《Numerical Recipes in C++》原文摘要:

A system of linear equations is called sparse if only a relatively small number of its matrix elements aij are nonzero. It is wasteful to use general methods of linear algebra on such problems, because most of the O.N 3/ arithmetic operations devoted to solving the set of equations or inverting the matrix involve zero operands. Furthermore, you might wish to work problems so large as to tax your available memory space, and it is wasteful to reserve storage for unfruitful zero elements. Note that there are two distinct (and not always compatible) goals for any sparse matrix method: saving time and/or saving space.

We considered one archetypal sparse form in §2.4, the band-diagonal matrix. In the tridiagonal case, e.g., we saw that it was possible to save  both time (order  N instead of N 3) and space (order N instead of N 2). The method of solution was not different in principle from the general method of LU decomposition; it was  just applied cleverly, and with due attention to the bookkeeping of zero elements. Many practical schemes for dealing with sparse problems have this same character. They are fundamentally decomposition schemes, or else elimination schemes akin to Gauss-Jordan, but carefully optimized so as to minimize the number of so-called

fill-ins, initially zero elements that must become nonzero during the solution process, and for which storage must be reserved.

Direct methods for solving sparse equations, then, depend crucially on the pre- cise pattern of sparsity of the matrix. Patterns that occur frequently, or that are useful as way stations in the reduction of more general forms, already have special names and special methods of solution. We do not have space here for any detailed review of these. References listed at the end of this section will furnish you with an “in” to the specialized literature, and the following list of buzz words (and Figure 2.7.1) will at least let you hold your own at cocktail parties:

  • tridiagonal
  • band-diagonal (or banded) with bandwidth M
  • band triangular
  • block diagonal
  • block tridiagonal
  • block triangular
  • cyclic banded
  • singly (or doubly) bordered block diagonal
  • singly (or doubly) bordered block triangular
  • singly (or doubly) bordered band-diagonal
  • singly (or doubly) bordered band triangular
  • other (!)

You should also be aware of some of the special sparse forms that occur in the solu- tion of partial differential equations in two or more dimensions. See Chapter 20.

If your particular pattern of sparsity is not a simple one, then you may wish to try an analyze/factorize/operate package, which automates the procedure of figuring out how fill-ins are to be minimized. The analyze stage is done once only for each pattern of sparsity. The factorize stage is done once for each particular matrix that fits the pattern. The operate stage is performed once for each right-hand side to be used with the particular matrix. Consult [2,3] for references on this. The NAG library [4] has an analyze/factorize/operate capability. A substantial collection of routines for sparse matrix calculation is also available from IMSL [5] as the Yale Sparse Matrix Package [6].

You should be aware that the special order of interchanges and eliminations, prescribed by a sparse matrix method so as to minimize fill-ins and arithmetic op- erations, generally acts to decrease the method’s numerical stability as compared to, e.g., regular LU decomposition with pivoting. Scaling your problem so as to make its nonzero matrix elements have comparable magnitudes (if you can do it) will sometimes ameliorate this problem.

In the remainder of this section, we present some concepts that are applicable to some general classes of sparse matrices, and which do not necessarily depend on details of the pattern of sparsity.


如果线性方程组中只有相对较少的矩阵元素aij非零,则称其为稀疏。在此类问题上使用线性代数的一般方法是浪费的,因为大多数用于求解方程组或矩阵求逆的O.N 3/算术运算都涉及零操作数。此外,您可能希望处理如此大的问题,以至于占用可用内存空间,而为无效的零元素保留存储空间是浪费。请注意,任何稀疏矩阵方法都有两个不同(但并不总是兼容)的目标:节省时间和/或节省空间。

我们考虑了§2.4中的一种原型稀疏形式,带对角矩阵。例如,在三对角情况下,我们发现可以节省时间(N阶而不是N 3)和空间(N阶而不是N 2)。求解方法原则上与LU分解的一般方法没有区别;它只是巧妙地应用,并适当注意零元素的簿记。许多处理稀疏问题的实用方案都具有相同的特征。它们基本上是分解方案,或者类似于高斯-乔丹的消除方案,但经过仔细优化,以最小化所谓的




















/02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations/NRsparseCol.cs

using System;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer
{/// <summary>/// Sparse vector data structure./// </summary>public class NRsparseCol{/// <summary>/// Number of rows./// </summary>public int nrows { get; set; } = 0;/// <summary>/// Maximum number of nonzeros./// </summary>public int nvals { get; set; } = 0;/// <summary>/// Row indices of nonzeros./// </summary>public int[] row_ind { get; set; }/// <summary>/// Array of nonzero values./// </summary>public double[] val { get; set; }public NRsparseCol(){}public NRsparseCol(int m, int nnvals){this.nrows = m;this.nvals = nnvals;this.row_ind = new int[nnvals];this.val = new double[nnvals];}public void resize(int m, int nnvals){nrows = m;nvals = nnvals;row_ind = new int[nnvals];val = new double[nnvals];}}

/02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations/NRsparseMat.cs

using System;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer
{/// <summary>/// Sparse matrix data structure for compressed column storage./// </summary>public class NRsparseMat{/// <summary>/// Number of rows./// </summary>public int nrows { get; set; } = 0;/// <summary>/// Number of columns./// </summary>public int ncols { get; set; } = 0;/// <summary>/// Maximum number of nonzeros./// </summary>public int nvals { get; set; } = 0;/// <summary>/// Pointers to start of columns. Length is ncols+1./// </summary>public int[] col_ptr { get; set; }/// <summary>/// Row indices of nonzeros/// </summary>public int[] row_ind { get; set; }/// <summary>/// Array of nonzero values./// </summary>public double[] val { get; set; }public NRsparseMat(){}public NRsparseMat(int m, int n, int nnvals){this.nrows = m;this.ncols = n;this.nvals = nnvals;this.col_ptr = new int[n + 1];this.row_ind = new int[nnvals];this.val = new double[nnvals];}public double[] ax(double[] x){double[] y = new double[nrows];for (int j = 0; j < ncols; j++){for (int i = col_ptr[j]; i < col_ptr[j + 1]; i++){y[row_ind[i]] += val[i] * x[j];}}return y;}public double[] atx(double[] x){double[] y = new double[ncols];for (int i = 0; i < ncols; i++){y[i] = 0.0;for (int j = col_ptr[i]; j < col_ptr[i + 1]; j++){y[i] += val[j] * x[row_ind[j]];}}return y;}public NRsparseMat transpose(){int m = nrows;int n = ncols;NRsparseMat at = new NRsparseMat(n, m, nvals);int[] count = new int[m];for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){for (int j = col_ptr[i]; j < col_ptr[i + 1]; j++){int k = row_ind[j];count[k]++;}}for (int j = 0; j < m; j++){at.col_ptr[j + 1] = at.col_ptr[j] + count[j];}for (int j = 0; j < m; j++){count[j] = 0;}for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){for (int j = col_ptr[i]; j < col_ptr[i + 1]; j++){int k = row_ind[j];int index = at.col_ptr[k] + count[k];at.row_ind[index] = i;at.val[index] = val[j];count[k]++;}}return at;}}

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