
sudo apt install policycoreutils


将Android 源码目录下external/selinux/python/audit2allow/audit2allow copy到/usr/bin/



adb logcat -b all  > error_log.txt


audit2allow -i error_log.txt

有些系统在执行audit2allow时会出现错误“unable to open (null):  Bad address”


2.1 sudo vim  /usr/bin/audit2allow


    def main(self):try:self.__parse_options()# if self.__options.policy:#     audit2why.init(self.__options.policy)# else:#     audit2why.init()

2.2 加-p参数  从audit2allow的help信息看 , -p需要指定一个policy文件

Usage: audit2allow [options]Options:--version             show program's version number and exit-h, --help            show this help message and exit-b, --boot            audit messages since last boot conflicts with -i-a, --all             read input from audit log - conflicts with -i-p POLICY, --policy=POLICYPolicy file to use for analysis-d, --dmesg           read input from dmesg - conflicts with --all and--input-i INPUT, --input=INPUTread input from <input> - conflicts with -a-l, --lastreload      read input only after the last reload-r, --requires        generate require statements for rules-m MODULE, --module=MODULEset the module name - implies --requires-M MODULE_PACKAGE, --module-package=MODULE_PACKAGEgenerate a module package - conflicts with -o and -m-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUTappend output to <filename>, conflicts with -M-D, --dontaudit       generate policy with dontaudit rules-R, --reference       generate refpolicy style output-N, --noreference     do not generate refpolicy style output-v, --verbose         explain generated output-e, --explain         fully explain generated output-t TYPE, --type=TYPE  only process messages with a type that matches thisregex--perm-map=PERM_MAP   file name of perm map--interface-info=INTERFACE_INFOfile name of interface information--debug               leave generated modules for -M-w, --why             Translates SELinux audit messages into a descriptionof why the access was denied


R4250-dev$ find out/target/product/ -name sepolicyout/target/product/<project_name>/recovery/root/sepolicy



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