
  • 正文
    • 关于OTTO开源跳舞机器人
    • PCA9685库文件
    • Oscillater.cpp文件:
    • Oscillator.h文件
    • 主程序:nanoPca9685ODance.ino
  • 参考文献




https://www.ottodiy.com/Otto 机器人的官网。下面的图是官网截图。
这个可爱的小家伙是一个简单的四自由度机器人(两个踝关节和两个髋关节),外壳是3D打印的,官网提供了全部的3D打印文件和源代码。还有论坛。可以让你以非常低廉的成本实现对四自由度机器人的探索。我还曾经把小OTTO倒过用它的一条腿做过云台实验。哈哈哈 上面粘了一个摄像头。有想像没有约束,在没有3D打印机的情况下,也曾用废旧的包装壳实现过。







//-- Oscillator.pde
//-- Generate sinusoidal oscillations in the servos
//-- (c) Juan Gonzalez-Gomez (Obijuan), Dec 2011
//-- GPL license
#include "Oscillator.h"Oscillator::Oscillator(void) {}Oscillator::Oscillator(Adafruit_PWMServoDriver* pwm, int ch, int servomin, int servomax, int trim) {this->_pwm = pwm;this->_ch = ch;this->_servomin = servomin;this->_servomax = servomax;this->_trim     = trim;attach();
//-- This function returns true if another sample
//-- should be taken (i.e. the TS time has passed since
//-- the last sample was taken
bool Oscillator::next_sample()
{//-- Read current time_currentMillis = millis();//-- Check if the timeout has passedif(_currentMillis - _previousMillis > _TS) {_previousMillis = _currentMillis;   return true;}return false;
}//-- Attach an oscillator to a servo
//-- Input: pin is the arduino pin were the servo
//-- is connected
void Oscillator::attach(bool rev)
{//-- Attach the servo and move it to the home position
//    servo_write(90);//-- Initialization of oscilaltor parameters_TS=30;_T=2000;_NN = _T/_TS;_inc = 2*M_PI/_NN;_previousMillis=0;//-- Default parameters_A=45;_phase=0;_phase0=0;_O=0;_stop=false;//-- Reverse mode_rev = rev;}//-- Detach an oscillator from his servo
void Oscillator::detach()
/* Set the oscillator period, in ms  */
void Oscillator::setT(unsigned int T)
{//-- Assign the new period_T=T;//-- Recalculate the parameters_NN = _T/_TS;_inc = 2*M_PI/_NN;
/* Manual set of the position  */
/******************************/void Oscillator::setPosition(int position)
/* This function should be periodically called                     */
/* in order to maintain the oscillations. It calculates            */
/* if another sample should be taken and position the servo if so  */
void Oscillator::refresh()
{//-- Only When TS milliseconds have passed, the new sample is obtainedif (next_sample()) {//-- If the oscillator is not stopped, calculate the servo positionif (!_stop) {//-- Sample the sine function and set the servo pos_pos = round(_A * sin(_phase + _phase0) + _O);if (_rev) _pos=-_pos;servo_write(_pos+90);}//-- Increment the phase//-- It is always increased, even when the oscillator is stop//-- so that the coordination is always kept_phase = _phase + _inc;}
}void Oscillator::servo_write(int ang) {ang = ang + _trim;ang = map(ang, 0 , 180 , _servomin, _servomax);_pwm->setPWM(_ch, 0, ang);}


//-- Oscillator.pde
//-- Generate sinusoidal oscillations in the servos
//-- (c) Juan Gonzalez-Gomez (Obijuan), Dec 2011
//-- GPL license
#include "Oscillator.h"Oscillator::Oscillator(void) {}Oscillator::Oscillator(Adafruit_PWMServoDriver* pwm, int ch, int servomin, int servomax, int trim) {this->_pwm = pwm;this->_ch = ch;this->_servomin = servomin;this->_servomax = servomax;this->_trim     = trim;attach();
//-- This function returns true if another sample
//-- should be taken (i.e. the TS time has passed since
//-- the last sample was taken
bool Oscillator::next_sample()
{//-- Read current time_currentMillis = millis();//-- Check if the timeout has passedif(_currentMillis - _previousMillis > _TS) {_previousMillis = _currentMillis;   return true;}return false;
}//-- Attach an oscillator to a servo
//-- Input: pin is the arduino pin were the servo
//-- is connected
void Oscillator::attach(bool rev)
{//-- Attach the servo and move it to the home position
//    servo_write(90);//-- Initialization of oscilaltor parameters_TS=30;_T=2000;_NN = _T/_TS;_inc = 2*M_PI/_NN;_previousMillis=0;//-- Default parameters_A=45;_phase=0;_phase0=0;_O=0;_stop=false;//-- Reverse mode_rev = rev;}//-- Detach an oscillator from his servo
void Oscillator::detach()
/* Set the oscillator period, in ms  */
void Oscillator::setT(unsigned int T)
{//-- Assign the new period_T=T;//-- Recalculate the parameters_NN = _T/_TS;_inc = 2*M_PI/_NN;
/* Manual set of the position  */
/******************************/void Oscillator::setPosition(int position)
/* This function should be periodically called                     */
/* in order to maintain the oscillations. It calculates            */
/* if another sample should be taken and position the servo if so  */
void Oscillator::refresh()
{//-- Only When TS milliseconds have passed, the new sample is obtainedif (next_sample()) {//-- If the oscillator is not stopped, calculate the servo positionif (!_stop) {//-- Sample the sine function and set the servo pos_pos = round(_A * sin(_phase + _phase0) + _O);if (_rev) _pos=-_pos;servo_write(_pos+90);}//-- Increment the phase//-- It is always increased, even when the oscillator is stop//-- so that the coordination is always kept_phase = _phase + _inc;}
}void Oscillator::servo_write(int ang) {ang = ang + _trim;ang = map(ang, 0 , 180 , _servomin, _servomax);_pwm->setPWM(_ch, 0, ang);}


#include "src/Oscillator/Oscillator.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h>//---------------------------------
// Servo Settings 舵机设定
//---------------------------------#define N_SERVOS 5 //五自由度舵机 0左脚 1右脚 2左腿 3右腿 4头#define INTERVALTIME 10.0 //这是中断时间为10.0int t = 620;  // 1280; //脉冲宽度?
double pausemillis = 0;int servoMin[N_SERVOS]  = {150, 150, 150, 150, 150}; //舵机的最小输出
int servoMax[N_SERVOS]  = {500, 500, 500, 500, 500}; //舵机的最大输出
int servoTrim[N_SERVOS] = {10, 0, 0, -10, -10};      //
int servoInit[N_SERVOS] = {90, 90, 90, 90, 125};     //舵机初始化
int servoTest[N_SERVOS] = {80, 80, 80, 80, 115};     //舵机测试#define NECKV_CH 4Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver(0x40);
Oscillator *servo[N_SERVOS];bool maintenanceMode = true;void setup() {Serial.begin(9600);Serial.println("5 channel Servo test!");Wire.begin();pwm.begin();//启动舵机pwm.setPWMFreq(50);  //模拟伺服在60赫兹更新下运行 此点很重要//-----------舵机初始化---------------------------for (int i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i ++) {servo[i] = new Oscillator(&pwm, i, servoMin[i], servoMax[i], servoTrim[i]);}Serial.println("Servo init");for (int i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i++) {servo[i]->setPosition(servoTest[i]);}delay(1000);for (int i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i++) {servo[i]->setPosition(servoInit[i]);}//---------整机初始化完成,舵机休眠-----------
}void loop() {action1();
void action1() {displayStatus("Walk");walk(2, t * 3);displayStatus("Back");backyard(2, t * 3);displayStatus("upDown");upDown(3, t * 2);displayStatus("MWalkR");moonWalkRight(1, t*2);moonWalkRight(2, t);displayStatus("MWalkL");moonWalkLeft(1, t*2);moonWalkLeft(2, t);displayStatus("swing");swing(2, t);
void displayStatus(String param) {// Serial.print(param + "    ");}
void oscillate(int A[N_SERVOS], int O[N_SERVOS], int T, double phase_diff[N_SERVOS]) {for (int i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i++) {servo[i]->setO(O[i]);servo[i]->setA(A[i]);servo[i]->setT(T);servo[i]->setPh(phase_diff[i]);}double ref = millis();for (double x = ref; x < T + ref; x = millis()) {for (int i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i++) {servo[i]->refresh();}}for (int i=0; i< N_SERVOS; i++) {servo[i]->reset();servo[i]->setPosition(90);}}
unsigned long final_time;
unsigned long interval_time;
int oneTime;
int iteration;
float increment[N_SERVOS];
int oldPosition[N_SERVOS] = {90, 90, 90, 90, 90};void moveNServos(int time, int  newPosition[]) {for (int i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i++)  increment[i] = ((newPosition[i]) - oldPosition[i]) / (time / INTERVALTIME);final_time =  millis() + time;iteration = 1;while (millis() < final_time) { //Javi del futuro cambia estointerval_time = millis() + INTERVALTIME;oneTime = 0;while (millis() < interval_time) {if (oneTime < 1) {for (int i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i++) {servo[i]->setPosition(oldPosition[i] + (iteration * increment[i]));}iteration++;oneTime++;}}}for (int i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i++) {oldPosition[i] = newPosition[i];}
// OTTO机器人的基本动作
void walk(int steps, int T) {int A[N_SERVOS] = { 15, 15, 30, 30, 25};int O[N_SERVOS] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};double phase_diff[N_SERVOS] = { DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(135) };for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff);}
}void backyard(int steps, int T) {int A[N_SERVOS] = {15, 15, 30, 30, 25};int O[N_SERVOS] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};double phase_diff[N_SERVOS] = {DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(-90), DEG2RAD(-90), DEG2RAD(135)};for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff);
}void upDown(int steps, int tempo) {int move1[N_SERVOS] = {50, 130, 90, 90, 115};int move2[N_SERVOS] = {90, 90, 90, 90, 90};for (int x = 0; x < steps; x++) {pausemillis = millis();moveNServos(tempo * 0.2, move1);delay(tempo * 0.4);moveNServos(tempo * 0.2, move2);while (millis() < (pausemillis + tempo));}
}void moonWalkRight(int steps, int T) {Serial.println("moonWalkRight");int A[N_SERVOS] = {15, 15, 0, 0, 0};int O[N_SERVOS] = {5 , 5, 0, 0, 0};double phase_diff[N_SERVOS] = {DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(180 + 120), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90)};for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff);
}void moonWalkLeft(int steps, int T) {Serial.println("moonWalkLeft");int A[N_SERVOS] = {15, 15, 0, 0, 0};int O[N_SERVOS] = {5, 5, 0, 0, 0};double phase_diff[6] = {DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(180 - 120), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90)};for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff);
}void swing(int steps, int T) {int A[N_SERVOS] = {25, 25, 0, 0, 0};int O[N_SERVOS] = {15, 15, 0, 0, 0};double phase_diff[N_SERVOS] = {DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90)};for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff);
}void headSwing(int steps, int tempo) {int move1[N_SERVOS] = {90, 90, 90, 90, 90};int move2[N_SERVOS] = {90, 90, 90, 90, 45};for (int x = 0; x < steps; x++) {pausemillis = millis();moveNServos(tempo * 0.2, move1);delay(tempo * 0.4);moveNServos(tempo * 0.2, move2);while (millis() < (pausemillis + tempo));}
}void headSwing2(int steps, int T) {int A[N_SERVOS] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 45};int O[N_SERVOS] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};double phase_diff[N_SERVOS] = {DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(135) };for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff);




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