
Google Wifi has some very useful tools for managing your home network. Among these tools is the ability to create labels with specific device groups—like “kids” or even “computers”—for easy pausing and unpausing of multiple devices at once.

Google Wifi提供了一些非常有用的工具来管理您的家庭网络。 这些工具包括创建带有特定设备组(例如“孩子”甚至“计算机”)的标签的功能,以便一次轻松暂停和取消暂停多个设备。

Using this feature couldn’t be simpler. Go ahead and fire up the Wifi app to get started. Scroll over to the far right tab, which is where you’ll find Shortcuts and Settings.

使用此功能再简单不过了。 继续并启动Wifi应用程序以开始使用。 滚动到最右边的标签,您可以在其中找到快捷方式和设置。

Tap on “Family Wi-Fi,” then tap the little label icon in the bottom right.


A walkthrough screen will show up, explaining how this feature works. Tap “Next” at the bottom, then give your group a name. I’m using “Kids” in this example, which is probably the best use for this feature.

将显示一个演练屏幕,解释此功能的工作原理。 点击底部的“下一步”,然后为您的群组命名。 在此示例中,我使用的是“孩子”,这可能是此功能的最佳用法。

After you enter the name, tap “Next,” then select the devices you’d like to add to this group. This is where it can get a little confusing—if the devices don’t properly report themselves to Wifi, it may be a little unclear what they actually are. So, it may take a bit of trial and error for you to figure it out. Godspeed.

输入名称后,点击“下一步”,然后选择要添加到该组的设备。 这可能会使您感到困惑-如果这些设备没有正确地向Wifi报告,那么可能不清楚它们的真实含义。 因此,您可能需要反复试验才能弄清楚。 上帝的速度。

Once you’ve select the devices, just tap “Next.” That’s it. All these devices will be placed into a group in the Family Wi-Fi, where you can pause or unpause them with the tap of a button. Use this new power for good.

选择设备后,只需点击“下一步”。 而已。 所有这些设备都将放入家庭Wi-Fi的组中,您可以在其中轻按一个按钮来暂停或取消暂停它们。 永远使用此新功能。

You can also add and remove devices from this group easily—just tap on it, then use the pencil icon in the upper right corner to modify the device list. You can also pause and unpause specific devices from this group using this menu.

您也可以轻松地从该组中添加和删除设备-只需点击它,然后使用右上角的铅笔图标来修改设备列表。 您也可以使用此菜单从该组中暂停和取消暂停特定设备。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/305947/how-to-create-and-use-family-labels-on-google-wifi/


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