


目前BestYOLO是一个完全基于YOLOv5 v7.0 进行改进的开源库,该库将始终秉持以落地应用为导向,以轻便化使用为宗旨,简化各种模块的改进。目前已经集成了基于torchvision.models 模型为BackboneYOLOv5目标检测算法,同时也将逐渐开源更多YOLOv5应用程序。




  1. 提取图像的深度信息和细节信息,包括场景的几何结构、纹理和颜色等。

  2. 通过计算雾气的传播模型,确定雾气的密度和浓度,从而模拟出雾气效果。

  3. 根据模拟的雾气效果,对图像进行混合处理,包括颜色平衡、对比度调整以及明暗度等参数的调整。

  4. 针对特定场景的需求,可以对雾气的效果进行调整和优化,比如增强景深、调整雾气的颜色和透明度等。





Produced by: zhangzhengde@sjtu.edu.cn
import os
import math
import cv2
import time
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
import shutilclass SyntheticFog(object):def __init__(self):passdef __call__(self, show=False):img_path = '../example/fog_image/raw.jpg'# img_path = '../sources/IMG_6685.JPG'assert os.path.exists(img_path), f'error: img does not exists, {img_path}'img = cv2.imread(img_path)print(img.shape)img = img/255.0print(f'fogging...')t0 = time.time()br = 0.7th = 0.05fogged_img = self.fogging_img(img, brightness=br, thickness=th,high_efficiency=True)print(f'fogging time: {(time.time()-t0)*1000:.4f}ms')rf = 1  # resize factorimg = cv2.resize(img, (int(img.shape[1]*rf), int(img.shape[0]*rf)))fogged_img = cv2.resize(fogged_img, ((int(fogged_img.shape[1]*rf)), (int(fogged_img.shape[0]*rf))))fogged_img = np.array(fogged_img*255, dtype=np.uint8)if show:cv2.imshow('src', img)cv2.imshow('fogged', fogged_img)cv2.waitKey(0)cv2.imwrite(f'../example/fog_image/fogged_br{br}_th{th}.jpg', fogged_img)def fogging_dir(self, sp, tp=None, random_params=True, brightness=None, thickness=None, save_src_img=False):"""fogging images in a directory:param sp: str, source dir path:param tp: str, target dir path, tp is fogged_{sp} by default:param random_params: bool, use random brightness and fog thickness params if True:param brightness: float, 0.1 to 0.9, gray of synthetic fog, pure white fog if 1, dark fog if 0.:param thickness: float, 0.01 to 0.09, thickness of synthetic fog, the larger the value, the thicker the fog.:param save_src_img: save source image at the same time i.e. copy source imgs to tp:return: None, all fogged images will be saved to target dir path."""tp = tp if tp is not None else f'{Path(sp).parent}/fogged_{Path(sp).name}'if os.path.exists(tp):ipt = input(f'Target dir: {tp} exists, do you want to remove it and continue. [Yes]/No: ')if ipt in ['', 'Yes', 'Y', 'yes']:shutil.rmtree(tp)else:print('do nothing')exit()os.makedirs(f'{tp}')imgs = [x for x in os.listdir(sp) if str(Path(x).suffix).lower() in ['.jpg', '.bmp']]print(f'Fogging {len(imgs)} images in dir {sp}, \nfogged images will be save to {tp}.')bar = tqdm(imgs)for i, img_name in enumerate(bar):img_path = f'{sp}/{img_name}'# stem = Path(img_path).stem# suffix = Path(img_path).suffixif save_src_img:  # save source imgshutil.copy(f'{sp}/{img_name}', f'{tp}/{img_name}')img = cv2.imread(img_path)h, w, c = img.shapenormed_img = img.copy()/255.0if random_params:br = np.clip(0.2 * np.random.randn() + 0.5, 0.1, 0.9)  # 0.1~0.9th = np.clip(0.01 * np.random.randn() + 0.05, 0.01, 0.09)else:br = brightnessth = thicknessassert br is not Noneassert th is not Nonefogged_img = self.fogging_img(normed_img, br, th, high_efficiency=True)fogged_img = np.array(fogged_img * 255, dtype=np.uint8)cv2.imwrite(f'{tp}/fogged_{img_name}', fogged_img)bar.set_description(f'Fogged image saved, fogged_{img_name}')def fogging_img(self, img, brightness=0.7, thickness=0.05, high_efficiency=True):"""fogging single image:param img: src img:param brightness: brightness:param thickness: fog thickness, without fog when 0, max 0.1,:param high_efficiency: use matrix to improve fogging speed when high_efficiency is True, else use loopslow efficiency: about 4000ms, high efficiency: about 80ms, tested in (864, 1152, 3) img:return: fogged image"""assert 0 <= brightness <= 1assert 0 <= thickness <= 0.1fogged_img = img.copy()h, w, c = fogged_img.shapeif not high_efficiency:  # use default loop to fogging, low efficiencysize = np.sqrt(np.max(fogged_img.shape[:2]))  # 雾化尺寸center = (h // 2, w // 2)  # 雾化中心# print(f'shape: {img.shape} center: {center} size: {size}')  # 33# d_list = []for j in range(h):for l in range(w):d = -0.04 * math.sqrt((j - center[0]) ** 2 + (l - center[1]) ** 2) + size# print(f'd {d}')td = math.exp(-thickness * d)# d_list.append(td)fogged_img[j][l][:] = fogged_img[j][l][:] * td + brightness * (1 - td)# x = np.arange(len(d_list))# plt.plot(x, d_list, 'o')# if j == 5:#     breakelse:  # use matrix  # TODO: 直接使用像素坐标,距离参数不适用于大分辨率图像,会变成鱼眼镜头的样子. done.use_pixel = Truesize = np.sqrt(np.max(fogged_img.shape[:2])) if use_pixel else 1  # 雾化尺寸h, w, c = fogged_img.shapehc, wc = h // 2, w // 2mask = self.get_mask(h=h, w=w, hc=hc, wc=wc, pixel=use_pixel)  # (h, w, 2)d = -0.04 * np.linalg.norm(mask, axis=2) + sizetd = np.exp(-thickness * d)for cc in range(c):fogged_img[..., cc] = fogged_img[..., cc] * td + brightness*(1-td)# a = np.linalg.norm(mask, axis=2)# print(f'size: {fogged_img.shape} a: {a} max: {np.max(fogged_img)} {np.min(fogged_img)}')fogged_img = np.clip(fogged_img, 0, 1)  # 解决黑白噪点的问题# print(f'mask: {mask[:, :, 1]} {mask.shape}')# print(f'd: {d} {d.shape}')return fogged_imgdef get_mask(self, h, w, hc, wc, pixel=True):mask = np.zeros((h, w, 2), dtype=np.float32)if pixel:mask[:, :, 0] = np.repeat(np.arange(h).reshape((h, 1)), w, axis=1) - hcmask[:, :, 1] = np.repeat(np.arange(w).reshape((1, w)), h, axis=0) - wcelse:mask[:, :, 0] = np.repeat(np.linspace(0, 1, h).reshape(h, 1), w, axis=1) - 0.5mask[:, :, 1] = np.repeat(np.linspace(0, 1, w).reshape((1, w)), h, axis=0) - 0.5return maskif __name__ == '__main__':synf = SyntheticFog()synf(show=True)


fogging train and test datasets using synthetic fog algorithm
"""import os, sys
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import cv2
import random
from copy import deepcopyfrom synthetic_fog import SyntheticFogclass AugmentCrosswalkDataset(object):def __init__(self, source_path):self.sp = source_path  # source pathp = Path(self.sp)self.tp = f'{p.parent}/fogged_{p.stem}'  # target pathself.sf = SyntheticFog()  # synthetic fog objectdef augment(self, show=False):"""augment train and test set in YOLOv5 format"""# 逐张进行增强sp = self.sptp = self.tpprint(f'fogged data will be saved to: {tp}')if os.path.exists(self.tp):shutil.rmtree(self.tp)os.makedirs(f'{self.tp}/train/images')os.makedirs(f'{self.tp}/test/images')os.makedirs(f'{self.tp}/train/labels')os.makedirs(f'{self.tp}/test/labels')for trte in ['train', 'test']:pi = f'{sp}/{trte}/images'  # path of imagespl = f'{sp}/{trte}/labels'ti = f'{tp}/{trte}/images'tl = f'{tp}/{trte}/labels'imgs = [f'{x}' for x in os.listdir(pi) if x.endswith('.jpg')]#print(f'transform {trte} images, total: {len(imgs)}, transformed total: {2*len(img)}.')bar = tqdm(imgs)for i, img_name in enumerate(bar):img_path = f'{pi}/{img_name}'stem = Path(img_path).stemassert os.path.exists(img_path), f'img does not exists {img_path}'# 先拷贝原始图像和标注shutil.copy(img_path, f'{ti}/{img_name}')shutil.copy(f'{pl}/{stem}.txt', f'{tl}/{stem}.txt')# foggingimg = cv2.imread(img_path)h, w, c = img.shape# random brightness and thicknessbr = np.clip(0.2 * np.random.randn() + 0.5, 0.1, 0.9)  # 0.1~0.9th = np.clip(0.01 * np.random.randn() + 0.05, 0.01, 0.09)normed_img = img.copy()/255.0fogged_img = self.sf.fogging_img(normed_img, brightness=br, thickness=th, high_efficiency=True)fogged_img = np.array(fogged_img*255, dtype=np.uint8)# save fogged images and labelscv2.imwrite(f'{ti}/fogged_{img_name}', fogged_img)shutil.copy(f'{pl}/{stem}.txt', f'{tl}/fogged_{stem}.txt')if show:print(f'img_name: {Path(img_path).name} img: {img.shape} br: {br} th: {th} max: {np.max(fogged_img)}')self.show(img, name='src_img', wait=False)self.show(fogged_img, name='fogged_img', wait=False)if cv2.waitKey(0) == ord('q'):breakbar.set_description(f'Img and fogged img saved, {stem}.')def show(self, img, name='xx', wait=True):h, w, c = img.shapescale = 0.5show_img = cv2.resize(img, (int(w*scale), int(h*scale)))cv2.imshow(name, show_img)if wait:cv2.waitKey(0)def augment_testset(self, dir):"""augment only test set"""self.sf.fogging_dir(sp=dir, tp=None, random_params=True, save_src_img=True)if __name__ == '__main__':source_path = './data'acd = AugmentCrosswalkDataset(source_path)acd.augment(show=False)# test_imgs_path = '/home/zzd/datasets/crosswalk/testsets_1770/Images'# acd.augment_testset(test_imgs_path)



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