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最佳Gitter频道:数学 (Best Gitter channels: Mathematics)

Many programmers claim that they don’t use much mathematics in their daily work — or some of them even admit they struggled with it in high school.


But knowing math will surely broaden your horizons as an engineer, and will make building software more satisfying.


If you’re looking to revive or build your math skills, these Gitter communities are a good place to start. Check out the list below and don’t hesitate to join the conversation.

如果您想恢复或发展自己的数学技能,那么这些Gitter社区是一个不错的起点。 查看下面的列表,不要犹豫,加入对话。

  • sagemath/cloud — SageMathCloud is a web-based cloud computing and course management platform for computational mathematics. The goal of the SageMath Cloud project is to create a viable way to do computational mathematics collaboratively online.

    sagemath / cloud — SageMathCloud是用于计算数学的基于Web的云计算和课程管理平台。 SageMath Cloud项目的目标是创建一种可行的方式来在线协作进行计算数学。

  • mikera/vectorz-clj Fast matrix and vector maths library for Clojure — as a core.matrix implementation.

    mikera / vectorz-clj Clojure的快速矩阵和矢量数学库—作为core.matrix的实现。

  • ChrisRackauckas/DifferentialEquations.jl Julia suite for high-performance solvers of differential equations.

    ChrisRackauckas / DifferentialEquations.jl - Julia套件,用于微分方程的高性能求解器。

  • rsvp/randomsys Algorithmic study of random systems. Reliable and unbiased random numbers are needed for a range of applications from numerical modeling to cryptographic communications. ANU researchers are generating true random numbers from a physical quantum source by splitting a beam of light into two beams and then measuring the power in each beam. Because light is quantised, the light intensity in each beam fluctuates about the mean. Those fluctuations, due ultimately to the quantum vacuum, can be converted into a source of random numbers.

    rsvp / randomsys 随机系统的算法研究。 从数值建模到密码通信的各种应用都需要可靠且无偏的随机数。 ANU研究人员通过将一束光分成两束,然后测量每束光的功率,从物理量子源生成真正的随机数。 因为光被量化,所以每个光束中的光强度围绕平均值波动。 最终归因于量子真空的那些波动可以转换成随机数源。

  • funcool/cats Category Theory and Algebraic abstractions for Clojure and ClojureScript.

    funcool / cats Clojure和ClojureScript的类别理论和代数抽象。

  • non/algebra — Experimental project to lay out basic algebra type classes.

    非/代数 -布置基本代数类型类的实验项目。

  • JuliaODE/ODE.jl Various basic Ordinary Differential Equation solvers implemented in Julia.

    JuliaODE / ODE.jl 在Julia中实现的各种基本的常微分方程求解器。

  • Axelrod-Python/Axelrod A research tool to run Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma tournaments.

    阿克塞尔罗德的Python /阿克塞尔罗德 -一个研究工具来运行重复的囚徒困境比赛。

  • sympy/sympy — A computer algebra system written in pure Python.

    sympy /象征 —用纯Python编写的计算机代数系统。

  • boostorg/geometry — Boost.Geometry, part of collection of the Boost C++ Libraries, defines concepts, primitives and algorithms for solving geometry problems.

    boostorg /几何 — Boost.Geometry是Boost C ++库的一部分 ,它定义了解决几何问题的概念,原语和算法。

  • samyak-268/Linear-Algebra This library hosts C++ implementation of some of the routines which are most frequently encountered in Linear Algebra.

    samyak-268 / Linear-Algebra 此库托管一些在线性代数中最常使用的例程的C ++实现。

  • mattheath/base62 Base62 encoding for arbitrary precision integers.

    mattheath / base62 用于任意精度整数的Base62编码。

Did we miss something? Do you want us to feature your channel? Drop us a line in the Gitter HQ and we will add it to the list.

我们错过了什么吗? 您要我们推荐您的频道吗? 在Gitter HQ中给我们添加一行,然后将其添加到列表中。

You can also easily start your own channel here.



gitter 卸载

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