编码检测 cs

by Steve


CS50x如何改变我对编码的看法 (How CS50x changed my perspective on coding)

In the summer of 2009, I finished off a well-thumbed copy of Fermat’s Last Theorem by Simon Singh. This event was remarkable for one reason — I suck at math. I don’t mean in a general kind of way, or in a modest self-deprecating manner. I mean I truly suck at math. I left school without even a basic GCSE in the subject.

在2009年夏天,我完成了西蒙·辛格(Simon Singh)精心制作的费马最后定理的副本。 这个事件之所以令人瞩目是因为一个原因- 我很喜欢数学 。 我的意思不是一般的方式,也不是谦虚的自嘲方式。 我的意思是我真的很喜欢数学。 我离开学校时,在该科目上甚至没有基本的GCSE。

(For my American friends the GCSE is the equivalent of a high school diploma.)


I had only a vague notion of what Calculus or Algebra were. I couldn’t describe a graph or a function if I tried. Hell, at that point, I didn’t even know what “to the power of” even meant.

对于微积分或代数,我只有一个模糊的概念。 如果尝试过,我无法描述图形或函数。 地狱,那时,我什不知道“ 达到 ”的含义。

Despite these huge limitations, I enjoyed that book so much that I immediately embarked on a math-learning rampage. My respect for the subject was renewed.

尽管存在这些巨大的限制,但我还是非常喜欢那本书,以至于我立即着手进行数学学习。 我对这个主题的尊重得到了重新表达。

I quickly became hooked, and I turned to my colleague who’d completed a college math degree. His name was Andrew Cooke, and he was as close as a human being could be to James P. Sullivan from Monsters Inc.

我很快就迷上了,然后求助于完成大学数学学位的同事。 他的名字叫安德鲁·库克(Andrew Cooke),与人类相距甚远,与Monsters Inc.的James P. Sullivan差不多。

A gifted rugby player, Andrew also had the charming ability to hide his well-educated but hide it behind a barrage of good humor and silly anecdotes. If it ever looked like a subject was heading towards matters of a weighty consideration, he would immediately divert the conversation to the time he dumped Danny Cipriani (famous rugby player) on his head during a rugby match.

作为一名有天赋的橄榄球运动员,安德鲁(Andrew)还具有迷人的能力,可以隐藏他受过良好教育的角色,但可以将其隐藏在一系列幽默风趣和趣闻轶事之中。 如果看起来某个对象正朝着沉重的考虑前进,他会立即将谈话转移到他在橄榄球比赛中将丹尼·西普里亚尼(著名的橄榄球运动员)扔到头上的时候。

He tried to hide it, but I knew that he knew maths. I asked him to teach me and he reluctantly agreed.

他试图隐藏它,但是我知道他知道数学。 我请他教我,他无奈地同意了。

But our tutoring sessions soon came to an end. Not because of Andrew’s tutoring skills (which were exceptional), but because of a huge personality flaw that I’ve only just been able to reconcile this week.

但是我们的补习课程很快就结束了。 不是因为安德鲁的辅导技能(出色),而是因为巨大的人格缺陷,我本周才能够调和。

N次要的不断需求 (The Incessant Need of the Nth Degree)

Incessant Need of the Nth Degree is my way of saying that, no matter which subject I am studying, I always feel compelled to go back beyond the baseline to know why something occurs the way it does. It is the need to always ask why and discover the underlying thinking.

我不断地需要N级学位是我的一种说法,无论我正在研究哪个学科,我总是感到不得不回到基线之外,以了解为什么事情会这样发生。 有必要总是问为什么,并发现潜在的想法。

Not just peeling back one layer, or two layers, but N layers. Unfortunately, as I discovered, in maths and Computing, such a pursuit is crippling.

不仅剥离一层或两层,而且剥离N层 。 不幸的是,正如我发现的那样,在数学和计算领域,这种追求简直是残酷的。

I have always been a skilled student in the arts. Particularly English. In artistic subjects the Incessant Need of the Nth Degree is not that much of a burden. In actual fact it can be an enjoyable and leisurely way to expand your familiarity with a subject.

我一直都是艺术方面的熟练学生。 特别是英语。 在艺术学科中,对N级学生的迫切需求并不是很大的负担。 实际上,这是扩大您对主题的熟悉程度的一种轻松愉快的方式。

For instance; when presented with a famous Italian renaissance fresco, a student may inquire why the color blue takes such a prominent and revered place in the composition. It’s not that difficult to peel back the historical and cultural connotations here: the pigment Ultramarine is derived from precious stone Lapis Lazuli and creates an immensely deeper and richer hue. The prohibitive expense of the pigment meant it was saved for Virgin Mary, who symbolizes holiness and humility.

例如; 当出现著名的意大利文艺复兴时期壁画时,学生可能会询问为什么蓝色在构图中占据如此突出和受人尊敬的位置。 剥离这里的历史和文化内涵并不难:颜料群青色颜料来自宝石Lapis Lazuli,并产生了更深更丰富的色调。 颜料的高昂花费意味着它被保存为圣母玛利亚,因为圣母玛利亚象征着圣洁与谦卑。

Originally developed by the Persians in Afghanistan, Lapis Lazuli was highly prized by Italian artists and the color Ultramarinus — which translates to “beyond the sea” — became synonymous with the Italian psyche. Indeed, the football team is referred to as the Azurris (the Blues) because Lapis Lazuli was the color of Savoia, the ruling house of Italy from 1861 to 1946.

Lapis Lazuli最初是由波斯人在阿富汗开发的,受到了意大利艺术家的高度评价,而Ultramarinus色彩(意为“超越大海”)成为了意大利灵魂的代名词。 的确,这支足球队被称为Azurris(蓝调),因为Lapis Lazuli是1861年至1946年意大利统治者萨瓦亚的颜色。

The 15th century artist Cennino Cennini wrote in his famous handbook for painters:

15世纪的画家Cennino Cennini在他的著名画家手册中写道:

“Ultramarine blue is a color illustrious, beautiful, the most perfect, beyond all other colors; one could not say anything about it, or do anything with it, that its quality would not still surpass.”

“深海蓝是一种超越所有其他颜色的绚丽,美丽,最完美的颜色; 人们对此无能为力,也无能为力,它的质量仍然无法超越。”

Cennino Cennini, The Craftsman’s Handbook (Il Libro dell’ Arte, pg. 36)

塞尼诺·塞尼尼( Cennino Cennini),《工匠手册》(Il Libro dell'Arte,第36页)

You see, in the arts, you can easily trace back the chain of thinking or accomplishments to find the root cause of anthropological, cultural or political events.


You can also engage in a more casual and loose version of the The Incessant Need of the Nth Degree when Wikipedia link-surfing, although ultimately you will always return to the article entitled Philosophy. Anyone who has wiled away an afternoon with 16 wikipedia tabs open will certainly understand this.

在Wikipedia链接上浏览时,您还可以随意地随意编写The Incessant Need of the Nth Degree”一词 ,尽管最终您将始终返回标题为Philosophy的文章 。 任何人在开放了16个Wikipedia标签后度过一个下午的时间肯定会明白这一点。

A more practical rebuttal of the Incessant Need would be the following maxim Accept what has gone before.

对“不间断需求”的更实际反驳是以下格言: 接受以前发生的事情。

My father, a craftsman by trade who left school at 15, was an extremely practical man. His focus was so absolute that he would question very little, other than how long he had to accomplish the task at hand — whether it was building, tiling, fitting or even his beloved golf. He would often get frustrated at my need to inquire why.

我父亲是个行业的手工业者,他15岁就离开了学校,他是一个非常实际的人。 他的工作重点是绝对的,除了要完成手头的任务要花多长时间外,他几乎不会提出任何疑问-无论是建筑,平铺,装修还是什至是他钟爱的高尔夫。 我经常询问他为什么会感到沮丧。

One day, as he was attempting to teach me carpentry, he made the mistake of mentioning the quick carpenters rule ‘3,4,5’ (commonly known as Pythagoras Theorem), only to look at me in incredulity as I asked “Why is that the rule?”

有一天,当他试图教我木工时,他犯了一个错误,他提到了快速的木匠规则 “ 3、4、5”(俗称毕达哥拉斯定理),却以怀疑的态度看着我,因为我问“ 为什么是”。那条规则?”

“Because it just is” was the reply, shaking his head.


This was this exasperating attitude that I brought to Andrew in the summer of 2009. Each time he attempted to teach me a fundamental rule of mathematics, I would ask why such a rule existed. What was the underlying principle? Until eventually, we would be left with reductio ad infinitum arriving at basic maths (whole numbers etc.), to which I would extend even further questions.

这是我在2009年夏天给安德鲁带来的那种恼人的态度。每次他试图教我数学的基本规则时,我都会问为什么存在这样的规则。 基本原则是什么? 直到最后,我们将无穷无尽地还原到基本数学(整数等)上,在此我还要进一步提出问题。

I will never forget Andrew holding up his hand and saying, We have to stop here. Sometimes you just have to accept what is.”

我永远不会忘记安德鲁举起他的手说: 我们必须在这里停下来。 有时您只需要接受是什么。”

I considered his statement, and went to reply, but he interjected:


“Steve, there do exist mathematicians that have attempted to question the base order of things; they eventually become delirious. You have to accept 2+2. You have to accept a square root is a square root. Otherwise the whole order simply collapses and you will go mad.”

“史蒂夫,确实有一些数学家试图质疑事物的基本顺序。 他们最终变得神志不清。 您必须接受2 + 2。 您必须接受平方根就是平方根。 否则整个秩序就会崩溃,而你会发疯。”

He looked at me intently and nodded.


“Mad, you understand. Insane.

疯了,你明白了。 疯。

Unfortunately, I did not heed the advice of Andrew. Instead, I shifted my focus to Computer Science, in which I continuously found myself handicapped by the inability to accept the previous work of those in the field.

不幸的是,我没有听从安德鲁的建议。 取而代之的是,我将注意力转移到计算机科学上,在那里我不断发现自己无法接受该领域技术人员以前的工作。

When presented with a basic JavaScript module, it was not enough to learn the programming theory and commands. I had to know how a compiler worked. It was not enough to know it converted source code to assembly. I had to know how assembly worked. It was not enough to know how assembly allowed my compiled program to run. I had to know how the electrical charges disseminated within the system. It was not enough to accept that electronic engineering lay at the heart of hardware. I had to know how electrons moved, polarity, amps, currents, gates…and so the cycle never ended.

当提供基本JavaScript模块时,仅学习编程原理和命令是不够的。 我必须知道编译器是如何工作的。 仅仅知道将源代码转换为汇编还不够。 我必须知道组装的工作原理。 仅仅知道汇编如何使我的编译程序运行是远远不够的。 我必须知道电荷如何在系统内分配。 仅仅接受电子工程是硬件的核心是不够的。 我必须知道电子如何运动,极性,安培,电流,栅极……等等,所以循环永远不会结束。

Reductio Ad Infinitum. The Incessant Need of the Nth Degree.

还原广告无限式。 第N个学位的持续需求。

Within a matter of weeks I had travelled so far on my own tangents that I was hopelessly behind my classmates, and failing in my studies. I had learned nothing about JavaScript really, and certainly nothing about compilers or assembly or electrical engineering, or electrons themselves for that matter. I was lost in a maze of my own mental making.

在短短的几周内,我就按照自己的切线旅行了很长时间,以至于我无可救药地落后于同学,并且学习失败。 我对JavaScript并没有真正的了解,对于编译器,汇编,电气工程或电子本身也一无所知。 我迷失了自己的思维方式。

That is until I started CS50 hosted by EdX. For those of you unaware, CS50 is a Harvard-based Massively Open Online Course (MooC) run by David J. Malan. It teaches the fundamentals of computer programming and computer science. It ultimately also led me to Free Code Camp.

也就是说,直到我开始CS50主办EDX 。 对于那些不知道的人,CS50是由David J. Malan开办的基于哈佛的大规模开放在线课程(MooC)。 它教授计算机编程和计算机科学的基础知识。 最终,它也使我进入了Free Code Camp 。

My need for the Incessant Nth Degree finally came to a halt, at the age of 32, during the first week of the online class.


During the Week 0 lecture, David had just introduced the concepts of binary, ASCII, functions, variables, loops, boolean expressions and conditions. He invited the class to use the Scratch programming environment to play and experiment.

在第0周的演讲中,David刚刚介绍了二进制,ASCII,函数,变量,循环,布尔表达式和条件的概念。 他邀请全班同学使用Scratch编程环境进行游戏和实验。

It was the next week during the the second lecture that he used the sentence:


“We are going to continue layering on top of those that have come before us…to create something new.”


Let me repeat that.


“We are going to continue layering on top of those that have come before us…to create something new.”


To. Create. Something. New.

至。 创造。 有事 新。

That sentence brought sharply into focus why we trust the work of our predecessors. It is to free up the time required to accomplish something new. We avoid the paralysis of needing to know it all by placing trust in the work that has come before us in order to create the next stage of development.

这句话使我们十分信任前辈的工作成为了焦点。 这是为了释放完成新事物所需的时间。 通过将信任摆摆在我们面前的工作上, 以创建下一阶段的发展,我们避免了需要全部了解的瘫痪。

The aim of coding is not to be reflective but to be inventive.


I have no idea why it has taken me so long embrace the concept of trusting the paved road, but it feels refreshing to move forward throwing off the shackles of the Nth Degree.


All it took was a minor adjustment to my world-view, and a whole new perspective of creative freedom has been uncovered. CS50 and an appreciation of Computer Science has stopped me from trying to reinvent the wheel, and gotten me started with layering new knowledge on top of old.

所要做的只是对我的世界观进行了微小的调整,并且发现了关于创作自由的全新视角。 CS50和对计算机科学的欣赏阻止了我尝试重新发明轮子,并让我开始在旧知识的基础上积累新知识。

Now I can embrace Free Code Camp the way it should be.

现在,我可以按原样拥抱Free Code Camp。

Steven Feeney is an Agile Coach and loves reading, mountaineering and talking startups. He is the founder of Sure Summit Consulting and Slicing Pineapples Creative Agency.

史蒂芬·费尼 ( Steven Feeney)是一名敏捷教练,喜欢阅读,登山和说话的初创公司。 他是Sure Summit Consulting and Slicing Pineapples Creative Agency的创始人。

He blogs at stevenfeeney.com and medium. When not speaking in the third person, he can be reached via @steven_feeney, so don’t be a stranger.

他在stevenfeeney.com和medium上发表博客。 当不以第三人称发言时,可以通过@steven_feeney与他联系 ,所以请不要成为陌生人。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-cs50x-changed-my-world-perspective-and-totally-learn-coding-and-stuff-3cd2edd9b012/

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