
Dell2950 4G内存,FreeBSD 8.2 release
#sysctl -a | grep CPU
hw.model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU                        5130    @ 2.00GHz



#uname -a
FreeBSD localhost.localdomain 8.2-RELEASE

events {
use kqueue;
worker_connections  102400;

# ab -n 100000 -c 1000
This is ApacheBench, Version 1.3d <$Revision: 1.73 $> apache-1.3
Copyright (c) 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, http://www.zeustech.net/
Copyright (c) 2006 The Apache Software Foundation, http://www.apache.org/

Benchmarking (be patient)
Completed 10000 requests
Completed 20000 requests
Completed 30000 requests
Completed 40000 requests
Completed 50000 requests
Completed 60000 requests
Completed 70000 requests
Completed 80000 requests
Completed 90000 requests
Finished 100000 requests
Server Software:                nginx/1.0.0                                                                                
Server Hostname:      
Server Port:                        80

Document Path:                    /info.php
Document Length:                49457 bytes

Concurrency Level:            1000
Time taken for tests:     86.578 seconds
Complete requests:            100000
Failed requests:                0
Broken pipe errors:         0
Total transferred:            4977355920 bytes
HTML transferred:             4961202790 bytes
Requests per second:        1155.03 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:             865.78 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:             0.87 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:                    57489.84 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connnection Times (ms)
                            min    mean[+/-sd] median     max
Connect:                0     297    888.8         11    6414
Processing:        20     555    649.9        421    9989
Waiting:             18     555    649.9        421    9988
Total:                 20     852 1065.3        473 10222

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
    50%        473
    66%        584
    75%        699
    80%        776
    90%     3308
    95%     3473
    98%     3688
    99%     3817
100%    10222 (last request)

iostat -w 1
       tty           mfid0              da0              cd0             cpu
 tin  tout  KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s  us ni sy in id
   0    23 19.12   1  0.01   0.01   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
   0   235  0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
   0    79  2.00   3  0.01   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
   4   393  2.00   2  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  10  0  4  2 85
   0    78 123.85  54  6.52   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  76  0 17  7  0
   0    76 128.00   1  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  72  0 16  8  5
   0    79 128.00   1  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  81  0 12  5  2
   0    79 128.00   1  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  74  0 15  7  3
   0    79 16.95  19  0.31   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  71  0 19  8  2
   0    78 21.60  10  0.21   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  74  0 17  7  2
   0    78  0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  74  0 17  8  1
   0    78 53.33   3  0.16   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  68  0 21 10  1
   0   104 20.20  20  0.39   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  68  0 18 10  5


server.max-fds = 8192
## Stat() call caching.
## lighttpd can utilize FAM/Gamin to cache stat call.
## possible values are:
## disable, simple or fam.
server.stat-cache-engine = "simple"
## Fine tuning for the request handling
## max-connections == max-fds/2 (maybe /3)
## means the other file handles are used for fastcgi/files
Server.max-connections = 4096

# ab -n 100000 -c 1000
This is ApacheBench, Version 1.3d <$Revision: 1.73 $> apache-1.3
Copyright (c) 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, http://www.zeustech.net/
Copyright (c) 2006 The Apache Software Foundation, http://www.apache.org/

Benchmarking (be patient)
Completed 10000 requests
Completed 20000 requests
Completed 30000 requests
Completed 40000 requests
Completed 50000 requests
Completed 60000 requests
Completed 70000 requests
Completed 80000 requests
Completed 90000 requests
Finished 100000 requests
Server Software:                lighttpd/1.4.28                                                                        
Server Hostname:      
Server Port:                        80

Document Path:                    /info.php
Document Length:                49127 bytes

Concurrency Level:            1000
Time taken for tests:     83.107 seconds
Complete requests:            100000
Failed requests:                0
Broken pipe errors:         0
Total transferred:            4932575365 bytes
HTML transferred:             4915304142 bytes
Requests per second:        1203.27 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:             831.07 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:             0.83 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:                    59352.10 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connnection Times (ms)
                            min    mean[+/-sd] median     max
Connect:                0        19    206.2            1    3113
Processing:        79     807    155.8        823    3891
Waiting:             66     807    155.8        823    3890
Total:                 79     826    251.0        826    4248

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
    50%        826
    66%        843
    75%        854
    80%        862
    90%        894
    95%        939
    98%     1006
    99%     1094
100%     4248 (last request)

# iostat -w 1
       tty           mfid0              da0              cd0             cpu
 tin  tout  KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s  us ni sy in id
   0    23 19.25   1  0.01   0.01   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
   0   387  0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 99
   0    78  0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
   4  2185  0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  47  0 14  7 33
   0    78 120.00   2  0.23   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  68  0 23  9  1
   0  2405 128.00   1  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  77  0 14  6  2
   0    79 128.00   1  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  71  0 17 10  2
   0  1852 128.00   1  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  72  0 18  8  2
   0    79 128.00   1  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  62  0 22  7 10
   0  1143 128.00   1  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  68  0 20  9  3
   0    79 128.00   1  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  65  0 25  8  2
   0  2074 128.00   1  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  69  0 22  8  2
   0    79 128.00   1  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  65  0 23 10  3
   0  1917 128.00   1  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  62  0 26 10  3
   0    79 128.00   1  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  63  0 25  8  5
   0  2247 128.00   1  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  66  0 23  8  3
   0    79 128.00   1  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  66  0 25  7  2
   0  1373 48.00   7  0.33   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  66  0 22  8  4

lighttpd Requests per second:    9045.68 [#/sec] (mean)
nginx  Requests per second:    11622.50 [#/sec] (mean)



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