
Signed by Prime Minister Li Keqiang, the State Council recently issued the 《Made in China2025》, the deployment of a comprehensive implementation of the implementation of manufacturing power strategy.This is the first ten years of the implementation of the strategy of manufacturing power strategy in china.Decision makers are interested in designing a top level program called "made in China2025”This will be the future development of China's manufacturing roadmap, the basic idea is, with combination of two IT (industrial technology and information technology), to change the status of Chinese manufacturing industry and make China by 2025 among the modern industrial power."Made in China 2025" is the top design of Chinese manufacturing.Policymakers hope that China can take this plan from a manufacturing bighouse to a manufacturing powerhouse. Participants include the Chinese Academy of engineering, the Ministry of industry, development and Reform Commission, Ministry of science and technology and other departments, for which is expected to be completed next year.The basic principles of the《Made in China2025》put forward, which adhere to the" innovation driven, quality first, green development, structure optimization, talent as the basic principle, and adhere to the "market-oriented, government guidance, based on the present, focusing on the long-term, overall progress, key breakthrough, independent development, openness and cooperation", through the "three steps " to the strategic target of powerful nation of manufacturing:The first step, by 2025, China will enter the ranks of manufacturing power; the second step, by 2035 ,China's manufacturing industry as a whole reached the world manufacturing power camp medium level; the third step, to a hundred years since the founding of new China, China will made power position in the industry more consolidated, being comprehensive strength into the world manufacturing strong nation.《Made in China2025》 clear 9 strategic to tasks and


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