2020 IFR International Forum on Advanced Robotics and Mechanism

  • 论坛时间: 2020年12月15日(星期二)09:10-15:40

    Forum Time : 2020.12.15(Tuesday) 09:10-15:40

  • 地点:沈阳自动化研究所新区3号楼学术报告厅

    Location: Academic Lecture Hall, Building 3, Shenyang Institute of Automation

1. 会议主旨 (Forum Object)


The first meeting of IFR International Academic Forum on Advanced Robotics and Mechanism was co-sponsored by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) and the International Research Center for Advanced Robotics & Mechanism (IRCARM). The theme of this forum was about “Research and Development of Robotics and Mechanism in the Post-epidemic Era”. The forum invited 8 well-known experts from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan and China to give lectures on topics, bring the last research trends and academic results in robotics and mechanism to graduate students, post-doctors and professional technicians.

2. 会议日程 (Forum Schedule)

时间 (Time) 内容 (Content) 主讲人 (Presenter)
09:10-09:15 开幕式——主持人介绍 李硕
09:15-09:25 开幕式——领导致辞 于海斌
09:25-10:00 Industrial Robots in China: Present and Future 王天然
10:00-10:35 Robotics to Characterize, Retrain and Restore Human Movements S.Agrawal
10:35-10:55 Coffee break
10:55-11:30 Kinematics in Robotics, Entailing Metamorphic and Reconfigurable Mechanisms 戴建生
11:30-12:05 Quo Vadis-Industrial Robotics A.Verl
12:05-13:00 午餐
13:00-13:35 Development and Application of Pedigree Underwater Robots 李硕
13:35-14:10 In-pipe Robots for Inspection of Pipelines 马书根
14:10-14:25 茶歇
14:25-15:00 Research and Application on AApe Series Electric Power Robots 王洪光
15:00-15:35 Recent Progress of Vacuum Robot Research and Development 徐方
15:35-15:40 闭幕式

3. 主要演讲人(Main Presenters)

  • Prof. Tianran Wang

    • Academician of China Engineering Academy

    • Director of National Engineering Research Center for Robotics

  • Prof. Jiansheng Dai

    • Authoritative expert of international theoretical kinematics and reconfigurable mechanism
    • ASME & IEEE Fellow
    • Director of Robotics Center, King’s College London

4. 主要内容

Lecture: Industrial Robots in China: Present and Future (中国工业机器人的现在和未来)





This lecture is given by Prof. Tianran Wang, and it is mainly about the present and future of Industrial robots in China. He mainly talk about the development of Industrial robots in China is lower than other neighboring countries. At these recently years, ours have exceeded theirs and we need to examine and relocate ourself which means strong robot countries of the United States, Japan and Europe can’t be exceeded in the period of time. So we need go the step by step stably. And he mentioned about the word “corobot” which meas the collaborative robot.

The subject of robot that absorb and accommodates other subjects is the cross type of subject. From 5G communication technology in the information field, new polymer materials in the material field, life sciences, and other fields, the latest results can be applied or Integrate into the field of robotics. Hence, the research and result of any other field can make a disruptive change in robotics, especially in new polymer materials in material field. In the coffee break time, I am be honored to have the opportunity of communicating with Prof. Tianran Wang, and I asked him as follow questions, “Will the success of new polymer materials make the industrial robot from rigid body to soft body and all of the theoretical system based on the past including kinetics and dynamics need re-establish? If it is possible, the robot market in China will reshuffle?”

He answer me as this. Firstly, he mentioned that the robot market in China hasn’t been monopolized by any other enterprises and there are many enterprises is under developing the industrial robot in domestic. The reason that the most share of market occupied by foreign companies is the lower development starting point in domestic industrial robots. And that makes the difference between domestic and the foreign companies in the price and performance. Then, he talked the last president in US who asserted to reduce exports of robots to China, and he is very willing to this situation. Because it is a opportunity for domestic robot company to develop their technology and occupy the most share of robot market in China which will make the foreign companies can’t enter the Chinese market any more.

Continuously, he answered me the next question about the influence of new polymer materials successfulness. The first thing that can’t be denied is the whole of theoretical system need re-establish including the modeling, kinetic and dynamic etc. And In this way, a zero reset will be performed in this field, and all theoretical systems based on rigid bodies will collapse. In this way, it is equal for every country and the same for every enterprise. Only who first occupies the robotic arm heights based on new polymer materials can complete the subsequent continuous occupation.

Lecture: Kinematics in Robotics, Entailing Metamorphic and Reconfigurable Mechanisms (机器人运动学,涉及变胞和可重构机制)






他首先解释道DH参数方法的由来以及旋量方法,最后总结在了两者在末端的不同,也就是DH参数法的连乘之后的坐标系便是末端坐标系,而旋量方法则是需要一定的变换从collaborate ordinate转换至所需要的坐标系,这也解答了我在学习过程中最疑惑的问题,也指出了两者最大的不同。

This lecture is given by prof. Jiansheng Dai and it mainly around the two words: Rehabilication and Metamorphic. The mechanical structure determines the motion track and variation of structure on robot and control system determines the speed of movement. So the change of mechanical structure is very interesting, and after he proposed it in this speech, it made me shine.

At 1998 ASME International Conference on Mechanism and Robotics, Prof. Dai pioneered the idea of Metamorphic and Reconfiguration mechanism as a frontier hot spot in international robotics. As a result, Prof. Dai became the founder of the Metamorphic organization and the founder of Metamorphic robots. Under the guidance of Prof. Dai Daran technology company also launched the world’s first Metamorphic robot. Unexpectedly, the Ph. D entrepreneurs under Prof. Dai taught in first-class universities, and many founded robotic high-tech companies.

Prof. Dai have proposed the concept of Reconfiguration which makes me surprised. And followed by the explanation of screw method is also surprised because I have learned about this in my junior year. Robot basic experiments cover the research of another robot modeling method, one of which is the modeling method based on modern mathematical theory - Screw Method. And it’s honor for me to have read the book published Higher Education Press written by him. The mood at the moment was nervous and excited, and his speech ended after some calm. When it came to the question session, I also raised my hand enthusiastically to ask questions. I am honored to have another opportunity to communicate with high-level scholars. My original words:

“Dear Professor Dai Jiansheng, hello. I am very honored to be able to listen to this speech you brought. I am an undergraduate student. In the process of learning robot structure, I first learned the most widely used DH parameters In the follow-up learning process, I was fortunate to learn about the spin method you just mentioned and read the book you wrote. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these two methods in theory and application?”

What made me even more pleasantly surprised was that my question was fully affirmed by Prof. Dai, who nodded frequently and said that this is a excellent question.

He first explained the origin of the DH parameter method and the Screw method, and finally summarized the difference between the two at the end, that is, the collaborative coordinate after the continuous multiplication of the DH parameter method is the end coordinate system, while the spin method requires A certain transformation is converted from collaborate ordinate to the required coordinate system, which also answers my most puzzled question in the learning process, and also points out the biggest difference between the two.

5. 唯一的照片

  • 拍摄时间:Prof. Dai的演讲
  • 拍摄原因:他是《旋量代数与李群李代数》这本书的作者
  • 拍摄心情:激动、追星、我要和他!!!!!有思想上的!!!!!碰撞!!!!!

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