Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

The Samsung Galaxy S20, S20+, and S20 Ultra all show a toolbar at the bottom of the display immediately after you take a screenshot. The bar allows you to edit, share, and capture scrolling screenshots quickly. Disabling the feature is easy if you dislike the pop-up interface.

截屏后, 三星Galaxy S20 , S20 +和S20 Ultra都会在显示屏底部立即显示一个工具栏。 该栏允许您快速编辑,共享和捕获滚动屏幕截图。 如果您不喜欢弹出界面,则禁用该功能很容易。

Start by opening the phone’s Settings. The easiest way to get to the menu is by swiping down from the top of the screen and bringing up the notification panel. Now, tap on the Gear icon next to the power button.

首先打开手机的设置。 进入菜单的最简单方法是从屏幕顶部向下滑动并弹出通知面板 。 现在,点击电源按钮旁边的Gear图标。

Alternatively, you can swipe up from the home screen to open the Galaxy S20’s app drawer. From there, you can use the search bar or switch between pages to locate the “Settings” app.

或者,您可以从主屏幕向上滑动以打开Galaxy S20的应用程序抽屉。 从那里,您可以使用搜索栏或在页面之间切换以找到“设置”应用程序。

Scroll down and tap on the “Advanced Features” option.


Locate the “Screenshots And Screen Recorder” menu and then select it.


Finally, tap on the toggle next to “Screenshot Toolbar” to turn off the feature. The item will gray out when disabled.

最后,点击“屏幕截图工具栏”旁边的开关以关闭该功能。 禁用后,该项目将显示为灰色。

While you’re in the Screenshots menu, you can also change the image’s format. By default, the screenshot is saved as a JPG. Tap on the “Screenshot Format” item to then select “PNG” from the pop-up menu to make the change. Keep in mind that doing so will result in large file sizes.

在“屏幕截图”菜单中,您还可以更改图像的格式。 默认情况下,屏幕截图保存为JPG。 点击“屏幕截图格式”项,然后从弹出菜单中选择“ PNG”进行更改。 请记住,这样做会导致文件很大 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/661300/samsung-galaxy-s20-how-to-disable-the-screenshot-toolbar/

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