills has laid a solid foundation. Since reading, writing constantly to participate in school activities, the number of articles published works. Especially in college, was invited as a newspaper reporter, has won the campus competition article prize for literature. . In addition, learning English, I already have a certain amount of listening, speaking, written and spoken, can be used to carry out day-to-day communication in English.

Future needs of our society is a combination of theory and practice of the compound. Study, I participated in the activities of a large number of social practice, and home to shopping malls促销员done in order to exercise its own tradition of hard work, meticulous style of work.

The future is a world full of challenges, flowers and honor can only represent the past. I hope that the young company for giving me the opportunity to demonstrate self. Bole's not your vision, for me it is a regret. Therefore, I very much hope that your company can become a member. I will be even greater enthusiasm and attitude of hard work into the work of the new working environment, the development of building blocks for the company.

Would like the company's head for a better tomorrow!




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